Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1972, p. 9

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Bottom falls out of Opportunities for Youth By Lorraine Root Something that began as an industrious endeavour by three young men with initiative has turned out to be a fiasco in human relationships Whether we consider these students hapless victims of circumstance or negligent for basing their industry on remains to be seen The question nereis what can be salvaged and where can they go from here Larry Davidson is an Honors B A graduate in Sociology at the University of Guelph He spent the greater part of last year in community service work in and because of his af filiations in such endeavours decided to correlate his findings and his University training by putting them to work under the Opportunity for Youth programs promoted by the federal govern ment After spending weeks on discussing the possibilities with those apparently in the know tarry approached the chief librarian at the Guelph library He had been he understood given the go ahead by Mr Snellto conduct a survey of the area to rind out the needs of the district and whether It could feasibly work into a county library scheme Need verification He also understood from Mr that he would have free access to all types of reading literature for setting up a library facility in the village of Rock wood but Mr Snell said he would require verification from the Guelph Library board His information on the needs of a Rock wood library were however not correct His informants apparently had mis directed him into an area of duplication The Village citizens were already very satisfied and in fact quite proud of their two month summer library which had been established by the Recreation Committee in con junction with the Wellington County School Board and was employing one of Its own area young people to manage It with one local teacher handling the guidelines Besides Larry there were two other young men who stirred by Larry enthusiasm became involved in what they understood was a strong community need Through the urgency of the grant setting dates they failed to question the possible Larry his brother Terry an 0 V C student both Guelph lads and Sean of Acton approached the township clerk for use of the old fire hall a building which they understood was unoccupied The township clerk considering the matter one for the village trustees turned over the matter to them The village clerk who in turn said that he felt that it might be allowed except that the building probably could not be used due to health department rulings on lack of washroom facilities He turned the matter over to the chairman of the trustees who reiterated what had already been said only requesting a letter of verification from the head of the Department of Wellington Dufferin Health Unit Not Informed Not at any time were these lads informed that already had an adequate summer library and in each case left with the impression that they would be contributing to the community if allowed to go ahead Inspired by what they were attempting they applied for the grant with break downs in cost which would allow for driving expenses incurred in research work in the township other sundry costs and salaries which would not exceed WO per week not as much as they could receive In unemployment insurance cheques if they should apply Now the citizens of are irate over the duplication of services already provided in the community for a village and district library Many residents have over a period of years attempted to start up a regular library but were thwarted by such information as Rockwood is too small for such an institution and yet too lose to for mobile facilities know the effort that has been put into the present library which would be difficult to duplicate from the standpoint of cost as well as efficiency Those who utilize the function also know that requests for more advanced reading material would be ac ceptable and granted It is community book acquiring establishment meant to feed the literary needs of the district residents regardless of ae It was then unfortunate thai those who gave Larry David son his information on Rock wood s requirements were not better informed Local project rejected Also asked is the question why a local university student project dealing with cumulating historical facts on and processing them for future reference material to be housed In the library at the University of Waterloo on micro film was turned down This project would have meant summer employment for from 10 to 1j students which would also have been a worthwhile com munity achievement only with students working In their own district All these ore fair points of disturbing issue Mrs the of the local library talking to Davidson on how the project had materialized graciously under stood and conceded to let Rock woods present library ride for this year Realizing that the grant had already been sanc tioned and that research had already begun she could see the centre where reading books Bottom falls out feasibdity of letting it go ahead only part of its function They This was their endeavour but hoped to Incorporate wild life and now it is defunct Everything was J outside ready to go but the bottom fell established leads were out to speakers discussion programs out of the scheme find a housing place and the three art instruction They planned Mr Snell contacted Larry last young men were preparing their on catering to all age groups and Friday to inform him that the program which would include not keep up a continual round of Guelph Library Board had met library but a cultural youth articles Lets talk about horses By Jennifer Barr Question Our newly purchased gelding seems to be bothered flies even this early In season They light on his face and the previous evening and would not lend books outside the city limits Mr Snell said he had not realized that so much was dependent on the library coop eration nor had lie heard of Rock wood already established summer library He said he felt that survey project of the three tads was a necessary one which he would sanction but it would have nothing at all to do There is a gullet or space down the saddle length with padding on either side The padding ensures that the gullet stays up off the Even when you are trotting cluster around his eyes cantering your horse the you suggest to protect him cm saddle not bounce onto Sat this Invasion I am worried about tender vertebrae concerned when he realized that him shaking his head too much Generally speaking the more when our children ride him expensive the saddle the better Answer Horses and flies seem comfortable fit it will to go together and horses have been living with the problem for will also want a fine supple leather with as little bulk as so much had to do with his decision and wonders now what in be done Already the students are looking for other summer employment The grant has been wun as inue as mere are several possible between yu and Jid already been Park jammed for fireworks which conducted There are those who feel that such grants should not be allowed but the greatest issue is that of duplication of services It has been a learning process for many people and particularly one of communications some from the It was as if the Village of Rock echoed across the sky wood had played host to the City Saw need of last Monday night victoria Day celebrations have when after the fireworks display become traditional in the village at the village ball park Highway since the Trail Riders was dotted as far as one could first looked at the firework scene see with red car lights heading four years ago and saw it as one homeward westbound personal danger for children Monday display was the playing individually with culmination of a marvellous matches and dangerous ex weekend when mother nature co- plosives and also from a operated providing great community effort point of view weather for a fantastic show the need they organized sponsored by the and the premier district display on a district lions Club big scale and watched the spec- District were resplendent ea in numbers as giant rockets zoomed Into over the years mushrooming floods of brilliant VMr however the Trail color and the park itself was filled to capacity as everyone crowded around the outfield fence three and five deep to watch the proceedings Little kids chuckled bigger ones Oh and adults grinned with delight VISITORS weekend trips and parties all make interesting reading in a weekly newspaper With no disasters strikes murders shootings floods or air flares rockets and crashes a weekly newspaper has snowballs from the ground to space to devote to happy burst into blossoms of light then of the town Please phone and let splinter in loud booms which us know what going on Comins and Goiirs last saw four busloads of Centennial I geography students the districts Rockwood Bel fountain and Guelph to examine gluLiul formations Great for kids a break for the teachers and a wonderful advertisement potential for clothes washing uttLrfont soap companies Oh do thiytt dirty The kids clothing that is She Just got to come back or several ladies in the village won t have fourth for regular village euchre That what local residents feel and everyone else hopes to see Miss Flo Till back in soon She will lcavinj at the end of this month to take up residence In and lets make it a temporary stay Flo cause you be missed the village for sure Hey it heard that Mr and Mrs Vincent Price are back In town after their trip to Welcome home folks seems as if you ve been away too long hut we hear trip been a marvellous one Guess who nipping off for Jolly It finish at the post office on Friday and take off on for the George Days who be stopping off to visit daughter Jean in Ixxidon while on their three week travelling Jaunt Have a marvellous time Grace and George Give best to Jean and we 11 look forward to your return A safety patrol took two local children to Ottawa last weekend when Judy Smith a bus trailer and Bobby Hudson a it were feted to a trip to Ottawa along with other children of Ontario The local guards were chosen by the school children for the conscientious and courteous way they handled their positions and while in Ottawa had opportunity to enjoy tours of the Parliament buildings the Canal other points of interest with as a climax for the Thursday to Saturday trip a special circus show Absolute bliss said one mother who felt that it had been a marvellous opportunity for those chosen Chaperones were Constable and Mrs of the Guelph Police Detachment and an exciting event at the Jamboree had been when the children formed a parade and gave a march past to Roland Michener Congratula lions Judy and Bobby is very proud of you both Interesting isn it A hand extended from a chartered bus recently when it was parked on a local boulevard and deposited chewed up lunch remains and wrappings on lawn grass Much to the chagrin of the young lady who had dropped the garbage however she was seen by the resident of the home on whose lawn the deposit was made and when requested to clean up the mess became quite until the resident said she was sorry but picked up the garbage herself and handed the tomato sandwich remains through the window of the bus back to the depositor along with two empty coke cans The garbage didn t look quite as appetizing on the girt sknee as on the lawn and the embarrassed student was naturally relieved when the resident then offered a garbage bag in which to put her own plus the other debris and soft drink cans which had also been nonchalant dropped from other windows by other students on the same bus All this in the day of pollution consciousness when young people are being trained specially in the necessity of environmental awareness The bus driver in the accompanying vehicle shocked the lady neigh by simply kicking out the garbage on the floor of his bus onto her front lawn before pro ceeding to his place at the wheel As it was everything turned out quite well Students on bus number one were befriended by resident number one and outcome was a discussion on pollution control and how we must all work together with another garbage bag donated to the cause plus dozens of drinks of cold water for thirsty field trip hikers But there a lesson here something about how can we expect to tell the kids if adults themselves don t even know how to show them In discussing the matter later one man said Imagine the stupidity or those crazy dropping the garbage where they could be seen All we ask is who stupid here it was a chartered bus for a group of high school students from Kitchener and the lady informant says that once she was friendly she and the students could relate But what if you re not around to be friendly could a front lawn be considered a village dump Riders decided to drop the effort with the flare lighting knowhow people from Acton The challenge was quickly picked saw it to its completion It wa3 and Fergus districts and one taxi up by the Lions Club and with the one of the biggest displays in the labelled Peel came in carrying a assistance of Gord Cox the man vicinity drawing approximately passenger load from Brampton Don use fly repellent any more than you have to because It is toxic Use it only before riding humid thundery days MRS CUTTING stepped into Saunders merit where a tow truck was necessary to Bakery Wednesday afternoon about to remove it Another neighbor said she heard a buy some baking parking her car alongside dog bark and saw the car start to move down When she emerged from the store her car was the street on its own Mrs Cutting gone A neighbor showed her where It rolled had no idea how it happened down the short street and over an embank things you can do to make your horse more comfortable Of the many equine fly repellents on the market I have found cheap new one if it has been Fly Wipe to be the most effective of the same basic It is available by the quart or gallon at most teed and tack Check your bridle while you re dealers Wipe the liquid on your Soat latcnma standpoint of citizen result of one own community and the The bit must not be too students themselves know now S it wilt saSraled fo of stepping further use anticipate needs without Living with a donkey can be a authoritative research startling experience Just people can be i initiative and If yo7horse is sail bothered by tractor trailer rapidly applying faceflies in and around his eyes brakes and hurtling Into a a stick reoellent I shot outside to see for the asking it is purchased at a law the ac to respect what has been can large Nq Make sure your horse has trailer Merely AnnaBelle calling ask and then plenty of cool shade Keep him seductively to an amorous away from swampy bush and put him in the stable during the very hot hours This should keep him happier One more hint don t be too quick to sweep cobwebs from the stable beams Cobwebs mean spiders and spiders eat flies Question How can you tell If a saddle tits your horse Answer A good question and a timely one So many people go out and buy a pretty saddle or a one never thinking that it must fit both the horse and rider An ill fitting saddle is the cause of a lot of misbehaviour same for both western and saddles the saddle come down on the horses spine The shape of the tree the inner base of the saddle conform to the slope of your horses withers enabling the pommel to sit up off the withers Too great a tree slope brings the top of the saddle close to the bone too narrow a tree pinch us the horse The issue in this Instance then has been lack of exchange of r r t information but when same was Please send questions to requested the wrong answers Jtnn R Rockwood were Riven Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday May Letter to editor Express the to leaders parents Dear Mr Editor The ScoutingGuldlng year is drawing to a close and along with school and the many ac tivities which finish in June the children and people concerned will be ioing their separate ways for vacations and other fun that summer brings most inexperienced Chairman any Committee must surely have ever known I would to say a heartfelt thank you for the tremendous support have had from our leaders committee members and partnts not forgetting the husbands and wives who stayed at home so that we could give of our tune so freely I feel I can soy on behalf of everyone involved that the past few months have been a lot of fun albeit hard work but worth every minute when we ve seen the eagerness of the children and the response from the parents without whose help we would not have achieved half as much Personally 1 am already looking forward to the start of the next year and am eagerly anticipating meeting all the parents at the General Meeting of tht roup Committee In Sept Welcome also will be the of the children who will Ik joining Brownies Cubs Scouts and Hides for the first time Yours in Guiding and Scouting Lesley Ferguson FREDA HOFFMAN Optometrist George Ont Telephone Township of NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS 1972 Realty Taxes Interim Tax Billing MAY 31 1972 may be paid by mall or In person to Township of Municipal Office R R CampbeiMMe Monday to Friday m Please direct any to treasurer Township 1 Campbellvltle On I Telephone LAWN GARDEN SUPPLIES AT HINTONS TO STORE Steele Bnggs Vegetable Flower Garden Seeds Garden House Insecticides Mosquito Colls Personal Insect Repellents Bug Killers Weed Brush Killer Bone Meal Fertilizers Lawn Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Shovels Grass Shears Pruning Shears only Lawn Mowers and 20 Blade Bnggs gas mofors Reduced to Gear Lawn Chairs Chaise Lounges Adult Children Basket Chairs EXTRA SPECIAL One Group of Geraniums 10 pots to blooms tor instant flower beds full of bloom TO CLEAR ROSE BUSHES Hybrid Tea Climbing Varieties Name Varieties and Colors Ea These Arrived too late for our Sale So we are offering this Super Special Now NO GIMMICKS Full Price For a Brand New TOYOTA Corolla Sedan Including many features that are either extra charge options or simply not available on many other small cars such as Front Disc Brakes White Wall Tires Rear Window Defogger Reclining Bucket Seats Four Speed Synchronies Transmission And Many Others HlATLTTlCrlNl TOYOTA HOT 25 JUST NORTH OF 401 8262931 THE BEST DEAL THISSIDE OF TOKYO

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