Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1971, p. 15

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A ship in a window How much that In the window window window the comer or Mill on Main You know the riplka of the Queen Mnry which sits sedately In window with for houses How much IS it worth know but Syd turned down in from on American from Nebraska for the model Made in figured It la worth even more than It wan In at the sumo turn they were building the real and It won first prize in 1910 at Acton Fall air tho name the bin nhlp was luunchcd Who mode If Nut red Wright model to Sy I when Ik found was very in ship and Where Fred Wright not it I don t know although it Is thought the late Claude who used to live 1 th comix Church and I built it Renovations jimb ha I It renovated when he acquired and imloied In lc by cabinet maker Peter IxMcr a locul Munis for the refurbish wire made by industrial arts ntudenta at the Robert JlUo school where ttiey had tools delimit to fashion It tun be lit up at night but liken to nee It sitting there Just us if lie was on ocean voyage lie was never on thi rial Queen Mary whlth Is berthed in California now but hnn travilli on a ulster royiil Queen I moth I much attention specially by visitors like thi American who for it refns It is worth more Ihim to mi he said i ever seen tin ship Well lust look in I window the next linn you go past Frcu Wocnoadny bur fl3 Parks have visitors Fairy I waterfowl geese there ever since population has increased by Meanwhile another concerned Ihrccut least toinporarlly observer called tho rco to Parka manager Harold designating lake an rtports mated pair a wildlife sanctuary been Canada geese along with their torn down presumably by young gosling landed on Did Inko vuihIuIh and unlet they re last Tuesday and been replaced birds very close to other for hunters OUR READERS WRITE Dear First of all I would like to publicly thank Acton Parks and Recreation Committee for hearing my request on beluilf of tho Acton Minor Baseball Association for financial assistance In the Installation of lights for the Prospect Park hardball diamond and those who provided me with cost figures or offered to donate their time and labor Now that I have handed out the bouquets have a few questions I think deserve answers After presenting my case at the September 16 parks and recreation meeting I was promised the committee would include money for lights in the budget they present to council In February for their approval and that our association would be notified of council decision towards the latter part of March In front page Acton Free Press report of the meeting it was reported that later In the evening the committee finally decided to write the A M B A to say they don t feel they can see their way clear to take the request to council right now and that they would rather not see another set of lights erected In Prospect Park They be more inclined to develop a park In the eastern end of town at a later date My first question Is why was the original promise not kept Secondly in reply to a statement attributed to Mrs Diane which rend I sometimes get impression some people sit around and wait for this board to hand out money to them May I make It clear that I or the Acton Minor Baseball Association were definitely not asking for any handout Minor hockey in town receives a sizable subsidization in the way of reduced so Why does minor not warrant similar financial assistance It not as Important The Acton Minor Baseball Association does not want lights Just because they feel it would be a feather In their cap to be able to say they Influenced the committee into undertaking such a project Far from it Their aim the aim of any other minor sports organization Is to provide much needed recrcntion for the boys and girls of this town The men and women who glvo up their time and money to organize minor sports have welfare of the youngsters at heart Most of the organizers Involved In more than one organization and undoub tedly could use tho extra time dropping out of one of them would mean if it were not for the fact they know thoy re needed Not only do they give their time freely also cur into their own pockets to help cover expenses Transporting teams to games can add up to close to a season to coaches managers using their own cars no whether it baseball hockey lacrosse soccer or any other sport It is my understanding Municipal Act suggests that two mills of a town tax rate should be set aside for recreation and sports The A M A felt Justified in requesting a share of this tax money According to report of the some meeting in on area dally committee member Barry fnscoe suggested dodging around the request until tho board decides if Prospect Park is the right place for another set of lights Why should this request be dodged at all It seems to me the committee Is dragging In red herring by stating they would be more Inclined to develop pork In the eastern end of town a later time when there is a need for baseball lights now The only other park In town is Sir Donald Mann Park in and it Is unsuitable on account of its size for minor baseball above the novice age level If the committee it trying to think of ways to use Sir Donald Man Park what wrong with construction of an Indoor outdoor swimming pool The C A found it practical to bus only GO youngsters to for swimming Those who registered after the limit of GO will unfortunately be left out It would be nice to think that lights In a separate new park could be partially paid those entering as arena manager Harold has suggested but how could we expect to realize any revenue from Ihls when very few attend tho games anyway I m mire ask the boys and girls to pay admission price Mr expressed the opinion tho lights bo In Prospect Park He pointed to tho difficulty parks employees arc having planting trees there We can plant trees in tho centre of tho park ho said would venture a guess that the cost of planting trees and coring for park s waterfowl population would bo about half the cost of installation of baseball lights What I would like to know is do tho committee wont to keep Prospect Park as a beauty spot Arc tho youngsters to be denied use of park I would be curious to find out exact figures on tree planting and waterfowl care including labor costs In view of a recent article in a Toronto dally which claimed Acton has tho highest juvenile delinquency rate of any town Its size In Ontario I ask what should wo as citizens be more concerned about planting trees and looking after ducks or making sure our youth have organized recreation Not too long ago of our former town fathers was quoted in the Free Press as saying minor sports in town Is over organized How can minor sports in Acton be overorganized In view of the Juvenile delinquency rate we hove In closing I would like to say I sincerely hope none of my children or any of yours ever end up a delinquent Any of the comments I have made or views I hove expressed in this letter are my own and not necessarily shared by the Acton Minor Baseball Association Yours truly Harold Speaker Set county apportionment Member municipalities of County Council last week learned the apportionment of the county budget for which their towns and townships would be responsible With only very small changes the apportionment is almost the same as last years Acton will pay per cent Burlington will pay per cent lcorMtown per cent Milton 15 per cent and Nassagaweya per cent Duffertn REELECT JOHN BOOT GIVE GENEROUSLY to the STUDENT THAT CALLS AT YOUR DOOR for the CANADIAN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM SOCIETY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30th 1971 this ad sponsored by PHAPiC Canadian Imperial Bank of K BANK of NOVA SCOTIA LTD Distributor of Home and Farm Petroleum Serving Acton and Dlitrlci Since k HEATING OILS LUBRICATION OILS GREASES GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL Phone 8532174 OH ibmbh 44 Young St Acton S literal candidate Cam Lush chatted withHaltonM Photo GORDONS Quality Shoes Georgetown Market Centre Dacks Clarks Celebrity Carlo Savage Wild Pamper Opening Wed October THESE AR JUST A SPESlAL SAII CHESK Obit WE1KW SPESIAIS ACTON PHARMACY 2 Main St N Acton

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