13 million bill for clean air Tl Acton F Press Wedncsdfly Several industries in this were named an air pollution abatement progress report from the Ontario Department of the Environment Minister Orders were issued to nine companies in Peel York and Ontario including Beardmorc and Co in Acton Domtar Fine Papers Georgetown and four refineries along the lakeshore including BP Refinery Gulf Oil Regent Refining and Shell Canada as well as Monsanto Canada Ltd at Oakville is required to control odorous emissions by January and in Georgetown is required to control odors from waste water lagoons by July 1 1972 while the four refineries are required to control emission of mal odorous and sulphurous gases by phased programs which extend to December 31 million bill All told an estimated 120 will be spent by 1975 on equipment to control industrial commercial and institutional sources of pollution in the four counties Of this amount S3 has been spent Since the Department s air management branch offices were opened in Oakville to serve Halton and Peel and in Toronto for York and Ontario almost three years ago more than complaints have been received an investigated About 600 of the complaints were cleared up by simple measures stopping open burning or making minor changes in processes or material handling The remaining complaints involved major sources of for which formal control programs have been developed or are being developed Five hundred and fifty schools were surveyed In this region in the past two years and it was found most met the of the Environmental Protection Act of But seven schools have converted from coal to a cleaner fuel and eight others are scheduled for conversion In addition 20 schools have stopped using inefficient incinerators Cleaner fuels Surveys of Federal buildings have been completed and four of them including Acton post office are converting to a cleaner fuel from coal as a result Air Management Branch personnel have also spent a good deal of time dealing with waste disposal problems from farm operations Main concern is one of offensive odours which arise from intensive animal farming such as piggeries poultry farms and veal calf operations Advice has been obtained from the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food to assist in reviewing specific situations A voluntary code of practice for farms and disposal of animal UCW anniversary By Mrs Ron Mclean Willie Wild and Rob had charge of the opening exercises in School while Ken and Ross Hewer Accompanied the hymns on their Hie choir carol concert Is planned for Dec 19 while the Sandfly School concert Is to be on the Best to Mrs Florence Diamond who Is celebrating her birthday A party was held at the of her son and daughter in law Arthur and Marion Halt full Hall was bursting at when Mabel and Bill frank their 25th wedding Relatives and friends enjoyed an evening of and muny lovelj gifts were presented wish them mon happy years together A larfii attendance enjoyed the December meeting at Centre Mrs D Joss and Mrs J were in charge of Hit program which consisted of of Christmas plays which were followLd by itiMusMori Michael and Sandra lit the second Advent in church Voice God Mr JuiU sermon dealt with the of at the birth briefs fo blanketed the area Mondaj and Tuesdai After rinint at odd hours for several weeks St Joseph bell rinj the nil any more U of l still has openings for the winter semester which begins in J an The Golden Helmets precision motorcycle team was exonerated a coroner probing the death of one of its members Cons John Verratl of was killed during a performance The team was a of fair this I S HOLDEN OPTOMETRIST M Cut EMt TA FORD CUSTOM STATION WAGON automatic power steering and power brakes tires wheel d radio powered rear window Blue with matching Interior Lie An exceptionally clean wagon SEE Andrew Murray Motors Limited 45 Road Georgetown Ontario Your OWs Dei It 877 853 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 10K and Gold PIERCED EARRINGS JOHN B0UGHT0N JEWELLERS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS 5 Main St N Georgetown waste is casing this problem is revise their Department of Agriculture and Institutions such as the operations And personnel ire still working with the University of to find answers to farm odor problems Winter works include Credit Valley Conservation Authority has received approval of its winter works pro gram which should employ 30 extra personnel on the staff Four superviwjrs one typist and laborers are to lie employed through welfare and manpower offices Projects planned include con privies for use at and Conservation Areas demolishing the old barn and clean up debris around the reservoir renovate the old concession booth at Terra for use as a machine workshop cut dead trees and improve in I Imehouse and Terra Cotta Conservation Ail as paint or stain trash barrels and picnic tables for all areas build picnic construct and p lint signs for scenic route and conservation ens Install markers for snowmobile trails remove debris and cleanup of Authority owned land at lamchouse ami Creek THE PERFECT GIFT GOLD CHARMS and GOLD CHARM BRACELETS JOHN B0UGHT0N JEWELLERS CERT Mam St Georgetown Home owners can now reduce payments BY AS MUCH AS HALF payments find how a low cost home owner con pay all your bills give you additional If required and at the same time reduce your monthly as much half Find out how easy It Is to get your loon approved within hoi You can call to today for helpful courteous service Investment Corp Ltd Bay St Toronto Call colled evenings INTHE GEORGETOWN MARKET OUTERWEAR EXTRAVAGANZA of his son John the Baptist Zcchnnah was a parttime priest a direct descendant of Aaron Lots were drawn to decide who was to take a week per year in the temple service The voice of God came to him spoke at the ceremony of the circumcision of his son There was because of a boy child especially born to be a prophet to prepare the way for Jesus Sir Walter Scott dearly wanted to be a soldier Poor health confined him to the house for weeks where he learned the love of reading Scottish history which prepared him to fulfill God s plan for him Christmas is heralding that God loves you personally The God of terrible Judgment has become the lover of men souls Will be missed C W did a rushing busmen at their booth at sale Mr and Mrs Gregg will be missed in the neighborhood is a Womans Word compare youll buy DUAL AGITATOR LAUNDROMAT MODEL LA5B0 When comes to hand washing hind It to Here one automatic which II wash any washable even washable cashmeres and the most dellcite negligee gently thoroughly Ot It will handlebig heavily soiled loads up to 16 lbs too Just select the agitator lor Ihe ob Regular or Hand Wash II very versatile th I pushbutton temperature selections Ihrt speeds timer cycles ng Stop Soak for use Water Saver DELUXE HEAVY DUTY AUTOMATIC DRYER MODEL DE480 Four pushbuttons put three tomperiturc select Reg Low Air Fluff or Auto Dry perfect lor press at your I Three cycle selections on timer The new Cross Vane tumbling system tumbles over and over and back to tront to guarantee perfectly even dry ng Air Flow System Auto adjustable tells lor permanent press two jlth pre soak slain removers CHRISTMAS VALUE FOR THE CUSTOM FROST FREE IS MODEL RTTSfl I lust the space you have In a retr and 15 cube loot model has plenly Its how the space put to use snap halt shelves t Hat or tall terns without waste space separate cold zones 11 extra cold 17 lb day meat keeper temperalure butter cond t oner tw porcelain enamel cr lb freezer w th flip up Shelf and cube caddy IS refr storage All cold zones are no defrost needed ever Full length handles and custom door Cheese compartment removable tor eggs ts Hush lo wall protects only Inches kitchen and can be It In Elf c compact forced a cool system with year warranty Pulls out on adjustable rollers lor clean THE MODEL A triumph of for music lovers who have space problems It 5 so compact only dc deep It will fit anywhere The attractive slim style cabinet includes an AM FM FM Stereo radio and eight track cartridge tape player You have speakers for foil range sound reproduction and you want more stereo separation speaker enclosures lift out can be placed up to 12 tee t apart ONLY J iMMuNAMllllMlMlllllirMl BOYS SKI JACKETS PARKA Choice of colors Reg MENS SKI JACKETS Reg Spec 1 SAVE REDUCEDTO CLEAR CLOTH STROLLERS ft2 With Fur Trim l Corduroy Styles With Hood REDUCEDTO FULL LENGTH CLOTH COATS Women Misses Sizes In The Group CLEAR Womens Hall Size J Full Length CLOTH COATS Syntlellc Fur Trim Choose From Checked Bone Solid Colors I Value Up To Hi WHILE THEY LAST SYNTHETIC FULL LENGTH COATS 00 DOWNTOWN Women It Warm jj Choose from synthetic Or Leopard Design Values Up To mi NOW JO Range includes hooded synthetic fur trim nylon cord melton cloth inishes ti SELECTION LIMITED CLEAR MISSES CLOTH COATS LADIES NYLON QUILT SKI JACKET Sues IS Safari Style Zip up Front Circ Finish Blue Red Navy Black moo SAVE COT BOYS NYLON SKI JACKET lined with hood race design my colors to Choose Iron MIDI COAT Melton Cloth Navy with Red Trim Buttons and belt Quilt llnlno Reg SAVE 10 oil all fe CHILDREN OUTER WEAR IB J Examples of tremendou savings PILE JACKET attached hood pink blue yellow IP suits Up up strap I neck Red Blue 95 BOYS GIRL5 SnowsultsJ Brown Pom Pom Zellers County Fair NO HIGHWAY GEORGETOWN STORE HOURS 10 AM TO SAT