The Buyer Protection Card Acton Froo Press American Motors PI Buyer Protection Card Vohirle Itlpnttlii Sell rig Dealer First Use With it you can drive your 1972 American Motors car forlyear or 12000 miles and if anything goes wrong and its our fix it free American Motors 5point Buyer Protection Ran Our Buyer Protection Plan has been designed to give you the buyer protection from the kind of some times comes with a new car IOur 1972 quality control pro- has resulted in significant changes in the following areas engines electrical systems heater and air conditioning units seats sound deadening front end suspension and brake systems In many cases weve improved components In all cases weve improved attitudes about installing those com ponents Today none of us takes quality control for granted 2 Weve also put together an indepth Predelivery Service Procedure Hornet The dealer takes every car we send him for a quality assurance checkride He puts every car through mandatory inspections signs a certificate and places it on the sun visor How will you know that the cars been through its Predelivery Service Procedure Youve got the dealers signed certification 31972 New Car Guarantee When you buy a new 1 972 car from an American Motors dealer American Motors Canada Limited guarantees to you that except for tires it will pay or the repair replacement of any part it supplies that is defective in material or workmanship This guarantee is good for 12 months from the date the car is first used or 12000 miles whichever comes first All we require is that the car be properly maintained and cared for under normal use and service in the 50 United States or Canada and that guaranteed repairs or replace ments be made by an American Motors dealer This guarantee is to the extent not prohibited by law in lieu all other guarantees or warranties ex press implied or implied in law of American Motors Canada Limited or others including implied warranties merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose 4 When your 1972 American Motors car comes in for guaranteed repair work and service the necessary work will be done quickly and done well In addition if a partic ipating dealer finds it necessary to work on your car for more than one day hell provide you with a loaner car at no cost Buyers of American Motors cars will have a dealer behind them and a car under neath them 5 Having built the finest cars weve ever built having paid our dealers to deliver them in Al condition having guaran teed every nut bolt and wire and having helped eliminate the inconvenience of overnight servicing by providing free loaner car facilities we have done one more thing Weve installed a special tollfree Consumer Hotline at our head office in Brampton Ontario So if we have overlooked something you can tell us where to look If something was missed when the dealer put his quality check on your car well get on it If the most straightforward protection policy in the industry doesnt make sense to you well make sure you understand it If a participating dealer cant give you the courtesy of a free loaner car well find out why In other words if any prob lem you encounter is not resolved to your satisfaction by our dealer or local American Motors office then you can call us on our Hotline Free Ambassador Hams illustrated are optional American Motors 1972 models on display September 21st LITTLE MOTORS HIGHWAY NO ACTON U304M