Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1972, p. 5

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ERIN UNITED CHURCH CHOIR orchestra presented the The program was sponsored by the Daughters of Knox and Johnny Cash Trip to the Holy Land for an appreciative attracted old and young alike Staff Photo congregation at Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday evening Erin choirs presentation appreciated by full church Knox Church was almost filled for a special musical Sunday evening when the Erin United Church choir and orchestra presented the Johnny Cash trip to the holy land in narration and song The Daughters of Knox sponsored the program which chronicled the popular singers experiences when he toured the holy land after coming through personal crises which Involved drugs and living leading eventually to deep faith Mrs C Justice led the voice mixed choir In musical numbers which were preceded by narration from John Trimble Organist was Mrs G Alt ken and the pianist Mrs Armstrong Voices blended well for the music the congregation responded to numbers with enthusiasm Andrew of Knox Acton gave the call to worship which led into the Erin choirs presentation visiting by song well known parts of Israel Including the town of Mount Tabor the walling wall Bethlehem and the Garden of Gcthscmeno Marie Sherwood and Mrs sang a duet Words Special effects were provided by the orchestra and organist The Erin group has presented OUR READERS WRITE Why widen Bower cut down trees Dear Sir I read with interest the account of council approving renovations to Bower Avenue In last weeks edition of the Acton Free Press Truly I admire councils admission that the road on Bower Avenue is desperately In need of repair Patchwork In the past has proved Fruitless and a proper resurfacing is the only solution However I question the need as assume engineers propose that the entire road allowance must be widened cutting down on the present boulevard allowance Another piece of sad information gathered is that several If not most of the trees which have stood for years and provided shade as well as making Bower Avenue one of the few remaining treed areas must be removed If the proposed facelifting Is caused because of increased traffic on Bower Avenue as a direct result of the federal building being in a ridiculous location council should take a long hard look at facts Acton is closing In on home mail delivery fast If information I have heard Is true Acton is well within a few hundred homes of home mail delivery With proposed housing slated to begin the number of required homes will soon be whittled down Is it fact or fiction that postal authorities arc already gearing for the day and a member or members of the local post office is soon to be trained on the facet of dealing with home delivery service A political bouquet If the renovations to Bower Avenue are geared for present traffic might it be suggested that council take a second look and consider construction of a proper roudbed entailing the present road allowance leaving many of the trees to provide shade and properly repairing sidewalks that are desperately In need No doubt underground wiring will also come into consideration while renovations are underway This is a step in the right direction as new subdivisions are built but to burden taxpayers with this type of system in an already established older part of the town unless desperately required seems a little premature at this time In conclusion I believe If a proper roadbed is provided in the existing road allowance boulevards are left at the present allowance In the winter should not leave piles of the white stuff combined with salt and sand on everyones lawn It would kill grass in the Spring I am sure that Bower Avenue residents would be quite happy with a compromise of this nature and be able to sit in front of their homes in good weather to chat with the smiling mailman as he delivers their mail P S I understand a number of Bower Avenue residents were called to a special council committee to learn of proposed changes but unfortunately not every homeowner on the street All will be affected in some manner Sincerely Don Ryder the program on three other oc casions to packed churches at Erin It appeal to all as was reflected in attendance Knox Church Sunday where many young middle aged and elderly people attended to the program pleased the sponsoring Daughters of Knox People approached them afterwards with comments such It wasnt half long enough or If they Intended to repeat the program The Daughters of Knox hoped more young people would have intended to hear the music which has a special appeal to them and may sponsor another If the and warrants Social meeting for Knox WMS The Afternoon Auxiliary of Knox Womens Missionary Society met Thursday afternoon March 16 In the Dr A C Stewart Memorial Hall in an unusual social meeting Miss Anderson the president convened the meeting assisted by Mrs Miller She conducted a number of interesting and original contests and then served a sumptuous lunch Several guests were present First robins Who sow the first robin eternal harbinger of Spring which of ficially was ushered into this area early Monday morning a day early because the calendar makers tacked on an extra February day The answer Is several people spotted a robin redbreast on the first day of Spring The Free Press has also had a few reports of spellings on the second day of Spring as well one of them from the office windows of the plant on Willow St And all the feathered migrants from the south were reportedly fat and chubby So spring is officially here the migratory birds are arriving All we need is appropriate weather The Clergy Speak Out By Rev A Walter Speaking privately on a person basis Gerald chairman of the Federally appointed commission named to deal with the drug problem In Canada said after the compilation of their report that he had been compelled because of the commissions findings to change completely many of his Ideas on the matter While ho did not go into detail In this private con vernation it Is probably true to any that one of reusons for the change of viewpoint was on the question of social drinking Much has boon said with regard to the problem of lecnauc usage of marijuana or hashish Shortrange studies been made In this with conflicting viewpoints resulting therefrom It might be well for us to consider the situation In those purl of our world where inurijuiina or hashish has been used for some generations past Surely It Is sufficient to point out Unit In Iraq where the effects of this drug on the addict Is well known the pushers or traf- In on being found guilty receive the mandatory death penally No appeal is allowed The writer In of the opinion that tin emphasis on tcenuge ad diction has been overstressed Certainly the problem is there but whut about the addiction of middleaged folk to drugs of one kind or another This is a period In which the use of drugs In one form or another is used In every homo in many cases simply an a crutch or way of escape from the taxing realities or Imaginations of life How often do people feel that they have to get away from It all and the way of escape for many is by way of alcoholic or some other form of drugs The teenager of this generation is simply following the pattern set or htm by his elders A year or two ago survey was carried out by the Drug Addiction Foundation people In the southern part of Hal ton County In an area where teenage drug diction was stressed as being so widespread Significantly the findings of these people was that where the parents openly countenanced and used alcoholic beverages in their social life the teenagers in those homes were i most likely to take to using drugs of an addictive nature Three doctors practicing medicine In reported a few weeks ago that of putienls who were drug ad dicts all but four were previously glvun to drinking alcoholic beverages twothirds drank too much and most had their first drink around the of thirteen it was three years later that the average addict started using Illegal drugs The study was carried out the and Rehabilitation Centre Suff Ice to nay that members of the medical profession are more subject to addiction to alcohol than those of any other section of society The rlgorn of their profession arc a contributing factor in this regard Drink serves as a way of escape which Is Just translation from one state of difficulty to another After neurly years of Christianity many among us have not yet realized the only sure way of escape from social of any kind is through the acceptance of lhat truth which sets men fat the Way at lite us revealed to us in Jesus Christ The Report makes it quite clear that the major drug problem of our time and nation Is not the Instance marijuana or hashish but alcohol We arc told on good authority that one out of 15 social drinkers becomes an alcoholic and that there are as of now such folk in tho Province of Ontario Experts on alcoholism go so fur as to soy lhat live people are adversely af fected economically physically and or emotionally by every alcoholic Alcoholism Is now the largest killer of human life apart from heurt ailments and cancer More than once has the writer been told by a member of his congregation that he could take drink or leave alone and more than once has he seen his people full to stay that way One of his best friends committed suicide because of the tremendous problem which alcoholism Imposed on him Tins Is too high a price to nay and all so unnecessary ana we dare not try to dismiss It all by saying thai the views pressed above are to midVictorian This Is a Twentieth Century problem Tho Acton Froo March 1972 Coles Slaw from Page Four 10th Centurys new prophet the computer The true scientist Is very much aware of the other parts mans nature that cannot bo examined under microscope He is aware that the order and laws of the universe did not happen by chance Science and faith are not opposed but can complement one another so we can better under stand our natures and the universe In which we live I know few people who could argue with me on that paint and make some valid points of their own There are others who would bo diametrically opposed because science has landed us on tho moon and done other wonders To heir minds tho scientists are the new gods There are others who would argue the the was written to be understood literally and that any deviation from word as was written Is heresy It seems to me they are missing the trullii that can come From both sources As Francis Thompson puts It so Docs the fish sour to find the ocean The eagle plunge to find the air Unit we of the stars In motion II they have rumor of Thee there Not where the wheeling systems darken Anil our benumbed conceiving soars Hie drift of pinions would we hearken lleuts at our own clay shuttered doors The angels keep their ancient places turn out a stone and start a lis ye tis your estranged faces Thut miss Ihc thing This weeks winners in the Acton Merchants Trip to Nassau Contest Edith McGuin Minnie Mason Ted Van Kestercn Mabel Mrs Minnie Calvcr Valerie Graham Mrs Graham Scott Mrs It Braida Alice Pilklngton M Kenny B Alice Pllklngton Ingles Mrs Fletcher M Kenny Frank Helen Marolt Wendy Thomson Mory Ann Karl Anita Braida Mrs W Mason Carl Timbers John Ruth Shortlll Gerald Patcy Sue Louise V Henderson Gladys Hazel Eastwood S Lamb Mrs J Sargent Mrs Jessie Coles Mrs E Sampson Steve Mclntyre Mrs C CargUI Mrs H Bittorf Mrs M John Mr I de Grach Mrs H Bisley V Henderson Lorraine Renaud Schmuki Inn Wilson Glenn McLeod V J Moyse Joan Renshali S Woloshyn Mrs Thompson Chisholm Pearl Young Mrs A Papillon M Benton Mrs DeWilde Steven Schubert Meggie Deforest O Beatrice Chew H Schmuki Stella Bmnelle Heitu B Henry Mrs Masalcs Nellie Wieck Winnie Stroyan Van Dcr Hey den Dear Hartley Again I must congratulate you and the staff of the Acton Free Press on winning the awards at the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association meeting Year after year you have continued to maintain the highest excellence in newspapers m your category and I know that this will continue In the future Much luck to you in the forthcoming year and again congratulations Sincerely Halton Organize Erin Liberal Assn Area Liberals have decided to form an Erin and District Liberal Association At a meeting held March 14 In Erin a group representative of most locations in Erin Village and Erin Township voted approval to hold a founding meeting lor the Association The date has been set for Monday April 24 at Brisbane Public School Gyronatorlum Just east of Erin Township Line starting at 8 pan Halton Liberal MP Mr Rod Whiting will attend the meeting at which time the first Association Executive will be elected Mrs Jacqueline OConnor one of the organizers of the meeting last week and a member of the Nominating Committee said about a dozen persons are serving on the steering committee which is organizing the meeting She said anyone interested in Joining the Association should meeting April WATCH for children this week while driving It Is winter break ATCM ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS T I SHORTS and up Salesman T I GENERALS for Farm Owner GENTLEMEN FARMERS we m There are special provisions that may apply to you OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 5 PM Saturday 9 AM to PM 8772217 Give us your facts Well put you in the picture Merchandising and service businesses make a contribution to the Canadian economy every year They employ more people and produce more revenue than any other industry group Now in the final phase of the 1971 Census of Canada were measuring the precise share of that activity generated by each business in these categories The figures relating to your operation are vital to this measuring process If you are a wholesaler retailer or sup plier of services you will have received a census questionnaire to complete Please fill it in and mail it back promptly When the Census of Merchandising and Service Businesses has been taken we will be able to produce a clear picture of national trends in these fields so you can see exactly where you fit in Whatever your sales volume may be the 1971 census data will show you how your performance compares with others of similar size nationally or in your own county or census district Sales payrolls and number of employees are among the vari ables you can measure Your individual information will continue to be held in strictest confidence as required by law We wont publish figures in cases where there are fewer than three firms in a given category so no one will be able to identify your specific results The Merchandising and Service Division of Statistics Canada is taking this census to produce accurate uptodate information to help in your business planning To do this it needs your uptodate results The breadth and thoroughness of the census is what makes it so important to so many people in business and government alike I Statistics Statistique Canada Canada

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