The Acton Free Press Wednesday May MiniComment While the Eramosa River is being dissected at the current set of M B hearings in the Ministry of the Environment reports water quality in the Speed Eramosa river system has improved noticeably in the area as a result of better sewage and industrial waste treatment developed by the Ontario Water Resources Commission The report predicts that new waste treatment facilities and improvements will do even more to clean up the river residents will also be surprised to note the report says new installations at and Hespeler are also expected to be complete this year We thought the decision was still up in the air If Rockwood does get a sewage system we think the conservation people should be paying a good share of that shot if the outlet pipe bypasses the conservation park M John Root has similar thoughts along these lines It t fair to ask a village of less than to pay heavily for the advantage of a facility that arrived a century after they settled in the area especially since figures indicate 25 per cent of the people in Rockwood are retired and likely living on fixed incomes The rash of grass fires over the past week shows that despite all the air pollution regulations many still burn off the previous year growth What better way to get of if However in too many instances the fires get out of hand and require the aid of the fire brigade to extinguish them When this happens the fire starter is not ob serving proper precautions and invites disaster We are plumping for an annual Spring CleaiHip Week to keep the town and countr sparklmg and fresh as the warmer months approach There is too much and Utter around town streets that never gets picked up bottles and garbage litter the countryside sometimes in the most scenic spots For those not yet adjusted to Saving Time we would suggest an hours extra sleep each night If Vt ill Shakespeare s right it will unravel the day s care and we 11 soon adjust to fast time Our readers Editorial Let write Editor Dear Sir Could you please answer a few questions for me about the centennial project I would greatly appreciate It Has there been any suggestion made tor another meeting to be held regarding this projecT I really don feel that people showing up is enough basis on which to start a project Could there not be another meeting with more publicity other than the paper Signs in store windows and notes sent home from school I No offence to Mr Carpenter but what competition did he have regarding the centennial symbol J Don t you think there should be a school competition for a drawing of a centennial emblem This would get the children interested and probably more parents would become involved this what it all about Involvement by the townspeople An interested citizen THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Bus and Editorial Offue The spotlight this week is on Child Safety week Few tragedies can be as heart breaking as the death of an Innocent child We learn of a child struck down by a car cremated in a burning home drowned in the midst of a swim or perishing by inadvertently swallowed poison Our hearts bleed In Canada each year some 2 children under the age of die from accidents and over half a million are injured Most of these accidents could have been prevented They should never have happened The population of Canada Is younger than most people believe One out of every three people or more than seven million Canadians are under the age of fifteen The importance of protecting this age group cannot be over emphasized as they arc the future of this nation Today s children live In an increasingly complex world An important part of their education is learning how to live safely in our modern fast moving society It Is the responsibility of all adults to guide and protect children from the hazards that surround them In 1970 the latest year for which figures are available 1 children died in accidents Of the 5 traffic deaths 770 were children under the age of fifteen Of 1 287 pedestrian fatalities or 38 3 per cent were children under fifteen years of age Of 173 drownings or per cent were children under the age of fifteen Of 287 pedestrian fatalities or per cent were children under fifteen years of age Suffocation fatalities took the lives of persons of which 253 or per generally due to regurgitation of food or smothering in beds or cradles Of drownings 360 or 7 per cent were children under the age of fifteen Males outnumbered females about to 1 There were fire fatalities and or per cent were children under the age of fifteen Accidental poisonings took the lives of children under years of age 17 of these happened to children under five Every 15 minutes in this nation a child is accidentally poisoned Every five minutes a child is needlessly Injured More children die from accidents than from the next three causes of death put together congenital formation pneumonia and cancer Hie most dangerous ages of child accidents arc two and three and these happen more frequently during the late afternoon and evening hours do not just happen A set of circumstances which frequently little foresight could have been prevented all too often costs a child s life or In Injury children what they want to do safely moulding of safe attitudes also depends on teaching by example A positive attitude towards safety in children starting with the very young will equip them to cope with all their lives us try hard to cut the enormous toll of life Boredom disease of times At long last industry especially the auto sector is realizing what house wives figured out eons ago that repetitive boring jobs must be given some variation and meaning People laughed patronizingly when housewives headed out from the home stead in droves to take night courses paint sculpt volunteer drink coffee garden anything but dishes and dusting Now industry even has a fancy name for the boredom disease Lordstown syndrome The Lords- town Ohio General Motors plant went Stamp collectors WHEN TWO SIAMESE CATS take up stamp collecting count on plenty of kitty litter Jo Jo and Owly Siamese snippets at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Carpenter Elizabeth Drive took up their new hobby while the Carpenters were out They used Joyce Carpenter s collection as a base for their cat mail system while Jack camera recorded the damage Coles Slaw Do you feel tired Don t know why I got the answer The population of Canada 22 million but there are 7 million over years of age leaving 15 million to do the work Peopleunder21totalI0mlIlion leavlng5 million to do the work Two million are government employees leaving million to do the work There are in the armed forces leaving two million five hundred thousand to do the work Deduct one million twohiindredandfUty thousand provincial municipal or city workers leaving to do the work But there are TOO 000 unemployed and on welfare So that leaves 100 to do the work Now it may Interest you to know that there are people out of the country at any one time and in Jail so that leaves the work and that You and Me brother and I m getting tired of doing everything myself The foregoing was culled from the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association bulletin which among other things rated the sports pages of the Acton Free Press as among he best In Ontario It has never been mentioned but In the recent newspaper awards the Free Press won an honorable mention from the American judges for its sports pages We were amazed and pleased at the quality of the entrants the New York judge and also as regards the obvious talent of those producing them of course refers to Free Press sports editor Denis Gibbons who grinds out tht copy and lays the sports pages out each That s the reason the Gibber can gel his hat on these days Seriously though I always knew Denis turned out excellent pages and the honorable mention in a very competitive field is well deserved though my typxwritxr is an old modxl it works quitxwxll xxcxpt f or of its kxys I many timxs that It Thxrx ant lays that function but just not working thx dif Somxtimxs it sums to mx that a community is somxwhat my old not all thx pxplx arx working You may say to yoursxlf I am only onx I don makx or a program but it doxs makx a diffxrxnex a community to bx thx participation of rxlatxd to it So nxxt timx you think that you only and that your xfforts not nxxdxd and say to 1 a in my town and I am much If I fall in my to thx community on strike recently out of sheer bore dom spotlighting the combination of fatigue stress and depression that shows up in workers exposed to un broken monotony and strain on the assembly line called sharp attention to the fact that young workers these days are more restless independent and rebellious than older employees Average age at this plant was under 25 Various experiments are being tried more off fourday work week and a six month year Some companies are studying job enrichment schemes which motivate workers with phases of recognition and job rewards In Germany Lufthansa lets many employees work as much as little as they please Sweden has robots to do the monotonous assembly line operation leaving workers free to produce an entire engine instead of just one part It shows that these days wages I for boredom Unchurched Editorials of the rated Church of Canada Next time somebody in the club or other organization you belong to asks If you d handle the publicity for some event that take my advice with a NO the way they always put It Handle the publicity Casual Nothing to it You just handle it Well I silting here in my underwear trying to write a column because I just finished a two week stint of handling the publicity and I m soaking wet from the waist up Why Because just home from up and down the main street merchants to put posters In their windows I should have known better I got my baptism quite a few years ago when I took on the publicity chores for an election campaign And I ve been involved in three elections since each time emerging In the same wringing wet and swearing never again But the first one was the worst one I was i lot younger or f d probably not have come through it without cracking up Mj candidate was young had never rur before and was up against a man who belonged to the large government majority The latter should have been a shooin But we licked him Wcformed a triumvirate the Hough campaign manager and myself publicity manoeer beat the back roads and wore out three pairs of shoes beat every bush in the county raising money And I beat my brains to the bone writing speeches and news releases and advertisements Hardly anybody pays any attention to the platforms of the various parties so you have to sell die man And there only so many of Our guy is better than their guy Bill Smileyf You say your guy has more children than their guy and that the former is active In church work The opposition counters by pointing out their experience and claiming he is vitally interested in crippled children And so on Youchallengeyouropponent in an ad to a public debate He gets free publicity by refusing on the grounds that there is no evidence your guy has anything worth listening to in public And so on Then there are the advertisements We had ten weeklies and a daily paper involved plus two radio stations And we never had enough money So every ad had to be small but packed with power Try this sometime Try getting across a vital message in a thirty second commercial Oh well it was sort of fun at the tunc and I learned that a man can work hours a day and Lmerge if not unscathed at least alive As I recall the only material reward was a crock of Crown Royal Not because the candidate was a cheapskate but because he was up to his ears in bills after the election As I said I should have known better at my age lhan to handle the publicity again But when I was asked I responded like an old war horse who has been through he reek and blood of battle but cm t resist it It was such a little thing really Just the publicity foranOpenHouseatour school to mark the completion of a mg to tune of three million Nothing tofArxr event Just let the papers fcro Next thing I know I wntnj ads churning out thousands of words try to con radio and staters into that the nws item I si phoning in is not pa composing a letter for 1JCO fads to home to their parents writing letters invitation to various dignitaries arranging of posters and finally these in person However I vemanaged to totter through once The only thing that bothers me is that I enlisted one of my young in the English department into writing radio commercials and 1 afraid he hooked He s been batting out thirty second commercials with not only elan but gusto I be surprised if he quit teaching English and went into advertising a fate worse than death nitre unfortunate side effect My wife and daughter have a wedding coming up The former is flying in ever decreasing circles of panic and accuses me of having deserted her during the crisis in spent so much time you guided it handling the publicity Kim blithely unconcerned about the whole thing She constantly remarks Stop worrying Mom There to it which has the effect of turning the Old a deep shade of violet while her head whirls with thoughts of invltat and announcements to be printed house to get ready the flowers to be organized and the casual kid wed ding dress not even thought of with ten ddjs to go Not to mention When is the yjrd going to be cleaned up and 1 11 never that chair back from the up holsterer in time and simply I can Like Kim I believe the wedding will take place and it will scarcely rate in the history books with the crossing of the Red Sea Back issues of The Free Press Taken from the Issue of the Free Thursday May 199 Tennis got started this week when the club met to make plans for the official opening The net has been erected on the asphalt court but the clay court is not yet dry enough for playing Mrs Doris Graham presided for the meeting Trophies were presented to the team captains and best allround player of the Acton Minor Sports Club town league at a banquet In the Y A last Thursday evening when more than 100 of the town s players were treated to hot dogs and Ice cream Bob Heatley captain of the winning team in the Junior section of the league won the George Molozzi trophy Team Manager was Gordon Cunningham Paul was awarded the John Kentner memorial trophy for the best allround player manager and Ed McHugh captafn accepted the Canadian Legion trophy for the winning team in the senior section of the league Cliff Sutton general secretary of the has been released to join the office staff of Micro Plastics Taken from Issue of Free Press Thursday May ISC The Great War Veterans Association Community House has been purchased by Daniel Ritchie who has so successfully managed this hostelry for the past year or two The place will hereafter be known as Acton Community House He has permanent boarders and commercial travellers are loud in the praises of the menu and accom modation There are still club privileges for V A The local baseball season opened Saturday with a fast Milton junior team as visitors The game was never in doubt and Acton was always in the lead Acton battery Mclntyre and Kaley Umpires and J Kennedy From the Detroit Free Press comes the news that photographer Charles M Hill is retiring He commenced hl3 photography business in Acton In 1877 Milk is now 11 cents a quart In April there were 27 mothers on Mothers Allowance in Hal ton paid a total of Taken from Issue tbe Free Press Thursday May 13 1897 The new electric fire alarm up last week works to perfection in awakening the caretaker and driver of the fire team The fire gong for the east end was however a dismal failure and has been returned to the electricians It could not be heard in councillor Denny store a single block away Mr James Warren of a native of Acton called upon the Free Press and during the visit Asa Hall Esq our oldest resident dropped in Mr Warren was recalling verses he had learned at school when Mr Hall was a trustee in The school building was on Main St near where the old Presbyterian church stands The teacher was Mr Alex McKinnon Mr William Armour of Nassagaweya lost a heavy draught horse from paralysis last week valued at Arbor Day was observed at the Public School by cleaning up school yard No flowers or trees were planted this year Acton seems to be the favorite objective point for Georgetown Score of them have been here the past week