Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1971, p. 17

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Spilling the Pins at Acton Lanes by Ken Sept The out in firs by pins but equalled In the with IB pin win then carried on to tike the flnile by pins tor two and tolili win Top trio In thi win were Roger Dunn 239 and Dob Beit for were Hulmc Phil me and While Finishers finished off the Hollers with a two and totals win Rollers making with a win In the second canto by plni On the triple and single plateaus for Finishers were Conway 2M Ed and Millie Fabian ZOO Up there for Ruts Mathews Phil 206 Helen Skip Vryenhoek won first two game from Uppers but couldnt make the grade In the third Heading the Soakes roll were Jake Van Earl BIS 229 and Frank Mead Up for the Uppers were Don Harris 243 John Davidson Z4fl and Andre League standing Patent 17 Finishers 12 Reamers 11 Rollers Uppers CAROLINE GARDEN CENTRE plea a tier w inn the Top 22 After I he i Moyer ArlJlocals Who Done two but were shy taking and settled for a point split John Knight Lucy and Dunn topped Who Don Its trundling Tup trio or were Andrawi 230 John Dunn MB and Jackie League standing Go Id diggers to ArlslocatsB Who Done Its We Did Its Beat INDUSTRIALCOW took on spot when hci look the Station Hotel for a wo and go Twat hrec close games the first wen I to Hursts by 15 to Station Hotel 14 Ihe third lo Hunts by Shorty Mike Churchill and Bruce 617 parked the win Rest for the Station were Conway 300 Doug Lockerbie and BUI Willi mi it was three game win or Johns Texaco Service when they met up with Milady Boutique Chuck Auger Terry TOO 233 topped the Texan roll For Milady It Andr 291 Craig Perkins B13 3 Supermarket won the first two I met and were on the way for a clean but Barber Shop clipped In the last canto and It was a for the Abies Pacing the B roll were John WO and Ken 839 Top for the Barbers were Jim and Larry Nolan 1242 League standing Jon Hurst Electric vt station Hotel Johna Serirtee Petes Barber Shop Supermarket 5 ACTON LADIES The Bank won the first from Family Store but grade In the couldnt make and it tiled for a Top trio or the Bankers were Grace Robertson Fiona Fran Mortmain Tops for Family Store were Fran Pierce Betty and Ml Beckers won a close 11 pin win In lie first against Farm lost out In second but came back to annex the third for a two and totals win Audrey You mam 179 and Alice Johnston 152 paced the win Miking with the most for the Farmerettes were May JOS Sue and Linda Perkins 4G6 26S It a two and totala win for Cameo Boutique Boutique when they met up with the I A Store Top trio for Cameos were Barb Wilson 1ST Greenly 192 and Smith For Ihe it was Nan Hurst 234 Lynda McDonald and Mellon 437 154 League standing Bank Family Store Beckers Milk 12 Cam 1GA THURSDAY TOPPERS Sept Shamrocks have the top spot to themselves result of all games from the Silly Six They were close wins though in the first 14 pins In the second and 25 pins In the third decided the issue Lennora McKlnnon Elaine Mecrham and So It a MX 140 Jenny Colleen 437 158 and Joan McKnieht 151 were beat for Silly Six hit the win jackpot with a triple win from Rebels Rebel made a bid In the second and third games but missed em by and pins in that order Topping Dlng-A- trundling were Joan Schipper Beit In Rebels were Porte Annette St Pierre and Barb Elliott 462 Mike Noble and Langlola speeded clicked for a two and totals win from the Alley Call who made with a win In the third by Monica 214 Ron 197 and Bonnie 2IB were top for Topi for the Alley Cats were Jerry Gary Ritchie 230 and 208 It was a hret game win for Hopefuls when they met up with Rlpinorters John 192 Leo 1B2 Loll 470 187 top trio were Ben 162 Rick 234 and Jack 472 188 League Handing Hopefuls 4 Alley Cad Gremlins ACTON MIXED Oct 1 After losing the first to Impossibles by pins Washouts came back to win the next two and totals with Earle Mlddletan 704 268 J and Ed Roadknlght leading the hit parade Top trio for Impossibles were Andre and Bill Manto Shades of Time pot with a two and totals win from Tigers who made their win In the middle canto by 10 pins Heading up the Shades win were Harmer 228 John Typers 690 Donna Manto 223 and Mlddleton 213 For Tigers Nancy Billings Joan Pony While and Rich Ivany 2110 were Cardinals were a two and totals winner from sneaked In with a win In the last canto by one pin Top or were Bill Boyd 226 MO tigers by 15 pini em all to tsk over the top spot Lorn Norton 244 Frank Morton and Betty 188 were top trio In he win Best efforts for Tigers came from Anna Spears 244 Bill and Ron LuckyThlrteentook the first game from by pins then missed out In the middle canto by 14 but barrelled home in the last to make with two and totals win Grace Robinson Jules and Tom headed up he win Top trio for wore Brian McDonr- Al Kaiser It lot nil win for Oddballs after losing the first game to the Bobcats Top trlcounta for came from Lois Norton Emmy 240 and Bert Robertson 212 Beat far Bobcats were Bill Gentles 200 Ruby 201 and Doug Lockerbie 179 League standing Hippies Lucky Thirteen 4 4 Oddballs 4 Tigers Bobcats BLUE SPRINGS FLOWER SHOP Sept Alters arc still the front- running outfit in the league Taking two and totals from of the Valley keeps em up there Anna Spears Jane Vickery Jill McLaren 481 were top trio in the win for the were Elsie Ed son 563 Dot Roach IBB and Karen 476 187 Rosea moved up for a shore or second rung with a three game win from Sweet Peas Agnca MeCltinci 216 Belly 521 194 and Jennie 474 172 paced the win Top trlcounlers for Sweet Peas were Mary Anderson Betty Lockerbie 490 and Hows on 390 Carnations won the first two stanzas from Gladiolus but dropped the finale by plenty and the Qtada up the solo point for Making with the most for Carnations were Laura Treble 828 Norma TtitUl 199 and Verno Gladiolus beat were Sylvia Mages 202 Wannetta Smith 200 and Heather Morton 473 170 League standing Asters 15 11 Carnations 11 of the Valley 11 Gladiolus Sweet Peas 7 CENTRE Sept Wo Did with a two and total from Hot Shots knocked said Hot Shots off the top rung Hot Shots face by a 7 pin win In the middle canto Heading up he win were Bruce Z22 Tom Shannon 230 James 199 and Helen Osborne 528 210 Tops lor Hot Shots were Dave McFarlanc Arch and Sojka The Golddlggera over the lop when they won all games from Best Even Tripling and singling for Gold diggers were Don Perry 818 223 Marlon Storey Harry Mover BUI and Christine totals winner Bluebells who came to life in lime to win the last game Shirley Thomson Donna Staves 230 and Dawson 447 164 were the pace setters for Buttercups Beit for Bluebells were Mary 250 Galbrallh 188 and Audrey 449 League standing Shamrocks 12 Buttercups DingALlngs Silly Six 5 Rebels 1 2 MAJOR 30 Acton Meadows paekt 3939 roll In their three game wii Dominion Hoiel for a 42 point Dominions roll got points Top trio for Ron Sha 337 Don Wilkes and Wayne Mason 747 Tops for Dominion were Bill Anderson 703 Jack Gould 247 and George Nurse 883 Store won Acton Bees will or points Acton Beet roll waa worth Top for Turkosi 720 Dave Johnson 731 310 and Bruce 288 George Archibald with 280 was the loner for Bees A roll along with two game win from Acton Inea gave Reliable Taxi The Lanes total of plus their one game win sot them points Topping Reliables trundling were Jeff Fryer 707 Pete Homer 701 and Don Karris for the were Dee Frenchy Conway 225 and Ken 2409 League standing Acton Meadowa Hotel 146 It was Harry 566205 Bill McMullen and Dan Party 167 League standing Washouts Impossibles 24 Shades of Time Cardinals Tigers 18 11 BIG FOUR Oct 1 Wildcats slapped down the leagueleading Hot Shots with a triple win and took over Ihe top spot a resull Don Van Arragon Larry Douglas 442 and ChrH Duiker 153 paced the win Top trio for Hot shots were Jake Van 558 191 Jane Van 491 184 and Web Kammlnga Eagles flew high and made with a triple win from Mud Lucks The Mud were making a strong bid for the middle canto but missed It by Heading up the win were Floyd 233 Marg Hammond and Beit Mud Luc Ren all from a roll of Meadowa points TRIANO MIXED Oct after winning the game from the by IB went on to win the next two for the triple win and found themielves on top rung Adomi 210 Orv Porte 529 206 and Bob Snyder 4873 in 1 139 Meadows Bees 105 ACTON FRIENDS Sept with a triple win from Gremlins took over the lop spot John Chapman Doug 480 and Bob Mitchell paced the win Gremlins besl best efforts came from May soloed a 204 In the tint game to pace the win Top trio for Whips were Bill Gentles Till Fabian and 102 were bumped off the lop rung when Misfits took em for two and lotah with Binden Gerry Landry 223 and Porte 452 155 heading up the win Heading up efforts were Cliff Wedge 239 Joyce Adams 495 198 and Gloria Dunne 457 League Handing Nitwits 09 7 Misfits 8 Whips 2 bowling in the Acton Mixed league wins the consistency award this week Howling last eve In her second game Elile Bowling By Bill Gentles Oct Heading the Bantams first division for this week It the Oc- gang out both games and from their happy counterparts the Kangaroos The Crabs felt he a the Teddy Bears snatched up games and hugged the totals also The Rabbits came marching through to take one game and totals but decided to let the Whales Into the act by battling to a draw on the second With the high on the both games they chalked up from their felli Cots The w beat friend for tl s this Henry Roach Peggy Huxley 259149 Dave Dunn 256 Debbie Turkosi Steve 134 Jim Huxley Ron White 116 Terry 232 Mickey Phillips Howling best over their average to win the Orange Crush and Cokes for this week where Philip Brown Mickey Debbie Geberleln and David Junior In the Junior roster for this week it was the Hot Dogs laying out the laws for the to follow by beating them in two games and totals The Raiders plundered the Dodos for two the Dodo quacked up the Ronnie Moore Ronnie Gary Pickles Kenneth Harris 180 Storey 161 Maria 433 Senior division In the Senior division the Lings trounced the Idiots by laking two games and totals and he Idiots with only one Knight were in the dark when clobbered for all three games and totals The were only spilling woter when Ihe Have did ail three games and totals The Senior Top Ten are Marcel Jack Van Kooy 232 Dan BIB Wade Knight 225 Janet Storey Mirgot Colleen 580 228 Glen MeKenile Debbie Store 334 200 Heather Wilkinson 217 League standings League standings Bantam First Division Teddy Bears Octopus Rabbit Whales l Crabs Kangaroos Second Division Donkeys Dogs Snails Sea Horses Call Juniors Archies 3 Hot Dogs Raiders Dodos Turki 1 Senior Have 4 4 Ding 3 Idiots 1 Knights o Spitfires Casualty ward Well after looking over the Senior group already begins to look like a nappy aimng The A when they took two games lis from the Turks but ended tour note when the Turks took I game The Big Ten for this the Juniors are Michael 554 David Mills Karen a muscular ailment urie we all wish j J B MACKENZIE SON LTD ANNOUNCES I FARM REPRESENTATIVE I farm building Residence Phone I J B MCKENZIE I SON LTD JmM St 777 I I St Acton I The Aclon Free Press Wednosday October 1971 Fence viewers require change YOUNG DAVID accepts the Bank of champion Aberdeen Angus male in the Fall Montreal trophy from Ted Pratt after the Fair cattle show Jack Laking and Farms entry was judged grand Andrews are shown with the animal Bob Newman concession Erin Township appeared before Erin Township council last Friday to ask that a fence- viewers decision be reviewed Mr Newman had previously requested fenceviewers after a neighbors livestock repeatedly came through the line fence causing considerable damage Councillor BUI McLean who had seen the damage commented that when the pigs out a hay field looked as though it had been plowed The viewers agreed that the fence was in need of repair Their written requirement was that the existing cedar rail fence be replaced with a wire fence eight lines high Prefers to rebuild Mr Newmans prefers the cedar rail fence and would like to rebudd and maintain the existing fence on the 1 000 feet designated as under his core Council declined to intervene saying that that would underline the viewers authority Clerk McKinnon read relevant parts of the fencing bylaws and pointed out that If two landowners are required to rebuild a fence and the second owner does not build his share then that section may be built by the first billed to the second If he refuses to pay the bill may be sent to the township clerk to be added to the second resident landowners taxes for more frames the of the Mr and Mrs lenfiuc reentering fror operation Monday evening ruBhy round quite well the aid of holds 43rd reunion If this sort of Ihlna up we a cut lanei in the hospital- lirownlnR J The reunion of veterans of the lMth Battalion C which was started in was held in the Acton Canadian on Saturday October 2 These reunions have been held continually every year since The friendships made in this go back to December of 1915 These reunions arc held on the first Saturday in October Of late they have been held in one of the towns m either and Duffer in counties from where this Battalion was recited Friends be they veterans or just friends we have made down through the years are probably the greatest asset we have for our in life These friends grow dearer as cadi year goes by and sadly we fewer too comments one of the members Country Mart Rockwood Acton EQUIPMENT FOR FARM LAWN GARDEN RECREATION Sales Service Parts Repairs miles West of Acton On Hwy No Phone 5198564712 Mr IGA has the turkey you want CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 MINCEMEAT 59 CHOICE PEAS v 29 SALAD DRESSING 49 F COCKTA FANCY PUMPKIN 249 KUtASHRTDFUrOH son DRINKS Ml flour 69 SERVIETTES 245 BREAKFAST 59 roTATO chips 2lt 79 HE BEAUTAID ALKA SELTZER 59 PROTEIN 21 SHAMPOO 97 CALIFORNIAS FINEST CRISP PLUMP RED EMPEROR OR THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES 3 99 on APPLES 59 ORANGES CARROTS or ONIONS 2 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES AY October Cheese Festival Kernel Corn CHEESE SLICES 69 CHEDDAR CHEESE 69 ONION CHIP DIP FROZEN SPECIALS ran MEAT PIES 3r99 si 39 ORANGE DRINK CHOICE PUS CFL SUPERSTAR POSTERS MR IGAS PICKS FOR THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY 10 P M MAMUIOM AT TOO EXTRA SPECIAL END SLICES BACON 31 ACTON IGA CLOSED MONDAY OCTOBER

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