The Free Press Wednesday October 20 ACTON SABRE COACH Bill Diwkins and manager Bob check over a list of prospects during the Junior D team first workout at Memorial last night The first workout hopefuls Stiff Photo and from the world of sport by Denis The locil hockey scene will have refreshing new look this Season is a result of several interesting developments since the last chunk of ice melted in the April First commend moe wis the formition of Acton Sabres Junior Hockey Club the result of many meetings of Interested during the off seison After some initnl struggling for much needed financial support the wis to obtim sponsor A strong experienced executive his ill the ice arrangements for the team entry into a new 0 HA Junior group and for the first time since the season Acton will have a junior hockey team entered in whit appears will be a solid league Second development wis unexpected and unfortunate That was Acton Tinners decision to sit out the upcoming 0 HA B The teim executive was all set to when they found out four of the five teams they played with yeir hid either folded or applied for entry to other groups With no other group within reasonable driving distance Tanner officials had little choice but to suspend operations for this season at least In spite of their dismal record over the past three seasons Tanners hive provided hockey for locil fans for the past years at a time when the town hid no other representative team and the men who kept them together under some very adverse conditions deserve a doff of the old Let hope they 11 be next yeir Third probibly most importint event occurred last week The Acton Minor Hockey Association applied for a to the Waterloo- Wellington league and the transfer is approved by the H A Acton minor hive unquestionably been overmatched AAA centres the league and side effects have been Continual drubbings suffered by Acton have produced an unnecessary defeatist ittitude the boys ind even caused some who are 0 M HA pliycrs to drop back to the house league Plij in new league against teims from towns the same size is Acton should give these boys i brighter outlook on hockey again Te ims like Fergus Elmin ind New Hamburgh won be pushovers by meins but competition should be much closer Need coaches for basketball Coaches and managers are urgently needed lo with the M C A bos basketball program Games will be Monday Tuesdav nights at M Bennett school nights at Robert Utile school and Wednesday nights both schools Since and managers will not be able to be present iv rj its very Important substitutes be available Anyone interested in helping out is to contact program or din a tor Mary at Acton minor teams join new league Acton five 0 H A hockey teims novice pee wee bantam midget and Juvenile will play in the Waterloo Wellington league this season along with Fergus Elmlra Flora New Hamburg and Erin Kitchener teams are also entered The local TriCounty Minor Hockey Association application for transfer from the TriCounty league to the Waterloo Wellington group was approved by the OMHA executive in Toronto Friday night Approval was granted on the condition that Alton rem In the Waterloo Wellington troup and not re apply or trinsfer back to the Acton president Don in executive members conferred with OMHA executive member Al Moore and Waterloo Wellington president Pi arson of New Hamburg amusement to send a delirium to the next league inictine in I lora Wednesday October Acton ice times were telephoned to league secretary Kurt of Flora Sunday Mr said he expects the league schedule will begin about the middle of November Number of scheduled games will depend on the number of entries in each age group year the league had seven tenmi In novice and pee wee six each in bantam and midget and four in juvenile towns I lmirn and Fergus arc In the A classification New Hamburg and Acton are and and Flora are D Calibre of play in the Waterloo- Wellington league Is Improving every year Over the past three seasons Waterloo Wellington teams have captured nine of OMHA playoff series with Acton teams and hold 14 advantage in games won to new group marks the end of Acton membership in the TriCounty Minor Hockey Association which dates back to the 165960 season when Acton midgets won the Trl County midget title Ac ton executive decided to pply for the transfer after the league executive voted not to allow Acton bantam and midget teams permission to play second teams from AAA centres like Burlington Oakville Brampton and instead of the major teams from those towns Acton teams have ab sorbed constant shellackings from the AAA major teams Ft AAA classification is for towns of or more papulation Orange and Fergus were also previously County members Rockwood Seniors retain Intercounty championship club winners lAicky winners In last weeks and club draw were Bill Titui Jim Lindsay Pete Turkoaz Seniors defeated 31 last Tuesday night behind the hurling of John Salmon to capture their second straight Fastball league championship won the regular season pennant by a slim one eamc margin over Rock wood ousted Fergus and Hespelcr in the league quarter finals and won the best of seven final series four games to two Salmon capped off in outstanding season with one of his best efforts After John singled in the fourth he retired the final 16 batters he faced in order Onlyoth Norval base hit was a third Inning triple by Hugh Williams Williams eventually scored the only Met run when Paul Robinson reached first on Walt Jeffries error Salmon fanned eight batters Big guns and Jim Thatcher provided the offensive rapping out a pair of hits apiece knocked in two of the three Rockwood runs with a double and triple in three at bats Thatcher singled twice and Rockwood averages finished with a fine team batting average compiled over 60 regular and playoffs games Vic led the team with a 366 mark Harry Barber who was third with had a remarkable plate appearances an average of close to five per game He had 87 tuts tops on the teams A of individual averages follows scored the first run on double In the fourth second on Mike Kcllcy sacrifice took 10 lead in the Harry Barber belted a lead off raid scored when Vic was second when 111 singled double then two were out on an error moved to is WnltJctfries tripled In the fifth John losing pitcher John reached on in error ind scored Salmon walked advanced to recorded four strikeouts Pigf pea for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER If th IN Thing to do CO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES JohnThilchtr Wilt Jeffrie Jim Thatcher Chick Milne 158 a Mike 181 AND THOUGHT wc were in shipe minds the workout in Guelph Acton hockey hopefuls list night The trio were among Bnd Timbers ind Dile chinged their phyers who showed up for the initial workout Sabre workout attracts Acton junior Sabres took to the ice for their first workout at Memorial Gardens last night Tuesday Coach Bill and assistant John Goy put hopefuls through the paces while manager Bob Marshall took notes from the sidelines Most of the workout consisted of conditioning drills Four goalkeepers including Craig Weldon and Willie who played last season with Acton Juveniles Mike from juveniles midgets took turns rubber Defence crew Rank and Brad Timbers who played for three lions with juveniles headed the con indent defence prospects Mel ill from nucleus Ken Hirmcr from juveniles also played defence or wards working out Included isher Pete Morrison and li who played together as a line with Acton midgets last season Danny Mctillloway from Acton midgets K ly Fvans from Milton juv Tom Collins of John Jordan Bruce Cooksley and Ted Muelbacher three recruits from the midget house league a pair of first year midgets Billy McGilloway and Ken Withers team will work out at Memorial Gardens again next night October at 10 p m Ice should be available in for subsequent practices Any players wishing to try out are more than welcome Most of the pi found their own tr importation to Guelph for last night workout but any who are unable to find a ride should call Bill Daw kins at or Bob Marshall at Coaches and Managers Legion House Hockey League CONTACT JOHN TOEBES AT 8532646 ALSO ONE MOTHER TO ACT AS STATISTICIAN FOR THE RECORDS NELSON Successful sulky sitter Acton area resident Nelson White currently the hottest on the Golden Horseshoe harness racing circuit will have a hardhitting contingent of 20 Seers and trotters bedded down Mohawk Raceway night autumn session which gets underway Monday night at 45 So far this season White has more than victories and in earnings His 23 wins are second only to Bill total of at the 36 night meet at Garden in St Catharines Nelson and his wife Debbie live on Side road in township Just west of Acton Ml BE IS a Rood reason We give you The one and only it fab i and workmanship thai oris hire Finally may men n our selection ihe largest u fan nd Slack up With it Guaiph TELEPHONE nobody but gives you a 2year track warranty CADET The new compact motoski72 the tough one I NO DOWN PAYMENT unl I snow Hies I Models all packed w performance das and I safety features that make- Ski YOUR best buy Over 300 dealers in I Ontario to serve you Bill Toth Shell Service QUEEN ST E