Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1971, p. 1

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Farmers death was suicide jury says The mysterious July death of 32 yearold Roger Joseph an Acton farmer was caused by self Inflicted calibre bullet wound In the head a coroner jury decided In Milton yesterday Tuesday five man jury reached the verdict after hearing testimony from witnesses and different exhibits at a four hour Inquest at which County coroner Hunter presided Alton Firefighters recovered liipointo body from the front bedroom of the burning Spanish style bungalow he rented on Highway south of Acton sometime after the morning of July ID An autopsy performed by rogionol pathologist V Waldorf Inter revealed died as the result of a bulla wound in tht head said the bullet was from small firearm Yesterday inquest was held to determine when where and how met bis death A barn and small shed on Iht property were levelled In what now appears was separate blaze from the one In the Waldorf who the autopsy on body testified tht deceased sufftrcd extensive fracture of skull from bullet which made entry abovt thi corner of rltht eyebrow and passed through the skull and mine to rtst at other side of tho skull Ml said tliL of the deceased also showed a soft ana of bruising over tho right posltrior which have been caused by tht gunshot wound or from striking a blunt HI owl coming from the t of tht normal in Hit of a skull friiituri hi said Hi added llu skull fnuturt was duo to the gunshot wound Ixxly showed only slight signs signs of burning on the outside and hud it minor skin strap whit h lit said could have wht 1 rt aid to rtmovi It from tht Waldorf said a heck on tht of tin blood proved which ltd him to Jipointi not been In fin ana Akohol fit of tht blood also proved negative lit said A quallfltd with tht of I Sclmiis In loronto It MtOiulcy stifled of a sample found on the floor the body showed no alcohol or dioxide An alcohol test on a urine sample proved as did an analysis of of contents Monument a firearms with the Centre of testified a rlflt which poliu found in tlit bedroom was dlsiovcred a cracked stock He presented as i nee one fired cartridge ase and two long range mushroom which he mild had removed from the rifle Si vt ral other cartridges for iLse In rifle were also in dresser in room Monument said of a piece of tissue from the body showed tint the Jay a blood analyst Hit of 1 Si Units said In found a lit owl stain on a bid and on front of a ilrnwtr which pallet hud from the bedroom Hurt Wirt also two blood on lists mirth tm us from the Kathleen govt on gasolim nix on da taki from She said she ttiteil on pan from tht floor a box and a pair of high worn by the dtitased A polite found outside the signs of she said host whlih mati tin first but was found In sink of did not on Dull lit I DPI iluitlfiiutluii who was Did Inly following tin liismvtiv of tin snld no tint s of pi lilts loiild hi found in tin rlfh hi nil mi hi In londitlms whin itniiu lit at and ixiHt Wlult hi was taking of of tin In said an off In IjihhmIi lnvi siigutlug off it r on Jiinu s of Not til Million it was f a whin tin ahum off Hi saul hi must i tin insult lioum had in m was 1 1 1 Itolx rt and his and livid with lnU at tin 5nsldiiHi miliary until lit I luid to him Hurt In liuu for In Iping ii tin farm In May laid In gut a Jul in and movi 1 with Ins family Hi hint aw ljMinii May mild hi and his family hit will with I I hi was a gnat guy I I find In with any Ik was wry nun Ii an In said I luwi on to say IjijxilriU Hi fnim luipplni to iii Julian In a shurt tlnu hi Hi ho and hail Jiktd fins hut said In vt hoard I talk about to tin proMrty lilintlfltd the rifle by as his own llu hud lift it at lit al It hi but was nut a inn la at Unit linn i unhappy ration lit also said In know was In quilt duply tally with tin Hank Monti nil in Alton Hi said In had hid angry winds with I apulnlu only onto and hat wile in it t of a Idw Inultd tin limine No ACTON ONTAklO WIDNISDAY 191 Twp seeks quarry option to develop industrial park Count last mil to seek an option on acrts of land owned by Supply following a reeommtndation from tin township iiimniitlee tabled at a mutinj land Is lotaltsl Highway and tin Urn If purchased llu land would In in part for an Industrial basin tit tin industrial land was mi del tu lit maintain a Council gives 400 to Rams I III nuts of tin siiilahli fin I I Hill ill II tin tonsldtud a tin will la laid lo allow llu to voli pinion on tlu isslhli it qiiisiluiti whit would 1 a lit hi nturi win II Is a six month option sled Iht pun 1 1 was too liirji for own but agrud may he in out sub options on parts of the land sunn of Unit ixlntlng was it on llu laud was not tin prlini for tin pun hi but ralhtrlht Ii tax m It was In tlulr Mi suggt may hi nun tin and lo Invi stlgati that A portion of land may by township to withdraw granular miitrlal iliiriiig ritiabllilatlon liiunelllur Art said It was first tin lountil had lo do thing ally langlbli for tin rntipayira He ixitid thru had Ihiii lost ilurln bis on of a laik lands Hi I was lost vi rumtly and would have Ix a lo tin municipality Mi inbers agreid quale was availabli In Mlltiin liurllngton to supply the If in on option an suiiissful and Issue pointed out It would In tin township only MARRIPDCaveirslastFntlay Mr and Mrs of Eden Mills received Sentimental value contra from many friends neigh bors who Stiff Photo A donation of f400 will be made to Acton to toward pun hast of agreed night donation in rtcognltlon of tin mi winning the Ontario Junior C latrosse will about half the t cost of juiktLs prtsintation will madi Election Oct Seven at the team t Saturday Howard and Alan Halt had tided a otitic LI mtetlni to mutter and t d tin It am s dt sin to him I Jmkets are quired learn iintnb rs and Instruments stolen from music centre in race in two ridings old band Instruments is decoration in the Music were Inst week One had belonged to former the Charles Mason and to late Ktnntj wtrt able now and thtir aiui is did as Hut iswhit drum A window tht Musie lentn Money stolen bus depot on rtported to police entry had jimed to the bus dtpot the back door and is taken Ht reported the incident to police at a in On a car old the theft of tape recordtr which he had been holding in his hand tar drove up stopped and snatched it from him he said The incident happened on Main St A fire extinguisher was reported stolen from an apartment building on Mill St flu instruments hud been wired to nails on tht wall Iht link windows To that ruth the thief or stood on drum iking tht id for loss ITie moutlipitce for om of instruments was found tht hall Hit was distotred IXtobtr J just afttr midnight indtoas irionis investigitinj Ask help thru windows reported in icti of wilful iiim Rocks thrown through windows at home of Norton Mill St and Mar im SI mil liquor hut requested that who mijht miglit seen Hie who Ihtst windows lo lliem Impaired in October police made liquor two one Ireorgitown was stopptd midnight liisturbintt rtporttd impair was stopped it 1j in October Liter that a ir stolen in Milton was located in the parkin lot of the Winston Apis Ml seven candidates in I ast and West ridings have of fu declared their nomination in the proilciil election next In Past Jim Snow will run for on Conservative ticket Blake on the I ticket and kin will represent the Itnhard MeCrath will run as in In Hilton West PC Kerr will seek reeleetion Bob MtNutt will run as and Walter Mulkewlch is the NOP candidate official nomlmtion were htld on In there are and 159 stations The riding includes Milton and the lower lots in 1 In West an estimated jjiXKipcrsons art to vatt at in polls Burlington Alton mil northern pari of I Collisions Saturday invislieikd Acton police tins wttk of them hit ind run Minn Mnn St ed to his pirktd itl i line out of a private struck his tot died an estimated when two tors were in collision driven by Dueald Dick lonefndKd It I Alton collision was it Si Jord in both lolhsions Saturd jev1 for half a century membership in Lodge A and A M wis presented to Roy J Brown Toronto by W right J Wes was in charge of past masters night Staff Photo Better dog control service expected three year term Loner lone found friendship is a the resident geese at the Sct girl Carol Thomson of R1 Rock waterfowl sanctuary and It Runners up seen with her in a as if he intends to stay convertible Thankstavinfi Day are Brenda Burt and KaLhy Ena Story on page by Wendy Thomson Council Tuesday amended Ihe for dog control with to state it is for a period of three The contract with Mr was renegouatcd earlier this year He is also dog control officer for the township of Mr Herrington had assured council his service would be improved He is planning new kennels and will have an answering service His contract calls for two full tours of the town twice a week and emergency service Compare services A letter from the Ontario Humane Society received by the clerk this week also offered dog control for Acton The are beginning this service for Georgetown Councillors fere nop Councillor Coats said I feel our service is equal to anything wed from the Humane Society Councillor Greer also expressed satisfaction with Actons service from Mr Oakes pointed out We get fcood value for the we re spending Garbage patrol Councillor Chapman suggested the dog control officer be asked lo make patrols when the garbage is out ready for But the dogs get canny and know when he coming so times must vary council agreed Lottery authority was given to town lottery officer Ron to endorse all lotteries under provincial licenses except in special instances which in his opinion should be referred to council Two more applications had been received and council fell their approval was automatic and require council con Partial payment Partial payment was approved Continued on Page 3 damage to two vehicles An Eden Mills man suffered a bleeding nose following a two car collision at the comer of and Sixth Line over the holiday weekend Nineteen yearold Dennis of Eden Mills was the injured driver The other automobile involved in the mishap was driven by Ken Smith of Acton Damage to the Abram car was estimated at 1 200 The Smith auto sustained in damages Excavating have started for the new sidewalk on Road The sidewalk mil extend from the H C housing units to Main St

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