Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1972, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 19 Churchill Services two baptisms By Mrs Fred Arthur Churchill Community Church congreational meeting was held In the Church Thursday evening Plans were made for an evening song service instead of the regular morning church service on Sunday May which be withdrawn so any can attend United Church Anniversary service Plans were also being finalized for our own Church anniversary services on June 11 Guest speaker will be Rev Bob Hyde and Mrs C E Baylisa and wee daughter Mellnda of visited at the parental home on Saturday with Rev and Mrs Fosbury At christening Mr and Mrs Ward Hamilton attended the christening of their grand niece Elizabeth Anne first child of and Mrs Robert on Sunday April In St Stephens Anglican Church performed by Rev Dr and Mrs Fowler served dinner to all their guests at their home afterward Mr and Mrs Ward Hamilton were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Metcalfe and participated in evaporating the last run of sap for the year from their maple bush Poster win Congratulations to Earl Anderson on winning third prize on Ms Dental health poster Grade pupils of School participated In the competition We are pleased to report Mr Wilbert Brown is still at his home but another of the family son Roy 13 years was rushed to doctor and on to the Guclph General Hospital for an emergency appendix operation He has returned home now and is convalescing nicely Mr Garry who has been attending University is home now after the end of the term He has received a position for the summer with the Ontario department of University and Colleges in Toronto Mrs Lloyd Anderson and son Earl of visited over the weekend at her brothers home with Mr and Mrs William and Garry Mr VemDennyofthcOPP Is home from London for the long weekend Mr Ray Denny is home after completing his 2nd semester at the Guelph University Wednesday guests with Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr Christine and Jeffrey were Mr and Mrs Barry Cowling of Bowmanvllle also Mr and family of Ottawa Baptismal service On Sunday April at United Church Christine Laura daughter of Mr Mrs Bob Kerr was baptised at the morning service A Osprlnge Baptismal dinner was held at Those attending were Christine a greatgrandparents Mr Howard Malcolm of Locust Hill also her grand parents Mr and Mrs John Knox of Hampton and Mr and Mrs Archie Kerr Mrs Grant Down and family of Sunderland Mr Ken Knox of Princeton Mr and Mrs Brian Knoi of and Miss Nancy Knox Hampton Mr and Mrs Jim Buck and boys also the Strokov family Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs William Thompson Mrs Hugh Dunn of London Mr and Mrs Joshua Thompson Mr Charles Thompson Mr Frank Thompson Elizabeth and John The was to celebrate Mr and Mrs Thompson wedding anniversary Sing at Five senior girls of Churchill Choir Misses Janice Swackhamer Joyce Denny Erica Elizabeth and Vera sang at the Baptist Church ThankOffering on Sunday evening April Mrs Anderson accompanied the girls on the organ Churchill Community Church Orchestra attended the Christian Church sacred concert on Sunday evening April They gave a musical number and assisted with prelude and also assisted with the hymns Mrs Anderson was at the organ 60 children collect sap By Doris Fines The men beef supper to be held in church on April was under discussion at the April meeting of the Ladies Aid There were members present to answer the roll call on An Easter thought or verse at me home of Mrs George Lang The Resurrection of Christ on Easter was the subject of the devotional by Mrs Ward Bruce Mrs H was convener of the program andMrs Gordon was winner of a game contest of Dowers The meeting closed with the Lords Prayer and lunch was served by the hostess SagarbotB On Tuesday Grades and of School with their teachers and prefects visited the sugar bush on Mr William Black s farm at R R Rock wood Mr Black certainly made this a valuable learning experience with his thought provoking questions and demon He also allowed the children to assist in gathering the sap On Wednesday Grade enjoyed the Canadian Mime Theatre presentation at John Ross Hall in Guelph The sketches without dialogue were a new experience for the class and prompted much discussion among the pupils about this new but ancient form of drama Home from trip Mr Stuart McKinnon recently returned from a trip to England and Scotland He was by his brother of Montreal Mrs has been visiting with her daughter and son inlaw Mr and Mrs Max Schotsch and family or the past two weeks Mr and Mrs Gordon visited on Sunday with Rev and Mrs Hugh and family at Mr and Mrs William H Russell of Detroit Michigan are visiting this week with Mr Russell sister Mrs Thomas Fines and Dons Also visiting at the same home were Mr and Mrs Bert James of Erin and Mr William J Henderson of WI meeting in news By Mrs ABentcs Mrs J of Chalk Rirer visited with her cousins Mr and Mrs A Patterson last week The Annual Meeting of the Limebousc Women Institute was held at the home of Mrs Neil Anderson on Wednesday of last week Prior to the meeting ten enjoyed a prearranged potluck dnner partly demonstrating the Using of Ontario fruits and Using worth of meat Mrs Frank Brown in the choir brought the District Directors report Minutes of last year annual meeting were read and each convener of a standing committee gave her report A former president Mrs presided for election of officers as follows Elect officers Past president Mrs S Gtsbv Mrs T C Brown SilverWood first vice president Mrs J Noble second vice president Mrs Booth secretary treasurer Mrs Anderson assistant sec tytreas Mrs J Noble public relations Mrs F T Brown District Director Mrs A Benton Alternates J S Noble T Brown Branch directors J S Noble Anderson Conveners of standing committees and Canadian Industries Mrs Anderson Citizenship and World Affairs Mrs Booih Education and CuUural Activities Mrs A W Benton Family and Consumer Affairs Mrs J Resolutions Mrs Son ford Curator Mrs Kirkpatrick Flower and Fruit Mrs J Noble Reporter Mrs A W Benton Auditors Mrs J Brown and Mrs A W Benton Annual meeting By Mrs George Bart Silver Wood I held their Annual Meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs M Campbell After the business meeting Mrs Ironside conducted the Section of the officers for the coming year Past president Mrs Harry Marching ton president Mrs Leslie first vice president Mrs Fred second vice president Mrs George Ironside secretary treasurer Mrs Ian Carmichael sub sec treasurers Mrs Harry Scott District director Mrs Harry alternate director Mrs George Burt Branch Directors Mrs C Lindsay T Public relations Mrs George Burt pianist Mra Donald Lindsay Mrs M and Mrs Miller Agriculture Mrs George Canadian Industries H tad world affair Mrs M Cbrbett education and cultural acttvitjea lira Donald Lindsay and M Campbell family and consumer affairs Mrs Norton and Mrs Duffleld resolutions Mrs Harry Scott curator Mrs Harry Marchington Fruit and Flowers Mrs Courtesy Mrs and Mrs M Campbell Social committee Mrs Williamson Mrs D Lindsay Mrs Mrs G Burt leaders Mrs Lindsay and Mrs I Carmichael Pianists J Booth Representative i to District Annual Mesdames G Booth and J Noble The hostess served a cup of tea at the close Spring Mrs Stanford Reid of was guest speaker the Spring meeting of limehouse Presbyterian church W MS held in the church Sunday evening Introduced by Mrs A W Benton she brought an taster message stressing Joy She slated that spring Is a lime of renewal promise and Is mentioned many limes IhrouKhout the Bible In closing she told us to ask ourselves Ami on advertisement for Christ Presiding for her mother Mm Mitchell Mrs Sun ford opened the meeting by reading The Old Violin ant welcomed visitors from seven other societies Mrs Booth rend Scripture and Mrs followed with Prayer Mualeal number Vocal duets by Mrs William and Miss Mary Brown and a piano duet by Misses Noreen Noble and ljurn Stevens were enjoyed Mrs nave the Mrs Bert Benton the courtesies Mrs J Itoughiey at the organ Bert Benton at the piano accompanied the hymns and played during the offering Rev Barrow pronounced the benediction A social hour arranged by Mrs J Mrs A Patterson followed m Dhtributor of Horn and Farm Product Saving Acton and Sine At oils if lUMICATlON OILS DIESEL run Phone 8532174 MNNOAtU OH MMNBt A Young Si Acton Balllnafad NEW COORDINATOR for Haiton York County EMO He been busy re- County is Ron pictured here with the organizing the emergency measures set up in radio equipment at the county office in Haiton since taking over his duties here at the Milton He is a former assistant director of first of the month Eden Mills Exchange student from US By Mrs Wright Members of the Community Club entertained the Senior Citizens of Eden Mills and district to a luncheon and an afternoon of cnbbagc euchre or visitation which is looked forward to once a month James Kirby is at present confined to hospital in Hamilton and Norman Marshall Jr is In General Hospital Guests of Mr and Mrs Wilk Wilson were Mr and Mrs Frank Spinks Burlington Mr and Mrs Richard Mills Kingston were home with Mrs Wright at the weekend Mrs Willima McLean is in Toronto for a few days visiting her sisters Guests of Mr and Mrs Ed were Mr and Mrs Ralph Carlmielnel Ohio Mr and Mrs Howard Vincent spent the last few days with Mr and Mrs Robert Wright Home from Florida Mr and Mrs George Weale are home after a month at Fort Lauderdale Florida Mr Ed Jennings were in Peterborough for a few days last week Mrs Stevenson is in for the past week with her son and family and Mrs Dan Stevenson Mr Ted of Preston supplied the pulpit at Eden Mills Presbyterian Church Sunday Mr is studying at ChooH I trucks A ChargH TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS You can book a GLOBUSGATEWAY transatlantic CHARTER today legally NO CLUB MEMBERSHIPS I OR BOOKING FEES Your is protected by bond and one of the mott tutted in MRmnE tnvii If you are planning to tour Europe this year Globus Gateway Charter is the way to go You have a choice 1 itineraries 15 days escorted tours independent city hopping tours and beach holidays I economy or lust class Flights depart New York between April and October 8 lour in all for you to choose from Don put off European hoi day plans lor a moment I longer Call for a free 120 page colour brochure in when I you II complete details on all the departure dates I and itineraries available GLOBUS GATEWAY CHARTERS must be con junction with Globus Gateway land arrangements All I flights are via Capitol Airlines DC jets YOUR GLOBUSGATEWAY CHARTER TRAVEL AGENT MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Martin St Milton Mil The Ontario Ministry ot Health invites participation by concerned and qualified Individuals and organizations in the development and operation of a HALTON HOME CARE PROGRAM This Home Car Program wilt Involve Provision of high quality health care services Visiting nursing and homemaker services physio occupational and speech therapy and other services to patients In their homes A Program Area covering all ot County with the exception of Burlington presently served by Its own Home Program A SEMINAR TO BE HELD AT OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL APRIL AM NOON to discuss the Home Care needs of the Program Area and to consider specifications for a Haiton Home Care Proqram Interested individuals and organizations are invited to attend R Advance copies of specifications are available Address Physician In charge of Home Care Floor Hepburn Queens Park Toronto Telephone Dance WI death party ByMrt On Thursday evening about 30 neighbors and friends of and line dropped in on WUla and Fred In their new home on the line Walter was master of ceremonies for a delightful program at the close of which Morgan Madlll presented the with a hall set mirror and candelabra was served and a pleasant evening brought to a close Mr and Mrs Garrett and family who have been living here for a number years have sold their house and moved on Saturday to a temporary dwelling on highway Baptism Sunday The service on Sunday was well attended The sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Ross McLean and Christine baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Kerr received the baptismal riles from Rev Kelvin Johnston Close relatives and friends of both families attended and witnessed the happy cent The dance on Saturday night at the Community Centre attracted a good crowd Julian and his Casuals provided the music Pioneer family Many friends and relatives Mr Henry Hilts of Georgetown The Hilts family pioneers of Balllnafad motcd to Georgetown in recent years Sympathy goes out to tha family Penny Shortill whose birthday was Friday had her friend Sandy to help her celebrate The UCW will hold their meeting at Mrs Ernie on Tuesday night W I officers Officers for W I for the coming year are as follows past president Mrs J McEnery president Mrs Eleanor McLean secretory Mrs Slessoralus treasurer Mrs W Smith Ass t secretary Mrs Ada District director Mrs Jesse McEnery public relations Mrs branch director Mrs Lloyd Marshal welfare Mrs L Marshall Mrs A McLean programs Mrs Given home Mrs Jamieson Mr Archie McEnery was able to return home from hospital is still confined to the house THE water is pouring over the Mill St dam in huge quantities this week Ronald Mong of Oil Pennsylvania is one of the eight exchange students at Centennial High School arranged by the Youth Committee of the Rata nans and has been a guest of Bob Wright during the Mr and Mrs William Mc Donald are two weeks holiday in Arizona GOODWILL USED CARS Before you buy give us a try 1967 POIltiaC Door Sedan Mora I or No 17I18 Sell ng Now Only door hard top V8 power steer brakes raa new I dark blue malcn or new owner on on request No Now A Only I Dodge 4 door Sedan 1550 BUICK CADILLAC PLAN Main SI Milton MILTON ACTON NOTICE TO PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration for admission to Kindergarten in September In the Elementary Public Schools of County will take place on Friday April between the hours of 9 a and noon and l 15 p and p the school which serves the attendance area In which the child resides Public School supporters may register their children who will have attained the age of 5 years on or before the last day of February 1973 Proof of public school support will be accepted In the form of the tax bill or assessment notice or a declaration from the Clerk office A birth certificate or baptismal certificate wilt be acceptable as proof of age If further information Is required call the School Principal or the Chairman of the North Education Centre below J Morrison North Education Centre Tel JWJ Chairman of the Board Director of Education

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