Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1972, p. 4

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Wedimday May MiniComment Free in who depend on far auction sale and are often disappointed when the paper arrives on Monday two days a sale days for papers to be in Toronto especial when sub scribers In England haw written to acknowledge prompt delivery writer sent photographs to a lady In England on a and had an acknowledgement in days 1 1 It takes five days tor a newspaper to go miles An Anglican man will fill the role of the voice of God in a Catholic church something unusual indeed It is all part of the Spring festival with Benjamin pageant opera Noahs Flood bring presented In cathedral like Church of Our Lady In the search Tor a voice to replace Allan of the Canadian Opera hired for the role It found Archdeacon Clarence Mitchell of St Georges Anglican Church Guelph had the of basso and the magnitude of voice recfiured for the role Archdeacon Mitchell is a member of the Guelph concert singers and formerij of the Bach Choir of Hamilton We were pleased to see the Acton Development Commission taking an active interest in the appearance of the towns business section by installing large concrete pots with small trees in them in appropriate places It helps give the business section a pleasant took and more of this kind of would give the town s are shot the arm With so many nearby places to shop appearances become very According to the latest of the Farm News the prevailing trend in township is towards a decrease in the number of full time farmers while part farmers and those who on the farm are snowing a corresponding increase The last list contained the names of 333 persons recorded as farmers by occupation while a survey for OF A membership showed 300 farm operators in the township These were divided up into 159 full time farmers parttime and who were resident on the farm but it was being worked or leased by someone else The figures definitely show that is no longer a farmers township The bulk of the population have homes in and work somewhere else although it is still true most township land is occupied by farming endeavours Our readers write Our little Township Council now Can t make its own decisions But refers them to the Planning Board And all their Subdivisions While they appoint a Commission And make lots of Paper work Committees gather round the place then appoint a Clerk The Cost Accountants then move in While CorporaUons sleep A Deputation cones from Ottawa They must not work too Cheap While all these Arguments go on The Township people wait Who is going to move the Stone In front of Sandy s Gate Then finally one afternoon Twelve Inspectors in a Bus Come roaring down the County Road To add to all the Fuss They measured up the Pebble And took pictures for the Court Then went back to their To up their Reports Some school kids coming home one night Just made a Baseball pitch They got the Rock outside the gate And threw it in the Ditch We ought to bang our heads in Shame And bless the Long haired Lords These kids have got more Common Sense Than all our Planning Boards Be carefui when you burn Although it may seem like a small matter it is a fact that all types of open burning whether of leaves grass brush stumps trash or corn stubble create considerable amounts of especially in built up areas For example one pound leaves burned in the open can release times as much pollution as a pound of coal burned in a furnace hydro carbons aldehydes and organic acids Smoke from open fires soils property and clothing and reduces visibility making It a hazard near roadways There s also Ihe problem of fires getting out of control as numerous grass fires in this district lost week Firefighters are called upon in many instances when little My first film was a flopf PRODUCING PICTURES can be a business for a fellow as three yearold Robert Jennings illustrates watching his father photographer Jim Jennings work on Free Press pictures His first attempt at producing pictures wns followed by a session in bed where the only inngciy comes fi m drowsy dreams Of course Pa snapped this one Coles Slaw If vouve never been involved when homesick Newfoundlanders celebrate I suggest you do so at the first opportunity Saturday night Acton 1 ions brought in Harry Hlbbs and the Shrimp Cocktail band from the Caribou Club for a dance Arena walls bulged accommodatitu all those who got in The Lions had to turn some because demand exceeded the supply tables and chairs The attraction which brought out the throng many of them from the Isle was a plain looking young man in a working man cap playing a squeeze box which looked like an accordion THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Bus and Editorial Offue care and an alternative manner of disposing of waste could have avoided on alarm There are to open burning Materials can be buried composted out for municipal collection or taken to the dump or sanitary land fill site If burning is the only solution be careful The Ministry of the Fnvironmcnt recommends you burn only dry materials and avoid pttroleum plastics rubber or anything that will cause excessive smoke or fumes Stay with the fire at all times Is the advice and don t burn when rain fog or similar weather conditions prevent the ready dispersion of smoke Keep fires at least feet from We feel badly too Quietly and with few ripples In the huge printing and publishing business the community weekly newspaper has grown over the list dozen years until it now represents nearly double the circulation and nearly double the average circulation per publication says Publishers Auxiliary of the growth of weekly newspapers in the United States The same is true in Canada Weekly newspapers including the Free Press have experienced great gains in circulation spurred by ad vanced printing techniques and sophisticated layouts In the case of the Acton Free Press circulation figures have almost doubled in the last four years These facts are based on Audit Bureau of Circulation figures computed only on paid circulation Along with the increased circulation has come wider coverage for the district and greater demands on time ind space Although the number of produced each week are double figures of to years ago it is a growing problem to handle all events In the district So we ask your indulgence if an Item or a picture dots not appear the week you felt it should Decisions must be made each week on what must appear and the editor and staff make every effort to include everything fit to print Each wtck Free Press phologriphLrs take many pictures of which only a small percentage appear in the pages We chose the pictures on Ml plaintive songs with a voice that you hear in your own bathroom when The music suited Ihe mood some fast some slow The nuldittl sound of the sea was there as well as the Scottish and Irish twang of the islanders fishing forbeirs this the crowd clapped and cheered lanced and reels and applauded lone and loud In between Harry appearances the Slirunp Cocktail provided a spectrum of popular music ranging from the bellicose rock roll to the soul stuff that turns the teens on sometimes lapsing into country and western so popular In the Manumcs A tew had jus to listen but the big majority raneint from to 80 years of 41 were out on the floor stepping it out and really themselves regardless of lack or preponderance of years tame with crutches casts and eants to enjoy tht music and the dancing from as far away as Sudbury and as near as next street seemed to enjoy themselves a lot of the music by some standards would be considered corny outofdate and parochial with the emphasis on the fast step IX spile all the jokes and the fun poked at the people from Canada newest province they maintain good humor and have a camaraderie we can all leam from in our socalled sophisticated society We should send delegations to Newfoundland to be taught how to have a good tune Roughly one million people read this column And they read it roughly because that the way it is written Many of the old faithfuls have read the column since the time my daughter first burped and covered the old man shirt with babyspew And they have associated and laughed and cried as I described the peculiar creature that I produced With a little help from my wife of course I feel it only fair to old faithfuls to keep them up to date Anyone who is not interested turn to Ann landers or Billy Graham or somebody who writes about Mm el hint important Kim is married Normally this is an occasion of great hilarity geniality joviality and sometimes even spirituality Personally I think she out of her mind But this at least is normal among parents So everything is proceeding normally Today I came home and found my wife surrounded by ineome tax forms and samples for material to cover one of our chairs Normally I t be surprised this Its typical But it not exactly the pre hysteria one expect And where is Kim with a wedding about ten days away Shes in the city with her boy friend looking for a secondhand van in which they can eat and sleep and have their being during the summer And they have my tar time the phone rings I flinch to hear a police officer telling me they ve tracked up my beautiful Dodge And tomorrow night there a shower for her and the next day a dental appointment Bill Smiley occupied dwelling and dont burn whin will bother your It is perhaps not well known that action can be taken under The Protection Act if mission from an open fire cause dis comfort to people cause loss of of normal use of property intirfcrtnct with the normal conduct of business or cause damage to properly All complaints to the Ministry of the arc investigated than pay a fine or become involved in leg il tangles it would be wist to consider other methods of gttting of dtbris when you are ttmpted to light that match to grass news vaiOe and quality always trying to use those which are the most interest to all readers not just a few individuals are those who tell us we succeed This of course is a matter of opinion and all arc entitled to own But over the years this editor has developed a fairly tough hide and names or slurs on our competence bother us very little Hie numbtr of pages in this news paper each week arc determined by the amount of advertising In any event there is never any itttmpt to hinder publication and in most cases when a picture or story does not appear we feel as badly about it as those involved We had some chili and some cough medicine an excellent combination by the way and could scarcely bear to part But to get back to my thesis and I m afraid wandered a bit we can t invite every bod So I II make it official Mr and Mrs WBT Smiley the marriage of their daughter and next week an appointment in the city about a job and another dental appoint and a hairdresser appointment And she I even boutjit her wedding dress yet She not at all worried about her going away outfit She assured her mother Don worry Mom 1 11 be going away in my jeans Well I sorry I can t Invite everyone to the wedding You would enjoy every minute of it but we can t get one million people into our room though you never believe itwhtnwehaveourannualparty And you the reception even more with Kims tat and ours flying into a screeching spitting squalling fight ever three minutes One of the biggest ordeals of course is meeting the future in laws We got through that last Sunday and It went off fine The kids sat nervously their nails up to the knuckles as they watched it Dot i sensible person like myself and I tot along fine She accepts life as it is and something about it She II be a fine mother in law Doug and my wife are both rails about classical music and they Rot along fine He and I are going trout fishing so we got along fine KLM I university dropout Mr Donald Sieber on May This dubious affair will take place at Kim home 303 Ave Midland Ont Probably That s the gist of the thing There Dont feel hurt because haven t received a personal invitation If you had it would be getting a personal invitation to the Black Hole of Calcutta dojoung people want to get anyway In my day it was the only way to do youknow what But with the pill and the new concept of morality it all seems rather dopey Oh well 1 11 probably weep during the ceremony And when I weep it a sight to behold Strong women who have never wept in their except over a lost eyelash come up and pat me and try to dry my eyes with and all do is make me weep louder and wetter The only advice I can give at thia moment is that If you have to have a daughter have five I imagine by the time the fifth was gotten nd of you be able control to some extent Back Issues of The Free Press Taken from be Issue of Free Press Thursday May 15 1952 Acton M C A on Monday and Tuesday evenings was no place for those seeking peace and quiet The reverberated with the gleeful shouts of over 100 participants in the gym display and shook beneath mass exits and entrances up and down the stairs Highlight of the evening was a square dance by junior boys and girls The steps too difficult but getting the boys and girls to hold hands was the hardest said secretary Cuff Sutton Pictured in square dance costume were Bob Jones Pat Coles Don Cook Judy Mason and Mike Hurst Another colorful display was the Indian drill with Don Lindsay beating the tomtom A game of floor hockey refereed by Bob Wahlman was played by boys and a rather cramped game of basnet ball by Bill Gary Daw kins Ross Morton Joe Jany Don Dawk ins and John Cunningham A highlight of the gym display was BUI Stilling leaping over the horse with four piled on it Gary Dawkins Bob Pete Hurst find Don Wilds A Wand drill was given by Junior girls Shirley Paul Elizabeth Jany Elaine Deforest Mary Mages Barbara Anderson and Norma Permission was granted the s Men s dub to erect four swings in the park McAuley Alton ana Edward were married at St Joseph Attendants were Jacqueline Chew and James McGilloway held its May tea in the Legion hall Taken from the issue of Ihe Free Press Thursday May 11 Iiist Wednesday forenoon while George was operating a hydraulic press in the works of the Acton Tanning Company he had the misfortune to have his left hand caught in the press Dr J A McNiven was called and was promptly on the scene The young man was then removed to the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Cameron Ave where he resides and Dr assisted by Dr Nelson amputated the injured member The bright young English man is making good progress and regards his unfortunate accident with remarkable fortitude and philosophical outlook Mr and his mother left their Old Country Home Sussex March arriving in Canada April Two weeks later he secured the position and a fortnight from the day he commenced work the accident occurred He was in the mechanical trans port service in Egypt during the last year of the war and acquitted himself in all respects like a seasoned soldier Rockwood is in a fair way for having a real live fire brigade Col Mutrie was chosen chief and a number of citizens signed up as members of a proposed brigade Tannery CoOpera live The story of Quality and Prices Special on sugar In lb Iota Fruits and Vegetables Cash Paid for Farm Produce C A Conway manager Mr H G lingard has bought the A M McPherson and has added it to the Jersey Dairy which he recently secured Taken from the Isiuc the Free Thursday MayZO 1897 law No 12 of this municipality has this important clause which some citizens evidently fail to observe That no person the owner and keeper of any cow calf horse colt filly bull steer ox heifer ram sheep pig goat goose or duck or any animal shall allow any such animal to run at large within the village of Acton during any period of the year and any person contravening this by law shall be liable to a penalty of fifty cents exclusive of costs fees or damages for each and every animal found running at Die official count of a Sunday car vote In Toronto gives a majority of In favor of Sunday service A petition has been presented for a recount It is the most contest In the history of Toronto and a of 32 votes was cast White the Protestant vote divided the Roman Catholic and Jewish vote was solidly for the cars The victors won by a lavish expenditure of money and a resort to every kind of electioneering expedient including the advertising of promises which cannot be fulfilled the publication of two forged placards and the mailing of forged letters Loyalty to a great cause was the only impulse with those who fought to retain a Sabbath Tramps jailbirds and are now parading the railway and public roads daily and several report that cellar and houses have been broken Into by these worthies

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