Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1971, p. 6

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It for Tiger wai rami Spilling the Pins at Acton Lanes by Ken Hulford idlng Impossibles Shades of Time Tigers 18 eOUR In Ihi finale so for a two and tali win with Hob Woodcock Ml Kors and Roger Murray pacing win lending ip roll were llroulllar16HT Ducky Harris an I Ho I fin I Ing off ilea men for John and Millie Fabian tripled and singled for Finishers Top trio for learners were hi While 207 and llobirlalloyd0 ip toiler when they Va Oct a triple n Odd moved up for of top Oddballs dropped two lough games the tint by pins and the finale by in Hi adlng up win were Kalicr Jens Brian McDonald and IBS Loll 201 and Harry I Hip pip J were on end of a 3 1 go after winning the first from by 23 pins Top for Bobcats were Doug Lockerbie Jean Robinson and I auitsen belt were Norton All Hetty S3 and McDonald 47T Lucky Thirteen won two games from Tigers but lost out for totals when Tigers came up a big win In the middle the Thirteen roll were Tom 557 Trace Julei Toplrlo for Tigers wcrcRon llobmon SIT ID Anna Spear 1201 and Charlie 502 2101 League Handing Hippies Lucky Thirteen Tigers Bobcats Oddballs SPRINGS R SHOP Oct Carnation Hopped the league lead no Alters cold wllh a three game win and took the top spot as a made a bid for the accord and third cantos but lost out and pins Sparking the Carnation win were Norma Tllui Laura Treble and 467 161 Topi In trundling were Joan Vickery Marilyn liarbcr and llelty Cole 157 Gladiolus came up with a three game win at Sweet Peas expense although they middle by pins Making fnr rijdj were via Magel Smith 514 leg Hurdle and Top trio for Sweet leas Mar Anderson Allele Noli and Hetty Lockerbie 1731 It was a and totals win of the Valley Roses winning middle spasm Top trundling fi wa done by Flile Karen and Roach licit r Roses were I Oct 5 a gai hot 215 i J Hernial 1 standi 11 INDlTRIAI mm andJoh game win Jim Nolan pacing for the Tmni were Phil Keith Andrews upset of the and totals and the Milady Hill A lough Stat i nil lei ACTON LADItS Oct The Rank took the first game from Far mi by pins then went to town and wound up three game winner Heading up the Kooy Bryan Utile Jake Van 207 and Deanna McDowell with a solo topped the Soakes trundling Top trio for Hollers were 1 hi LcSucur Hum Mathews 564 and GAHDtN by lupins and a tougher one in the finale by 3 Top trio for Cameos were Ilea Anderson Jean and Barb Wilson 482 also not into the all or nothing net when they met up with the amity Store The Iggas after winning the first canto by pins easily wrapped up the next two Top trlcounters for I A were Nan Hurst WO Ina Mellon and Linda McDonald 160 Best tor family Store were Betty Harrington 160 185 and 1 163 League standing Bank Itoutlque 19 1 A 18 Family Store 15 arms 14 Clothing 12 THURSDAY TOPPiRS October Shamrocks were a triple winner from Buttercups who made In the second and third only to lose by and pins In order Heading up the Shamrock trundling were Joyce Adams McKlnnon and Maine Meecham best were Shirley Thomson Donna Staves 460 16 and May IBl The Silly Si were a two and totals winner who won the middle one pin Top trio for Silly Six were Jenny Colleen and Joan Tons for Ihc Rebels were orlcS88244 Betty and Jennie It was a point split for Ding A Lings and Bluebells Bluebells won two games and the Ding A tings rang the win bill for a big one In the middle canto to take the singleton for totals up he Bluebell roll Mary Beryl Id and Audrey lllanchard Top trie Meadows Bees for a three game win Along with their total pintail of the Golfers picked up a healthy points The Bees pintail was good for points Heading up the Golfers roll were Don Wilkes Jim Timleck 300 and Ron Shannon 306 Getting the mcntlonables tor the Bees were Bob Hall and George Archibald 2 Dominion Hotel with a pintail plus a two game win from Aeton Lanes were good for points With a roll the lanes picked up points Pacing Dominion acfforla were Bill Anderson Jack Could 287 and Ceorgc Nunc 700 265 Top trio for Acton lanes were Dee 2611 Conway and Ken Reliable Taxi and Store each picked up 36 points Reliable getting theirs a of 3413 plus a two game The pintail of a along It s pa off Top tricounters for Reliable wire Jeff 27B Phil 708 271 and Don best were Bill Shannon and Irimo Sen nek for to oil 47B Langlols 453 and it 201 Tops for Alley its were Syl Chasslon Donna and Jerry Buchanan 1571 Speedy were anything but that agatnn the pmoncrs although they did manage l the middle Itlp games and Ml rd Loll John lleaulleu5 and rndenntng headed up the n Top for Speedy were he lop spot w Andre M 201 I p there of Time were Jnhn two and II 554 1191 still tor Tigers after Oct Wildcat made with a three game win the Mud Lucks expense with Larry Douglas Dolt Van Steve Al kin son and Sony a Wyga heading up the hit parade Top for Mud Lucks were Voskamp John Van 258 and Bryan Hammond 183 Eagles took the first two from Hot Shots but Hot Shots came through In the finale with a big enough win to take totals by 4 pins Top trio for bogies were Mike Joe Jenny 493 ill and Floyd Hammond Making the most for Hot Shots were Jake Van Ken Parish MIXLD Oct Misfits on the strength of triple win from took over the top spot Porte Gerry Landry and win efforts were headed up by Bob Snyder 536203 Listen Adams and Porte ll was a split for and the Whips winning the first game by and the last canto by grabbed the singleton for tolali when they won the middle by plenty Top trlcounlera for Whlpa were BUI Fabran 241 Bill Gentles and BUI Ml bourne 527 For Cliff Wedge 722 358 Joyce Adam jean and Dunne 161 were beat League standing Misfit 10 Cannon balls Nitwits 9 Whips 4 PATIENTS OF the Kelly Nursing Home south of Acton posed for the Free Press camera before going on a bus trip to view the beautiful fall colors Friday afternoon The trip was made possible through the generosity of the Georgetown Transportation Company and driver George Williams Staff Photo Items How Come You Do Me You song Major i THANKSGIVING was peaceful holiday in Acton LEGION church parade here Sunday Do Do Do might well be the theme I Dan Bawling In the last Thursday eve Don started off with a spare then struck out for a hot game The Ironic pit of It is Don started off hla second game with three strikes In a row So there It Is fourteen strikes In row and not a perfect game a lough luck close battle In the weekly Beat the Champ trip Phil Southen with a 710 and Bill Shannon wllh a qualified for the right lo challenge champion Jack the Ripper Gould In the championship roll Shannon posted a G68 while and Gould carried it to the last ball in the last frame with getting TOO and Gould still winner and champion edging out a win a Ivy Mar of I league and one of our Junior coaches getting around on crutches recovering from operation on her knee Steve Major league and tournament director of our up and about but moving slowly after that knife on his back noY BC bowling report this week due to press secretary BUI Gentles being away for Ihc long week end but we have the results of the C Doubles championships Bantam Girls 2 games Including handicap Wendy Gerberleln and Patty lire Bantam Boys Bill and Ronnie White Senior Girls 3 games including handicap Coltevn and Valerie 1281 Senior Boys Guy Payne and Dan 1509 Junior Girls 3 games Including handicap Teresa ana Karen 1239 Junior Boys Ken Swan and 1262 In the Junior boys doubles we ran out of boys and with one extra girl on the roster the draw paired Debby with Ken Turned out to be a winning FALL BAZAARS are starting BRUCE Trail hiking luring many these days CHILDREN ARE wearing mittens and parkas this week CAMERA problems wiped out same of our pictures this week THE pressing need la for less publicity on how to stay young and more on how to grow up THERE seems to be construction all over town- houses roads and sewer lines Heavy equipment was even operating on Sunday HERES something you Just can avoid October to 1G is National Environment Week DURING Communion at St Joseph church in a week ago Sunday a baby fell feet down an air shaft He was extricated rushed to hospital and found to be unharmed COLIN Smiilie has been appointed to fill the vacancy on Milton council left by the death of Councillor William Woods Mr Woods who has relatives in Acton died September after months on council AN organized has at least six phoney Ontario Hydro cheques in and police there have issued a warning to banks and merchants 1 1VP to seven wolves have been seen near Waterloo Wellington airport They re becoming a hazard to aircraft but officials notice this airport isn infested with rabbits or groundhogs as some are and maybe it because of the wolves Coric Maxwell On Monday October 4 two busloads of students by Mr Sansom Mr and Mrs K Fills and Mrs J Woodburn to Stratford to see Shakespearean play Macbeth The started at in the impressive theatre and around JO p m The actors presented pictures of greed courage and honor Varied opinions wltl varied comments on the performance some students thought it was some like the other plays that they had seen better some the discussion period at the end and some students under stand Mr teacher disagreed with the interpretation of the play he thought it should be more sinister but he liked the fantastical scenes with the ghosts A common complaint was the difficulty in hearing everything clearly caused by the distance to was sponsored by the stage and the usual noises of student count any crowded place The fourth of October was also the first day of the student assistance program goal of this program is to encourage students to make unselfish use of their time by helping other young fit is the aim of need extra help Some teach art math supervise lunch s correct work or any Jobs the teacher can done flic students who ire participating In this course will otic noil credit and a letter of ritoirumnditloii Hie of this mi are Mr who Is overall and who also in charge of Sunshine School Mrs Hums who Is in charge of M Dennett school Mr Swallow who is in ch of Robert school Mr I who is in charge of Acton High anil Mrs S who is In charge of attendance Mr K Black said that the are rcspondlnc well and he is pleased with the efforts of the students IjisI afternoon A S held its first ontert 1 istlng for one hour with the iroup ire Mother consisted of three and otic drummer It cost students cents or J5 with student Pie THE Satan motorcycle club roared through town Sunday morninfe The bikes were companied by a black Cadillac noise carried all over town YOU have to be sure you know the name of the person you re for this year No parties will be listed on the ballot Just names THE use of studded tires in Ontario will be prohibited this winter motorists are reminded Choice in an announcement issued by the people and this 1 Acton High students In Bennett and Robert Little public schools and also in Sunshine school In this porgram the students of A H aid the public school teachers by helping children who Mrs chairman of Ontario UNK i committee will be in Ac tun Oct will speak to pupils at both schools and will attend the s Men mcetine in the evening ERNEST Lockyer has been appointed supervisor of the Staff Training School He banking system passed WO billion Braysnaw Quite InmWkl appointed Director of ASSETS of the Canadian nking system passed billion is summer Quite a landmark combination Congratulations to the winners and the big to all the who failed to for effort make it thai winds it up once again my friend lie so amlgos and goodnlte Concord City EXTENSIVE renovations in facilities for staff and public have been drawn up for St Joseph hospital Guelph FOR the first time in history Ontario will have its own ballot boxes and they will be bright orange Previously the province Recreation Services for the Department SENIOR students at Ontario School for the Deaf Milton heard the East candidates at a special meeting The candidates remarks were signed for the students Department of and Communications The ban on further use of studs was announced a year ago after intensive testing showed their effectiveness as a winter driving aid was minimal and they caused serious general driving hazards by grlndinf ruts into pavement and obliterated lane lines AN ONTARIO Development Corporation small business term loan of has been approved for Mercantile Steel Products of Brampton The company engaged in supplying steel and steel fabrication proposes to install new facilities and equipment in order to meet an increasing volume of business Country Mart Rockwood Acton EQUIPMENT FOR FARM LAWN GARDEN RECREATION Sales Service Parts Repairs miles West of Acton OnHwy No Phone ACTON FRIENDS Identified or not the a winning effort tor three games against Hopefuls Dunne Shubrook 261 John COD and Dob MUchell were top trio in the win Best for Hopefuls were 23 Jaek U4 IBS and Anna Anderson 170 won the canto from Alley by plenty d enough pins in Al CAS a resource for children JOHN ROOT AND It sounds harsh to say If you re not part of the solution maybe you are the problem but this is what the Children Aid Society is socking out to the public on their third annual Children Aid Week Oct to a The local CAS would like the whole community to see itself as a resource for children without homes of their own especially older children One- third of the children in care of Children Aid Societies are in their teens It isn enough to have a func tioning Children Aid Society in your community says Director Irordon Ask with We can take the child In because the family can no longer function as a family Sometimes the parents ask because of temporary crisis Sometimes it done without a court order But where do we go from then We need people in the community who not only need children and want them but understand children needs foster care is learned listen to this Girl tells story Askwith shared with this paper some of the experiences written by a 15 year old girl who had been in foster care after the tragic breakup of her family Here are some of the things that griped her most- Being moved Just as you get settled Its no party being moved from one foster home to another The first foster home I was in I only stayed for one week then I was asked to leave Imnot sure that I had a fair chance in that home Being asked to give up your own name My second home lasted for seven months Then my foster father died My foster mother and her daughter decided to move to another city They said I could go with them but I have to Use their last name in front of their relatives I think I could do that Nowadays some of the most successful foster parents are only their twenties and they seem to have the knack of getting along i with teenagers because I they can still remember their own teens fairly vividly I If you think you can accept this I challenge and you want to part of the solution ring up I the Children Aid Call Milton and ask for ho me finder Disease and slowdown of growth often are serious after effects forest fires PC GOVERNMENT SERVE US WELL HIGHLIGHTS BENEFITS IN ERIN ERAM0SA middle canto went to Station Hole a took the singlet n for totals by pins Oddly enough Milady only had one shooter in the upper brackets Harry Moon with a but the payoff came in the team totals Top trio for Station Hotel were Jack Gould Andre andDoug Lockerbie League Jon Hurst and June Payne Making he mo I for ren Linda Perkins 203 Sue ltolbttk1 MS 187 and Nielsens dropped a tough middle Distributor of Home and Farm Petroleum Products Serving Acton and Since 1946 HEATING OILS LUBRICATION OILS GREASES GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL Phone 8532174 DRW ABIE OIL BURNER SALES A 44 Young St Acton ANNOUNCEMENT In line with the policy announced by Minister of Labour concerning extension of Unemployment Insurance Commission service to the public Unemployment Insurance Commission now operates a full lime service centre in the area which is open five days a week This Information Centre Is located on the third floor of the Bank of Nova Scotia Building St George s Square Guelph Telephone and Is open to the public for assistance In taming claim forms and Information concerning payments of benefit each working day from am to p SUBSlDIESon Roads Streets Bridges from 50 per cent to per cent HIGHWAY built thro area HIGHWAY 25 under construction Acton to to be extended north thro Grand Valley area to Hwy DEVELOPMENT Roads Wellington County Road built from boundary to thro Hillsburgh to Dufferin boundary Line built from Rockwood to Brucedale Erin towntlne built from Hwy to Fergus Orangeville Road NEW Public High Schools serve the area Provincial Grant estimate over per cent of cost NEW HOSPITALS built with Provincial capital grants serve the area COMMUNITY CENTRE Grants to Hall Eden Mills Athletic Fields OWRC have presented a proposal for water sewage systems in under Provincial financing where subsidies go as high as 50 per cent of cost PENSIONS for Disabled Aged Mothers Widows Single Women at years TAX GRANT per home I pensioners receiving Federal Income Supplement CAPITAL GRANTS to Farmers per farm for partnership farm per Tree for removing Dead Elms per cent OF FARM TAX paid by Province Open Roads to Market Marketing Legislation Farm Truck License Reduced Medicare 8 Hospital Premlun Combined 8 reduced No premiums for persons over or non taxable Income Nursing Homes coming Into Health Program Govt paying daily rate above Health Unit Serves Area subsidized by I Provincial Grants Conservation Authorities heavily subsidized Age of Maturity lowered to ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS SUPPORT THE DAVIS GOVT IN I D I VOTE TO REELECT I I

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