The Acton Freo Wednesday October 13 Lapointe death suicide coroners jury decides Continued from Pag I never saw him violent Kan animal made him mad he might give it a couple of shots ho said Ted Pratt manager of the Acton branch of the Bank of Montreal testified total indebtedness to the bank was Pratt said he approved a loan to since he felt his plans for a successful operation were good obtained a personal loan January and borrowed another on June to purchase farm Lnpicments However went on to say payments on the loans were what he would call up to date I t say ho was in arrears he said There appeared to be a disease amongst that Just about wiped him out We werent pressuring because he had been so honest with us he said A chartered ac countant Lloyd Young testified his office received a call from a man who identified himself as Lapointe at noon hour Friday July Young said he returned the call at p m and told him over the phono he had been in financial difficulty for some time Three alternatives Young said Lapointe told him 1 have three alternatives I can shoot myself or kill myself or I can run away or come and sec said asked him for saw nobody Fire was coming mechanical help out of the house like a blow Ho said he was going torch he said Sffsoheld broke two other windows in the J ho- attempted to guide a which was sitting near the up the pigs and take them away to the auction somewhere lino he cut Borrow truck hi arm j Frank a farmer estimated It was sometime who lives at 3 between and when he testified Lapointe had asked to saw the fire borrow a truck from him to take Acton firefighter Norm cattle to an auction Pachnowskl said Lapointe told him he was going to declare bankruptcy Pachnowskls nephew William Hannah testified he had driven tho truck with the cattle in it to the County Exchange north of testified ho was in the first fire truck to arrive at the scene Wo figured the bam was licked so we Just ignored it he said He the house was burning badly around the kitchen window urea after being boosted In Friday July that through the front window of followed In lis own truck At the end of the day Hannah said ho told See later and replied If youre lucky Hannah said he had known Lapointe for about a year and a half and often sat and listened to him talk about his problems percent of the time it was about sickness of the animals or financial trouble Hannah sold Con Hodson later Identified a bill of sale from the County Livestock Exchange which ho said had been found in wallet was paid He received cosh and a cheque for you and go Into bankruptcy Gordon Garland an employee i Young then said Lapointe made of the testified Cove bedroom Price said he saw the body He said he tried to lift him on to the bed but was unsuccessful When the heat became too much for htm Price said he came out and his son Itobert also an Acton fighter went In Recover body Price sold ho managed to body up partially on the bed then rolled It towards the window where It was taken out through the window feet first He said he stumbled over something on the floor later he saw the rifle Questioned by coroner Dr Ivan Hunter Robert Price said the body was limp and did not appear an appointment to see htm the following Monday afternoon I asked him if he wanted to sec me that afternoon but he said no Monday would be fine Young testified Young said he told Lapoint he would require a retainer Questioned by crown attorney Doug on the early events of July Jack Tatton who resides on the cast side of the highway Just south of the residence testified he was awakened early by the huge glare in the sky He said he two calls to Acton The barn was a complete mass of orange and red flames he said It appeared the whole side of the house was In flames Floyd Foster who lives right beside Mr Tatton said he was awakened by the blowing of a car horn outside the house Later after arriving at the burning house Foster said he rushed up to the window of the bedroom He said he heard or saw nothing but smoke When he returned to the window a second time he said he saw the body Foster also testified he had the deceased at an Acton service station Friday July about in the afternoon Foster arc sometimes split into cash and a cheque if requested by the vendor Possibly he asked for all cash but at that time of the day we wouldnt hove it he said Cook testifies Mary Couture a cook at Reliable Snack Bar In Acton testified she had seen In the snack bar some time after midnight the night of July She said she made a for him but did not speak to him except to thank him when he purchased cigarettes Mrs Couture said lapointe came into the snack bar mostly every night but dldn t discuss his troubles Referring to that particular night she said He ate slowly and read the paper while eating she estimated he left the snack bar somewhere around a Acton resident James Hibbard an employee at the Ford plant in Oakviuo said he and Frank Jones a Ford employee also from Acton were heading cast on the above the location of the house after dropping off another man when they saw a huge ball of fire in the sky After arriving at the burning house Hibbard said he ran up to the front door and yelled but heard no answer He then broke the gloss on the front door but HERE IT COMES Rockwoods last af- Electric Historical Railway Societys filiation with the Canadian National Railroad stomping grounds in Nassagaweya Another is being seen as the vintage station was landmark has disappeared and villagers transported down the Main Street at a came out to the Main Street to watch and Tuesday morning to be restored at the Ontario contemplate Photo by Lorraine District offices for Assemblies The new western Ontario district office of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada was opened in Burlington with a combined cornerstonelaying and ribboncutting ceremonv Rev Donald A Emmons of Burlington district super intendent said the office serves 150 congregations from Toronto to Windsor and Saull Ste Marie Rev Robert W Taitinger of Toronto general superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies said the Pentecostal Assemblies numbered only spread thinly from Victoria to Halifax in There are close to congregations now supporting in 16 other nations Finland is starting to use root wood to bolster their annual harvest of wood fibre OPENING THURSDAY OCTOBER 21st BARCLAY CANDIES RETAIL STORE At Former Acton Creamery MAIN ST N ACTON Large Variety Candy Suckers described what lapointe was wearing whin he saw the body and sulil he found nothing in the except book of malihrs He said he found wallet nearby under half full be said later on July 10 it was discovered the trucks gas tank contained 7 gallons of When full It will laid 17 gallons He testified one of the caps Cons MCNally found fit the trucks gas tank and other fit the five gallon inn No struggle by the coroner If there were any signs of 11 struggle Con replied No if there had been struggle it would have been of very minor nature Terry Murray an investigator from the Fire Marshal Office In Toronto said Interior of Uic kitchen of the house completely destroyed He said he discovered one of burning along the mortgage bam board of I he east wall of the I will Die living room No tlon could made two firm he wild hie did not result from He wild It appeared gasoline was used lo the fire in the Murray also he believed the sued would had no rest In Urn fire liuiunince on plum It would gone lo those win hold the kn dec rimed year old brother I rnenl tiHlilkd he felt Roger wan Inwardly afraid of the unknown though hit appeared to be a Individual on llv Roger 1 arm from 11 very bud He was ruined under extremely difficult condition wild Ho he Polymer turns sod Hie sod turning ceremony at Polymer Corporations new module plant at Milton wan a unique affair Polymer president Ion Itaih Milton mayor Rent limbed onto on 16yard hi ram to gouge out the firm hod riir ceremony followed Ixlef by both men and the town hosted a retention ilub Counly Warden among Winnipeg Jim Jim Snow Initial Polymer new will 150 when it opt In 1172 with later provision for requiring a total of liny acres of limit turned out Unit MP Whiting bad Item lied for salaries in IIoiiim of had been a lot iU helped Polymer and Milton Kenneth Covcrdale of Milton snld let him keep pigs nt his but called him to say a veterinarian had one of them had symptoms of disease He told me If I didnt get them out of the bam within four hours he was going to shoot them Covcrdale testified Covcrdale said he then picked up his pigs took them to a slaughterhouse In Kitchener North OPP Corpornl one of the first officers at the scene said he first went to the window which was open but t see anything for smoke He said the body was discovered at a m He said the barn was completely enveloped flames when he arrived Flumes were coming out of the kitchen window he said North Con W I McNnlly said he discovered a green colored gas cap another gas cap which appeared to be off a can and a length of hose while on security duty at the scene at 1 the afternoon of Saturday July He subsequently turned the articles over to Con Hewitt investigating officer Con Hodson said he was despatched to the scene and arrived at 5 a m He said he later discovered a five gallon can which had obviously been burnt in the kitchen He MILLPARK corner improvement was Included in the contract were road widening slowed Inst week when the sidewalk had to be sidewalk fencing 1 new bridge Visibility changed to comply with specifications is much improved Staff Photo Home 1 mi or I age He said Roger talked financial whin In him a visit a Utile time thin year Anked by the etirotii r had ever suit Hie I rnnnl milled Not to my knowledge Iklore Jury retlri A to make thilr Union the coroner remlnilid Unit there red In rrings In the He turn verdict Hie Jury for about an hour then relumed with Jury fori man Robert lawnon nod the verdict We Jury nay that the censed military unit In Ontario In turn to his di the between tin- bourn of Im J and a In fort noon of the inn regiment will receive of July 1971 unit hull during a parade and of It Con In 17 township and that the nth wan calibre bullet Into his In ad which was self In our opinion tills nulclde Other members of the Jury were John Denny Charles Oliver and William Gil He Lome Scots best at camp tin Major funeral irophy as STORE HOURS Monday to Tueiday to Wedneidflyato Thursday l Sunday Pjic Sat Oct 16 OPEN SUNDAYS Fancy 10 APPLESAUCE GREEN BEANS PEAS CREAM CORN 10 IB POTATOES with and this coupon SPECIALS Florid Crop Grapefruit 8 TOMATO JUICE 29 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Kleenex FACIAL TISSUE FLEECY Wf DC PRUNE IT M0UTHW1SH TOOTHPASTE 109 Spray SECRET BLADE ROAST SPECIALS Food DINNER fan APPLE PIES i SALE FILLETS Short Rib Cross Cut Roast Roast Chuck Minced Steaks 79 Chuck Sausage We Reserve he right to limit quantity