Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1971, p. 20

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The Aclon Free P Wednesday September Separate School Board disappointed in Davis separate school stand Premier William Davis statement announcing the Ontario governments decision against extending public aid for separate schools past the grade 10 level has brought a scathing attack from the trustees for the other schools for that matter should be left forever In the educational wilderness MEMBERS OF THE CALVTMST Cadet Corps line up prior to the start of their mile bicycle hike Saturday With 50 riding on every mile riders challenged Highway and roads in Esquesing and to complete the mile course laid out on maps There were check in stations along the way where were obliged to stop Leaders John Oosterhoff Harry Ensing and Hank Heine Deters check riders including one lady just after 9 a m Saturday Staff Photo PCs pick John Root in WellingtonDufferin Lets Play Bridge Here is one of those hands that preemptive bid Is not over a period of time can cost good so that ruled out a trump bridge players a lot of points lead Hence West led the club These are the competitive part king score hands where the difference This lead is not as unusual as It between making a part score and looks If the king and ace of clubs going down may not seem like are Interchanged most Wests much but it can add up would lead the club ace without Twice were played too much hesitation with East West as declarer once Two choices at two spades and once at three when the king won the trick clubs both contracts going down West continued with the eight in Twice NorthSouth ended up at spite of the in dummy three hearts One declarer made East won and returned the club three hearts but careful defense ten Declarer has two choices and defeated the other declarer west has a difference defence for Neither side vulnerable and each one If declarer plays the club queen West must ruff with the trump Jack and return a trump to stop another club ruff No sense If declarer plays the club six West must not ruff There Is no sense in ruffing a loser After declarer ruffs the club in dummy c a he might as well try to score the diamond queen However West will win and exit with a spade Declarer ruffs the spade lead and leads a trump He must lead a high trump to prevent West jack from winning but it is to no avail East wins the first trump and leads another club allowing West to take the setting trick South is dealer NORTH J 3 A 10 WEST HS as EAST S A 10 DJ C A 10 VOID 11 K The bidding south NORTH EAST PASS PASS PASS Opening king of dub I am not sure how the bidding went at other tables but it was brief where was South with a seven card suit and less than Make contract If West had ruffed the earlier club lead declarer s lead of trump would remove West last high card points has a good pre- trump and declarer would make emptive bid and opened three the club queen and his contract hearts That finished the auction Ruled out trump Last weeks winners at the Acton Bridge Club were first Bart Fisher and Kay Campbell West did not want to lead from a long ami headed by the tog Generally a passive defense John Root said he supported the Progressive Conservative party because its basic policy is to create a climate for people industry and business to plan their own affairs and expect a reasonable return for their labor professional services and on their investment Sitting member of the laturc for Wellington Duffcrin Mr Root was speaking to approximately people who attended the nominating convention in Arthur last where he was chosen to represent the C party again Tory policies Root said were responsible for Ontario population growing from four million to During the same period Saskatchewan elected a Socialist government and was the only province In Canada where the population dropped He said the economy stagnated people left by the thousands Ontario prosocrous Root said that while was stagnating the reverse was happening in Ontario under PC policies the population was growing by millions and half the new industries and new Canadians locating Canada were coming to Ontario the key stone in the arch of Confederation which supplies nearly half the national budget Recognizing that costs of education had gone up Root also asked the audience to consider that the school population of the province had risen per cent requiring new places in public and secondary schools as well as new universities and junior colleges Teachers had to be trained and their salaries had to compete with industry He said that in the long pull if the province can move the two million students into the income- paying bracket from the welfare bracket two objectives would be achieved broadening the tax base for necessary revenues and reducing the cost of welfare Referring to Agriculture the speaker pointed out the province paid hall the cost of rural power lines and equalized the rate the province paid per cent of the farmers municipal tax made capital grints available and stimulated lines of business catering to the farmer Reduce tax burden Many government policies reduced the tax burden on property such as unconditional municipal grants he claimed noting the province provided tax relief for needy pensioners He pointed out the province pays the full cost of ad ministration of Justice municipal road subsidies ranging from to per cent and miles of development road in Wellington had 100 per cent of construction costs paid One riding had been rebuilt and paved and miles of municipal roads Board chairman Dr of said the premier statement was un acceptable and educationally unsound Incomprehensible We are extremely appointed he said Complete statement Full text of the board press release follows Is regrettable that the for completion based on educational and pedagogical grounds by the elected repre sentatives of the Catholic com munity of Ontario on behalf of the 000 children entrusted to their charge was answered by a statement that reflected little thought to this end The decision to maintain this arbitrary cutoff half way through a secondary program Is Incomprehensible in a continuous and integrated process of education How does a Separate Board sensibly plan and develop a auricular learning experience Integrated with the students needs and progress when it is denied the admlnls power over the lost one sixth of the program The slogan of the government Educational Opportunity is rightly chosen However is this opportunity now not to be given to one third of the elementary had been taken into the highway population of Ontario system It is unfortunate then that the Surprise announcement was a legally established Cntholic plan to extend Highway 25 north Public of this province Is from through the Grand denied the same opportunity as Valley area to Highway to its once equal partner the Public provide a direct route from the fachool System It is our opinion Niagara Peninsula to Georgian that unless separate school Bay and Northern Ontario The authorities arc allowed to keep announcement was confirmed by pace wilh their public school the Hon Charles counterparts with the modern Minister of Transport who spoke needs of this generation to the convention Equality of Opportunity will be paid tribute to so translated as to mean that one John Root as an and to his branch of the public system must role in the against pollution always remain more equal than las vicechairman of the Ontario the other It was never meant Water Resources Commission that the separate schools or any or at the end of Grade It is unfortunate that Ontario the wealthiest province in The separate schools are here Canada is the only province by right they cannot be struck which does not extend to Its down they are educating Ontario minority equal educational County Separate School children with public funds they opportunity with its majority Board should be able to offer an system Every other Canadian opportunity for education equal province with a publicly to that in the other public schools supported minority system They should not be denied access allows that system to operate to to modern Improvements and a the end of high school with ho reasonable share in progress resulting fragmentation the guarantee of existence religious antagonism or undue they should be permitted to cost This Is the spirit and the function as efficiently as Intent of the Confederation eta possible and if a continuum of The County Separate education has any validity at all School Board finds the Prime It then a backward step to cut Ministers statement un request for completion based on for Catholic acceptable and educationally young people at the end of Grade sound nii Lets talk about horses By Jennifer Question My new horse seems to be a greedy grain gobbler I have heard that eating oats too last will make him sick He well fed and is not thin Why does he do this Answer Most horses bolt their grain It Is like dessert to them the ring You hold the end of the rope while standing near to the pole The colt will pull but cannot get away because of the extra tension However the colt only sees you with the rope so you get all the credit for mastering him One lesson should be enough but I Feed him his hay about 10 would suggest using a chain lead minutes before his grain to take the edge off his appetite Put corncobs or rocks in his manger to slow down grain consumption Feed a small amount of oats three or four times a day rather than all at once This may not improve his table manners but It will help to prevent colic Question My stud colt has been weaned and is being halter broken He la very strong and drags me around a lot I am and am not strong enough to hold him What can 1 do Answer Don t use brawn use brain A horse t too small despite the romanticism of the old movies You need a strong halter good rope and a strong snubbing pole or ring set In the stone wall of a barn Halter the colt and run the lead rope twice around the pole or through with the chain part under his chin from cheek strap to cheek strap This Is for extra control while you lead him Question Is there any way to lengthen a horse stride at the walk Answer Yes Give the horse lots of road work at a good brisk walk While walking nudge his elbow as he puts that foreleg out with your toe You are in effect pushing his leg out After a while the rolling motion of your body as you use alternate legs to push his legs forward will be enough to him He will walk faster as he walks toward home Encourage this and praise him Please send your questions to Jennifer Rock wood SUPERMARKET MILL ST ACTON Specials in our meat department WELCOME SERVICE If you are new in town or know someone who is PHONE 8530805 Side Spare Ribs Ground Chuck Stewing Beef Dinner Hams Swift lb average 99 Side Bacon Swift Premium 65 Medium Eggs 3 Luncheon Meat Mac Cheese Head Cheese Meat Ch Pickles Pimento Bologna Pork Loaf Heats 3 89 FROZEN MEAT BEEF PATTIES 159 Squirrel lb Jar Save Peanut Butter 89 Colgate Palmolive giant size Save ABC Detergent 59 Pantry Shelf Tins Save Orange Juice 3 Dainty Instant 12 Fried Rice 3 Vanguard 7 oz Tin sleye Salmon Save 59 FRESH PRODUCE DAILY Our Produce Arrives Fresh Daily at the Lowest Possible Prices Prices effective Sept Oct m Tins Save F Vegetables Robin Hood Celebration 19 Cake Mixes 3 Nabob lb Bag COFFEE 85 Aylmer Tins Cherry Pie Filler Tins PEACHES Campbells 10oz Tins Save 32c i Tomato Soup Heinz 15 Bottles Save KETCHUP 2 65 Scott of 400 Facial Tissue 3 89

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