Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1971, p. 10

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Little Want Ads Do Big Jobs Try One and See For Yourself BIRTHS FABER Ham and Rosemary arc pleased announce the birth of their daughter lbs Georgetown inci Memorial Nov ember 1971 imhi uncle rem Short 1 Hi Mills ml Mr and Mrs I hM Ralph Sinclair ire plcasid to announce tin sufc of ind a dauphin Janet Ellen 7 rbs it Guclph General In It November 28 A for Neil COMING MARRiAGES SYMON Mr and Mrs announce the forthco ming of lei Barbara in to Mr don Robinson son of Mr and Mrs Geoff rev Robin son of marriage will lakt phec in Acton Dec ember mil i who FOR SALE i mi tin- with I It li with 11111 mi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES A 1 I INI IHONt DEATHS he forgotten of past who loved and and GOOD Inn i urn libit- Inns Home St Weill liny Due COMING EVENTS BELL Lome Chfion East General Hospital on December Cliff Bell of 140 St Stroudsburg in his 70ih beloved husband of Es Snvder and faihe Thrill Shop Build fourth 3 30 pm urgintlv clothing all Phorti or 124210 Sluti Winter pupils of Ospnnpc Mrs Cliff Sthcxl Decern Stroudsburg also surviving S an four for iunonc pnndehildrcn dc ir Mit 1o Join of Hard Mrs A J On I Funeral Thursdav Do Corni and sec the Dram Stoudsburg December internum East Stroudsburg at Alton High Sthool istudtni dinitcd pi Tickets 1242194 Clifford DDS Suddenlv on dav December l7l it Lake Worth Florida Cliff oil Go Georvcioin husband Black and dear brother of the Lake ad the Rod at He Edith own wbie sir j be J Th a In Tin i- CARDS OF THANKS lilts High School Ad A ton COXIPLETE 1 a242199 Ski CHRISTMAS Pharmacy WOODEN BIRD I LI BIRD HOI SI bird DOLL and ACTON WOODCRAFT II Si LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON FREE PRESS STAFF PHOTOS 7 sue 8 10 SO Plus Tjt CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER Snow Equipment Snihndcr Snon Thro Pi Hitch Blades MassL Ferguson Skihz Tngg Tractor Milton Equipment Company Limited BASELINE 8782121 878 2122 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE In Our Ad Last Week We Drew a Picture with Words Did You Get The Picture If So call our hot line 8782884 first SEE THESE FIRSTS TOO 13 FOR RENT it HIM now kit Inn lilt ilrl still JMNlV K1U Dm IS Iln tlnililir 11 kllitlrn living In UN iph SO mid Juki vnlltlil 1 Ill me ft Ilb74 15 PERSONAL AS tin lull Hit IV Arthur St or 1 All NEW SERMCE TOWERS and ANTENNAS ind bar oil CHRISTMAS TREES FRESH CUT Pine Spruce if- DISPLAY VHF Hiad for 2nd TV Suno Automatic Rotor Also Ripair Work CALL GEORGE DEFOREST for Pin Onta 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE in 2096 id lis J FINANCE 1967 AMBVSSADOR I I with bit ink I sport GALUNGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878 Toronto 8 HELP WANTED OCCVSlONALpm help for duties in RtimLs Shotmi EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN for ork Good work I conditions Ml- Wnti Box Can id imp on Milton I TEXAS OIL COMPANY Kids mm for ilmil trips surrounding Acton Wi trim In mill J Coip Worth Texts IF 1000 IN A MONTH mother in school in LOST OR STRAYED mi Pit call Ac Col llb242204 I TOR RENT I hoi Us for Trailers Deals on kin Inc be I ail BILL TOTH SHELL SERVICE 318 Queen Sr E Acton 853 0660 TV TOWER SALE si id v a Mil- lird Jo SO with SO Hid a iian el head SO mint and to Fn and sea 11 in on S VEHICLES FOR SALE ril local No pit 1M Ohp TT si it r In I Andrt liipp who pissed 190 In tears we vim sinking We Otir heart- wcrv biAii You fought so bard to But siw So fro from pain Wi not wish sou bask To suffer that again Sadh missed Stank and In loving mem of a dear husband and father Harrv Shortill passed The rolling stream of life rolls on But still chair Recalls the the voice smile Of the one who once sat there Lovingly remembered Viola and family hud sol head lied Installed rti plisir in 7a24224 iinniii of Lonild On ilk 7 ish bonus ml Ri id Am I Co Box Ohio fiiM PINKERTONS OF CANADA 1RTMI NTS Mr S COUSINS HOTEL Insurance Office IN MILTON IMl 1 month MORTGAGF funds 1st 2nd and 3rd available residential commercial also mortgages Call Glenn Oakawa Realty Investments 17 REAL ESTATE BUILDING 2 acres about 160 frontagi on 3rd Lmi in Twp milts above Acton 10n down Box 559 Ac ton 17a232118 STOREY and half home repair Priced to sell it im mediate possess 17a242216 PRIVATE or farm anted to 100 acres with or buildings water on property desir No igents Phone 621 17a27 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of ANNIE FRANK late of R R Acton In the Township of Eaqucft- In the County of Widow deceased ALL persons thi of Annn dull on or 1971 proof no igned claims who tht 13th da required to for 11th on or of huh djk will isinbutcd haMnjs rc ilums thtn filtd DATED at Acton das of Nosmibir F OPP report Decembers dangers by nine is under were no A of were laued for town lie your Kully find not J Si Acton 16 the week of Novtmtxr to of fir ol the Provincial a und of town rowln ifflcLrn rnnlnc from tj a A complaint of with 16 SERVICES I Mil and lour for viola of the Highway Traffic Art Two were laid under v lh Act you a snow machine nrt a I the time to famlllnrlxc mum Vlurw1 the lawn rcRuIatlnjf be oner a lion the the Criminal Code of Canada lo govern certain driving offences such as Impaired Driving rt When a mow machine remember you arc just a to charges as you are when driving a car With Christmas around the corner many homes are decorated Outdoor lights and ornaments unless properly insulated can prove to be hazardous Make sure the electrical outlets In your home not overloaded Check the outdoor winnfi for faulty con and cracked Insulation Whtn decorating the family tree be we the ornaments used ore fireproof Keep the tree from drying out and becoming brittle Keep a watchful eye on small children when they are playing near the tree Christmas is AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Commencing 30 Furniture Dishes Tools C TUFriN AUCTION SALE for MR MRS On No miles n SATURDAY DIXEMBER Ai 12 noon TRACTORS FTC John No I tlme he vcar Dec loader AC pulks u trtni and hoist drills louks limps bells ind manv TERMS CASH No Owner lias to MAX STOREY R an accident turn it into a tragic memory While on patrol in the Town of Acton officers have had occasion to warn children about playing on ice covered waters Every year a number of children are pulled from ponds and streams after having fallen through thin ice Many of these children have been found when it was too late Take the tunc to inform your of the dangers involved when playing near bodies of water Const Paul Brown AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Thi lint li is instruction In sili tht proper lit subnet to rtasui im bid on SATURDAY DECEMBER th COMMENCING NO ST A dwelling mi inns in i i I hi ck COMMENCING 11 NO STRI IT WIST ACTON 2 stone ro in die Or i Bus Sir i few doors from it 1 to park AT II NO BROCK I TON 1 BE DROOM lit it tir BI DROOM Urn Kiudcd IN THE COUNTY COURT COUNTY OF lj2ii86 for upsl apart 1 lid loition to IN THE MATTER of THE MUNICIPAL ACT KSO I960 Chapter Section I AND IN THE MATTER or the by or The Corporation of the Town or Milton and the Town Burlington chan ging the nunc of Upper Line Road to Steele Avenue NOTICE OF APPLICATION lion Bus COMMI NUNC AT 12 NOON NO 181 SHIN SOL NUNC 2 10 NO ORMI1 ROAD dwell loom 1 PI N lis IK lilt i mil inn to Acton NUM l WOOD 1 Hi nil 1 k plan Hint Take ice that I of ill tpi RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Mam Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 HELP WANTED I NOTICE The Women Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1970 prohibits with certain ex discrimination be- ir cause of or status Since some occupations are more attractive to persons of one sex or the other advert in this column for such positions will iiu work a dj fl Thursdav the 16th dav apartment lf timber at hour hen ul ekven in the fore- and adults m Chambers at the SS3 Court House Upper Base Line 13il41237 Ontario for con of an application by BEDROOM the of ihe Town Milton and the Town of Bur i park COMMrNCIV AT 2 10 i r lor con twp Half mile i t north of At ton on No mid dun bun ponds and creek sulutkd Emikimi siti AT 1 OF ST I Oh LOT 21 CON I TWP ndiii s for a i will based on inn and i st mug BOX 618 nil Such listings arc not intended to exclude persons of either sex 191 MAIN ST MILTON to sit 2022 1241252 2 1 Br DROOM apartments It hue included stove frig drapes and and 111- monthlv 13a241255 EXCELLENT warehouse space available for Itxal industry or 1500 ft ft Upper to change the Base Line Road to St throughout Its within the County i and for hearing those ling and opposing such Alan Judge of the County Court of the County of Ha Hon 1 miles wist Aiiiui f in miles south of with pcnl and building sites Good in down arc offered by these Mm ivpheit I ike prtt eiii ik i Silt Time which may iduriisuncnt ss urn also price C or cheque on day of sale wort enisling or arranged is inntiunecd at time of offering INSPECTION OF PROPERTIES On Wednesday Thursday and Friday Dec 8 9 by con tacting Jack Holmes Real Estate Acton 853- CHRIS SCHOUTEN Auctioneer Milton

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