SANTA VISITED the Second Acton Guide Company and girls round their visitor for this group portrait The girls have been carol singing and making toys as Christmas projects Enrolment Santa for Guide Company The Second Acton Guide Company held an enrolment and Christmas part to entertain their rents Monday December 13 Santa Claus w as present and the girls exchanged Rifts Guides enrolled were Lome Jones Griffon Monika Michelle Fields Audrey and Karen Buck man and Beck Baxter received their challenge emblem and were invested as patrol leaders Friend to Handicapped badges and emblems were given to Buck man Carol Grant Beck Baxter and Pat Jordan A hostess badge was presented to Mane Jordan a House Emblem to Pat Jordan Team Plan delegation to OPA meeting By Henry J Stanley Plowmen Association met at Stephens Anglican Church on Monday Dec for their annual meeting and banquet A film was shown of the International Plowing Match held at followed a on midlife Special guests were Anderson Furrow vjucen and Jefferson of Fergus a director on the Ontario Plowmen Association ladies then placed while the annual meeting of the Association was conducted Ross chairman of the local committee of the International Plowing Match reported that sufficient land had been obtained for the match in the area Ih acres is required for the tinted plowing and parking Plan delegation A large from Count will be attending the Ontario Plowmens Association annual meeting in Toronto on rob a to advertise the 1974 match Directors chosen to the A annual from arc Bill Spencer Wilson Ross and Stokes The treasurer the club Jack lor is the current of Ontario Plowmen Association Of heirs directors of the Club for 1972 are as follow OFFICERS Past is Frank Peacock 14 Barton St Milton president is William Milton first vicepresident Wilson 2nd vice- president is I lod Stokes and secretary- treasurer is Jack Taylor 1309 line Burlington WI holds special Christmas meeting The Women Institute held their Christmas meeting in Hail Dec at with almost all members present and some Visitors The president Mrs Truman conducted the meeting opening with a poem followed the Ode and Mar Stewart Collect The roll call was a white gift and a gill for the secret partner of the There were several matters of business dealt with among others a donation to be sent to the Arm and a Committee appointed to look after the purchase of material for a Valentine quilt Mrs Andrew was named representative the Roval York in program The program converters Mrs Edwards and Mrs a program of appropriate readings and carols group was given song sheets and the old familiar carols rang out Mrs I favored the audience with a solo The Noel A beautiful Christmas tree adorned the platform on which were presents or all The children each got a gift and a balloon and the members received a gift from their silent partner A table down the centre of the hall was laid With Christmas tablecloths icttes and candles making a estive scene Added to the scene was a last lunch put on the lunch committee and helpers The lieen and I grace were sung Mrs Roberts thanked those who had made such an effort to make the Christmas nam an event DIRECTORS Clifford Wriggles worth Georgetown Fred Nurse of Dirt Robertson of Acton and Wilkinson of Lee Wilkinson of Jack of IJovd Pickering of ville and Harold of Oak Mile Burlington Sherwood of Bell St Milton John of Burlington and Gordon of Milton George Swann of 30 Court St Milton Claude of Campbelli ille and of Milton Associate directors include an Marshall of Milton May of Iarry Picket of Georgetown Jim of Sixth I inc Oak wile Don of Norval of and John Wilson of directors include J Marshall of Milton Stanlev of Claude Picket ol town Ross of lampbellville Mav of Milton George of Milton J Cunningham of Georgetown of Wakefield Road Milton and Henry of D A 181 Main St Milton representative Is J and farm safetv council representative is Si wood Hume To An We wctcomo the holiday season with the sincere hope that it proves to be the one ever for you and your family J B MACKENZIE SON LTD ACTON GEORGETOWN Fergus hepatitis FERGUS The death of a Fergus man Allan from what was diagnosed as hepatitis has dramatised a slight outbreak of the disease In Fergus and Dr B Dale MOH for Wellington county he has heard of seven other cases six in and one in Fergus but most of these patients arc children He stressed that parents should not become alarmed the disease has a low rate and In fact in man cases the patient stays on his feet and does not know he has the disease He explains that hepatitis seems to go in then die out for a while There Is no uioculntlon against It and it Is a very difficult disease to control It Is generally recognized as a virus disease but there is leis than perfect knowledge of the way It Is spread Dale has issued a statement which he hopes will help people to recognize hepatitis and take steps to avoid infection About davs after exposure to infection the clinical symptoms start and may be of degree Usually the earliest indication ma be dislike of fatty foods malaise loss of abdominal discomfort nausea vomiting headache weakness and fever mptons such as this ma last five to seven days sometimes as long as three weeks Jaundice develops in the meantime lasts for ten to five week With intense jaundice vomiting nausea heartburn and pruritus itching be also pronounced It is usually a mild disease with a low fatality rate Infection hepatitis or jaundice is recognized to bo a virus disease but its mode of spread Is imperfectly understood Practical measures lor tne control infectious hepatitis are as follows Toilet and wash facilities Cleanse dail toilet seals flush handles toilet door knobs and all hand basins including faucet handles and drinking fountains with chlorine solution Ablution requirements Thorough washing of hands in soapy solution before leaving toilet area and before all meals Personal hygiene Avoid biting lead pencils nnils etc Laundry facilities Frequent laundering of underclothes with hot water and soap Establish new fund ITie Grand lodge of Canada has established a fund known as The Ulster Appeal those in distress in Ulster There are six Orange In the County jurisdiction Lodges in Hornby Carlisle Alton Georgetown and Stewart- town have all responded to the appeal and spokesman for the group William said he hoped more would be interested in the appeal those interested should contact William at Cherry Hill in or Percy Hall in Milton Christmas is no holiday for fire It can strike anytime if we do not guard disaster in our for the season Keep matches and cigarettes away the tree and decorations Use no flammable trimmings in jour hoi Kin j arrangements Snitch off the tree lights at bed lime or when leiving home Keep a keen on the children lay December 1971 tin fe happiness and fAi In upon to one and all Jessie Staff Simpsons Sears Agency Sport to Carol Jordan and Baker and To makers to Pat Jordan Yule events On the girls went carol singing at Kelly Nursing Home and took along gifts had made for the residents The Guides have made stuffed animals for handicapped children and doll furniture for the Cancer Limit snowmobiles GEORGETOWN After months of debate Georgetown council gave third reading to the snowmobile The will be allowed to go through in the area of the old sewage disposal plant but cannot deviate Into other areas of the park or use any other Georgetown park Recreation Director Doug reported to council that the Georgetown SnowmobUe Club wanted an access through Cedarv ale to cross Mam Street south at the old sewage plant He pointed out this was part of a system of trails from through Silver Creek and up to Terra Cotta said Robert had given permission for the snowmobiles to cross his property Council agreed with the report but Ernie stressed that the long hold up had been due to some members of council wanting tht actual trail spelled out in the bylaw While Im not opposed to this we could have passed the same thing two or three council meetings ago he commented We ve kicked this law around for over a year said reeve Art Speight if we find anything wrong with it we can amend it he added The recreation directors report stressed that access through was the requirement made the Georgetown Snowmobile Club He pointed out that the Club had put a great deal of effort into making it a responsible and conscious group and that the trails the have outlined would take them out of town into the rural areas Summing up the said he felt this was the right solution Weve had complaints about snowmobiles in every park now the will be in the areas most suitable for the sport The bylaw bans operation of snowmobiles in town between 11 p m and and at all tunes on and Main Streets except to make a crossing The vehicles cannot be used on school grounds where the town has established skating rinks They cannot be used on median strips sidewalks or boulevards No one under age can operate a snowmobile except on ate propertv with the owner permission A penalty of for the first and for each subsequent offence is provided Second wolf hit the second tunc in a week a Georgetown man has hit a wolf with his car John White of Georgetown will get bounty money for hitting a wolf which ran front of his car as he drove along Road after leaving his supervisor s job at Douglas Aircraft in Malton The pound brush wolf was crossing the road just eat of Highway 10 One week earlier another Georgetown motorist hit a wolf near the entrance to the Georgetown Market SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAYS for 12 PRICE SALE BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS Christmas Ornaments and Decorations Toys and Games We also you PreChnstmas Specials in many other lines of merchandise for Christmas Lifts VISIT OUR BASEMENT TOYLAND FOR BARGAINS LIST MINUTE PICKUPS FOR TOUR CHRISTMAS TABLE Bulk Christmas Candy Boxed Chocolates Mixed Nuts Christmas Table Decorations Napkins Plates Cups- Candles Floral Table Centrepieces Party Crackers and Favors the bells ring out- Christmas Cameo Boutique IS Mill St