Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1972, p. 20

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday March IS Those government hand outs Governments delight in back your own money and to themselves all the credit for being generous Sometimes Iho pinna successful and got involved in red tape It token morn people to administer Iho plan Ihnn in reasonable We suggest that Is iho to the province a tax credit which to replace the rebate municipal taxes introduced two or three your ago The rebate system wan too complicated and fraught with ad ministrative difficulties Con Spring be for behind action the other day I could not retrain from brooding about bow the game has changed If what I was watching was sport and schoolboy at that I guess It a time I was put to pasture Oh it was right That Is If you like to watch teenage boys trying to tear each other anna of with deliberate books remove each other teeth with high sticks and smash each other a brains out against the boards Throw in some deliberate slashing tripping kneeing buttending and a couple of and you have the picture of young Canada playing Its national game Admittedly the game is faster and more furiousthancver Butfurlouslsa word that does not belong in sport unless you think professional boxing Is a sport which it is not In my opinion In vain do the coaches of high school teams tell their charges to play hard but dean The kids have watched too much pro hockey where most of the tans like spec tators in a Roman arena want blood and the pros oblige and it Is a spectacle not a game Is the fact that there are usually one or two players on each team who still believe in skill rather than violence and who uso their heads for something besides butting These are the players who emerge as the team leaders wild men may have more natural ability These are the players who almost never get a penalty who walk away from a stupid fight rathtrthan look for one who put some spark into the team when it Is behind A pleasure to watch And then there are the others Kids who are pleasant and wellmannered off the Ice but go berserk the minute the first whistle blows One of them expressed his philosophy to me Yah drop stick when a fight starts but don t drop it till the other guy drops bis And of course if the other guy is following the same principle there could be a stickswinging match Put four feet of hardwood In the hands of two young let them start swinging their clubs and you have a situation more deadly than many of the duels of history fought with lethal weapons The only thing that redeems the spec- It about as quick a way as any to wind up with smashed nose a permanent scar a concussion skull fracture or one eye In my opinion a great deal of the blame for the situation lies with the referees seem to be brain washed into letting any thing go short of chopping a hen off with stick The game is faster and more colorful that way And the color is that of blood goalie used to bo protected by a sort of mutual consent He was slower and more vulnerable because of his heavy padding You took your shot and If he stopped It skated around him Now he comes out to stop a shot and Is quite likely to get a mouth ful of high stick Result The goalie starts playing dirty to protect himself fashioned played team sports football hockey baseball there were one or two dirty players on each team Caught in the act they were penalized and ostracised Nowadays you have to look hard to one or two clean players on each team And it the players who get the roars from the crowd This Is fact and it fact that is sobering saddening and sickening Jut mention the word teacher and youve got an argument on your hands School teachers once the forgotten people of society who were expected to subsist on meagre wages uphold the with the life of a Spartan and look down at all foolishness and frivolity with the long nose of a puritan are now organised and thumbing their noses at those who take periodic swipes at tbem It a a refreshing attitude after some of the browbeating the teachers used to accept meekly from the public They are not even skoert of the school board nowadays as is evidenced by statements attributed to Tom Ramautaralngh president of tfaa county Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation Tom must have been a plain speaker most of fats life Ha told the school trustees that if they were really dedicated to maintaining their budget in the face of costs an the cost of living then they should begin cutting at home and offer their services tree of charge At one tune a statement like that from a teacher would have been enough to have him or her blackbaued from every school In theprovtnee Now all the school trustees will likely do is yawn and resume on the teachers nest wage bike because they know Tom was only giving them m of their own back And whether agree it or not you have to admire the man for having the fortitude I dislike tat word guts to hurl down the gauntlet I think the main ingredient for both aides in any la to preserve your sense of humor The board a good belly laugh when the teachers ask for a fa tu the teachers should laugh uproariously whan the board says It Intends to on per cant for th and even considered cutting hammer tongs the pert tra of SBspiBjpBMBplBfaa Some of the humor of the Is it semi annual contracture proceedings- seems to have rubbed off on the teachers If you can appreciate the following epistle from a fictitious Board which hung conspicuously on a teachers room bulletin Due to the frequent absenteeism of many employees of this School Board it has become necessary to revise certain policies The following changes should be considered to be in effect as from today Sickness This is no longer an excuse The Board will not accept your doctor statement as proof as we believe that If you are able to go to the doctor you are able to come to school Funerals This cannot be accepted as an excuse There is nothing you can do for deceased and it should be possible to find somebody in a lesser position to attend to the arrangements However if the funeral can THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office 1ST1 be held In the afternoon you may obtain permission from the Board provided you can give proof tt at your dally plan book is up to date and that the children under your care will not suffer because of your absence Leave of Absence This will In future be granted only in exceptional circumstances and only to teachers who have had more than outstanding service with this Board It must be stressed that it cannot be granted Tor the following two reasons Operations We wish to discourage any thoughts you may have of having an operation as wc believe that as long as you are teaching for this Board you will need all of what ever you have and should not consider having anything removed We hired you as you are and to have anything removed would be less than bargained Pregnancy It is the opinion of this Board that no teacher has any business to get pregnant When you decided to become a teacher It should have been understood that you would devote to other people children There Is no time to have any of your own your will still be accepted as a legitimate excuse for absence provided that long range plan is completed to the end of the school term Also the Board will require at least one month s notice If you are going to die so that a new teacher may be trained to fill your Washrooms It has been brought to the attention of this School Board that washroom privileges are being abused by many teachers It must be clearly under stood that washrooms are to be used at recess only As this 15 minutes in all schools it should be divided by the number of teachers on staff so that all may have a chance It is suggested that teachers go in alphabetical order to avoid confusion Teachers who have yard duty must not use the washrooms but must wait until the nest recess or until they get home That the teachers side of It Now if we could only see what they have hung up in the Board rooms Now iiMtoari of niMvinn annual imllyflOtoW properly timer and tenant will rprwollng of timlr municipal luxes on ml tax form tut rebate the ax credit will vary to the liixpnyir income and they bo built Into Iho government tax colluding system If thu calculations are built Into the Income tax filing form like the provincial tax Is at the mommly requiring atparato and addition Just to prawn how much jeta and how much 1 bound the form Is going to be fwutfit We can ace In Ottawa emphasizing the of another separate sub traction and later addition to prove to taxpayer ihs benefit accruing from having hi residence In Ontario of too to how helpful government la in giving back some of your own money down it may be from It pass along the bureaucratic line f Mini comment Many people have made complimentary remarks to this office about the efficiency of the towns works department during February and the early part of March months in which the weatherman compressed the worst part of the winter Roads were plowed under some of the most severe conditions and the business section cleaned of snow overnight so normal conditions could resume after a snowfall A tip of the editorial hat to the town superintendent and his crew The Canadian Champion regrets the necessity of an 11 man police force in Milton a own of 7 500 feeling the numbers of police are indicative of changing times and mirror frightening aspects of modern living The guideline at one time was one policeman for every 1 people Not only is it regretful says the Champion it is very costly We arc delighted to see the Robert little school stage another operetta this year In keeping with the spirit of many pleasing performances In the past from both Acton schools We hope Aclon schools can continue to stage these performances which In our opinion are joyful expressions of school days that linger through a lifetime for the participants Interviewed by the London Free Press ex Premier John Robarts hit the proverbial environmental nail on the head when he commented that some writers for example seem to know only one environment the huge city I ve gone around Ontario enough to realize that Is entirely wrong Mr said it was an early Spring for almost all Actons hockey teams this year but players of all ages from novice to fun or tied plenty of excite ment for fans and supporters It won t Ik long until they pull the ice making switch at the community centre and 11 know Spring is really with us But first the figure skating club has its annual ice skating show We see where three of the candidates in the race for Haltons Conservative nomination are taking swipes at the French on post office signs and other nit picking Issues in imitation of some of the federal leaders We hope they broaden their minds a bit before one of them is selected to carry the Halton banner They might be wise to take a leaf from the book of Bill Davis or some of the other enlightened Conservative provincial leaders who aim their ammunition at some of the Important issues instead of appealing to prejudices Hope the sizzler is feminine What is going to be the hot fashion trend m stores for the ladies this Spring Most observers will agree that following on the heels of hot pants anything designers whomp up for this year will only create a minor stir However dress manufacturers have an ace up their collective sleeves in the a micromini skirt with matching bikini panties as the likely to replace last Spring hot pants But according to the Financial Post the started to sizzle yet Casual sportswear is the hot item blazers shirts pants and skirts which women can put together in layers In the past two years sportswear has gradually replaced dresses as the volume seller Canadian department store sales figures for 1971 show sports wear sales totalled 1 millioa A per cent gain from a year earlier sales reached only an per cent rise The trend according to the filberts is partly a result of women search for individuality partly a matter of economics Buying a wardrobe of lets women combine the p in their awn way And by mixing and they can get more mileage from a sportswear purchase than if they spent the same amount on dresses All of which tempts us to stifle a large what new and what happened to the five cent cigar We wish women would dress so they look feminine tin risk of being labelled a male pig we agree the sooner most women dress in clothes that suit Ihtm individually the better it will be for all of them And the more feminine the better Sure sports clothes are fine for the golf course a hike belting a tennis ball or hooking a sportsman but this writer s estimation they stop short there When the sporting activities are finished it is time to doff the duds and get into something graceful We like the long gowns the lades ore starting to find makes them lotic graceful at a dance or at home Yoj can tell the sexes apart easily Mot men would look terrible in one as wet as in hot pants or Women s legs are better their natural outlines more scenic than a mans so it stands to reason they should shy away from male accented clothes and remind men they are feminine And what is the matter with that 20 years ago 50 years ago 75 years ago Token from the issue of the Free Press Thursday March Jack has returned from Korea where hi has been serving with the American army He is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs George Angell He thinks things in Korea are pretty much at a stalemate Acton mill rate for 1952 tans is mills to raise 72 for the town s operation This Is approximately a per cent increase over last year s mill rate of Several items were cut In an austerity move Rev Ralph Price has been appointed rector of St Albans church He Is the assistant curate of St George church in Guelph council this month paid claims for foxes George Ware and Ed report the first robin Greenock and public school students toured the Acton Free Press and and Co plants Wednesday with their teachers Miss Joanne Julian and Mr Ralph McKeown Saturday evening the young people of the Presbyterian church at were having a social in the church basement when suddenly Ore broke out in the kitchen The fire was quickly extinguished Fathers were in charge of the program and the speakers topic was The Model Father at the regular meeting of the Acton Home and School Association The speaker was Stanley Hodgens of Victoria School Kitchener H Baxter led In a singsong with Ted Hansen at the piano Some of the fathers put on a skit on a day in a classroom Cons data has been gathered by the town clerk relaUve to the government scheme for providing for unemployment but no was taken by council The pretty willow catkins are blooming Juice the big ice storm two weeks ago there have betn no lights in St Marys and th re won be for some time yet A successful and enjoyable dance was last Friday evening March in the town hall under the auspices of the Junior Daughters of the Empire A dainty lunch was served and the hall was prettily decorated with St Patrick decorations Masons orchestra In their usual capable manner supplied the music The merchants in town have decided to extend their Wednesday half holiday this year by a couple of months Postmaster and Mrs James Matthews celebrate their wedding anniversary tomorrow They were married In Acton and have here very happily all those years An editor threatened to publish the name of a certain young man who was seen bugging and kissing a girl in the park unless his subscription to the paper was paid up Fifty nine young men called and paid up the next day while two of them paid for another year in advance The sanitary Inspector wishes all citizens to clean up the winters accumulations about their premises Although confined to the house for the past month Police Magistrate Moore has held several court sessions there and wrong doers have been obliged to pay penalties commensurate with their offenses Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday March Inexpressably sad and painful Is the loss when the mother of a newbom babe gives her life as a tribute to the advent of the little one Such are the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs Donald Mann which occurred at the home of her husband last Friday The husband keenly feels the loss and the little babe will ever miss a mother care and training Mrs Mann was in her year Carter Harvey met with a serious loss In Sandy taken with inflammation Sunday night and when the owner visited the stable the next morning he was in intense agony The animal was especially adapted to the work of the dray and was a favorite on the streets with everybody He was a wellbred animal weighed pounds and stood 17 bands and one inch in height He was raised by Mr Alex of the second line and Mr Harvey has owned him for a number of years He was valued at but the owner would not have parted with him for that money Some of the stone street crossings are hard to find The chairman of Streets and Walks should see that they are raised Contractor D Mann has returned from and McLeod where he went on business connected with the Crows Nest Pass Railway There has be and spiles this pest week Butter and eggs are selling this weak at to cents Mr Robert postmaster si Rockwood died at the age of yean He had lived there for half a century

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