J The November the pin at ACTON BOWLING LANES I I I in Nov IS hit Ioijiuc Itaillnit or two nd win with Vryrnhock Miry Dale HO Bryan Dunn Hob Woodcock Ms Sunn Daley on the triple Single IP tor Ihr Karl Won MI lrrrlale SliK Van Dor Deinna Utile Jake Van lint was clow took It by pins Unpen hand on finishers tor inn mil Hay TO 171 for It was Lyle PI w Id John lSU Bill Ml learners were on Ihe win brim when up Hollers won em ill ltd triple and a or Hot lit and McMlllin SOU Wii Dili INltlmTRIAl Nov 17 The Jon Hurst look on Die Icnitiio IraillnK Hotel and replaced them In top spot trio In win were Shorty Terry llludrtflU lD anil til lint for the I point win fouling up the- boy roll were Woodcock Isiicur7a and Hill Clint B7A and dearie Mil Acton Mcldnwt Service picked on or a two mil win with Terry SUM lorkcrhtc Ml 13MI ami John Ml win or were liroulllprrt Jil mil IVrklns IH lllpin were Mrtllh Arlle White r Phil Dennis Holler filled click tar the irtcounu hut coming up Mloa were I e MS ind Mian Soak Upper 19 Nov IS The running kept their top triple win from Tiger On the triple simile or Hippies anil Ml till Norton HIS Jilt Morton lop trio for were lllll Mithlei Ml Mil Hon mil Morion 3 point for nil big win In then Int out In the third by unit but the odd point for on the of bin win In the Top Iteidplni were nrlin McDouild Tripling ind for Ihc Lucky Thirteen were Tom ftoberlmn Juki Bruce mil Hoy lie finl from by loit out In finite odd point for trio for were 701 1M Loll Norton AM 233 ind Hitchcock Topi tor Hob can were Ruby 1 BUS 2I0 mil D and lli from Iete Shop who a win In the tail canto In aver were Tom llriwnlngtl the 3B9 left mlimd II by plnl up win were May Mil 3011 Al J Ml and Mike Noble wen- headed up by Ken SIB ind John Heaulleu ACTON I iradlng up the Itarb Wlhnn VO Ilea Ml and Jem SJ ItBit at for lliwit t rare lloblnnon Ml ami June Payne Mellon at landing lllppli Head Thirteen Tiger 1 lplm Unheals 12 Nov IB Illtlei hung onto hire of lop wllh a two and tot win from the hweet Peat who won the by plni then tided from the iccne up Hie roll were Sandra 1311 and Roach Top Trlcounlcn for were Mary Anderson 230 Nolan Ml and Belly lockorble up there or their shire of place a two and total win from who Carnation hid or Ihe top by by winning lax canto lleidlng up Carnations 11 were Laura Treble Janice and Norma TililiSM 119B Best or Hoses were Agnes Hetty 457 188 and Jennie 1 1951 on a win they took cm all Asters Pacing the win were Tea Hurdle 531 1B7 1 Dunn 1 and Smith 1 Top trio for Alters were Marilyn 255 Cheryl Phillips 1IW Betty Cole league llllei of Valley Carnations Gladiolus Sweet MIXED SOJ Don Perry IBS took of plicr Best for Arlstocats from Dob itt 1216 John Dunn 1ST and Ed Wood The We Did III did it they won all games from the Who Done Hi with lieorge Bruce COS Tom Shannon SOB and Mualei 51B pacing Ihr win Top trio for ho Done Its were Joan Knight Dunn and Judi Shannon 485 176 The Who Done III won the last but missed It pins Beit Even were also In on the all or nothing bit they were a three game winner when met up with the Hot Shots Wayne 1 White and Larry Knight League standing tank Cameo Family More arms 1 A Clothing 33 Nov IB Shamrocks look a firmer hold on first place a two and win from Bluebell Lennora and I oretta Best Tor were Audrey 537 2I1 and Heryl 4113 172 Buttercups came up with a triple win sotting the Rebels down or middle bill missed by pins the win were Donna Staves Shirley 158 and Terry Dawson 17n Hist In Rebels efforts were Betty and McTras Silly SI I out In the middle Lings Top for Silly Six were Joan 2061 Linda McDonald HOB and Jenny IBS For Ding AI It was Bey Joan Why and Joan 473 League shamrorks Ulna A I Ings Silly Six Rebels MAJOR Nov 1H Like Die Man River the Acton Meadows learn Just keep rolling along Coming up with a along wllh a three game win the Arlon Lanes gave the Golfers a point win A plnfall Rot the Lanes points Top trio for Meadows were Mac 864 Jim and Don Wilkes Bin Top trio for the Lanes were French Conway Dec 284 and Had JIB Dominion Hotel wllh a plnfall to go Ihrlr two game win from llintons Store got them 3D points stayed with em Their one game win plus their 1548 plnfall doing the trick Top or were George Nurse 7B3 Bill Anderson 721 and Jack the ripper Gould 718 Top trundle Nii 1871 Danism 1st 111 The Kangaroos had a good day this fine Saturday by in both games and nnicnmg totals Octopus were watching the Kangaroos they dldn t both To Snails were left al the starling point as the ran oft with all Winning the Cokes and Crush for their teams this week were Steve Lynda knight Gary Bantam Top Ten are Bert Post 2141 Allan Gary Peaji Huxley 376 Voikamp fi Peter 3741531 Faith Middle- ten 1147 DiWd Dunn Robbie Bousflcld Eddie Eddie filanchard was the most consistent Bantam bowler fur this week two fame of back to mil Wayi Arlle White Ml In Hi and totals win after dropping first 0 Alloy Cats Going with r were Bob Mitchell 182 547 and Gary KMl Alloy Cats were iln hiuslnn Gary lie 174 and Donna 172 took the go Hopefuls thr second then fell by the the hilt win by enough pins lo lor was up by Larry effort were- hick Milne Nov 10 took a fall adlng Shad of saved face annexing the by pins On the triple and single for were Don 272 Mc Mullen HOB Dan and Harry For Shades of Nov Mud threw a roadhlork at the leagueleading they thorn down winning all Heading win were utile Jake Van Dei Angles had wings clipped In the flrsl canto by Hot but go I off he ground In the second with 1 pin win and flew off wllh the finale their low first roil hem singleton or totals Top triples or Eagles came rom llnadknlght Mike Joe 1B7 and Bert for Hoi Shots were Jake Van lr Kooy and Web 184 league standing WlldLBta Hot Mud Eagles Nov 21 won all games trom Nitwits and replaced were Stove filanchard 845 213 Veil and Willy lllnden 102 Nitwits host were Inrte 208 Adama and Donna 480108 Whips whipped up a three game win mm who made a bid for middle but mined ll pins Heading win were Bill Fabian nil 553 and Greta Wedge MB Heat In Cannon ball were Wedge 273 Joyce Adimi and John 426 Una Handing MIKIta Nltwlls Whips IUDY HANCOCK lmtl eye on a cute home He Community Hall Trie made lit Cub and Scout well very held In Stuff Photo KADPIN I Archie Baddely on Inartlvi sporting 0 league live Hat Arch la on all gamea from the Cardinals Tripling and mglng Helen 721 an 1 it for Cardinals were 216 Anne Marie Moore 215 Adams and lllll Boyd Impossibles won the flrsl Iwn games from the Tiger being hard pressed win second one Tigers got the message In the for totals Making with the triples and were for Impossibles Andre Broulllard Mill Manlo cldenl there Is no truth rumour Hig Four Wyga klrkeil Larry In the leg knee as had a tripping damage However Larry la hobbling around with leg In one of those lobs and with aid of a cane Is keeping up his howling So much for ward present leaders In Lanes records are high average Marion Storey lllll Anderson high triple Marlon Storey Don Wlfkei high single Belly Choyne 148 Don Wilkes 435 Orangeville Raceway Mile Trot 30 PICK SMOKE RINGS Cochrane fi WIDOW LEE J Cindys Margaret McKenile Fin N Tropes Speedier Bovalrd Blare Again- Pollard 1 Brown THIRD RACF Mile Pace 7 A BISCUIT BOX L Nlcktc 4SCOTTY BROWN BOY T 1 Swagger Nicholson Brother Pete W Troy 3 SkinfllnlB a 1 Mary Ann Wick Single Coin Given Beyond Belief Maycocl Laurel Molr Sir r IFT1I RACE 1 Mile 4 ONLOOKER Corbet PARKED McKem 7 COMMAND H Ntghlrnp I HarsJ Ileripalh Penny lawson 8 Ima rallan Willlami Jnrko ChlefM SIXTH Mile Pace JEANNIE Wilson GRAND DUCHESS Meagens NANCY CALL Brown Duchess Dean Ace L 4 Jerrys NtghlJ Jenkins Mister Boys Goodman 7 Chips Moore Rob Hon Abe W Troy Mile Pare NOLAS III Troy 7 MEADOW RENDER Cur ran 1 2 Scotch GenesseeW Stead 4 Northwood IndlanT Ferris Chatham Chip Star Lee Over Bella Lady Eiprcai Gibbons NINTH RACE 1 Mile PaeeglAM MR Troy CAPE B Lruh 1 Infinity Curran H Armbro Moko N tin tolnls the lloios just edged them on ilher two Jennifer John Ashley Brian linen IBS Ricky Ian Flee Norma first iwt games the Knights put the winning the last game and totals The Have did not took one game Ihe other two and totals fur the In the Dave Ink venue 196 1212 Man Colic Janet Storey JiBOWL for Pleasure for Health THE ENTIRE FAMIIY CAN BOWt TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES MAIN ST N MEMBER BPAC He Vryenhoek McGtlloway Wade Knight 4SP League Standing Bantam 11 Kangaroos Crab Bears Octopus 14 Whale 7 Rabbits 2nd llv Dogs 18 Cats 14 Jailor division division In ihe Junior the Raiders got league for this week Turk for and Ibe point tor Hot bit Into the Dodo for Senior Haw Not Head pins 17 Knight 16 Spitfire It Id loll 12 WORLD WIDE SHIPPING EXPERIENCED and EFFICIENT FORWARDING SERVICE PERSONAL EFFECTS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FURNITURE MERCHANDISE IN TRUNKS CRATES OR PACKING CASES shipping CONTACT T CASS0N 8789211 Ballinafad Breakin at hall ONLY In town fur In In the Mil flKiirc In Itll tHtn couple of flinn W to a Sim I plcliircn Iml it felt nil iMiimr Mr a for ten in Locals do well at fair rti pre stilted try live competitors Itiliuan at Hie Itoyii Winter tm Keith of Milton In flmt prlno In wrtlon vtan iIiim wltli GO In tiMi I of Acton wan In ths firm with her In tho rtouh In Urn third Alicr Ill IikIkc from thi- Aiihuvi ftlinpson of Mlddlthvj County In tin- jiurcltuNctj thin for r In tho llnrlfv Iiim I Bllf Urn Acton iPltl Club plutTtl third with of Hit- Club foiirtli with liln corn ntry in W will inornlii NO In town thin week to I patient In We recovery Mr In iuclpb for dome time Minn Snow position in Toronto and In with her Diane The the Ivnne of Mm on Tuondny Mm hml Die dcvotlomii the tunic About IS intended for were lir ought In linns for the December one were in of the committee Short 111 visited Illllnn on The Scouts Auxiliary held nfteniiAH find wile nt the community centre on Suturdny The euchre on Monday Inst ten tables of euchre Sevcrol people from here attended the Hydro meeting last week A break In tit the Community Centre resulted in several vnlunble articles being taken Police Mr and Mrs are having In Hawaii Ball team party The Girls Team who made a good showing In the crosscounty finals were given a pleasant party in the Community Centre on Saturday night Mr Tom Hamilton planned the get together for the parents and the girls many of whom were really Ballinafad people Euchre were set up In the basement while the young people danced to records upstairs which was furnished by the parents was served downstairs At this time trophies were presented to the girls who had achieved outstanding merit COnKY HERBERT JEAN HARMONY 1 Lady S Wick 4 Gcldon Chief Spencer Song G Clock 8 Fargo Hanover A Avery lliroiuth out the scnHon Again in opportunity furnished for mime of our new to acquainted mid to enjoy the fntllltien furnished here In Community Mrs Kiln McKnery In visiting home of Mr nnd Mrn Norman Sinclair core The Jets team won the team 1 by ncore of 42 It was a very game all around close cheeking and excellent goals tending by Dave and Hon Cope Goals Here scored by Know lore Snow Murk Paul Hamilton Dave Union Smith There were no serious injuries If one player is absent from the tenm It mnkcii it very hard for the other on the team Choose It TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS iWiimtalnvicw Road N GEORGETOWN LOVELL BROS MEAT MARKET BED BUMP Choice WING ROAST 119 SHOULDER ROAST 791 Blade Short Rib Roast Choice boneless PRIME RIB ROAST GROUND CHUCK Small Link Sausage 69ib Fresh PORK SHOULDERS 49 FOR YOUR FREEZER RED BRAND BEEF Cut Wrapped SIDES lb HINDS FRONTS 64Mb LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Mill E Dally Delivery Acton Phone 8532240 STATIONERY Mill ST CLEARING SPECIALS SENTRY SECURITY BOXES FIRE PROOF ONLY No Bl I ONLY No B4 ONLY OH GREY FILING CABINET DRAWER WITH LOCK I ONLY Reg ONLY UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Rocondlllonod Five or Model lor SCM 809 DE1UXE ADDING MACHINE BROWN BRIEF CASES Reg J ADLER TYPEWRITER ONE ONLY NEW Special wllh Carriage Reg A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD INT ITEM FOR 1972 CALENDARS Canadian Scenes Wildlife 791 VINYL UNDERARM PORTFOLIOS MODERN KITCHENETTE S BROOMS L SWEEPING DISTANCE MILES BALLPENS PEN SETS 3 30 IDEAL FOR Ideal Jumbo Jubilee CALENDAR PADS STANDS POCKET DIARIES DAILY JOURNALS PERSONALIZED WRITING PAPER and ENVELOPES A WIDE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM Prices Start At per of each STATIONERY