Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1972, p. 4

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The Acton P ess Wednesday May MiniComment A particularly nasty film is going the rounds called A Clockwork Orange It is about an evil young man who is subjected to a statebacked conditioning process in order to change him into a tractable citizen The author of the book on which the film is based is apparently trying to say that is the greatest evil and that it is preferable to have a world of violence undertaken in full awareness than a world conditioned to be good or harmless But the film releases such a putrescence of violence vice and hatred that the message is entirely obscured Are the pundits being really honest when they hail this as the best film of the year Are they trying to make us believe that the leeward side of a compost heap is the best place to view the whole garden Unfortunately too many people want to behave like blowflies and muck meditating is a profitable business The War Cry Among the prominent names in the structure of the new Ministry of the Environment is Acton native John Barr John is the director of the sanitary engineering branch of the water treatment and control division under water management Environ ment Ontario incorporates the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the Department of the Environment The Minister James Auld has indicated the Ministry will soon be moving into new areas such as noise control We will soon be doing our measuring in metric calculations instead of inches and pounds If you buy groceries drive a car make a dress or listen to the weather report it will affect you The government has put out a booklet giving a brief account of the reasoning behind the governments decision to change from the present Canadian inchpound units to metric units some time in the future Main reason for the changeover which will have its main impact on industry is that Canada must catch up with most of the rest of the world About per cent of the world population lives in metric countries and the bulk of international trade is conducted in metric units Soon we will be saying that a baby weighed at birth and the ladies will have measurements such as 896191 instead of Speed limits in urban areas wiU probably be instead of 30 mph On a hot day the temperature will be in the thirties Instead of 90s Canadians instinctively think in feet pounds and pints but we will have to think more like Europeans who use metres kilograms and litres We are assured the change will not be difficult but will require some conscious effort at first Plumber carpenter important The St Marys Journal Argus pondering the fact that many holders of a A and similar degrees would have been better off to have apprenticed to Ihe local plumber suggests that a return to the apprenticeship system might lead more people to good paying jobs instead of the frustrations of finding a job that matches their degree With carpenters receiving per hour and other trades reaching the simc level the lad in the blue shirt is laughing his head off at the plight of the college graduates the Journal Argus declares Recognizing that we need number of professionals of all types the paper says that more opportunities exist in the work field and the sooner we accept this fact and get our youngsters down from their pedestals with both feet on the ground the quicker the education muddle will ooze upward out of the mud it flounders in THE FIRST WARM DAYS of Spring flattered Canadians by falling on the Vic tona Day holiday weekend Acton and district people like others got their kicks from outdoor activities such as the fishing being done by David Donald and Brnn Wong at the Rockwood Conservation Park dam Below them Laurie Pickles Susan Skuce Vickie and Shelley Lindsay cool off in the Lindsay pool on TideyAve Lower right Nancy Lee and Nigel Scott just drift along Fairy Lake in their kayak beside them left an unidentified spectator at the Toronto International Dragway enjoys the sun more than the performance While folks flocked to the water Fairy Lake was a peaceful haven for a Swan ballet and a lone mallard among others The next long weekend t come along until Canada birthday on July Photos by Denis Gibbons and Jim Jennings Our readers write Dear I have been a resident of Acton for seven years and up until now have had very few complaints regarding the town Several month ago I noticed my Hydro bul a little higher than usual Upon inquiring at the oft this is what I was told Besides the 11 percent Increase I had an extra Dear Sir Springtime the time for roseblossoms and beauty but how can the people of Acton or their visitors enjoy it with the stench that penetrates every corner of your house as well as the outdoors It is Just about time for the taxpayers of Acton to nave a stop put to the tannery sunk We haw lived in Acton all our lives and the years tannery has been catered to alibis excuses we re doing the best we can trash Theyve expropriated his old home My Chuck just let me know He is not very handsome As human standards go His back door was an awful mess There are rocks all scattered round His front door is all piled with dirt And he sits upon the mound He off to see the council now To get a new permit To Build a mound somewhere around For his family to sit With ail the building bylaws From planning boards as well He has to dig a Hole so deep Away from human smell They Inspect his outdoor plumbing And check his water source He must not build within a mile Of any golfing course each bill added on due to the fact that I have my father living in Upon his wishing to be independent of myself and my husband we fixed up the basement for him 1 have complained at the tune I pay the b but do not seem to be anywhere I still wa ting for the oner to come to see me year we were supposed to be free of the stink but instead has become unbearable It has got to the point wakes one up in their sleep A sewer outside your window a con of dead worms or a rotting animal would be similar An outhouse at least gave relief Beardmore stench no relief Let ssee something done about it and fast It is tune for us to forget about making jokes of Sincerely M Wilds His Hole must be a certain size He must turn in twenty plans He must have no Verandas now Across his entrance spans He Is not allowed an increase By the Family Planning Board His children few no more than two Cause the township cant afford My little Chuck is worried He fears the human soul He can hardly wait for winters gait To hide down in his hole envy now my little Chuck Away down in the Soil He got a date to hibernate Away from Human Spoil THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bus and Editor Off Why not a rapid acceleration of the apprenticeship system the Journal Argus asks The ground rules have been known for a century Work on the job with a few of the finer points combined with theory carried out In what has now become something of a ditty word a trade school Community colleges are all very well but the old fashioned trade schools performed practically the same Job- but much cheaper We pay through the nose when fancy nomenclature is applied to any facet of the educational system Much of what the Journal Argus declares strikes a responsive chord Many of today s graduates would have been better off and happier in practical pursuits But by the same token many of the carpenters and plumbers would have made excellent engineers and internal medical specialists frustrated in their ambition by lack of opportunity perhaps or a financial squeeze Community college and universities are there to provide opportunity for students who have the ability ambition or both In modern sophisticated world of intricate machines and techniques they are going to become Increasingly important However the Journal Argus hits the problem squarely with urgings to youth to consider pursuits which perhaps have not got the lofty popular elevation of the glamor courses Society may one day recognize the carpenter the plumber the painter the craftsman in any trade is just as important as the physicist the engineer and the professor and as much an individual in their own way When that happens the pull may be in the other direction Family is bulwark of life What I would like to know Is thiswhy this is put on the bill especially without being itemized or why we informed of t Am I not paying enough for service with out this extra loadarcn we all Yours truly Mrs J Bousf eld Note The Free Press enquired at the Hydro office and has been assured that if separate living quarters exist there is a vision of consumption which results in the higher bill Superintendent Doug Mason is to investigate People need people not a fix or a shot to soothe the pain of loneliness or to dispel the fear of Inadequacy is no subsitute for the secure feeling of belonging and the sense of worth that grows out of the love and understanding of those who share our lives The importance of the family as a model for this kind of relationship a model that would mold the child and prepare him for adult relationships was stressed by a family life educator at a recent conference held in St Thomas He also said that a of a properly functioning Well you can stop holding your breath The tgest thing since the building of the in the opinion of some people Is accomplished Our daughter is married hands after gruelling years It says here I hope there some ancient saying like Stormy wedding day sunny marriage Not that there was anything stormy about the wedding itself It was positively seraphic and some people were smiling with sheer del for the first time in years But the weather was something else The day before was sunny and still The day was the same The wedding day was the worst rotten day of a long rotten spring rain and bonechilling wind Out in it doing all the lust nute chores icecubes cream for the smokes mix etc I have ne ther a hat nor a raincoat and I my wife umbrella so I was soaked to the skin from the navel both ways However I mustn complain even thoufji I have my first bad cold for three ItwasKIMSDAY as everyone kept tell ng mi for about a month and what matter her dear old Dad has double pneumonia Somehow as t so often happens everything fell into place Her old lady talked her way out of the then went three sol d days and nights without one wink of sleep She was so nervous and exhausted was pos she have to take to her bed before the ceremony But from that subterranean depth most of us don possess she not only made it but came through th flying colors The rug cleaning man had been here and was spotless This was bad everybody would have muddy feet But was because everybody wiped th r or took their boots family is to listen and communicate being able to talk about their feelings As the institution of the family is changing the importance of re examining our conceptions of marriage and family life and of taking stock of roles within the family In spite of changing lifestyles and the many pressures on family life we t lose our ability to express love to make and to provide good parental example Premier Davis after lowering the age of majority expressed the opinion that the answer to the alcohol dependency problem was education Bil Smiley f A gang of boys had arrived the day before to rake up the lawn This was good But it was bad because everybody was too wet to notice First arrival was Shelby an Itinerant young actor one of the men Kim had shared her apartment with all year No he was not the bridegroom This was bad because Kim was still talking and laughing with him in jeans and Tshirt with one hour to go before the ceremony But this was good because Shelby is a great mixer and later on when we ran out of mix he went out and got some Next guests were two drenched urchins who had hitchhiked through the torrent some miles Soaked right through know what to do with them Son Hugh all the way from Montreal for the day provided a solution that no middleaged square would have thought of He took them downstairs had them take off their jeans and threw them the jeans in the dryer Then both front and back doorbells started to ring like a fivealarm fire and yours truly the only one dressed sprinted back and forth accepting gift wrapped parcels from little boys and delivery men hanging up dripping coats and trying to introduce perfect strangers to each other Chaos But chaos often works better than logistics This was to be a ceremony The bride and groom with their typical acumen had not even decided on the order of the ceremony and were well not squabbling but arguing until of truth Statistics from studies made in the USA however indicate that educational programs have not significantly contributed to any decrease in the number of alcoholics or the alcohol problem itself The same is quite probably true of other booster drugs and tobacco What is needed therefore is some other form of booster a strengthening from within that needs no chemical life What better place to begin building this strength than in the family unit where life itself began AdaWoodhams in Concerns Kim hissed at me Dad you say our prayer after Marlene That sail you have to remember And that about all I did remember There is an old cliche The bride was beautiful in a Well I m here to tell you that the bride was beautiful In a long svelte borrowed dress that looked as though she had stepped out of a painting long auburn hair huge brown eyes and infinite youth The groom looked pretty good too but his father can write his own column about that Most weddings are like funerals This There were prayers short Mine perhaps subconsciously was a General Thanksgiving from the Book of Common Prayer Chopin mazurkas rippled quietly In the background Brother Hugh sang a haunting song In French and English Then came the most dramatic and poignant part of the ceremony Tapers were without one ember dropping on the rug A single candle was lit from them The bride and groom faced each other eye to eye and made their personal oaths not repeating something after a minister They had kept secret from each other what thej were going to say Shelby kissed the rings put them on the appropriate fingers The couple kissed Four beautiful nieces each brought one white rose to the bride And it was over I think It was simple spiritual and joyous If I ever get married again God d I m going to have a I ceremony I think my daughter goodbye I remember a kiss on the cheek a deft nana extracting from my pocket the promised cheque and my law going down to the basement to pick up the double sleepingbag I bought in case nobody else did Now how about some grandchildren Back issues of The Free Press Taken from the Issue of Free Press Thursday May 23 1952 Two rsts and a second were won by Paul at the Grey county music Many ends here learned with regret of death of Boyd of Guelph in his r lad were the guests honored at the annual Lad of Walker lodge in the loop hall at There were flowers lunch and dancing Citizens arc asked to connect to the new system as soon as possible since It will operate more with a heavier flow of sewage To date more than 300 permits have been issued but all these installations have not necessarily been made It is reported Actons sewage system the finest in the province of Ontario Buffet supper at the home of Mrs C began the last meeting for the season of the Music Club A gift was presented to past president Mrs Mary who is leaving Acton Former members present were Lulu Warner Toronto Mrs Grant McDonald Orangeville and Mrs Brampton Miss Margaret Brown president presided Any fireworks set off on the daylong downpour on the unpatriotically went instead of bang Mr Dwight Patterson the new minister of the Baptist church is now residing here and get tint acquainted Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday MayB The sudden death occurred at Burlington on Sunday of Dr John Gennlngs Curtis Adams of Toronto one of the oldest and best known members of the dental profession in Canada Born years ago in now known as Acton he was the son of Rev Ezra Adams one of the founders of this community In promoting free dental hospital work and operating a free clinic he was known throughout the world He was instrumental in bringing about legislation providing for examination and care of the teeth of children in the schools In Ontario For over years he gave his services without compensation to Inmates of various pubhcinstitutionsinToronto He sent dental missionaries to China and other countries at his own expense He belonged to one of the oldest and most highly esteemed families in Canada He was the third generation in Canada His father ministry began In His brother was the third dentist to practice in Toronto Another brother was a missionary in China and now resides there The greatest gathering of railwaynien ever held in this district took place at Stratford with G TJ officials and employees attending Mrs S Holmes agent at Acton had the distinctive honor as the oldest employee of District No of presenting a fine ambulance to the Grand Trunk Railway The dam at Johnson a pond at Stewart- town broke Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday June The Union Jack which has floated from the flag staff of the Town Hall since its erection years ago became so dilapidated and abbreviated that there was not enough of t left to hoist on the last Queen a birth day The authorities were severely scored for the absence of an official emblem of loyalty in so loyal a town on that auspicious occasion The Council at the last meeting however arranged for the purchase of a of such excellence and dimensions that the reputation of the members will be retrieved on Jubilee Day June Principal Moore is arranging a special program at the school in connection with the Queen Jubilee A field of fall rye on the vacant tot at the corner of Church and Frederick Sta la reaching phenomenal heights Acton must have SO bicycles now If so that means an aggregate outlay of ftSOO The bicycle will soon have a formidable rival in the horseless carriage which Edison declares will soon be sold In perfected form for at most Owing to the decision to close the church at Crewsons Comers a deputation of John Mann and Isaac Snyder attended service there and extended a cordial invitation from Siloam church for the congregation to join with them

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