Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1971, B2

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday September 8 Winds of change A HUGE PUDDLE formed behind the Acton Post Office by Sunday nights downpour became a playground for the Pink brothers John and Jim After such a humid day Jim didnt object to a few friendly splashes from his older brother Staff Photo Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Well its that time again when the nation biggest body of baby sitters goes back to work and the mothers of the notion blow out a trumpetlike sigh of relief Back to school time It been a tough summer for parents In July 1 thought we were going to have to start building an ark August came in like a lion with a couple of violent storms then settled down for some fairly fine weather Fine for October that is night the temperature wjus three degrees above freezing This is the sort of weather than turns amiable little children Into malicious little monsters who drive their mothers to the screaming point It too cold to swim Its too wet to play outside Theyre sick of playing cards indoors They want pop and hot dogs and potato chips at all hours of the day and night They quarrel with each other 1 have no sympathy with the kids but my heart goes out to their frayed mothers So much for the little kids But at least you can give them a belt on the ear when become unbearable Teenagers are twice as bad during a summer like this one Those who working but Just hanging around the family In most cases are Im possible They groan with boredom They complain that theres nothing to do though their mothers are putting in 12 hours a day They demand the family car and sulk when they don get it And now that they can legally over who knows what they reupto when they are allowed the car The girls tend to strike up an intimacy with scruffylooking boys and the boys pursue trollopy looking girls Ah parents must have hearts of solid steel these days to avoid a complete collapse That s why theres an almost universal sigh of relief when school opens Its not that parents don t love their children Its just that they can t stand them after eight weeks of a cold wet summer Mother can pack them off on that blessed opening day sit down with a cigarette and coffee and start turning into a kindly loving person again Father can come home from work and not have to settle quarrels fight about who gets the car and spend two hours getting smoke in his eyes over the barbecue Even the kids arc happy to get back to school For a few days at any rate They meet old class mates He wildly about their summer adventures renew last years romances commence new ones fill out Innumerable forms and check out the new teachers for pretty or handsome ones Their exuberance lasts about a week until they have to start doing some work Then the pendulum swings and they revert to their groans of boredom though this Is actually Just a pose with a great many of them For college students off for their first year its a time of rare excitement and anucipation Theyre finally going to get away from nagging mothers and grouchy fathers and butterfly into the wild free life of the university the joys of learning About per cent of them will be thoroughly dis illusioned by Christmas and probably per cent will flunk their first year because they get more interested in the flesh pots than the philosophy So everybody is happy about school re opening How about the teachers Believe it or not they are too Theoretically theyre rested refreshed cobwebs all blown away raring to go Most of them are The small minority that doesnt really like kids or teaching but is only In It far the security will be their usual surly selves within a couple of weeks However lets all try to be Joyful as the great babysitting season opens once again 1 try It if you will A little on the sardonic side A scheme that cost only has foiled thieves in a southern California town and mode police verv very happy It s a simple project Homeowners have been etching their car license plate numbers on articles thieves seem to prefer because arc easy to sell television sets radios tape recorders Jewellery cameras lawn mowers musical instruments sporting equipment Homeowners wishing to take part in the program are given window stickers ad vertising the fact that valuable items in the house are numbered Itworks Proof Only three of homes that carry stickers have been broken into Two of the three homes had identifiable articles stolen Meanwhile at homes not participating in the project there were more than 1 burglaries Fencesreceivers of stolen goods dont want items stolen from homes In the scheme The are loo easily identified The owner of any numbered item can be traced in a few minutes through a giant computer that lists all drivers in California The scheme sponsored by the police and a service club in Monterey Park has cost including the price of window suckers Equipment is lent to homeowners who are told to engrave numbers on non removable parts of property We have noted in this space before that Acton Is an envious position for accessibility to conservation areas and It seems to be improving as years go by Now the Credit Valley Conservation Authority has budgeted for a camping area water supply and roads at the new area it will mean another in the chain of recreation and picnic soots within a few miles of town The Conservation Area is situated almost in the heart of the village of where the old Gowdy house was located ft was also In this 176 acre plot that the classical privy which got lots of ink this spring was located The derelict doorless privy mentioned as the first county seat and referred to the privy council is now at Black Creek Conservation Area in Toronto as a charming relic of pioneer ingenuity So where there used to elegance and the fine Georgian looking brick home of the family the rums of a sawmill and limekilns there will soon be picnickers and campers enjoying themselves Although economy Is given as the big reason why Acton council picked asphalt over cement for new sidewalks in the downtown business section we think they should also include shortsightedness there is such a word Cement sidewalks are far better looking lighter In color and would add something to the business section which it obviously lacks now class We have always thought the business end is the showpiece of any community When you cheapen it with poorer quality material you are helping to sending shoppers to other places where they can expect to enjoy amenities the cant get in their own business places Don t try and tell us that asphalt sidewalksareasattracUveascement They arent We would think some of the downtown merchants would also be concerned about this and willing to talk turkey with the town fathers about ways to brighten the business section so it is attractive to shoppers and passersby both Maybe you noticed where the station was put on the block and sold to the Ontario Electrical Railway Historical AssociaUon last week We think of a better place for the station to go than the railway societys property In where it will be preserved for posterity However in the hunt to acquire information about the station we also received some disquieting information about the fate of the Acton station According to Mr Watson a director of the Historical Radway Association the C N told him the Acton station would also be put on the block within a year You may remember that the Canadian Transport Commission ordered that as long as passenger trains would be stopping in Acton the station must be kept clean heated and lighted The last piece of information seemed to indicate that the railway was thinking ahead a year to when they would stop all trams from stopping In Acton and then could tear down the station Root our Rockwood reporter asked Mr VeenisoftheCN about this when he assisted at the transfer and he confirmed the rumor the Acton station will be removed However the railway will replace it with another building to keep their part of the bargain with the Transport Commission So if you are buying stations it might be a good idea to investigate the possibility of purchasing the Acton facility Make a good night club wouldnt it although if you pardon the pun It will be off the beaten track After all the recent publicity about the Miss Nude World contest near here recently there was a violent disagreement between two of the contestants The Master of Ceremonies explained they d been seeing too much of each other We had always thought something hot was something stolen until Hot pants came along Now we realize we were right The idea for hot pants was stolen from short shorts The nomination of Bob McNutt to represent the Liberals In the next provincial election completes the slate for the riding of West Now all thats needed from Premier William Davis is an announcement of the when voters will go to the polls Judging by the shape of events in the other provinces of the country where governments solidly entrenched for decades have gone down to defeat we wonder whether Mr Davis and the Conservative parly arent n bit nervous about when they should coll an election for Ontario There are Indications that the winds of change in the other provinces could affect Ontario as well Premature announcement of an election could Ik fatal to the present Government Although the leadership has changed and there Is every indication that new premier William Davis Is his own man there is always hesitation on the part of voters to leave a government in power too long They think it breeds fat eats who live on past performance Halton West is considered one of the safe ridings for the Conservatives because they have the Minister of the environment George Kerr to represent them Even Georges most vociferous critics have a kind word for him on occasion so it is easy to see Walter of the New Democratic Party and Bob McNutt of the Liberals arc going to have very hard rows to hoe However it is true as the opposition claims that George Kerr is not going to be Minister of the Environment if the Conservative party Is not returned to power So we are back at that old political chicken and egg discussion which comes first the man or the party The voters will have to decide that question Many will vote for a partys policies and others go along with the calibre of the man Personally we think every voter should consider both questions before marking their ballot We must say we were impressed with the booklet issued by Bob Nixon and the Liberal party entitled Blueprint for Government which certainly outlines the position of the Liberal party in Ontario in the event they are elected Now wed like to see what the other two parties have in mind for us and see if they can condense it Into a readable booklet like the Liberals have done Some thoughts on status report We were a little disappointed the otherwise excellent status report of the TorontoCentred Region issued by Ontario Treasurer Darcy did not define what was meant by natural growth In the urbanized areas of Zone Two Much of the report was devoted to refining policy in Zone One which stretches in a wide belt along the while problems in the Zone Two were ignored The report contained a little over naif a page the land beyond the urbanized area which at least was an acknowledgment it did exist Other than stating the Government intended to maintain the land use mainly agricultural recreational and open space there was no further elaboration Probably the mam reason for lack of attention is that public response to development objectives in Zone Two was the most favorable of all the proposals put forward in the May 1970 report The overwhelming majority of briefs and submissions supported the objective of keeping the urbanizing influences along the lakeshore But Im afraid we just dont completely understand what Mr McKeough means when he says the modest natural growth that takes place will be encouraged Into the existing urban communities providing the various municipalities can demonstrate they can provide services on a selfsufficient basis What is natural growth Does it preclude the presence of large industry in Zone Twos urban communities which include Georgetown Orangcville Bolton Port Perry Stouffville and Acton Musi we be satisfied with the industrial crumbs that fall off the Zone One table The Government would develop more confidence in the smaller towns located in Zone Two If they would also provide them with some incentives for the modest growth will be allowed In the past wc have been heavily dependent on approvals from Queens Park for even such modest proposals as senior citizens housing and housing which is desperately needed here Wc would gather the Government does not intend to carry on the pobcy of holding back approvals on projects when a municipality has already demonstrated it can handle the added development Acton for instance has a water pollution control plant now that will handle population So theres room for expansion If the existing urban communities In Zone Two are to provide all the modern amenities good shopping hospitals social and recreational facilities some of them must experience more growth than others Self sufficient which have already reached people should be restrained while others in the 25000 population range could experience more growth dependent of course on their ability to handle it This is one way the Government could balance development ensuring each urban municipality in Zone Two is a selfcontained centre capable of servicing itself with a number of attractions for surrounding rural dwellers Otherwise it will be the bigger towns in Zone Two which will continue to grow while the smaller centres lose their appeal because of lack of population to pay for amenities like theatres shopping centres arenas swimming pools and educational opportunities back issues years ago Taken from the Issue the Free Press of Thursday September A street dance to climax the completion of road and sewerage installations was rained out Saturday in a downpour that only dampened the crowd but not the spirits The downpour came when the Acton Citizens Band was playing a concert under Band master Perrott and about 300 scurried for shelter Hurried preparations were made and operations were transferred to the town hall for the dance Attending from the greatest distance were C M constable Fryer home from Pond Inlet Baffin Island and Lance Corp Charlton of Halifax Winners of the lucky draw prizes Included Braidn Ruth Smith G Robertson Dawkins Helen E Deforest Clarence Martin Mc- Calvin Sprowl Andre Caron Jack GilbertsonReneSt Pierre and Mrs George Fryer Saturday morning the corner of Mill and Main St was exceedingly busy with paving operation diverting road arid pedestrian traffic Acton Bantams proved they had championship ingredients when they came from behind in a marathon inning struggle to edge Thorold The local kids were led by a strikeout performance by John Cunningham who got progressively stronger as the game went on PauILawson supplied the Acton batting punch Die Girl Guides held their first meeting with Capt Mary Elliott and Lieut Dorothy Capper in charge Acton had the second highest total of members present at the Mens conference at Lake Couchlchlng Attending were Wolfe Jack Ben Forman Lawrence Ed Charlie Leather land Douglas Manning Manse Jack McGeachie Cliff Sutton Dick Bean and Garnet McKenzie 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday September Last Saturday morning Chief Officer Edward of the Inland Revenue Department accompanied by a member of the dominion Mounted Police visited the site of a liquor still in the bush near Speyslde about half way between the first and second lines Ample evidence was found that a still had been in operation there but the most of the outfit had been removed a short time before the officers reached the place It Is reported that the still was operated by a man who lives in Milton and that the product of the plant was distributed at various points in the county and out of it by motor car at night high school has a larger enrolment than ever before with 150 students Acton high school has registered this term and the public school Coxe has had a record sales week He sold six Ford cars and coupes within the week His ad shows touring cars were runabouts coupes and sedan Approximately attended the annual picnic of St Albans church at Mr Wallace Iasby farm Among winners In races were Matt Tyler Phyllis Tyler Nora Cook Lillian Perry Lashbrook Young Winnie Alger Merle Anderson Stanley Mackie Ivy Holmes Jack Sidney Scriven Olive Precious Edna Green Frank and Waller Bauer Jim Mrs Hunter Mrs Mrs Bishop Sam Perry Tyler Price THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office 75 years ago Taken from the Isiucoftbe Free Thursday September IT The Montreal Bridge Co has started to build the bridge over the river at Mr John Hill of returned last week from a sojourn in Chicago Mr Hill has been a resident of Rockwood for 67 years When Mr Hill and his people came here there was only one house In that neigh borhood that of the late John Harris Next Friday Is Civic Holiday In Ballinafad and there will be football lacrosse and races Our village Is noted for its sportive nature The quickest threshing we have heard of this season was done by Mr Crtpps threshing machine at the farm of John Bennett Crewsons Corners In five minutes he threshed two loads of wheat It Is quite a record Under new regulations sportsmen may not shoot cranes bitterns or gulls without a special permit These birds are great scavengers and It is not thought advisable to allow them to be exterminated It is rumored that the career of the Maple Leaf Glove Works which opened here about three months ago is almost ended The proprietor left a couple of weeks ago for Montreal ostensibly to purchase stock Whether he has gone permanently or not we cannot say but there arc a number of creditors who would like very much to sea him back with a full purse In addition a considerable amount Is owed cutters and makers 379 railroad tickets to Toronto were sold here while the big fair was in

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