Eden Mills The Free Press Wednesday February Church annual meeting mobile mission reported By Mrs ft Wright The annual meeting of Eden Mills Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening Rev D Sinclair as chairman with Mrs Don as secretary After a scripture reading and prayer by the minister reports were heard and adopted Report of Session The session of Eden Mills Presbyterian Church are lhank Churchill to God for the ways he has been able to work throughout the past year through the Hie of The congregation Appreciation was expressed for the contribution made to the regular services of worship by the choir under the direction of Mrs Don Blacklock also the faithfulness and devotion of the Ladies Aid and Women Missionary Society We say thai you to Mr Peggy Van and the teachers in the church school for their help in the Funeral visits in area report program of Christian Education Organist and choir director as well as to the Board of Mrs D Blacklock church school Managers for looking after the superintendent Mrs Han temporal affairs of the church Vfl and to Mrs J Chamberlain for Mobile Faith Mission of looking after the physical Canada which has been stationed comfort of everyone Sunday by in Eden Mills for the two weeks Sunday got such a response that they Our treasurer Donald were asked to stay the third continues to deserve week The Mobile Unit has moved our appreciation for the way In to Morrison and on the last day which he looks after the financial the children attending these our congregation Toall services had a farewell party of who serve we say thanks and hot chocolate cookies etc with pray that God blessing may some of the mothers assisting attend their endeavors Miss Pat McMulIan and Miss The ladles then provided a P dainty lunch which brought a profitable evening of good fellowship to a close On boards Board of Managers Wallace Visiting with Mr and Mrs George were Mr and Mrs Tony Joseph and sons Gary and Philip Toronto Mrs Phyllis Joseph Heath Surrey THE NEARBY CHELTENHAM brick yards provided a TV series of Director John Trent discovered realistic setting for World War I shots in the current popular the location while he searched for lind in this Staff war scenes shot nearby Residents of this area who brickyards made an authentic Hie war scenes were filmed thought they recognized familiar backdrop for the battle scenes during the summer Stake places in the TV special series Whlteoaks of Jalna were correct World War scenes in the second instalment were shot at the Cheltenham brickyards which were supposed to be taking barbed wire still stan 1 on the I ill place In France or Belgium The series director discovered the abandoned brickyard while he searched for personal property Standing In ruins for years the near Cheltenham Ballinofad Cutters return motorized overlooking the yard Dunne the filming in fashioned biplane commissioned to bomb village wnilc iiLousj township fire laod to contain fins it fot out of hand Ait I interest series the I books were written by a fount r de la he Museum robin in news By Mrs Fred Mac Arthur Mr and Mrs Clarence Denny attended the funeral last week of her uncle the late Roy Leslie of 11 Hales Crescent formerly of Township He was buried at Cemetery Fergus Mr and Mrs Denton of Col ling wood and Mr Francis Chreban of Will lama I own visited on Tuesday with their old college friend Bob Kerr Pat and family Jeffrey and Christine Mr and Mrs Archie Kerr and Mr and Mrs Murray McMillan of Jirvis visited last Sunday and Monday In New York state We are pleased to report our pastor Rev A W was feeling better and able to take morning service at Churchill The Churchill Community Church Women will hold this month s meeting on February 16 at the home of Mrs Don Anderson at p in All Indies arc welcome Congratulations to Misses Donna and Andrea Cislak on each attaining their Bachelor of Arts at University Visitors with Rev and Mrs on Sunday afternoon and for dinner were their daughter and son in law Mr and Mrs J Caruso Jell Carolyn and Barbara of Brampton also Craig Cross another grandson from Park Donald Blacklock Russell Jack Chamberlain and Terry Hamilton Members of Session William McLean clerk William Wallace Roy Gordon Robert Wright Clarence confined to General Ramsy and Gordon Hospital Mr and Mrs Mansell Lowrie have returned home from a few days in Northern Ontario visiting Mr and Mrs also Mr and Mrs Ross Campbell Mr and Mrs Dusty Ixiwrle Is at present IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET SHCIAIS FRIDAY no SATURDAY By Mrs Master Jack had misfortune to injure his leg at school It his having to go to hospital to have a cast put on He will be able to return to school soon Mr and Mrs Dan Campbell and Mr Wm McClusky visited with Mr and Mrs Reg French on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Oakes of Toronto spent Tuesday with Mrs Richard and Matthew Congratulations to Miss Kathy tee French who will be having a birthday this week The leaders for the new club will be attending training school this week Mr and Mrs Hopkins of TorontovlsltedwtthMr and Mrs Reg French this week Mrs Hopkins is Mrs French sister Heavy week Men who operate the snow plows have had a heavy week clearing the roads and helping people who were not able to get their cars through School buses In township did not go out on Friday Down line Where I left off last week I will continue down the line The acre field formerly belonging to Matt is by Mr Fred Air of Toronto He rents it to Mr 1 Burt Coming on down In the group of houses we have Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Anderson and then Mr and Mrs French Next Mr and Mrs Ernest Barnes Mr and Mrs Patterson Mr and Mrs Cutler Mr and Mrs Snider and In their apartment Mr and Mrs All in all this makes around a score of families living on the Line west side from Matthews down We hope this is of Interest to our readers Institute The Women Institute for February was held on Wed at the home of Mrs McLean with the president Mrs Jesse McEnery in the chair It was international day and many interesting comments along this theme were given Pictures of other countries were on display and on Interesting Swiss cow bell The roll call Just one Only one building permit was issued in the month of January the Township of reports building inspector Syd The permit was issued for a commercial building at Will retire Lome Fax academic super intendent of education in Welling ton county has announced his retirement in July He has been a teacher principal and super for years was answered by eight and one visitor What attracts people from other countries to Canada Mrs Ada gave an interesting talk on the Mary Stewart Collect motto Mrs Slessoraltis had current events It was decided to donate as usual to the Music Festival Lunch was served by Mrs and Mrs McLean Mr and Mrs Carter visited Mr and Mrs Tom Given the past week Mrs Carter is Mrs Given sister of Georgetown Horses and cutters of other days now we see skidoos and little cutters trailing along behind I saw on the town line today a with father and little boy and pulling behind was mother and baby In the tiny cutter Yesterday a man and girl came shopping at the store in a and cutter and merrily he went home with his and his niece in the cutter behind Why don t they get some bells Allan Snow who has been on a touring working visit to British Isles and the continent returned home last week Allan was very glad to get home He came by plane but had to land in New York on account of the strike and spent 13 hours by bus to get here He had an interesting year abroad Acton fair board had a euchre party at the home of Ross and Do re en McLean on Monny night By Mrs A Benton The W I met at the of Mrs on Thursday afternoon with ten attending President Mrs Brown opened by reading IJfe Is Journey and The Queen and the Collect were used The secretary treasurer reported that the president and secretary would attend the I dinner at the Royal York on 12 thrct had attended the course on using Ontario fruits day a new course for H Being Well Dressed and WeilGroomed will be led by Mrs Anderson and Mrs Ron Clow who are wanting girls to get in touch with them very soon and the recent achievement day on A donation was made to the N Halton Association for tht Performing and Creitive Arts Roll call Roll call was answered to Relit From the Attic with an aged apple peeler antique silver a poem from a Scottish written I860 a newspaper grand mother Ivor fan ivory nail file grocery list from Ireland small gold i old watch Convener of education and Mrs A W Benton took the chair for the program Mrs Booth read current events Mrs explained the motto is not what happens this year or next but in by as well toiling of Chinees in living with comparisons museum ports conveners of n commit tecs were heard Mrs Benton introduced guest speaker Mrs David Dills who pictures of the Museum and told of the establishment management of museum on leased from tliL Conservation Authority the set up of the board their progress and prospects Mrs Mrs Dills for a very interesting commentary anil the hostess for her home Taking Nellie Home was sung in closing A social half hour followed Preacher Prof Hay is preaching four Sundays In February Severe weather conditions dosed school at noon on Friday Robin seen A robin was among the many birds patronizing Mrs Glynn feeding station last week Girls of twelve and on should take advantage of the club course Being welldressed and well groomed Get in touch with leaders Mrs N Anderson or Mrs Clow for particulars YOU CAN SAY IT MUCH NICER WITH FLOWERS She Love You For Doing It Full Selection of Cut Flowers and Potted Plant CAROLINE FLOWER GARDEN SHOP 8532980 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HALTON TOYOTiA 8784365 8262931 Zellers County Fair NO HIGHWAY GEORGETOWN STORE HOURS MONFRL10AJH