Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1971, p. 4

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Consumers should complain Consumers have a right to complain when they are not satisfied with the quality of food they have purchased And it is important they complain to the right person This is what food specialists at the Ontario Food Council of the Ontario Department of Food and Agriculture say with some authority PROSPECT PARK juts into Fairy Lake almost like a fairy ship In this aerial photo by Jack Carpenter sub division is on the left of the northern arm of the lake while the business section of town can be traced straight up from the southern arm The industrial park can be seen top left along with Warren Grove and the H K Porter plant while Glenlea subdivision is easily seen top right Land in the foreground is of the Breezes while that to the left is dredging material now desolate waste Smiley My tired old eyes almost popped out and ran down my cheeks the other day like a couple of peeled grapes when I read about the increases In pay to our armed forces My God I groaned to my wife will you Men to this A buck private is going to gU a month She t impressed But she perked up her ears and turned down the corners of her mouth with my next remark And a colonel will be drawing My brother her brother In law is a colonel Out came the pencil and she started some rapid calculation In about half an hour while I sat there shaking my head with a mixture of shocked disbelief and incipient nausea she blurted Do you realize that young pup is going to be making a year I nodded morosely had done it in my head give or take a few hundred dollars eight seconds Why why that s Impossible and her voice went up an octave I just took the paper over and pointed to the cold black print It was like swallowing a horsepill without benefit of water for both of us White I had been slogging along serving humanity as a weekly newspaper editor sometimes hitting a high of 6 200 a year and later as a teacher he had been galli vantlng around to all sorts of glamorous and exciting places Aidedecamp to an Air ViceMarshal in Europe Boar hunting in Germany Commander of a fighter squadron in France Liaison off in Desk job in Ottawa Back to Europe Back to Canada to head a fighter squadron at Val d Or guarding us against the Eskimos then soft touch at Colorado Springs in the States watching the panic button and skiing week There was one bright spot in my mind as reviewed this circuit He now stuck in Sjraiusc Who wants to live in Syracuse But wife wasn finished Why didn you stay in the air force 1 gave her some lofty reply about being my own man and not wonting to wallow around in peace time on the taxpayer momy I d dn mention that the air force wouldn t have had me if World War III had broken out twent minutes after World War ended Then in the silence that followed I started thinking back When I Joined up we got a day or 40 a month I sent home a month to my mother We got paid every two so 1 had a handsome 10 to blow 1 1 never forget the unit I lost my bill about twtnt minutes after pay parade It was at Manning Pool in Toronto with about 10 a on hand The next couple of were slim pickings But I madt It borrowing That s when I started borrowing and I never caught up But it wasn t so bad reallj Beer was way I t prom the editors desk No one was really surprised when Wilfred Bucko McDonald and the late Rex Stimers were named to the eastern division of the Canadian lacrosse hall of fame last week Bucko a native of Fergus played his lacrosse with senior teams in Fergus Orillia Brampton and coached in Huntsvillc He became so good at lacrosse that the Toronto Maple Leafs of the s took him up to the National Hockey League where despite a lack of skating talent he became a Leaf stalwart on defense And of course hockey fans here remember Bucko when he coached the Sundridge Beavers to several O A intermediate hockey championships eliminating Acton Tanners and Georgetown Raiders among others to titles We remember that series when the Beavers with Bucko playing defense took a highly rated Tanners In straight games Bucko was in to watch the Tanners play Port Dover hoping to pick up a few bets by praising the Tanners observing his Beavers have much of a chance when met the Acton club in the finals There were plenty of takers Acton fans watching the Tanners take all the other teams on the championship route were confident the Beavers would be Just another patsy Bucko encouraged this outlook with sheaves of bank notes Needless to say the Beavers proved to be just as tough as the now aging Bucko The Tanners it their best shot but the tiny town of Sundr the O H A and the money bet on the Tanners So how can we forget turn REX STIMERS voice of the Niagara Peninsula Who could forget his inimitable radio voice that raised hockey and lacrosse in St Catharines to a way of life When the Watcrhouse brothers operated the pool room where Dollar Daddy is located now the of Bex St liners was heard regularly following the exploits of the Junior A St Catharines Tee Pees He brought the game alive much the way he did with lacrosse CKTB Radio was a must for fans anativeotToronto moved to St Kittsinl933 Now he s in the hall of fame in the east as well as in the west in New Westminster where they speak with awe of the voice from St Kitts Mrs R Chmay Jarvis St Fort Erie writes to say she is collecting cancelled postage stamps These seemingly worthless articles from any No matter how Inexpensive a purchase may be poor quality should not be shrugged off First go to the store manager He should be made aware of the shortcomings If the problem is not solved there write to the president of the company and outline the complaint If it is still not resolved the Ontario Food Council can try to solve the problem or find an explanation However it Is important you make your complaint to the store manager first since we have found that most with a few exceptions will do all in their power to see the quality of the food purchased is of high quality If more people would complain food quality would improve Let the cities restrict growth We sympathize with Fergus and many other small towns affected by the provincial report on water manage ment which recommends that all municipalities north of Guelph on the Speed River and above Waterloo on the Grand River should restrict growth to the greatest possible degree Why not let the boys downriver restrict their growth asks the Fergus NewsRecord in a sarcastic note Or better the paper suggests get cracking on some better way of disposing of sewage Affluent than running it down to the lake which it ruins and then buying more phosphates etc to put on the land The Fergus complaint is a familiar one of course When it comes to growth restrictions it is the small towns which are the first to receive notice while overgrown cities continue to sprawl over their borders and pollute the watersheds Why not send some of the massive metro complex to smaller places which could use the economic expansion There are incentive programs to attract industry and some companying growth to the depressed areas but the already crowded cities continue to receive the lions share of expansion and the smaller places are getting the crumbs For a government supposed to be encouraging growth away from the huge metro complex it does seem like short sighted policy as the News- Record says Smaller places are getting sick of being pawns in a game to expand the cities We d like to keep our children at home too with better jobs and opportunities We like to see them enjoy living in towns where they can have the amenities of the 20th Century and still be close to rural living The smaller towns and villages don want lo large metropolitan centres but they want to have some share In the affluent life that attracts hordes to the city Decentralization is often expounded but seldom practiced The result is cities are getting larger problems are growing bigger and the smaller places are standing still with some notable exceptions To paraphrase the Fergus paper Why not let the boys In the cities restrict their growth Send some of It to places that could use it and handle it by introducing better incentives for industry to locate in smaller centres Lets see all the games smoke Girls didn expect you to take them out for drinks dinner and the theatre They just expected you to take them out Hotel rooms were no problem on week end leave One of us would chock into the old King Eddie in Toronto and take a single room Price was with 10 per cent off for servicemen Then about five more would sneak up and six of us would share a single room sleeping three on the bed the others on the floor Average cost each We t need much sleep anyway Wages went up with each increase In rank As I recall it when I was commissioned I got about a day This was wealth beyond the dreams of avarice in those days The Australian and K of fleers envied us bitterly They were paid about half that to maintain the standards of an officer and gentleman I don envy the servicemen their increase They have a job that Is especially thankless in peacetime But if I were quite a few years younger I be running not walking to the nearest recruiting station But my kid brother is another matter I m smarter than he is though he d never admit it I could always beat him up He got his only child ed off to a wealthy Englishman He going to have a fat pension just a few years It only fair to serve notice on him that he may have long term perhaps permanent guests when he retires and picks out his villa in Spain We don like to take pot shots at the prestigious Canadian Broadcasting Corporation vulnerable to criticism But the nonsense which annoys us is the practice of blacking out Canadian football on TV and showing American football in its stead It is annoying and specially aggravating when it comes to playoffs We hear so much about increasing the Canadian content of TV and radio that we just take it for granted the CBC would be the forefront of the battle to preserve our Canadian identity Three- down football is a Canadian game although there certainly are plenty of Americans involved in it We are aware that many Canadians like the Amencan brand of football best with its four downs and innumerable timeouts but it t cut much ice with us If Hamilton and Toronto are involved in a crucial playoff game we think the fans across the country should be able to see them play or Calgary and or any other teams involved We understand much of the reluctance to show Canadian football live stems from the clubs themselves They black out certain areas to ensure the gate receipts meet the players salary demands We would expect the CBC or CTV would make an effort to get the owners to change their minds Club owners know of course that an infenor product cannot stand much exposure on the TV screen Continual exposure would mean the calibre of play would improve since fans have the American networks to compare quality Of course the crL is excited the offer from a group of American businessmen from New York who want to obtain a franchise from the Canadian league The Financial Post comments that to all of us average Canadians the American interest in our game our entertainment is surely all that is needed to convince us the CFL is really okay just like Anne Murray Mitchell Donald Sutherland and all those other Canadian entertainers who found the American seal of approval made them acceptable at home But to Gaudaur and others who still remember when hockey was a Canadian game the sudden wooing of Canadian pro football by US big money is a nightmare revisited They could like it so well It would no longer be distinctively Canadian back issues are sold in bulk by the Scarborough Fathers to companies that supply stamp collectors The money the world spoor regardless of religion says Mrs Chmay Another plea comes from CARE OF CANADA for funds to feed 28 people in countries or areas during the coming year The relief crisis created by the influx of Pakistani refugees has been compounded by floods or drought in six states of India and this places an increased burden on CARE this holiday season Contributions may be sent to The World of Nutrition Program 63 Sparks St Suite Ottawa Ont Deliveries to stricken people are made in the name of the CARE donor Final plea this week comes from the CANADA SARI appeal for Pakistani women in the refugee camps of India of which there are three million of them in OXFAM camps Their numbers are increasing daily and members of the field team stress the need for sans to cover the women especially as winter approaches is asking for one dollar per sari small sum which will pay large dividends in warmth cleanliness and protection and perhaps more important human dignity Send your donation to Sari Appeal 2S0 St West Toronto Ont years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday November 29 More than per cent of the homes were represented by more than 400 parents and interested citizens when the teachers of Acton public school staged the annual Parents Night Parents night has been in operation for years now and Mr McKeniie explains every subject and every pupil is represented in the 10 rooms A comparatively quiet nomination meeting in township on Monday leaves only an election for four councillors with J S reeve by acclamation and school trustees Stan Robinson Moffat and E Coxe by acclamation After a nineday trip across the Atlantic ocean Mrs B Hamill of Greenock Scotland arrived In Acton Sunday to visit herdaughterMrs McMillan Wallace St She saw for the first time her two grand children David and Anne Advertisement Make this a Television Christmas Admiral 17 inch table model Admiral inch cabinet with radio and phonograph 17 inch cabinet model Radio and Television comer Mill and Main Sts With nine entries in turkey classes at the Winter Fair Lorraine Farms owned by J Wolfe took two firsts and won five other ribbons Acton skaters braved the ice on the pond Sunday for the first time At Guelph Collegiate commencement exercises Leno won a scholarship Tor general proficiency and a Dominion Provincial university scholarship as well as Ms honor graduation diploma 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday December One day last week Sidney Mountain was plowing on his farm on the third line Esquesing known as the Nathan Turner farm His plowshare caught in the handle of a large brass pot or kettle the bottom of which was rusted through Digging In the vicinity revealed skulls arranged In a circle a tomahawk a lot of wampum shells and beads It is believed this was the site of an Indian burial a couple of hundred years ago The discovery immediately attracted reporters from the city papers The next entertainment in the list of the Lyceum Bureau will be the Dixie Duo two dainty southern girls Another of our esteemed residents passed away when William Allan Leishman died Friday When he was a lad of seven his parents came to this vicinity from Streetsville He learned the trade of stone mason and worked with the late John Lamb Mr Ward picked a box of straw berries on his farm The Methodist church at Everton has been purchased by the Disciple congregation Services were discontinued a THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office couple of years ago Justfto years ago this week that the first automobile was brought Into Canada The blacksmiths are having their innings this week On Monday and Tuesday the horses which were not sharpshod suffered 75 years ago Taken from the Issue tbe Free Press Thursday Decembers 1891 A number of small boys sons of very respectable parents are engaged in selling the approaching the obscene papers published in Chicago etc These filthy sheets pander to a morbid taste for the sensual unreal and exaggerated illustrations of wickedness alleged to be enacted in places high and low The boys themselves are contaminated as well as those who purchase the papers It Is reported that the Duke and Duchess of York will visit Canada sometime next year and rumor has it that wherever they go the presiding officer of the town or city will be knighted If this is a fact It will stimulate an Interest In the coming municipal contests it be a good Idea to extend an Invitation to this enterprising manufacturing town Sir George Havill Sir Albert Edward Sir Isaac Francis or Sir William Brown all would sound well Which of them will be Reeve next year Sunday last will long be remembered as one of the most successful anniversaries of the Methodist church The church was never crowded fuller or the evening service when between BOO and were in attendance and many were obliged to stand The anniversary offerings were highly satisfactory collections were and receipts from the lecture The Thanksgiving under the auspices of the Fire Brigade was a gratifying success with tbe town hall crowded to the doors There were 18 numberson program Including an orchestra the United Church Choirs recitations songs and readings Mr Harry Jeans new comic songs received rapturous applause The stage very pretty with foliage Receipts were 890

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