A lo Wd Octot 3 hears proposal for sewers water day of the Ontario Municipal Board hcnrlnj over the by Rock wood police village trustees for v ittr ind sewer services parsed dnj without eventful ipenincs Hoard four in the fourandahalf unsuitable for the terrain for the system had been updated from the time of the original proposals ht testified They were based on per cent of population hooking up to system Questioned by counsel for Gordon Miller Mr hour session at the village town Jones admitted it was reosomble to say the plans for sewage bypuss around the Conservation Area were drawn to avoid possible of the area However he said it was the opinion of his firm that a running stream below the Conservation would the treated effluent better than the slow m water above the Conservation park points were buttressed morning Wednesday and by Mr Hopkins of the and will likely finish up in the later In hearing who said the wn mi has a much belter for the sewer and assimilative capacity below Uie iter installations were made to conservation park since It ill testify for the village trustees and were in turn cross examined by counsel for the Hot k wood and area Resident and Association Almost people crowded Into the hall for the morning hearing but by die moon the crowd was cut by half I he he the York show Fred and Kerschtmnns look of 29 birds the S for the two shows Most of them were prize winners it both shows Thev combined the shows with two week Although I fits been the show times this wis the first time he Ins visited tin St Stiff Photo NORTH OUTDID the south this at the Fur in when this bird owned by Fred Kontner of Acton was judged grand ctnmpion bird of the leghorn show over I others A consistent winner it poultry shows throughout and the Fred also walked off with the award for grand champion bird it the Eastern leghorn show in York Pennsylvania Close to 1 birds were entered in the Suggest plebiscite on extension of franchise Water Resources Commission by the Township of r on behalf of the village trustees and the well worn history of the proposals were trotted out iinn or the hearing Review history v is the first witness reviewing events Uiat led up to in the proper at the behest of township counsel B Alleged pollution in treat from are is of ill ifec wells started trustees moving continually The upstream pond was stow and slujLish and could stagnate since there was little oxygen traasfer also said the bypass would ensure any plant upsets would not affect the conservation are if the pipe by passed He hud figures on stream Mr asked for based on a stir Mr Hopkins said he is not of studies to of correcting At the next rtular November Acton council will be asked to vote on a motion made by Councillor Peter irks which asks Are you m fivor of extending the rifht to vote at municipal elections for members of council to ill persons of the full of years who are British subjects and who have resided in the municipality for at least one year in accordance with the Municipal Act Marks motion was at recent idministration committee Councillors Marks and Coats voted in favor of it but Reeve and Mayor opposed it Tuesday Murks he hoped the question could be put to the people in the form of plebiscite He pointed Out a survev taken by the deputy reeve indicated ilely per cent of Ac ton reside are not eligible to vote in murucipil elections because thev do not own real estate or meet rent piunc requirements right Most of us were elected within a per etnt nnjonty these pcoplt could influence the outcome of in election and I feel have initio Marks said He d out pe cent of the town business is now being done Willi provincial grants tint en those who are landowners or tenants art ex to this in one form of provincial or another In idditun whether i in ikes il not should not be considered ill import I hue in many who contribute to the community in itlirwiys as working for service clubs ht Need time louneill Maiks chairman for committee of the whole recoiniml the of Marks motion but fell count 1 would need time to the nutter before on it uneillor in snd he w mill oppose an immediate on the question on the basis si numbers didn know it Marks he had stated his feelings on it at a month ajo and said he felt council id now id a month to think it If this motion w is lo us like or to be done about it 1 ind up near the I on it tonight reeve it Me s Now wt re eoui to di euss here people nn not uit he 1 discuss pie r m not irks replied ussinn councillor Jack Greer felt councillors should first tike the tune to discuss the with constituents and their on the question be they can us some this i idea he s Councillor Bill Cents who supported the Mirks at committee said hi see the to nuke a decision tonight but sec putting it oft for an indefinite period of tunc Council fin illy decided to Libit motion and hav it brought up lor i vote at the next meeting Obviously irked by the amount of spent discussing questions and the brevity of inmates of the committee meeting Councillor r h id irtuic shot for thinking situ Witnesses following included llirry Jones of Woodstock I Consultants of the proposed Rock wood sewage and water system Mr Wilson of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Al Cooper of the OWRC and Robert Hopkins assistant district engineer of ill wt to last witness before adjournment fustics sjj the minutes of at p lint ire very costly M points revealed by the Hi suLcisled council various witnesses included save per item rites by Mr Jones testified that he felt shelving the sewer and water proposals when there is not enough were the best that could be devised and was confident the sewage treatment plant would do it it was supposed to do With the help of a large wall map he the proposed system wtUi its lift station and bypass iround the Conservation Area He snd excavation costs for the project would be in Rock inn int business to Defect gas leak i leak detected in lir corner of Church Sis and company repur crew was tailed out The fissured rock but would still recommend the proposed plan they were sure it would cure Ills Duplication Ratepayers counsel Miller pressed Mr Jones to say he was instructed under the terms of reference to by pass the conservation park and that a force main would be unnecessary if the treatment plant was located in the river valley instead of the proposed site adjacent to the tracks Miller estimated the extra cost involved for the lift station and feet of oversize pipe Is the whole business predicated on Rockwood growth Jones was asked He inswercd yes During his turn as a witness Mr Wdson of the O W C noted there had been meetings with municipal officials concerning the projects since October 1966 He outlined costs both projects were payable over wood of rock and y and a per cent subsidy and members recommended both water and sewers be installed instead of one or the other to save money It would be easier and less costly to s m by ill both systems at once he Hie pipe had apparently testified pointinc out water only would not clear up septic tank problems and much water is for sewage system No lagoons Mr Jones dismissed the lagoon method of sewage treatment as too costly for Rockwood and rep is result of trtnehinf for the storm sewers there Hie surf ice on Bower is rep following stwer instillation More foundations for homes ire in on Churchill Road ROBERT R HAMILTON O D OPTOMETRIST ew Road GOODLETS briefs school groups are the count museum MOST the elections signs taken down dotsnt sov so but it seems en is to be on are moving unto their new apartments now and stoves are supplied They are finding their new pleasant of of newlvwcds hope to a few days of good out of trick or tretlinc Saturday pennies really help Indeed they do Hero are some examples will provide vaccine to protect a child against smallpox will provide 12 assorted crayons for a daycare centre 25c will provide a baby chick or an Applied Program will provide cakes of soap will provide enough fish to stock three vdlage fish ponds SHERIDAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY IN CO OPERATION WITH THE ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF MILTON will offer the following courses at The Ontario School for the Deaf Milton All courses are General Interest Courses Credit Courses be conducted on a Thursday from 7 p m commencing October and will run for nights until March Classes will be small and registration will be based upon a first come first served basis Enrollment is limited with deaf students given first preference all courses Reg may be made by mail or on the first night COURSES Language For The Deaf Typing Deaf Students Only Keypunch Training English or New Canadians Deaf Students Only Total Communications Woodworking finger spelling and sign language Machine Shop Practise Sewing Welding Crafts Auto Body Repair At Home Entertaining Mechanical Drafting Personal Grooming Offset Printing Gym REGISTRATION FEE Letterpress PER COURSE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Sheridan College Continuing Education Division 1430 Trafalgar Road Oakville Phone Oakville The Ontario School for the Deaf Milton Phone pointed out would be for both sewers water However if a householder connect chorees In a lump sum over a one period the rate would drop to Interest on the borrowed for the projects would be per cent Mr Wilson costs for up the system could be because of the rock even hiLh us foot but pointed out circumstances would differ for each household More Under questioning he said It his opinion that it would be more costly to drill wells or jest ill 1 septic tanks ttuin to hook up to J sewiife or vviiter of the stifled that el in it ion of all tanks wouldn t clear up village wells because contaminated ground water would still seep He reviewed surveys that detected polluted wells in the village noting the County Health Unit Informed home owners of the conditions Despite this be said the situation not worse Cooper said his department detected no stream con ta mi nation and there was very little if any pollution the I ramosa at Hoc k wood He told the hearing there was no people could foe forced to clean up wells Much of Information at the hearing was a rehash of Information mentioned these columns flic continued Wednesday but it is not likely the will decision on the east for at least two months UNICEF walkathon collection plan A fir will start the ill en celebrations litre on Hit walkers from ides our to are siyimt up sponsors this week for the mile trek from Orion back bo the schools comes word en will be observed nicht Youngsters many of them In the grades under four lire up for the familiar UNIC1 I- boxes They II be collecting door to door that the boxes back in to school on Monday At Robert Utile School a hot doc day on was arranged with the profits debated for tht United Nations Children bund Supervision Men will be supervising the manntnt food booths Walkers ire to meet at thcM Bennett school at for transportation to the walk point on the road north of art booths arranged with food and drink every five miles cars will on the road all tunes and there will be crossing guards at Highway and at Public School and Ann at liri will be open with washroom facilities Get orders All the trckkcrs must on the left shoulder of the road oncominc traffic and will nil be picked up at clock the main lobby of the M Bennett school Is the finlshlnK point In ease of rain the walk is postponed to the next Saturday HOMEOWNER LOANS HO fiy SI Toronto on sewers 48 per cent on Annual charge for an average householder in he 3M STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS Coisair 69 Clipper 99 Super Sterling Electric 179 to I CALENDARS FOR 1972 CANADIAN SCENES WILDLIFE SHEAFFER BALL PENS Special Value JO Other line to SO ATTACHE CASES Several Colors Personalized WRITING PAPER ENVELOPES an Acceptable TYPEWRITER ADDING MACHINE RIBBONS Vinyl Underarrr PORTFOLIOS Several Colors ART SUPPLIES By Reeves BALL PEN REFILLS for the Popular Makes ADDING MACHINES bySCM Prrced From 10995 and up STATIONERY