Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1972, p. 8

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Little Want Ads Do Big Jobs Try One and See For Yourself BIRTHS Doug Hammond wish toft the safe an of their son Stoplun born In Hospital l72 lbs brother for Douglas Rim ftiul me lovclll wit to With their son Chi Ro John March 11 A id for Richard 1 In loving in of who pissed March mil look her home It wis His will mil hints low still iv long lives limy view ENGAGEMENTS Mr ami Mrs Robert Puritan of are plciscd on of their ihughter loron to Mr Km mm of Mi and Mr of Toronto Mr ami Mrs Ronald Milton pleased announce the of ihugh to Paw son of Mr Mrs Kenneth of MARRIAGES Mr ind Mrs John the of to Mr Pe ter von Mi Mrs T Their wed ding was the first to wl in the of Knox Church 1972 Id will ilwavs think of vim Alw rum led John mil I 1 In loving mm Ik lot isit awiv IJ won mil Willi W IS iHtttl God lllVll loud ml Timlulv Just in light llomst mid ever up loved ill out in oik vou POST In loving mi mors irf our dirlini son and I Km win lost Ins lift in 1 how much DEATHS CROSS lodrk At towi on March in his hnsbwd iFIosmc Scott dew father of Parker Lome of Geo and Jessie Mrs Gor don Martin Orampevillc losed four five grandchildren Friends mas call Funeral Home Gcortte- Funeral service to be htld on 1 Interment Georgetown Sud on darling son of Oscar and Joanne Mason Brvd of loicd of Mr Mrs John Fccnstn of Ac ton Mr Mrs Zwicr of Funeral wis it the Shoean run- tral Home Acton at Interment Fairviciv en CARDS OF THANKS I to think sen fliiwn and while I wis i in Gu Alfred W Winter like to our and to our friends and neighbors for The calls and mam kindnesses the loss of a and grandfather Charlie ind Gract ind I would like to thank all my relatives friends and for the losclv cards flowers and gifts while I was in also Dr Garrett John Scott Rev Andrew he nurws of Gen era Hospital Thank Mrs An Gordon wisti to thank friends and neighbors for flowers cards and other kind expressions sm received bin lather ami grandfather Elsie Fergus Aixlrcv and Norma I to thank all and neighbors for their lovclv flowers gifts and cards that I received while I was a patient in General Hos pital I also to thank Dr doctors at Acton Med ical Group and the nurses for their devoted Joan Shven hi our filling liar now His fiitun ill iiiiin As fin is w Tin nun si IK waits i mi Jisus lov in His kmdiKss fc1okled to His And 1 I turn mil lues fur Los mi nd missed In and brother COMING EVENTS it J Hall Crewsons Comiis tun Sntur dtv it pm f s Slim Turn diss for final 5 uk sirns torn King Wedmsdiy fl nip to Ho- 1 will Fun United Choir Sun- Mirth 19 7J0 pin Biwiikh it wood Hill 22 and it Lucks dnw Ad mission a3S2450 On 1 ouih Groups of Trimn United ill will pnsint provruTHalkd A Noise in litu of the ihunh sen in wslv i3W42 on it 1 if Gardem Tuivdn Mirth to 1972 through Milton Travel Sirua 14 St Milton Oni FOR SALE Tin Align mint iti nil purls lubiknliis uulpli villi yHoMl lalOHtVMr TV TOWER SALE luwii with nil nil VIII lund Ml town Insialltii with nil iliiniul VIII Inuls set I stuco Instnlled Hill hind Installed niul Hot of all RICHARDSONS Radio TV 2d Mil TON Phone 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE I HI I to In v Mir old km ill I1R1 hi itk unit Sil Gum in Shepherd Villi red I Mir old Ins all I mildly ilisposlllon Hill dog rfitr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES MAIIHIAMM I A I I I I PHONI or 1972 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE A1AII 1972 tost 7 tst ol Gtoigttown nut for stnding our old iji Blisses to litlp omioni in he Club is set king old hssts and dilutions mis bt ift it of lilt four Moss irdw irt or Alton 1 GA It sou tint out till Acton IGA it 1960 for pickup HELP WANTED The s 1 mptojmeni Onpnr unity Act 1970 prohibits with icptlons lie more to or lit wilier In this column for such will to whether for or women Suth listings not intended ixiliult piisuiyt of cither IVIISl tiling Sit try Hi with iiu ililk Hums lug lull to At ion Tat Press Nun moinmts ini wiik ig Sopti 1972 Com lot Mrs En nil bulking prilirred Must outgoing lit with full rt lo Bos Press EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER ion van required for d i Iivli- of food products Musi In or over d iv week Yur round Top shrv Apply in person to MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD Line wisl of Winston Churchill i mile of Stttlcs Ave VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE The Tradingest Mercury Dealer BEST BUYS Economicit insportalm Lit ONLY 1799 ONLY 2 195 wish to express our sin- ten thanks and appreciation lo our many friends and neighbors in the Warren Grove and on Wallace Strecl for their kindness words of and beautiful floral tributes received at the time the Lord chose to take our beloved son Kenneth John to ven Special thanks to John Dunn who tried vers hard to revive him and to AH w1w was here minutes after he was called for the Also we would like to thank Rev for his consol ing words and prayers And also our thanks to Shoemaker Funeral Home Oscar Joanne and Richard feenstra Thi Ltttli School nts 1 program Hid it nil While and Thurv 1 March IS and 7J0 ptn Admission Titktts avail it lilt school door Inrdtop lutomalit r brakes low t ir Without Safety Certificate 1W6 PLYMOUTH 2 hardtop powir steering power bn Lie 495 Gallinger Motors Limited MILTON PLAZA 8261434 Toronto 0887 FIREWOOD maple deliver ed a cord lb4175 POSTERS midt for Reason rates la3S244Sif 1 30 ELECTRIC stove u bikes and beds ler JO la382455 TOP discount gal 99 10 gal 15 gal MAS gal I written guaranttt Pet Pi urn Moore Park Geo rgetown Mam St ACTON 8532370 Expect More From Ford tic defrost fl new ion fulls 57 Now it Good lit down town Georgetown 1033471 Minor Sports Torino before puking It up after winning it at the draw Saturday SEE PHIL FOR THIS ONE MUSTANG door hardtop PS radio consult high hack bucket stats rating mirrors and wide ova tilts To Cdl Our Service Manager BRIAN SMITH Tor Appointment PHONE 8532370 HELP WANTED Auto Mechanic MASS A I Now Cnr Doolorshlp Km lion I IIV lilsui in B Motors Limited 1 Si 1 IM Out Phone 9340 FLOOR INSPEaOR In inildii is pin ilnsul In i and II spn IIKiht I liti in sin inn piid In lOMipmy Il 1 Standard Products tMiiri Si Georgetown Ontario Trailer Mechanics 1 Welder Lxptrtiiittd on hi ivy Inns ui Marking Union or ly 1M I Oil ICE Transport it Milton PO Ont I ISM CM IhmlDji i till tiixk Ml OHM HI MM US tint I by In uiiiis hilly lor i ii in MIA If 16 INI nut liookku plug rvli a III A rf I ally id hi Wr ml 1454 IUKlt 11 IINISHING- now liin in in and dim will JllnUli your us ii Die mi in 1 Ih job I I I nk flll The Clergy Speok Out Andrew MrKroilc FINANCE 17 residential 11 n i or gage mi 1711 a time REAL ESTATE W mil in 111 k e ill nil I I Holly w id kit Ii lo in 11 LOST OR STRAYED child blue pi slit ii in PI out 11 EN St ind or pickup wheel II iJ8 for ttntle- in Phone 13a32316 ROOM I 3 Hi house in ken mi Subdivision Phone 13 2 2 selfcon tuned in Rotkwood Ph 1 2419 Br I it iter frig tKiltonv with view par 3J043 house with kitchtn room room bedrooms and bath ifi m 1 bid room apartments JbO includes fug stove ilripcs luat quiet building adults Phone 13a2385tf ptr month also per month Above includes all unlit fng draper and 13a3M292 if Hilly pin hi Will for 111 tuns All 01 KM I7i15 if CHURCH ST W II I cell till close lo iovsji oil fur in I iiei new giriKi en hi I in nil kliclitn Alteo Construction 853 0190 or 853 1235 Evenings PROPERTY LISTINGS WANTED nqnlnng buyers ire looking vou selling pit JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE ACTON In lie mi convincing that North mi tux la Iflng lust to emerge up tint Ittatneu of lite jeopli are it be found In In and mm let linen wnyn llielr newfound Jfdua Ihe mode tens or In the Hie ilra ma In of life in the world today But ntire that with tliU of Interest In there la rather revival of irart the of Lhe people In our alter reading have been rulalng for hem and are difficult but important In Ihere an to evil and It a a continuing anilGod or I was requested by some high school to be present for a discussion on this Interesting and It Is one of my regrets thai could not be present on be date desired Dont laugh Die formation In reccnl years in many of our cities of assemblies of Satanworshippers the growth of witches covens in America to least should not be laughed off And It should sober us just a little to recall the grisly ritual murders of Sharon Tate and her friends In California surely firim evidence of In action In too many churches and In loo many professing Christians there has been an astonishing unconcern about the super natural of any hue either demonic or divine Both devils The Man To See Is MclNTEE Farm Near Kennelworth Slum rumis 4 modern bull ill lit ii good ill work god s ibk outbuild in nils is of vour lull price with down Farm North of Elora isfiitris 10 room frimc house Kims met oil FA hi Hint good londition ni s loose pens icres plowed or Spring icris seed pirfcci pond silt murtgigi full price Make offer Hobby Farm House with two turns ind IS with strt im running through proptrts wood I ike down To til Would make good lorsc farm HERB 2849 R 1 CO LTD 17a38 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS 1 In of FRANCIS of Town or Aclon In lhe Court ly of Hal ton Bookkeeper de- All having ag Hi of Newton Hursl died on or bout Tsvtn- 1971 required file proof there with solicit r fw- the on or hi das of djnS Ittr which date hi estate ill be distributed i regjixl to the claims tin filed at Acion Onano his Twxn is second 192 LEATHERLAND Sol it Ontai AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE COUN PARKER 14 WANTED TO RENT rent June 1972 or bedroom bungalow in Acton Glen Williams Georvttown area by person References lable Call 14a tf AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MARCH 17th Commencing 7 Furniture Dishes Tools Antiques C H TUFFIN Auctioneer APPLIANCES fng electric stosc Croslcv Shelvador trie trypan Hostess and mix cr GE neither have ever been used Chrome table I and 4 chairs good dining room and chairs buffet and china cabinet cherry and pine good day beds rocker coffee table I made from picture frame desks good cedar chest wash Islands dressers end laM les blanket box Duro sump pump new garden tools etc rug copper boiler limps quilts etc DISHES Carnival Kitten cookie barrel glass china and other dishes Also pots pans etc A complete sale No reserve House sold Not responsible for MAX STOREY Auctioneer and winds have disappeared from our ions into a latin box we have lhe last tiling wiy of us is lovers of the itnUque we must never be we going meet Jim present And If we will either In their iUstente or no oilier of taking an Interest In they will pleased Many people have tried much too for own In element In a primitive we have outgrown bit la not true to Dm then Is very little demons or In Old ft a lame ill I Is a iwjil ileal of this element in Jesus arid early Christian Die New lament witness to and he powers of da km us while often presented imagery never Intended for lh prosaic and literal I relations of lhe Western nevertheless realistic existential The temp I of Jesus In the wilderness was a real encounter of the soul of Jesus with the superhuman powers of darkness and echoes of it heard all through his ministry and piercing In his agony In His struggle with evil Is no ere metaphor and if he will be honest Mr Average Man will admit there is here This recalls lo mind the statement of a willy Irish Presbyterian who said tome one day When I am asked if I believe in a personal devil I say Yes do and sometimes I think here be two of them A new awareness of the demonic and will inevitably bring a deepened awareneti of God in our society and particularly In our churches The assurances and comforts of the Gospel of God grace will mean fur more lo us when we are conscious that there is a war between God and his adversary going on our souls and in our enterprises And the victory is promised to lhe good soldiers Jesus who is the Captain of our salvation Two week report from OPP During the two week reporting period of February to March 12 the officers of the Acton Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated general occurrences and four motor vehicle collisions Officers are presently investigating a Break Enter and Theft of which a local machine shop was the victim Persons entered the premises ransacked the offices and opened a safe with the firm own acetylene torch For all the work lhe culprits went to little was gained as the safe was empty Charges have been laid result of an investigation into a number of fraudulent cheques which were at local stores A local man will be appearing court in the near future to answer to the charges It was a busy two weeks for drinkers Four charges ranging from Minor Consuming to drunk in Public were under the Liquor Control Act There was one charge of Impaired Driving laid Of the four motor vehicle collisions investigated two resulted in charges being laid One of the accidents resulted In minor personal injury to a passenger in one of the cars involved Total property damage resulting from the four collisions was estimated at Motorists When daytime driving visibility is poor due to snow flurries rain or fog make sure cither driven can see you and you can see them Simply turn on your headlights low beam Reduced driving visibility increases chances of a collision so use your headlights whenever daytime visibility reduced Turn on your headlights low beam for your safety and the of others Const Paul Brown

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