Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1971, p. 6

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Little Want Ads Do Big Jobs Try One and See For Yourself BIRTHS GALLOWAY and Gay nee Ellis ore pleased to an nounce the birth of their son Shawn 7 lbs on August 1971 at Guelph General Hospital A brother for Kevin Gordon and da fnce Wilson are proud to announce the arrival of their first child a son Andrew Bing hnm at the Guelph General Hospital First grandchild of Mr and Mrs H B 4 Rockwood sixth grind child or Mr Mrs J Wilson of 3 riXTCHER Larry and Ter esa nee Scott wish to on the safe arrival of their wee son Wade Aubrey on Aug ust 1971 weighing lbs bom in Calgiry Hospital Alberta grandson for Lome and Hazel rictcher Acton first grandson for Mr and Mrs Ed Scott Maple Ave E Georgetown DEATHS BROWNE Chirles Kellcy At General Hospital on Monday August Chad Kclte Browne of Acton in his 102nd jcar bchncd hus bind of Doris Brain and deir slcpfathcr of Mrs Grace Smith Toronto Jaok Skilling Sud bury and the late Harold Skil ling was held at the Shoemaker Funer al Home on Wcdnesdiy to day at Interment Fair- view cemetery William At Ham ilton on Friday August 1971 William in his dear brother of Em ma Mrs George Hilton and Arthur Barber both of Rock wood Newton Barber of and the late Frank and Edwin Barber service wis held it Shoemaker Fun Home Acton on Monday 3 Interment Everton cemetery COMING MARRIAGES DIBATTISTA ROCCHI Mr ind Mrs Secondo Rocchi of Peel St arc pleased to an the forthcoming mar riage of their only daughter Adclmn to Franco Frank son of Mr and Mrs Giovanni of Italy Wedding to take place 18 1971 at pm at St Joseph Church DUIKER Mr and Mrs J Duiker arc pleased to announce the forth coming marriage of their diughlcr Mana Ria to Mr John Vcrdonk son of Mr and Mrs T Verdonk of Hamilton The wedding will take place September at 7 in the uel Christian Reformed Church Hamilton IN ORR In loving memory of my dear husband Alexander Orr who departed this life August Thy purpose Lord we cannot see But all is well that done by Thee Sunshine passes shadows fall But sweet remembrance out all Fondly missed by wife Hazel SPEAR In loving memory of a dear husband Arthur Spear who passed away Aug Nothing can take The a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near Mother and the Family a91027 In loving of my dear son Leonard who passed away suddenly on August 1969 Although smile and make no fuss No one misses him more than us And when old times we oft re call Thais when ve miss him most of all Always remembered by Mom and family CARDS OF THANKS COMING EVENTS Rockery Station St Rockwood Sunday night 8 Country Si West ern Jamboree featuring recor ding star Smiley Bates the Country Kings Corn roast and at of George Grundy north of Jim at August September 4 IS and Western hand Everyone welcome Time 091029 Open House at the home of Mrs Mitehcll in house Sunday August nun and are Invited with Mis to help her birthday No gifts please i9 1034 FOR SALE USED oak office disks and swivel 104 1971 lett books most arc new Phone EASY ishu needs some repurs J40 Phone lii9 LARGE imount of good sandy fill Phone 1 TV STAND chrome site shelf rolls smoothly on Shepherd new Phone 19 3462 CANOES Manufactured and Ctll H Si White water Canoes 877 after 5J0 SOD No I Nursen Ken lucky Blue and deliver or hid Prompt delivery Lowest prices John Hunter Landscaping George town 7451 LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON FREE PRESS STAFF PHOTOS size 10 size Plus Tax CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES roil nx 111 ml II IN 10c par Una of r IIJMVH1HII IIOX 111 CODER I r A I lfcnlii for it 1 Directory DEADLINES am Dili liy d Eitit B r Mill St 853 or The Acton Free Press Wednesday August FOR SALE deluxe I turned electricelothesdrycr dried porcelain top lighted drum hills gnuinteed An execllent buy lit Other fully teed dryers from This at downtown lb9 1046 TV TOWER SALE tower installed Willi ill laid 50 10 tower instilled with il VHf held for second TV Instilled M stereo laid Installed laid instilled Combin color head instilled rotor Instilled of ill types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Phone IIONI Y Pi ills custom Mi lb s I lh tins li lb tins White lion re mud it lb 2 1 cut comb Roeklnvcn II Sitletoid be tow 2bll 1013 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE winted for Inlf own kittens free l 3a9 1040 FREE to i good home full i own dog quiet good pet Hise free Plume i9 1CM2 NOTICE The Women Equal Employment Opportunity Act prohibits with certain ex discrimination ciusc of sex or marital status some occupations arc idercd more attractive to persons of one sex or the other advertisements In this column for Mich positions will continue to state whether for women Such listings are not intended to exclude persons of sex 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE 7 DAY SALE OF 2 DOOR HARDTOPS 1970 FURY door hardtop standard equipped cir with vinyl top Lie 2 795 1969 PLYMOUTH Satellite 2 door hardtop V8 lutomatic power steering radio ind top Lie N3145 2395 MERCURY Park Lane 4 door hardtop lots of equip ment be test dmen appreciate this automobile Lie 1965 FORD door hardtop automatic Low mileage auto- for the year Lie GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878 2883 Toronto 9250887 I wish to thank my friends and rclalhes for cards and flowers while 1 a patient in General Hospital and those who visited me A special thanks to iMaharaj Miss Reed and nursing staff on 3rd floor east wing Their kindness I will always remember a91038 Mrs Geo Simpson nostrum Annual DEMONSTRATOR SALE For the best deal this year see AL CLARK on the car of your choice 1971 CHEVROLET dr hardtop auto trans steering power brakes radio tires wheel discs Champagne Cold Sandlewood interior miles Lie Price 1971 CHEVROLET Bivcayne sedan auto trans power steering power brakes radio tires and wheel discs Atomic Blue with itching interior Lie Price 17250 Mileage 1971 hardtop 8 auto trans pow radio whitewail tires and wheel discs Ant ique Green with matching interior mileage Lie L86245 Price CHEVELLE heavy Chevy hardtop auto trans power disc radio white lettered tires and rally wheels Lime Green wrth black mileage 81017P Price 3381 1971 VEGA sedan 3 standard trans economical 4 tor Atomic Blue with black interior mileage 1 Lie 195 CHEVROLET half ton Flectside pickup dard irons Medium with black interior mileage 53263B Price 495 ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS LIMITED 45 South Georgetown YOUR CHEV OLDS DEALER PRODUCE FOR SALE HELP WANTED Earn Money of Your Own Don t need want more money of your very own Thousands of people fulfill this wish by becoming successful AVON Representatives You cm do it too Call Mrs Bern collect 30 am FOR RENT room mid bond men Pimm no 1011 161 FINANCE ft rooms anil Rood location lit rent Write lion Lion 11ii71442 BEDROOM Incudes he Adults on Phone ROOM room ml bond bull pi In Phone 3 i 1012 1 HI apiii colored stove l all luditif ipes mil I pel month Ill lol 1 ml d miff It illy Iiivolniciti WANTED TO RENT 1 or 2 jiii hi with MORA Huns Is sinn I J Minis is ilu study f pi In pointment 1691 101 1 FINISHING We now hive modern Wc will reflnish your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the job yourself J Frink me 2040 St S Acton HAPPY DAY NURSERY SCHOOL Ik t I nil mi lor Cill MRS C NT J WANTED MALE or EASY Eisy to sell Also socks for the entire family briefs or bikini pintles tights Free instructions and color atiogue Write today RESLON Hosiery Ltd 10383 Hcbcrt North Quebec 8a9 TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED FOR A 3 TON VAN 5 Day Week Year Round Employment Top Salary Also require night Sunday to Thursday night haul live poultry Drivers must be 23 and Apply in person MAPLE LODGE FARMS LIMITED Line West of Brampton Winston Churchill and W miles of Steeles Ave fib EMPLOYMENT WANTED MOTHER will keep pre schoolers in own home next to Spesidc school Call 8532599 9a91041 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE CHEVROLET standard shift good mechanic al order Phone PLYMOUTH station wag on A 1 shape new belted tires shocks AM radio snow tires Phone CMC HandiVan actual miles good as new Phone Milton Best offer 5blM717 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Eatate or HENRIETTA GRINDELL late of the Town of Acton In the County of Widow deceased ALL persons hiving the ifore mentioned lite of HenriLtti Gnndell who died on or about the 28th day of June 1971 ire required to file proof thereof with the un dersigned solictor for the Ex on or before the 4th d ly of September 1971 ificr which the estate will be distrib- it Acton this 10th day of August C Barrister etc Acton Solicitor for the Executrix 10 REAL ESTATE FARMERS FARM clay 300 icres workable oil beef set birns loafing barn silo with steel implement shed Large modern brick house lo- with breathtaking Blue Mount and Georgian miles from Phone 519 3413 Or Write Clayton Hogg BROKER LTD Box Thornbury Ontario LEQAL Notice to Creditors AND In llw I lulu of the Town In Did of ton united I lust II nun niton I I luhli who 11 r mi ilu of llll IK 111 in 11k J I with Hi under Inn d siliLitr Hit a i lr I ml 71 ct hi st will Ik only tu the Out i diy of August 17I I Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In tlu Filiate of SAM 1 1 1 late of the Town f In the County of Machinist deceas ed I ins ivliij dms the itt of Joseph who on or the 13th of July 1971 are required file proof thereof with undersized solicitor for on or before the of September 1971 d He the estate will he distnhuled ivmg regard only to the claims then filed DATI it Acton Ontario this of August etc Ontario Solieitoi for the Admlnist 19aI0 AUCTION AUCTION SALE htHiim okwi IHIIMV I put tmh AUaiON SALE III I f ffilt I MA mil DAY I Ml dim I with an I Wll lilfjfl hours Nil baler mil other tii f dump hair ton up nil arc other tar id he tnilrr t indctn good Oil mil I of furniture Also 1 he offered serve AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for RICHARD STRONG On the Mam St of WOOD at South end of town Friday Evening August At pm Pine flat b ick butternut and cherry wardrobe 11 sections of oak bookcase several good chests of drawers tables chairs etc stereo other appliances several good rugs and mats glass dishes tools etc TERMS CASH MAX STOREY Auctioneer 20b9 RR 4 Rockwood 1971 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES South Sept 2 noon J00 Sept im 500 Thurs Sept 10 am Wed Sept 10 Little Current Thurs Sept La PQ Du Wed Oct New Oct I South ler Fn Oct 10 am Oct 14 am 500 Oct 18 I pm South River Thurs Oct 12 noon La Sarre Oct 22 1200 For further information write Advertising Box Huntsville Ont REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CAN YOU HELP We Need House Listings Immediately for Inquiring Cash Buyers NEEDED DESPERATELY ARE 3BEDROOM BRICK HOMES ON ACTONS EAST SIDE If vou wuh to sell please contact JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY CALL OFFICE Evenings Jack Neil 519 Herb bid the properly gar and variety with iparlmcni overhead throughout new pumps no ntrous terms on real He Property will be offered it Terms an Chattels are Property open for Inspection August 28 10 a to Not responsible for iccidents MAX STOREY Auctioneer RR Rockwood YOUR MAM WITH A Want Ad Fall fair time Stanley In once often Show Windows of urn an opportunity for thn to nee how particular or ah of rnin etc in itmpHTtA to the others provide an portunily for the to see top fair and animals Arton fair first commence Jrfpt Ifl with Arton followed next Milton by This ycur forth drat lime the IjretdtTs urc holding Ihtir Nark and white show on Friday evening In a liirc tent at Milton fair Antique Auction to he held it Agricultural Hall Milton Fair Ground SATURDAY AUGUST At Noon There ire 225 excellent old items including miny licet The Is ill the it ems ire pine Kid includes ry milk Max Storey l Also good TfRMS CASH fn come and regis I available MAX Auctioneer Rockwood AN APOLOGY Omission of the of Speyside from last oversight on the part of notice for Henry Kelly of this newspaper was an THE EDITOR CLEARANCE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS OFFICE EQUIPMENT LAWN St GARDEN EQUIPMENT USED NEW FARM MACHINERY At the premises located on Twp 3W mile East of Rockwood for County of Wellington West of Acton 3 miles COUNTRY MART At SATURDAY AUGUST Chesterfield with chair Lazy vibrating chair kitchen table chair lamps profession drawing table toasters as sortment of toys electric dart board headboards for single beds light fixtures water pump some material mill ends assortment of trimmings and plywood lection of small household it ems pots pans etc SHOP EQUIPMENT Jen ny steam cleaner hand tools files electric bench vise drills ire changer trie impact wrench needs re pair bag cart welding torch service station service bell amplifier pop cooler service station oil display stand and many more Items OFFICE EQUIPMENT typewriters office desk type writer table tape recorder and of supplies TRUCKS half ton Cbev rolling plat form good as new 12 lb double axle trailer 2 lb Snoco trailer with winch snow mobile camper for pick up truck brand new Trucks being sold with road worthy certificate AUCTIONEERS NOTE Gentlemen and new equipment be sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid and will carry a 16 month full warranty and will er- viced by Country Mart is required down nd balance can be financed though John Deere Here is an opportunity to buy the equipment of your choice On household items used machinery the TERMS ARE CASH DAY OF SALE- Owner or auctioneer not responsible for day of sad Lunch available Selling by number SALE ORDER Household goods mfac followed by equipment Selling new pm USED EQUIPMENT JP tractor with 3 ph Case tractor with loader Internal Cub tractor with front blade and mower A J D tor with loader forage blower No hay mower Case pull type hay mower Intern J plow on rubber ace bottom Calsa crop sprayer complete J D 100 bus manure spreader on rubber J D 2 row corn plan ft drag cultivators electric mill garden tractor 6 with front blade garden trac tor with riding mower front blade for J D tractor snow blowers tractors and implement tires various sizes DEMONSTRATORS NEW EQUIPMENT Tractors from 36 to p dic- with loader gas with loader 4furrow hydraul ic reset plow forage harves ter with ft pickup row corn head front end loader with lb front end loader with 2600 lb brakcaway dicsel with roll guard and canopy with cab and heater wide tires new lawn and garden equipment snowmobiles etc CHRIS I Phone Mftov

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