Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1972, p. 4

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The Acton Free Wednesday February 2 A long record of service Business changes in town are ac cepted as part of the cycle of life which turns at a faster pace than when the Thompson brothers Ray and Bill went Into business with Pat Patterson as Thompson Motors in 1956 The business moved to Its present location in 1866 taking over the premises vacated by Lome Garner Motors those years in business Thompson Motors and the proprietors Ray Bill and Pat established a reputation for fair dealing and friendly Snowscape by Jennings Smiley Whac with this being Leap Year and all and the Women Lib growing ever and ever more shrill it could be a bad year for the gentle sex men Not that I ever did hold much with that Leap Year business There might have been some merit in the idea that once every four years a loss could pick her lad in bygone times But it is my conviction based on careful observation that the custom is out of date In these times if a girl sets her eye on a likely candidate she whips her tentacles around him hangs on until he stops struggling and carries him home to be devoured withulterdisregardof whether or not the year can be divided by four Now the Women Lib movement is another thing There scarcely a man in the country who dares make a crack about women any more He knows that the slightest slight will result in his head either being blown off by a charge of vituperation or sliced off by the guillotine edge of irony These dames are dangerous and they fight under their own rules people who can stand up to them are other women who know a good deal when they have one and don t believe in Women fjb That one of the things that might make it a rough year If the two factions go at It hammer and tongs some day what a man to do He a going to be caught in the cross fire no matter what he says If he supports Women Lib through altruistic motives like his wife is a believer he is liable to find that she will turn on him in scorn and denounce him as a boot who is trying to yet in on the ground floor of the revolution If he attacks the movement from pro found conviction like mnjbc hs is against it abletofind that si 11 turn on him in fury because it turns out that he really is mile chauvinist pig after all it old say nf about un skin not to be it Not in troublous times I repeat what is a man to do Thire was a lime when the mile of the spines could retroit to some sort of a simulated dugout when women got into a flap his club the I Hall a bar the poolroom Not any more The women have infiltrated every one of these from home and there no place to hide Mm arc constantly and plaintively iskuu about women the rather bewildered question that AngloCanadians have used so oft in recent venn about the Quebccols What is it want anyway And tettint the same answer At the risk nay the certainty of being led from every direction that is I put my life on the firing line while the rest of you cowards skulk behind your wives commonlaw or otherwise What it that women want Nothing much Just the can get I Ion just mean material things though I vc never met a bird yet who wasn t convinced that one in the hand Is worth two in the bush whether re dealing with fur coats color An intriguing city sitting astride a small Island almost at the end of a chain of keys small Islands which stretch into the Caribbean from the Florida coast Take the conch train tour they advise In travel literature It Is cheap informative and entertaining See the Island city submarine base shrimp boats poinciana trees lining the streets and visit places such as the house where author Ernest Hemingway hung out when he was turning out books at a prolific pace We took the advice soon after the Sunward docked boarded a conch train which really resemble those crossC N E trains and headed out naval base iwhcre we were forbidden to take pictures down through the main drag where old falling down houses contrasted with wooden edifices kept In good repair Most houses are built of wood So are the stores Shorth after we toured the naval base the weather which had been threatening to rain let go We were deluged water which swept across the island in sheets To counter this the train operator provided plastic sheets which covered everything except our heads The deluge came down so hard I expected old Noah to drift by on his ark any time but the train driver t perturbed When it came tune to visit an old fort he calmly announced he stay there until the rain let up We ran for shelter After almost an hours wait during which it was discovered the old fort leaked almost as badly as the conch train it was decided to return to base By this lime the streets were running with water four and inches deep Stores and houses were inundated But we kept going When we finally arrived at the stop the weather started to clear In a few minutes the sun was shining Out we got to snoop in nearby shops for arty souvenirs It started to rain again were and the time for the ship departure was rearing Continued on Page service that has extended till last week when they announced sale of the garage business to Lome It will now be known as L Ford Sales During their many years of good will the Thompson brothers and Pat have also taken an active Interest In community affairs with Ray being elected Master of Walker Lodge this year and Bill an unflagging officer and worker with the Fall Fair Board Pat has been unofficial mayor of for many years and his witticisms and optimism have Editorial notes TV laborsaving devices new drapes or men But those ore not important among their wants The things they are really seeking art on a much higher plane they want a strong man This I thi fun of the it challenge it takes as long as two years they can completely dominate a strong man If they have chosen a weak man already dominated before muriate which takes a lot of the zest out of Hie They want to be loved This is a normal jnd lofty aspiration So do men But women want to be loved all the time This is where get a bit dicey Nomanwantsto be loved all the time Id like to see someone trying to love me at as J slouch toward the bathroom like some arthritic plantigrade look it up groaning scratching In the first place I completely unlovable In the second any woman who tried to express her devotion at that moment would be snarled Women ore different Just the other night after an IBhour day I crawled into btd put my linimentrubbed neck on the heating pad yawned mightily vaguely patted my wife on the and fell asleep Twelve seconds later I got a belt In the ribs from an elbow You didn t say dear she snapped and I got a ten minute tirade about couples drifting apart when such amenities are omitted ve just touched on the things women want and already f feel that I m over my head What do they want anyway David Alan Seymour of Rutledge Florida was recently arrested and charged with driving his five horsepower minibike without a licence going in a mph zone having no registration tag or inspection sticker driving without lights attempting to elude police and running a stop sign When finally stopped after a chase he couldn t remember his phone number and did not know how to spell his name David seven years old a grade two student said I can write Young children can Influence their parents to wear seat belts according to the findings of an experimental program conducted by the Ontario Department of Transportation and Communications Last October 5 children grades two and three were exposed to a special two hour program of seat belt education A few weeks later it was found the rate of seat belt use by parents of children in the program increased by two to three Groundhog Day is today Wed and if the chuck Is as mixed up about the winter as we are he might as well head back for his den without looking for his shadow A teacher asked his class to write an essay on Quakers and was a bit surprised when the following was submitted by a Grade girl Quakers are very meek quiet people who never fight or answer back My father is a Quaker but my mother is not Notice how much lighter It is now at five o clock in the Days are gating longer as lady Spring gets ready to make her 1972 debut An ad has been running in the Georgetown Herald looking for people interested in forming a witches coven 13 people who 11 study witch craft ESP fortune telling hand writing analysis dreams and premon itions Interested would be witches can write Box care of the Herald unless as has been suggested they want to send a a message by mental telepathy The typical Canadian is still paying instalments on the car he swapped for the car he traded in as part payment on the one he now owns His ambition is to keep up with how far behind he was last year John Yaremko s silence about use of his land near Acton for the Radial Line Trail between and Acton appears to have been misinterpreted by his critics Mr Yaremko in a letter to the Globe and Mail says there has not been a stony silence Two telephone communications were made to endeared him to many At a time when many motorists complain of falling standards and impersonal service Thompson Motors haB always seemed to maintain a high standard of service that blended well with the personal attention they assured their customers We wish the former proprietors good fortune In any further ventures they may have in the years ahead and the new proprietor success In the automotive business interested parties No definite reply has been given to date because of valid considerations personal to me When my personal plans have come to a conclusion I shall then be able to give a definite reply to their request he notes There s a new wrinkle for parking meter observers in London where meters continue to operate after the violation point has been reached Your fine depends on the amount of time you overparked Gad is nothing sacred anymore We think the idea of a bypass around Limehouse for truck traffic is the only solution to a very real problem for village residents The sooner it is done the better The other alternative- upgrading the road to accept more trucks will only aggravate the situation The by pass would likely be necessary anyway If the bypass is built the section of County Road in the village would revert back to the township road system Duty is a task we anticipate with distaste perform with reluctance and brag about afterwards 20 years ago Taken the Issued the Free Press Thursday February 1952 The King Is Dead King George VI died suddenly Wednesday morning Every part of the great commonwealth mourns Faced with the task of ruling the British Empire is Princess Elizabeth now Elizabeth The 25year old girl is familiar in Canadian hearts all who saw her when she made her hurried Canadian visit recently Acton Ministerial Association presented a message on the death of the king The Brant Inn at Burlington was chosen for the annual Y Men party held last Friday evening Leaving the M C A In two buses were couples Charles Klrkness wa3 In charge of arrangements Mr and Mrs George Angel received word on Wednesday that their son Jack Angell be coming home from Korea He has been with the American army for a year The management of Baxter Laboratories recently entertained the Foremen Association with a banquet and trip through General Motors plant in Oshawa About 15 attended from the Acton plant The Foremen s Association Is believed the only one of its kind among the different industries in Acton Stan Norton is president and Charlie Davidson the recording secretary The Arts and Crafts group is sponsoring a new group About are enrolled for ballet classes The beginners oil painting class is over but about are still meeting under the direction of Miss Dorothy Stone Mrs Peter Smith marked her birth day 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday February 2 1922 The concert of the Alexander Trio of the Chautauqua Lyceum given last Thursday evening under the auspices of the Great War Veterans Association was fully up to the splendid reputation preceded these artists in music The township hall at was filled to the doors for the hearing to hear charges which grew out of alleged drinking and intoxication at the dance held In the hall Jon bricklayers have accepted a reduction of 15 cents an hour from the wages paid last year A lad was given six months in Jail for stealing a pair of boots and skates Are all girls knockkneed asked a writer in a Toronto paper Not ail some of them are bowlegged Blame the fashion of scanty skirts for the revelation In the fastest game of hockey witnessed in Lunehouse for some time the Acton boys under the leadership of Ernie Coles defeated the home boys by a score of to Acton Ewing Bauer J Matthews H Bauer Coles Elliott Bishop Limehouse W Mllllere A Benton Thompson Norton Benton H THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bus and Editor Office Moore retired as secretary treasurer of Acton Free Library Board and H N Farmer was appointed In his place Five men who were caught at an early hour Sunday morning playing draw poker were fined each in court in Guelph The man with the bucksaw has disappeared The gasoline sawing machine has put him out of business One thing after another and soon there will be no poetry left in life 75 years ago Taken from the of the Free Pro Thursday February IL 1S37 Municipal Officer R Graham was engaged for another year at a slightly reduced salary of per annum Some members of council expressed the opinion the duties of the office should be performed for MOO Ad Symon Bros Cheap Cash Store After 1st March our business will be strictly cash We think it better for the purchaser as well as the merchant as we can sell cheaper Any persons purchasing worth of goods for cash within the next month will be given a barrel of choice apples a choice of Northern Spies Sweets becks Baldwins and Russets We have barrels on hand Eggs and butter taken in exchange Groceries canned corn salmon 10c lard per lb 10c pickles per bottle coal oil per gallon 17c cheese per pound 10c Kemp balsam for coughs and colds 20c Scott a Emulsion Electric OH 20c Pink Pills Carter a Pills Avers Pills salts per lb 5c sulphur per lb A load of Rockwood young people took an mile drive on Monday evening Their destination was a distant part of where they spent an enjoyable evening About delegates from Acton attended the Sunday School Convention In Georgetown Mr Duncan Robertson near who has been confined to the house more or less for six months is not improving He Is years of age The family of Mr William Mason has been bereaved this week In the death of little son Frank He had rheumatism which his heart

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