Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1971, p. 12

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Acton Wednesday October You can stop junk mail those who receives a steady ef unsolicited mall which offers you a wide varlity of prios from a for lift to cars and exotic trips you may interested In some of recent developments concerning tliese so- colled contents Three of the and best known firms which have been widespread prizes throughout the country are Procter makers the Longings Watch Company ami the maiden aunt of every home Headers Digest These companies have recently had their knuckles rapped by federal authorities when In distribution of prizes and some false advertising were discovered discovered is not the proper foi these promotions have been going on for years and an by no means confined to the big and supposedly reputable companies raise advertising claims in these promotional Karnes were charged MacDonalds Hamburger chain and the Co a Coin Company Hundreds of smaller entrepreneurs who are nothing more than out and out crooks have climbed on the bund TONY of Eden Mills took this picture of Andrews Acton which won top award in the Free photography contest at Acton full fair His wife also photographer won awards as well Recently I wrote a column on the subject what the individual would do if he or she I asked for suggestions from readers and have recelv quite a few Perhaps the most interesting Ideas came from a Grade class Their teacher had suggested my topic and asked them to write an essay on it The results were revealing touching in some cases rather in others 1 11 give you a sampling reproduced Just as the were written grammar and spelling intact In most cases the were brief and pungent The girls tended lo write what the teacher might think was worthy with a few notable exceptions They waxed romantic and dramatic The boys were blunt and honest Grace About a month before I was to die would go to a church every day talking to God and then later to a priest If I had one year to live I would quit school brother in real When I died well I guess 1 die Debbie lwouldquitschooland goto Ijis because mother and father it is the best place to go if you want to win money After I go there I am going to ge all over the world Then I will go to the hospital and just wait until 1 DIE But I will have a wonderful time before I go THE FND a hedonist The first thing would quit school because what the use of getting an education if you don have time to use it Good thinking Cindy Barb I would quit school leave home and take lots of money Then I would travel all by my thumb Have cops after me and get all kinds of trouble would smoke in front of her parenti and come and go as she pleased with no housework or babysitting to do and probably get anything I wanted especially from my dad Bonnie I would like to leave school leave home and go with a motorcycle gang for a ear cops after me all the time and getting in lots of trouble And about one month before I was to die I would try to take a trip on speed and see what it really did And just live in freedom Tom I w borrow ing and make a formula to blow up the world Just before 1 died would blow up the world That one way out Tom J lid I would like to turn 18 and quit school start drinking get my drivers license and start working There a combination Tom I would get leave of school and bum it all the way And by a and a bigger boat Frank I would go to banks and borrow and go have some fun First I would go and steal a car and smash it up I would buy a lot of food and give it to Care I would go to Toronto and steal a bunch of Junk and sell it to somebody I would get into fights I would burn down the schools and factors There a nice wholesome kid Steve I would quit school Then since I m 18 go out and get stoned bloody manes After about a week recovery I buy a 303 and shoot Nixon I good Then I II go to the electric chair and go the fast way Jim I would want to go all over the world with my wife also I would write a will leaving everything to my wife and would donate my eyes to a blind person He must have a girl friend Mike I would like to drink eat and live it up have stag Parties boose lot of girls food and money About a month before I die will orange my As I said Just a sample but it makes you think I used only bits but there a pattern About 80 per cent would leave school at once About per cent would leave borne About per cent would travel around the world About per cent think bank managers are philanthropists About per cent are idealistic the rest materialistic Rather frightening what From the editors desk Many people are confused by the variety of titles we newspaper people have There are editors and managers for Just about every facet of our business Just to dear up any misconceptions you may have about all our titles going to explain them all to the best of my advantage Publisher He publishes Except on Wednesdays when he has to do his paper route He also sells ads writes stones talus pictures hires and fires and bosses everybody around He also signs the pay cheques so he a good fellow to know Assistant lo the publisher Helps the publisher publish cetera General manager He manages the general he manages the janitor If the paper has no Janitor he generally manages to clean the place up once a month or so Assistant general manager Often the Janitor Associate editor He associates with things And on occasion with people Managing editor He manages He manages to do this and he manages to do that Sometimes he manages to manage things quite well Also manages people if there nothing else to manage Women s editor Gets involved in the community at the grass roots level by attending all the hen parties and events for women He used to be the sports editor but asked for a promotion and being as there were no openings in top management he got sent to the women desk Editor Edits all the people who come into the newspaper office He edits out anyone with unpleasant news complaints those who can t spell and who dont get their facts straight and edits out anyone wanting free publicity Edits in all the people who do a good Job Usually carries a large blue pencil behind one of his three ears Advertising manager Wears a suit dressy shirt and tie every day Including Saturdays Looks intelligent talks a great deal knows every thing about everybodys business and manages to sell some ad verUsing sometimes Tells Tells be the person who pays all the bills Sports editor Ex football hero with big feel cauliflower ears can be distinguished by his perennial sunburn from standing around baseball diamonds and his perennial chilblains from standing around cold arenas and football fields Also has a red nose and potbelly from sitting around bars and coffee nouses collecting tips and stories for the sports page Makeup editor Has a twofold purpose goes around the office patching up quarrels between fellow staffers also checks everyone s mascara lipstick and painted eyebrows Circulation editor Checks older staff members to see if their blood is still circulating properly Also writes obituaries for those who are no longer in circulation Business editor Gives everybody the business Columnist Anyone with enough guts to sign his name to an opinionated news story Also the type who would write something like the above Who else has time to sit around writing such drivel wagon to pick up which people went so everendy lo toss away even In these Units of profitless prosperity Hie main basis of the oniplninls was Unit lliese piomotloiml onlcsls net fabulous lists of hut only small lion of he pi whs ever distribute You may hove noted Unit In rare when these piomotional deals listed winner lite identity was ry vague h us John Doe Montreal Not much bunco of readily finding one Doe in tlie millions of people In Montreal Die News recently wrote to list of 1S winners In one contest iittempling Id check the velocity and got three replies In Ac tumble contest the government found that no one got be pile plus tickets for two in world wen- any of the next ten government ji ote si was that I lie ads on I runts had a reasonable opportunity win but that actually the homes weie one in TO million which everything to radios via the contest louti wos charged with making major jini winners submit to interviews Editorial notes Anyone plan to take a drive lo see the beauty of the autumn countryside should just walk over to Fairy Luke Since the dredging program the banks are clean and edged with trees Their color Is reflected in clenr blue watei where ducks geese paddle fearlessly Sit picnic table and watch I heres no need to drive miles to autumn We didnt do it just in the interests of conservation but weve discovered the Free we already use some paper that has been recycled Some of our bond paper for Job printing from the mill of the Provincial paper company contains up to per cent deinked recycled fibre This ingredient would otherwise hove gone up in smoke or down as landfill says theyve been recycling paper for years so they havent just jumped on the ecology bandwagon Theyre the only fine paper mill in Canada and they recycle tons of waste paper each year good to see the new lights at the highway overpass working at Die work began in I school system the most massive in Canada has now peaked in growth Hut costs are still rising and so Is taxpayer resistance says Hugh in The Financial Posts report on Ontario Tor the first time in years the total number of elementary school pupils in Ontario declined tins September about fewer than last year The secondary school students are about per cent more than the September 1970 enrollment Ac cording to Robert Welch minister of Education the decline in elementary school enrollment will continue through the 1970s reflecting low birth in the 1960s A decline in total school enrollment is expected to begin defectives before ttuty could win llieli pi Headers Digest won cited foi falling disliibule most of their prizes As people In Ihe local level we an- naturally shocked at the urn do lion of the lite level We fight re at home- to of advertising our ad- vei Users ore ami back up their hums if they foil lo do this even in instances retribution Is swifl in a community Hie res one way to slump out the titf level return all ibis junk mull unopened with the notation refused on ft Ihe jwonuiteis will hove to buy It back at extra postage liu- post will gel some much needed extra and eventually tin ho will cease due to flu so long as liiiit- are people willing to wosle time and money and in entering these contests so long will the mail continue to e As usual lie solution Is in bauds I lie Powell I News in 197 Hie present school tax bill by lex boards of education in Ontario In million annually for operating expenses million for capital account burden of education taxes is Intolerable In the view of a growing of tax A coalition of provincial and municipal groups was recently formed in lo urge removal of property taxes for education With a tolal of r members in Ontario the group has potent political punch and has kicked off its protest in the midst of a provincial election campaign About onehalf of Canadas total manufacturing output each year is now contributed by industries not directly related to her natural resources Leading examples of such Industries include steel chemicals electrical products asportation equipment machinery and that earliest of ill manufacturing industries textile and clothing back issues 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday October 1951 largest congregations in many years taxed the capacity of Knox Church last Sunday on the occasion of the anniversary of the beginning of the congregations The Rev Forbes Thomson who was minister here during the years of the war preached at both services He his wife and children were warmly welcomed by Acton friends The regular meeting of Knox S included a panel discussion of the Bible and Sunday sports On the panel were Inez Elma Brice Douglas Davidson Don Davidson and BUI Bell A cavalcade of cars from Acton drove to Rockwood Wednesday evening and escorted back to town one of the three Pilgrim Virgin statues of which are being taken right around the world Millions have seen statue which is now louring the Hamilton diocese A Chinese auction and a talk by Cons Clayton Fryer were features of Men club meeting Final plans were made for the Ha 11 owe en party Con Fryer also spoke this week lo the St A and displayed many articles made by the Eskimos Roxy Ad Mr and Mrs Acton is your kind of picture It awaits your everlasting remembrance One Foot in Heaven with March Martha Scott Those attending Knox church fowl supper totalled about final count shows With election advertising the Free Press is larger this week pages Rev A Currey was speaker at the high school for United Nations Day 50 years ago Taken from the of Free Press Thursday October The members of Acton Citizens Band held a very enjoyable concert In the town hall last Thursday evening A large assembly of citizens accepted the invitation The list of numbers included band selec tions promenade numbers community singing led by bandsmaster Castell and instrumental duets by the Misses Mason The primary object of the evening mark the appreciation of the members of the band of the longcontinued faithful and helpful services of Mr John Hill for many years the leader of band Mr A Mann read the address Bands men Moore and I then came forward with a handsome easy chair upholstered in leather and presented it to Mr Hill At the close the members of the band Ihelr wives and mothers of the young male members were invited to the council chambers where a sumptuous banquet was tendered by the ladles Seldom has fair been better attended lhan was the experience last Thursday Shortly afternoon crowds began to gather to this poplar exhibition although it had been feared that postponement from the week before might prove disastrous The cattle entries secretary Gibbons reported were the heaviest history The stockmen of are lo be congratulated The midway was one of the features popularly patronized The universal was much In evidence and no fair is complete without them nowadays The political were on the grounds getting acquainted with the electors THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Editorial Office Mention must be made of the band This young musical organization under the direction of Bandmaster Percy Milne has made great strides in a short tune Out of respect to the memory of Lady Beck whose husband Is head of hydro services power was cut off for two minutes at tune of her funeral 75 years ago Taken from the lime of toe Free Thursday October BE IBM It is but a few months since the new survey at cemetery was opened but already a considerable number of plots have been sold and Interment taken place Three fine new monuments have recently been by J H Hamilton of the monument works Some weeks ago Mr Wilson of Scotch Block put up fine monument over the remains of the late Mrs Robert Watson Last Friday two line monuments were erected by Mr Hamilton or Rev T Albert Moore over the remains of his wife and little son and the other for Hugh Mann Esq in his family plot city made a wise choice when Ihe Mr James Moore was selected to succeed Harvey the embezzler as city treasurer There were applicants As is well known Mr Moore is the eldest son of Principal T T Moore of Acton Continuation School The Board of Education will wrestle with about 100 application for the vacancy in the Primary department We had an amateur winter on Sunday last The plowing match in takes place Nov Rev Father Haley returned from his trip to ihe Old Country now enjoying a fairly good degree of health- A third baker has commenced business in town this week Freight train brakemen report a good deal of trouble with tramps With the price of wheat booming to a dollar the patient farming man may yet get a chance to laugh and Erin show were not favored with weather such at would the visitor away from a fireside

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