Seventh Yei Alton ontar o Wednesday November Crash kills well known youth A NEW SIDEWALK constructed recently on Cobblehill Road will make it safer for youngsters like young Danny shown here with his bicycle Staff Photo A man from the area lost his life in a traffic accident Sunday if ternoon on the Cnmpbeltville north of Deceased is Daniel O of 1 Campbellville son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth was his third vear of a four vear apprenticeship as a plumber at A and Sons Milton Ml is also survived b a brother Paul of Brant ford Driver injured McNabb died on route to Milton District Hospital he wis passenger in a car driven by James Mullen IB of Police the ran off the road and hit a tree stump Mullen was taken to Milton District Hospital where he is treated for a head and shoulder injuries Hospital of report he is in satisfactory condition Estimated damage to the Mullen vehicle wis IHISt Passenger Daniel impbellvilk went off the hitting was killed Photo by Lorraine Reeve wants gun ban but New hunter control plan success The angry plea to have stricter controls Imposed on hunting voiced by Reeve Mrs A is not consistent with the feelings of township ratepayers according to Conservation Officer Dale We had two complaints but most of the people are happy When they compare the service we offer under our land management program to what they have under the township by law the recognize the benefit of our program says Around the clock We have men working seven days a week 24 hours a day In the field check from the air as well the Inds and Forests representative told this paper At a recent meeting of council Mrs MacArthur indicated the NOTICE OF ELECTRIC RATE ADJUSTMENT Effective with all bills now being issued SCHEDULE APPLICABLE TO ACTON RESIDENTIAL RATE First 50 H per month a per K W H Next K per month 1 per W H 15 per K W for all additional monthly consumption Metered Water Heating A block of W H per month at a special rate of per W H uncontrolled is available to customers using an approved electric water heater supplied through the Residential service meter after W H per month have been billed at the foregoing rates AH Electric Rate 1st 50 5c per K H Additional I 15c per K W H Minimum Monthly Bill GENERAL SERVICE RATE DEMAND CHARGE First kilowatts of billing demand per month Nil Balance at 2 per kilowatt of billing demand per month Energy Charge 5 per W H for the first K W per month for the next K W H per month I W H for the next K per month Balance of monthly Consumption at 5 per H The General Rate is based upon service at utilization voltage where the customer provides transformation facilities the authorized allowance of per K per month for stepdown from voltage and per K W per month for from distribution voltage with apply Minimum Monthly Bill Under 50 Over W per W FOR ALL K W applicable to the maximum demand during the previous eleven months There is no small commercial rate These II come under the general rate DELAYED PAYMENT A late payment charge of percent shall apply to bills not paid on or before the due date Acton HydroElectric Commission ALICE STREET ACTON ONTARIO township should change their by law to permit only landowners to hunt on their own land A program introduced into Nassagaweya this year provides an opportunity for landowners to sign an agreement with the Department of Lands and Under the program landowners allow hunters to hunt in one portion of their property while the Department signs off another portion of the property as a restricted zone Good program The Department and the Halton Sportsmen Association believe the program is a good one because it provides a place for hunters to hunt and allows the department to control the hunting ui restricted zones One of the advantages of the program is stricter penalties for violations Neither the OPP or Detachment of I and Forests will enforce the township by law but both enforce the fish and game act and the will act on the petty tresspass act The petty tresspass act carries a nominal fine while a violation under the fish and game act could mean the loss of a valuable gun on top of a licences Issued Gartley noted there were no more hunters than other years He said only licences were issued by the township We encourage a landowner hunter relationship he said To date 20 persons In the township have entered into the program and an increasing number are showing interest A total of acres are involved and of that 500 approximate CI- NT it the corner of Mill and Park blocked view of from the right on Mill St A hive Riven the corner a bright new unlink ftnet running wall sidewalk have helped the intersection on Park Ave no longer hive up Hie Staff Photo are for hunting The rest is reserved under the or restricted zone noted the program has exceeded what the Department hid Officers la charge One of the advantages of the is the landowner have to appear in court or tit person ill involved with the diaries that ire laid officers lay the entourages landowners to report of the agreement to the Often we have a ir in the and we have in the district all the time noted and Forest and Sportsmen spokesmen feel there art few problems and often those problems ire attributed to the hunters However Reeve has taken a dim look at the situation and feels a need for greater controls on the hunters The reeve has received at least two written complaints and one verbal complaint about damage done by hunters Blocks change Reeve attempted to block the Department from introducing the program when they appeared at council She convinced council not to change the by law However after seeking opinion Department officials learned a change in the by law necessary claims people in are interested in wildlife and and conservation officers have an opportunity to discuss the program with landowners many along with the program even If they don t hunt themselves TAX NOTICE 1971 MUNICIPALITY OF ACTON FOURTH INSTALMENT NOW DUE on drawn to the payment of 1971 are now payable n tour are piyable the pal at the Town of Acton Municipal Office MCA BUILDING INSTALMENTS ARE DUE AS FOLLOWS FIRST INSTALMENT MAY SECOND INSTALMENT JULY IS THIRD INSTALMENT SEPTEMBER IS FOURTH INSTALMENT NOVEMBER IS HURST Collector ACTON BADMINTON Club has begun nights Patterson and Heinz for another season Games are being are shown in this picture pi at Acton District High Monday and photo