Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1971, p. 12

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Acloo Prim Wodnosdny Oclobor Lot to be thankful for nit we have a lot to be thankful for ixsnimlsh llie back a century to 1H71 and comparing the lot of people in Upper Canada then to shows wo have tonic a long way Waller Stewart writing in a recent Issue if makes points I his yenis consul will show that we have come along way In a icnlury llie population will undue million more than five times the total of 1871 the of Ontario done contains more than twice an many people as nation held years ago We have become a modern state on the way to with only out of work foi of still employed in I he Canadian Gross National 1ioduct has soared lo an annual rale of more lhan double tile billion of decade ago incomes ire 3H capita up m Prices are much higher lhan In earlier limes but so ire wanes A ago a suit of clothes cost less I JUST GOT WIND of a story someone is putting it around pet skunk of Julio It Acton by that we smell Looking for sympathy from her owner is Hill Bill Smiley It is quite an ordeal reading the headlines these days President Nixons surcharge has thrown the financial world into a panic of telephone Ia up and jail Everybody and his brother either on strike or threatening to strike More than one out of every members of the work force and under is Jobless The government has proved totally incapable of both halting inflation and increasing employment Welfare costs are soaring Plants are shutting down In boom or bust economic we certainly don t seem to be headed for a boom A of mine who came to Canada from Germany told me frankly In the years I have been in Canada for the first time I am scared John Bassett financier wheelerdealer and imperious owner of the Toronto Telegram gave that city a rude shock when he announced that the 95yearold paper would cease publication because it was losing large sums of money And there went jobs That leaves Toronto with a population up on the twomillion mark with only two papers Ottawa an infant comparatively has two dailies Is there something rotten in Denmark Now don for Mr You won find him on the welfare rolls for a bit even though the Tely was losing over half a million a year He owns Toronto and has extensive holdings an audiovisual empire plus only he and God know what else But I feel a little guilty when I think of the feeing on the rocks Until just over a year ago the Telegram Syndicate distributed my column Then I switched to another Is it possible that one rat leaving can sink a ship 1 he awake and worry about this at nights For about 28 seconds I find that the only way to escape from this pall of gloom and doom is to concentrate on something just as silly as the bickering whining recalcitrant salty exuberant human race One of the silliest things in the world is the English language But its also fascinating Especially the slang which changes almost from day to day Im not much interested in the thousands of new words added to the language every year by science but I have a morbid interest in the abortions that creep into daily usage Younger readers stop here Their elders those who have a stomach for it may continue For example take a verb such as to put generally meaning to place Then you toss in a preposition and have a whole new vocabulary You re putting me on That really means You re pulling my leg Try to explain that to somebody learning English Why would anybody except perhaps a chiropractor want to pull anyone leg You re putting me down means you From the editors desk We were more than a little interested In an article in a Toronto daily which told of a daily newspaper in Ignoring a meeting of the county council even though the council pays news paper reporters to attend Despite the snub county councillors readily agreed to continue a regular honorarium for reporters covering the council sessions Paying reporters apparently has been a long standing practice in although most reporters refused the money The only ex ception according to the story was the paper The warden of the county said In an inter view that the payment of honorariums to reporters is a traditional thing He doesnt think it has any effect on the coverage council meetings get In the press and doesnt protect councillors from criticism And the editor of the paper agrees The paper he claims is frequently highly critical of the council and council officials At one tune he said the honorariums were paid only to his paper but others asked to be Included When it was granted they decided not to take the money The paper considered refusing the money at one time but decided against it refusing to bow to insinuations by other papers that they were doing something rotten The honorariums were f Introduced In the county In an attempt to increase coverage of the meetings There may be the best of intentions by all concerned council and newspapers out there is no doubt that the newspapers are jeopardizing integrity when they ac cept payment from public bodies for covering public business It is hard to believe such an archaic arrangement still survives in Ontario but harder still to believe there are those who will defend it With all the construction going on around town it is difficult to escape from the roar of a shovel or the sound of a hammer The town streets are being up to instal storm sewers houses are being erected on Churchill Road S and also in the Cemetery Hill sidewalks will soon be constructed along the route to the senior citizen and gearedtoincome housing and there impending action on two new subdivisions Such a plethora of construction seemed possible only a few months ago when it looked like the only action spot would be the industrial park but the only action there now is the town works building and garage To add to the dust and confusion created by construction ork on 25 Highway north to Ospringe has at this end of the road and the huge earth movers are filling in the and valleys that used to make the road one of the best roller coaster rides in the province Host of the dust should be down before winter shows its head in these parts but we hope the activity here this fall is an indication of a booming economy in the Spring It Is so nice to have Amen around the house We were over to last week meeting when Tom Hill announced he was all in favor of building a township arena so wouldn t have to haggle with the various neighboring towns about prices Don discount the promise Tom has a penchant for getting what he wants in and this could very well be another project which will engender mass popular support We may one day see a junior or Inter mediate hotkey team from the township flaunting the words Flyers or the Township One man bothered by an abundance of neighborhood dogs with little bite but lots of bark noted with interest an article in last weeks paper about a Speysuic district couple s plans to raise dogs wouldn t look like trees would they he asked incredulously tongue in cheek Jennie our columnist and expert on horses called to complain about misprints in her column last week which changed the entire meaning of one sentence and left another in doubt She in answer to a question about a strong colt and how to train it Don t use brawn use brain A horse isnt too smart despite the romanticism of the old movies second sentence came out A horse isnt too small despite the It that computer again Can tell small from smart despite all the coaching Its been given limn wim advertising light at the full drew of wan a eggn 18 cento a down and tenia a You could rent modem In I for a or buy a 10 room dwelling with well oillhulldlngH an excellent ganten on llie In Out for Abbott foreman of the for general repaint on the and Canal pulled down a primely two a day In of the work taken food clothing and ordinary people In anada are fur off than were when the find tenuis taken lames artnidy with lit years and nix drew an hour for day a century ago at that ratcll look him minutes the price of a pound of ixji lodays laborer an hour an have pork hops in II minutes and could have purchased a for of work a today ran buy an suit for under hours I Abbott could cover rent with Mix days work a at 17 hour can over Mm rental in the same period A sampling of wage and prices across century the flame constant improvement In a labored 38 for tin price of a dozen eggs bricklayer have them for work When cost rents a pound In it a cent an hour iradenman minute to earn it today dollars an hour tradesman in have it In minutes We have acquired a whole new set of from pollution to drugs and arm over many of the old ones from Hon bet wee our two founding rat to worries about the Americans Hill as a family we have matured filled out we an- stronger healthier more prosperous and better educated than we wen a century ago and compared to moil nations have many to count Couldnt you squeeze it in arc squelching the speaker You put mi off means that the person addressed is displeasing to you Will you put mo up means you want a free plate to steep Youre always tutting me up means that you are the speaker and Is a favourite among teenagers Cut me off refers to anything from a tonvcrsation to an allowance I cut him down means that you reduced somebody cither verbally or physitally to your own pigmy proportions and is usually a prevarication Or even a ho Hie Yanks got in there first with wise You take a noun add wise to it and you have a Can you see the tortured visage of a foreigner who lias learned to speak unpetablc English having to cope with something like iles wise he on the ball but experiencewise he just not with it And I wonder how the Department of words its advertisements when it is seeking the servites of keepers of lighthouses Who responds if the ad simply says WANTED is the Department swamped with applications from lazy women who want to do only light housekeeping no scrubbing Or does it get buckets of mail from little skinny guys who dont mind a bit of house keeping on the side Fair boggles the mind time you re troubled by the headlines find something silly and save your sanity editor of a weekly newspaper is a rewarding experience and one winch we would not wish to abandon even if on most occasions it involves hours and a variety of problems not common to many other oc cupations Perhaps what makes it so the Reporter reminds lib is the fact we never lack for intt it observations and questions lypital of winch the Reporter suggests arc the following Please put ll on the front page Use the story just as I have written it ihe club wants it that way for the scrap book Youre invited to our annual dinner tonight this was the third invitation thai week and we wanted a night home There will be plenty free to eat and drink Oh yes please bring your How come it wasnt in the paper was Well I didnt see it Will you please go through the back copies and tear it out for me I just stopped by to talk a few minutes but if you re busy We voted to make you our club publicity chairman I know you have a deadline but you just this little item My husband has never been in trouble before so I dont think his name should appear in the paper I know its on a Sunday but its our annual reunion and someone ought to cover 1 1 My uncles brother of biggest advertisers and I was wondering if I try to get my ad in to you the deadline next If there t room for pic ture why they run it on another page Editorial notes A high powered executive purchased his first RollsRoyce About a week later he called the dealer to complain that noises were emanating from the front end of the car Theres only one possible the dealer remarked coldly has asthma Two little boys were eating ice cream cones when one dropped a scoop on the back of a womans mink coat Be careful said his fnend Youre getting fur all over your ice cream A 4year girl noticed a tag on a dog collar and asked his owner what it was It s his license replied the man Oh she exclaimed Does he drive School days can be the happiest days of your life if your child is old enough to attend Why is that a dollar bill looks like nothing in the supermarket but looks great on the collection plate church back issues 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday October 1351 armed and masked gunmen held up Hie Royal Bank of Canada in 15 minutes after it opened Friday herded the stiff into the vault and robbed the tellers cage of about C Manager was able to the thugs there was no more money in the safe held long barrelled automatic pistols against him and three other members of the staff as they motioned them into the vault The two girl wire on the verge of fainting from fright and the thugs said be afraid You won t be hurt if v don make a fuss police in all districts were short stiffed because of the royal parade from Milton to Toronto but as tars as could be spared sent to form road blocks interest was shown in the Acton Home and school Association when 120 attended the opening meeting Trustee Wolfe reported on the progress of the new addition and members of the staff described the new teaching methods These inc Mr Miss Folster Mrs Gamble and Mrs Alger Mrs Alger room won the attendance pain ting which had been donated Garrett Willi a spasmodic whirring of the siren Jntk and fire chief drove the town new fire truck to Acton about in last Thursdav Totil cost of pumper and chassis was Firemen a demonstration and trial in the park Sunday morning itiinley I Hall s representative in the I egisluture for the last eight was again candidate for llallon PCs at the convention in Milton Clara showed slides of her trip to to members of the lakeside I I 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Hie incessant ram lust morning and was very unfortunate for ItiKkwood Fair A splendid exhibit had been placed in the hall and judged on Thursday but owing to the storm there was very little livestock brought in and no visitors on The fair was consequently post poned until today subject of church union is evidently a live topic judging from the in the affected Mr Moore who has been a member of the Union Committee from the outset has received a tall to a meeting in Toronto of the joint committee of the Congregational Pres byterian and Methodist churches on the first of a series of euchres and social evenings will be held tonight in the parish hall of St Joseph church The new drinking fountain presented to the town by the Women Institute is being installed in the front area of the Government building between the stone steps leading to the office and the post office The area surrounding the new fountain which has heretofore been a grass plot will now be with concrete THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office iThe first snow storm of the season came on Sunday morning Last year the first snow fell on October 1 about four inches rhe Methodist church at had a narrow escape from destruction when a lamp used for lighting for the Harvest Home festival was turned too high Men threw coats and rugs on the flames New Brunswick voted bone dry last Monday The people declared with immense majorities that liquor is ostracized 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Thursday October 15 1S For some weeks past a number of youths have been in the habit of parading the streets in a body shouting whoa inconcert at passing horses to the great annoyance of drivers This conduct was particularly disgraceful last Saturday and Sunday evenings The local constables have received instructions to promptly arrest and incarcerate in the cells all disturbers of the peace of this character in the future The congregation of crowds on the street corner is also prohibited show was undoubtedly one of the best ever held The display of fruit especially apples was the finest seen in in many years has more than a local reputation for fine arts The competition is particularly keen here on account of the number of experts from a distance always showing The roots vegetables etc were quite up to the standard The butter and bread were choice but the cheese was not as good as has been shown before There was a large showing of stock in most classes but perhaps the finest lot from a horse fancier standpoint was the greai showing of heavy draught and general purpose horses The most interesting and exciting event of the af ternoon was the hurdle Jumping when William Maud horse ridden by Craig cleared the bar at feet inches as the amidst great applause One short puff of breth through Dr Catarrhal Powder diffuses over the nasal passages It relieves instantly and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore and Deafness Sold by J V Kannawui Potato digging is the main attraction at Corners these days

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