Dan Almond wages war on dyslexia I I for years by an unknown reading disability Din Almond is now a student at the University of Torontos Allege of eien though he was told in high school ho r amount anything Staff photo By Denis When Dun Almond was two irs old he wis three feet Iwo inches tall had a better than vocabulary anil ureal Starting school in at the age four litre was no evidence of npntbkm but his towards knowledge IhroiiRh the written word was to During grade two after had moved to innudn It increasingly vutent to Dins parents Mr and Mis Ixsmnrd Almond thai although son had an excellent memory he could not re In grade four officials at the school he attended In Toronto become convinced Dan was retarded and recommended he attend a special class for children with learning disabilities Transfer to the lass was the start of years of for Dan which included an laspen lor veto of his parents request to have him taught to read by a thorough drilling In the I language and word sounding it culminated in his sent from high at the age of with a note saving hi should nil return sum In was dome Hit school no good and school was dome him an good aching at at the of Dan Almond his his auto lutnse and Is now stud ine at tin e rsity of of I diuntlon to a timber Wliat transpired Hit hi lift rale at Acton District High and tin hi intend the of I dm munis in of handle apped pi i ia Improve in first took a in auto at the Institute of Iraiiis and illy his type A auto mechanic linnsi However he still re ii3ii7il the need for miprounc his itlon and conferring with DoU who was in of affairs at lolli In to sec the school in turn referred Din to tin larke Institute of iin in After unite hours of at the institute Dan was told In stiffen from dyslexia an by lutk of bint tion the auditory and motor action of the brain It struts victims to a speed inly one third that of a normal person Above average to a report Issued a dot lor it the Institute Dan seined average In sub tests which art least by visual memory and visual siqucntlni It Is apparent that he Is of above average Intellectual potential the report stated flic report went on to say Dan read at a Grade level but was able to spell only at a rude level Ills arithmetical pi rfonnaiitc wan to a level It lack of specific experience as one reason for lowering the expected scon In academic in weak was rcconuilcndcd for Dun to enable him to compensate further for his licit Relieved that his perceptual handicap hud lust been defined Dun becann even more determined to realize his full Intellectual potential and to do his to eradicate the myth that J handle persons are retarded potential I always my potential was far greater than my standing showed he explained Dyslexia can be so because yon not stupid Masters U Only the lust 15 years has dysli cognied a perceptual studies liuvi Win prut Used for only the last five of the Iniidenet of vary but a lonservatlve estimate Is that perhaps five to 10 per tent of the school population lias vi re enough problems to require educational and provisions If dyslexia can be discovered in children at a young age reuu dial help can be prescribed but for Dan at age the only ri remedy Is persistence and long hours of work It does help to have a wide range of Interests he said to leurn lot from tun afford to be narrow minded Sets example obtaining bin teu chine from of Call off Dan hopes not only to secure he hut also to set mi example for others afflicted with dyslexia 1 was told in high school I never amount to anything Id proof of Dan unfortunate ailing disability luindiiap an lit found In lib standing it tin 1 i two As lor my Ninety Seventh No ALTON Twenly fie Only one reply Day Care ad The advertisement In the Free Press about Day Care building program produced only one reply reported its instigator councillor Peter Marks Surprised and disappointed he says he will continue lo seek information on the subject When he had inquired of public health nurses mothers and others he had had nothing but encouragement Apparently nil agreed on the need for a day care centre in Acton However when it came to responding to the ad the voices were unheard Good grants Mr Marks says very good grants are now available far day care centres The matter had first been probed the then active community services organization in town several When instigators Mrs Ritchie Murnn and Mrs left town the organization quietly folded Mr Marks had been hearing echoes of the need determined at that time He will be making investigations before reporting Dragway hearing Feb 15 Ontario Municipal Board has set Tuesday Fcbruar 15 as the date fortht hearing on township agricultural holding law 5MB amended it applies to the Toronto International land east of Acton Solicitors for the complained receiv no notice the original on the law held Hand as a result were grunted smother hearing At a second hearing held June vice chairman and H H ruled that the law merited careful consideration and called an adjournment until proper could be shown before the board He said the municipality must show why the luu should apph to the the approved the law but reserved its it applied to land on Domed stadium for works yard The of a centennial committee was noted council and councillor who d been to line something up for council expressed satisfaction that planning had started Hies have more tune than have said the IVrhaps tl 11 be coming to council lo have a domed stadium for Acton he reported It 11 be in the works to cover the sand and salt It also possible a citizens committee will be formed to estimate blasting A committee might make lions to council Marks pointed out public opinion has been raised on blasting and people would like to see something done about the problem which the is situated tctuncil recently applied to the to tune the by law kept in force past its present date The by lawwasto last the township official plan was approved However disagreement between council and planning board has dclaetl of the official plan Rud lunches with Pierre Halloa Member of Parliament 1 Whiting lunched with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott earlier this to dis matter of both national and local concern The luncheon was held at the Prune Minister s residence at iusstx Dn Whiting was appointed vice chairman of Parliament accounts committee had a frank and open dis cushion Whiting said The agenda was set those of us at the luncheon and we covered a broad range of topics LITTLE students presented a cheque for last week to Acton Committee chairlady Mrs Bill Wilson Students raised the money during a recent walkathon Top walkers were tor Sherry Trotter Heather Reed Rick Van Fleet John Watson Cindy Arnold seated and Kelly Payne Staff Photo Council decides on liquor vote lounges The voters will decide At the next town election m 19 will be asked if favor the sale of hen on licenced premises The liquor vote discussed before council passed on of councillors BUI Coats and Norman The two questions on the ballot will be 1 faoro the sale of liquor under a dining lounge for consumption with on licensed premises in favor of the sale of under a lounge license for consumption on licensed premises Committee level When the questions were formulated the ad ministration committee of council at its meeting Nov there were three of them Heller Co purchases Mason Knit plant THE MASON CO PLANT dosed this has been sold 10 the Frank Heller year when the company ran into financial operations there Heller and Ltd leather have transfer their to the Masor Building en Worker began movig items the ip rear die on president Ren last night the shut down operations at us site December 17 so that bean can be moved and resumed a the new location the The operated Ron Heller and Fred and embosses tanned Recently a has growth a fabncaled Lie products- Father killed girls hurt as car dump truck collide One man was killed and two others in a two accident at the junction of aid the Line on Monday at Deceased is Jume of R Milton report Mr died at the seme According to OP officials was driving his car an the 17 There was a curve the road and as rounded a his car and a dump truck by William Bell of Kleinburg collided sending the car bail way into the ditch Girls hart A daughter of the deceased received massive bead injuries and was taken to Toronto Sick Children Hospital Another daughter Jantina suffered bead in ones and was taken to Georgetown Manorial Hospital Omitted in council resolution was the one which referred to the sale if beer and wine only under a dining room license Council felt Liquor also covered beer and wine Before the vote deputyreeve asked if the ad ministration committee had explored the wisdom of holding the liquor vote in conjunction with the regular election In Georgetown it was separate Councillor Coats said they thought it would be better then Separate Clerk administrator Joe Hurst reminded council there would have to be separate staff for the liquor fran cruse Only the cost of booths is saved by having the two rotes together The voters lists are also For the liquor issue a voter must be of legal age and a town resident for at least a Said Mr year we said we d do if someone footed the tall Why the change Mr Coats The feeling was if we could find someone Tine There a feeling this time Acton will benefit In conjunction a regular election not a great expense Councillor Mosaics A Ago we want to push I fa vr of the people voting Is there any revenue to the town asked Councillor Greer Excel lent facilities are reqizred replied Mr and the revenue would he from increased assessment pnulHc teaihine my ink marks only ranged In the area lit explained Although victim of dyslexlu Din has had any trouble with or depth ption A sculpture he at Centennial was enough to appear on display for a year In the In an i to provoke Interest wrcnts who may have handle children Danny lias been making a serious of appearances He interviewed on the I luine I Show on Kitchener lust week and hopes to he to further spread his inessac by means of met on the Pierre Din now lives in Toronto but his reside at MB lncicld in Acton giving then son moral in a battle he has wages all his lift Police lay theft charge A lfycarold Acton boy has been charged with break enter tht ft following investigation at s and Moss during past two weeks hoy will appear in juvenile court yearold to police taking goods from Canadian Also this week police interviewed two 12yearold girls in with shoplifting Monday i reported to police an attempt to cut the glass on the lower half of their front door Extend Christmas lighting Acton street lighting will be extended following council a donation of the Chamber of Commerce for seasonal decorations How will the money be US d asked councillor Chapman Councillor Coals explained replacing bulbs in present decor dtions alone costs He thought not all the would up in this year More lights will likely be ordered for Christmas 1972 Mayor fXiby referred to the gigantic tree at the town office inly extension to the town decorating scheme this year Single accident Saturday noon Only accident in town during the week occurred at noon hour Saturday Main and River as Driven of the two cars involved were Harry Walker Orion damage to the rear end of j car Tyler Ave Acton with damage to the front of bis Fines levied Fines were levied in cowl to Milton Monday in several Acton cases including fix driving and cmiifaf a disturbance