Violent objections heard 4H hike Closing Erin high School wedding trips in news Wednesday October B7 About 300 people packed Erin Legion hall last Wednesday evening for the crisis meeting called to discuss the proposed closing of Erin high school Violent objections to the plan were heard from elected representatives and citizens Erin students at the meeting in large numbers did rut present their case then but indicated they would take It to the next meeting of Wellington Board of Education Monday The board has proposed transporting the 301 students of Erin high school to where there Is a greater range of options Erin Reeve James Mundell said the councils of Erin Village Erin Township and Hillsburgh had met Tuesday of last week and were firm In their decision to not agree under any circumstances to the high school closure Students would have to travel a minimum of miles to and from Guelph every day of every week of every year That Is Just too much They would be unable to attend any school functions and be robbed of any conununity spirit We want our school declared Mr Heartache James P OConnor arranged the vindictive non- political meeting to demonstrate to our elected representatives the established In our community by this crisis He outlined the frustration felt In the Erin area over education Citizens felt let down by previous decisions on Ospringe kinder garten and the transfer of Principal Brown Now there was great heartache over the idea that Erin would also be losing its high school Connor presented a four page brief to the school board It stressed the wasted time involved In busing students to and the weakening of association with the home community Civic pride was Involved In the high school which was built by the community The high school was an Incentive for Erins growth and there should be continuity In keeping the high school for Erin dejtlned to become a large community Erin tolerance One can ask if the feelings of the people whose children are being educated are being con sidered said Dr OConnor Perhaps the board was beginning to take advantage of the tolerance of Erin Citizens were beginning to feel helpless under the present system of education Eliminating a small community school in favor of a wider variety of subjects was contrary to the spirit of the Hall- Dennis report Erin people were considering the total education of their children extracurricular and community Involvement as well as academic People feel that these broader aspects of education can be better served In a smaller community high school rather than In a large Impersonal monolith concluded the brief Tells reasons Director of Education Alfred outlined the facts which led the board to Its decision Although he personally favored building one large complex to serve Erin and Eramosa he didnt think there was any chance of getting department of education approval He pointed out the board hadnt closed the door on the alternatives and the Erin proposals would be taken into account when the serious consideration Is being undertaken Reeve Lloyd Lang of Erin Township said there were children In the township who had to travel over 20 miles to get to Erin let alone adding another 23 miles to their journeys to get them to Guelph He warned the audience that the final solution might involve a compromise location for facilities Trustee Gordon said he was certainly not In favor of transportation proposal Trustee George Day said the needs of both Eramosa and Erin had to be considered It would be unfair to bus Eramosa students presently attending schools twice as far to an Erin school to make up a viable student complement Minimum John Root MPP looked for a solution that would provide the best possible education with a minimum of transportation and expense The audience bombarded of with questions Mr said growth at Erin high school this year was negative and nine per cent below projections He agreed that county boundary lines which precluded bringing students to Erin from Halton Peel or fcrin were not administratively logical and the board had been protesting these lines Reeve Mundell said Premier Bill Davis had promised to review county boundaries if they didnt work and if he hadnt given such consideration he can start right now with Erin Options Principal Erin said the talk of options did not apply to academic students who were limited to a small group of options He wanted a school kept In Erin where rural students could be educated In a rural environment Mr Honwell countered by pointing out per cent of high school students werent going on to university They were the majority who needed the rich variety of options available in larger schools Yes and we hope to sec those facilities In Erin said Mr Finn i And why can we have them here asked one questioner A former J Ross CV1 student said Erin students at that school were amazed at the facilities but they couldnt use them as they had to catch their buses back home Disrupt economy A minister pointed out that taking rural children off the family farms for longer periods each day would disrupt the rural economy and could cause youngsters to cut short thelr Many people had gone to live in Erin to get away from cities and to a place where there was a selfsufficient community life Removing their school would start the dormitory process Jack board vice- chairman revealed he had been disappointed with the majority decision of the board to seriously consider closing Erin school The basic idea that started the original study was to Improve the substandard facilities In Erin and he felt that a major con had to be to stop the Erin drop out rate already the highest in the county Other questioners suggested the Erin students presently going to Guelph schools be returned to Erin as the nucleus of Ihe larger viable unit They did not see why should get new to house Erin students and Erin left without a school at all Youvc dealt with statistics and not the human element We don t give a damn about those statistics We arc concerned about our children shouted an Erin resident to an uproar of applause Henr hear said Mr Hanwell By Mrs A Benton Mr and Mrs were guests at the Arsenoult Law wedding at the United Church Huttonvllie on Oct The bride is Mrs Glsby niece The Steady Readies 4H girls met at the home of assistant leader Mrs Ron Clow on Saturday Roll call An interesting place I have visited The girls hiked on the conservation property seeing the old kilns and crossing the creek went down the old radial line where they hod a view of the valley Back at the meeting place they recited their pledge and Eden Mills discussed How are you meaning signs of good health Colors beautiful Mr and Mrs A Benton visited Mr and Mrs Allan at Gooderhnm over the weekend The autumn colors were beautiful especially south of Presentation Mr and Mrs Fred recent newly weds were honored at a presentation in I imehouse Memorial Hall on Friday evening After calling the couple to decorated chairs on the stage Mrs Bert Benton read an dress on behalf of the community welcoming Susan and expressing the good opinions of Fred Mrs Hale Mrs Bert Benton and Frank Hale presented the gifts of the community a vacuum cleaner a games table four chairs and a sum of with a suggestion that it be used towards the purchase of a food mixer Fred thanked all and we joined Jolly Good Fellows SilverWood Several passed the plentiful lunch to round out on enjoyable evening Mr Glen Scott and Joe Stephen and Glen motored to Pennsylvania and back by camper recently Services at were withdrawn on Sunday on account of the anniversary at Knox Georgetown Rev John Murray of Milton will preach next Sunday October Mitchell Noble Mills and Kirkpatrick enjoyed a motor trip to the Forks of the Credit to view the autumn colors and lunch after all arranged by the Glen Williams United Church Read labels in French Four fly up to Girl Guides 148th anniversary Ebenezer church Mrs Ron McLean David Nicholson of Presbyterian Church was the special speaker at anniversary on Sunday His topic was The Work and Worship of the Church Our world is fast becoming a postChristian world this is startling because the basis of education is a Christian philosophy We cannot depend on our public school system to teach our children Christian morals Die mam purpose for which the exists is to witness to the world of the gospel of Jesus Christ Mankind has a capacity to worship which no other living creature has We must be able to acknowledge the ab solute worth of the one we worship By ourselves without any outside assistance we are unable to worship the one who created us We must accept by faith our lard us God gift to the world We will no longer regard the worship of God as a duty but a gracious privilege A worshipping church will also express concern for Its neigh bors If Christianity Is to survive we need a fresh revelation of the greatness of God Fowl upper W is planning a turkey supper for Oct Everyone welcome from till Mrs Ward the president We Specialize In Floor Covering CELANESE CARPETS ARMSTRONG VINYL C0RL0N VINYL FLOORS Or Your Choice Of FLOOR TILES FROM ARMSTRONG DOMINION FUNTKOTE LAKEVIEW CENTRE opened the C W meeting with a verse Im thankful The roll call was answered with a verse containing the word sheaves It is planned to hold the Christmas meeting at Bezek Centre It Is hoped to have Mr Harold Kitchlng show pictures of his work next month Mrs agreed to take the vacant post of vice- president Mrs E Ward to continue another year as president Program The conveners for the evening were Mrs A Diamond and Mrs Mrs Diamond read a selection Let us be thankful Mrs read the scripture from Psalm Mrs Weideman and Mrs McLean read appropriate items Mrs Munro took the topic on Trinidad It is the second largest West Indian island It has a population of thousand In it was ceded to Britain and in 1962 Trinidad and Tobago gamed independence 77 per cent of the population is nonChristian mostly Hindu Mrs Munro told the story of a boy who had been raised to work in the sugar cane fields and who derived an education He was torn between the desire to go back to the city and the feeling that he should return home and help educate his less fortunate neighbors The Sunday School is holding a en party on Oct 30 Erin stays open Erin high school will not close At Us meeting Monday Wellington county school board decided against the proposal which had provoked so much opposition 300 young people were faced with the prospect of travelling to Guelph each day to high school The board decided Instead to embark on a study to Improve the secondary and elementary school facilities In Erin and The Board has come to the right decision said Reeve James of Erin This move tonight removes any feeling that the Board might be riding rough shod over the people This Is a trig Improvement for our children The students were also reported to be jubilant They presented a brief favor of retaining the school The staff also presented a brief The board debated two hours before a packed gallery By Mrs Wright Leslie Chamberlain Trudy Linda Ramsay and Shiela flew up to Guides on last In an impressive ceremony attended by the division commissioner Mrs and brownie leader trainer Mrs Brown Owl Mrs Ann Jackson welcomed the guests who included Mrs J Chamberlain Mrs Anna Wilson Mrs Mrs C Ramsay Mrs Mis Mast and Mrs Ted Harden who tested the Guides for hostess badges After the flying up ceremony Mrs addressed the and Snowy Owl Eva Stevenson led the girls in rousing sing song and games Coffee Juice and cookies baked by the guides were served a delightful evening came to a close Out of hospital Mrs William Mclean has returned home after her sojourn in hospital Mr and Mrs Wright Mrs Beryl Wright were guests of Mr and Mrs Gary in Sunday Mrs Anna Wilson was in Moorcfield on Sunday guest of Mr and Fred By Mrs George Burt I ladies met at the home of Mrs Don Lindsay for the October meeting There were 14 members and two visitors present The girls and some of the mothers also attended the meeting Mrs president opened the meeting with the opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect The roll call was answered by A Household I read in French which quite a few were able to do Buy book It was decided to purchase a book Ontario Women W I Story for the branch Short course on Fashion for you will be at Mrs Campbell home on Nov District Day will be at the Master Feeds Research building on Nov with a speaker from Brampton Mrs will be the delegate to the convention in on Oct Mr3 Don convener of Education had as her program Mrs Harding and Mrs Thompson from demonstrate how to make a turkey roll This was very Interesting The meeting closed and a delicious lunch served by the committee We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Gordon Smith also of the illness of Mrs Smith meeting We went to Mr3 Clows home on Saturday morning The first thing we did was talk about Health and Good Looking eg hair skin eyes Then we went for a hike in the provincial park in Ijmehouse We saw some of the places like the shooting gallery Then we came back and had cookies and milk GO BUY CANADA SAVINGS BONDS YIELD AN AVERAGE 7 WHEN HELD TO MATURITY Toronto Dominion the bank where people make the difference Ok Left get down to Fact is werethe largest most experienced snowmobile manufacturer in the world Heres why NUT IKAL BALANCE OKI QUALITY BUILT lull Our c senility Each modem nrH is checked on trie the Enough on track tick ry checked nut TNT by your It traction and gn Nordic machines on on lor mi t tt slock turns heat last to keep models and winter These are iust a few of the FACTS If you want ALL the Facts go lo your Ski Doo dealer and pick up our page Facts book skidoo72 has more going lor you MURT ALLISON SALES and SERVICE No Highway Wett of Georgetown 8775250 Milton Marine Sports 25 Commercial Street Milton 8786521