Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1972, p. 1

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Commission Union sign new contract Journeymen linemen meter readers and casual labor employees of the Hydro Electric Commission won wage Increases and another sick leave plan In a new two year collective bargaining agreement with the Acton Commission The agreement was signed Thursday night with representatives of Local of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and a representative of the AMEU Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities present The new contract awards wage increases amounting to seven percent retroactive to April another three percent in October 1 1972 and a final six percent beginning April l Kates for linesmen presently per hour with meter readers and casual labor per hour Staff salaries still must be settled by the Commission Conciliation day Negotiations for the present two year contract have been going on for the past several months requiring three meetings and one full day of conciliation with a representative of the Department of Labor before terms were Ironed out Chatland a labor relations of fleer with the AMEU represented the Commission along with Chairman McEachern and Commissioner Bob MacArthur Ken Wood assisted by Bert Rlckett both of the represented the union as well as Dor son and Ken Hodgson The new sick leave plan builds up a system of credits During absence from work due to illness an employee will receive full pay until percent credits are exhausted after which pay will be reduced to percent for a maximum of days The credit system Is based on halfday pay at 100 percent and Hi days at percent for each calendar month completed up to a maximum of five days at 100 percent and 15 days at percent per year Credit builds up through the years The union represents three employees of the Commission and Ken Hodgson signed the new agreement for the union along with president Bert The new agreement expires March NinetySeventh Year No 50 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE ghloon Pages fifteen Cents Still strike No further meetings between company and management had taken place at press time In connection with the nine day old strike of members Local of the Saw Workers Union against Canada Ltd Union president Reuben told the Free Press he may have something to report as early as tomorrow Thursday He said there have been no Incidents at the picket lines the plant The union Is seeking improvements in retirement benefits a dental care coverage plan and a cost of living bonus in the new contract which has been under negotiation since last December The strike affects approximately 100 plant employees Centennial dance on Saturday big fund raising venture DELVING INTO MODERN history Gary the report spoke to the Chamber of the Acton Centennial left and Chamber of Commerce vice- Wednesday on other versions of the iSJSSllhSi Allan Eastwood leaf through one of of President John Kennedy the volumes of the Warren report One of R J Jennings Photo for a dunce the Canadians to have a complete set of The Commission has dubbed the dance and lucky draws a Micky Mice Deal Tickets selling for one dollar admit to the dance and give a chance on prizes as well Musical groups The Mellotones Sidewalk and Tymes have all donated their services free of charge to aid the venture Tickets can be purchased at Nielsen Clothing Tyler Toronto Dominion Bank Bank of Montreal Acton tree Press the community centre or from members of the centennial commission Refer TECO report to councils Kennedys slayer not Oswald Gary Murr theorizes to CofC inx years of research into the assassination of U S President John F Kennedy have led Ac- tonian Gary Murr to believe there was a network of Intrigue involved never revealed to the public He is associated with three S citizens publishing a book tentatively called Palace Guard Couple graduate Bjrne Bruce and his wife Carol High School Carol is the daughter of Mr degree of Doctor of Medicine at and Mrs William Summers of the of Western Kitchener Ontario London The will be interning at is the son of Mr and Ottawa Civic Hospital Mrs Ward of Ospnnge Mr and Mrs Ward Bruce and and a graduate of Garnet Bruce were among those Public School and Enn District attending graduation which Hill attempt to unravel the mystery Murr shared his theories with members of the Chamber Commerce and their guests at a Dominion Hotel dinner meeting He showed films and slides of the Dallas motorcade in which Kennedy and members of his entourage were picked off by bullets which the Warrin Commission insists came from a rifle red by Lee Harvey Oswald stationed in the upper floor of a Texas book depository Not Oswald a of the Warren report is convinced that Oswald had little to do with the and fired no shots He feels there was a conspiracy at work not Just a kook firing a gun from a tall building He showed slides taken by newsmen and private citizens supporting his theory Including a segment which shows Kennedy head recotlmg backwards from a frontal shot It was curious he maintains that Oswald interviews with police were never recorded or that members of the press were not allowed to speak to him The only press encounter with Oswald Murr claims lasted seconds during which Oswald shouted he was being framed The soft spoken Murr also contends Oswald was a poor marksman who could never have been accurate from the distance he was supposed to have fired Reads report Murr became interested in the assassination after reading Rusty Judgment and then the Warren Commission report Untruths kept arising he declares especially on the of final verdict of the slaying of the Dallas police officer Tippen He said Jack Ruby was hired to slay Oswald Chamber president Roy and vice president Allan Eastwood introduced the speaker He was thanked secretary Betty Eastwood BARBIE AND CAROL BRUCE Esquesing told to brace for expansion With GO trains coming to Georgetown we ve got to do some real thinking or have some pretty tag headaches Esquesing reeve Tom Hill cautioned the township council Monday Hill said the assurance by the Ontario Government that the newly opened rapid transit GO system will start in would be the spur that attracted thousands not hundreds- thousands of people to consider for a home Council noting the mushrooming growth on budding permits issued in May wondered how the area was ever included as a slow growth area in the Toronto Centred Region One planner at the TECO meeting told me the Government made a mistake sending the GO service to a slow growth area said one councillor Another felt the service had to go through Brampton because of the political implications In any event council felt the township would have to brace for expansion in the township villages The building inspector s report for May which showed 982 in building permits issued precipitated the discussion Councillors noted most of the permits were for homes several of them substantial Halton County TECO Technical Coordinating Committee report which might be considered a blueprint for regional government in was torn apart criticized and praised Saturday afternoon as municipal councillors gathered to discuss the recommendations and ramifications of the report After almost six and a half hours of discussion comment and debate when each of the councillors had had an opportunity to speak on the report it was referred to the seven municipal councils Each council has until Aug 31 to submit briefs on the report It Is likely a second allcouncillor meeting will be held on or about that date to further discuss the report that has been drafted by the clerks and treasurers In Halton Criticisms were many and varied and several took the opportunity to clarify points or express Internal and external boundaries took much of the time while division of responsibilities and structure of the regional government were debated at great length Too powerful Many expressed a concern that the region would be too powerful In fact some suggested the report came very close to recommending a one tier system of government by leaving the local or second tier council with very limited powers One of the most vocal the report was north Councillor Rick Day He said the one thing in common with all of the recommendations in thereport was that they served to take legislative power away from the people He predicted regional councillors would not be ac cessible to the public and feared rural areas would not get fair representation He saw the local councils becoming the lackies of the regional civil servants He claimed a regional government would decide Issues by a majority vote of the regional council that should rightfully be decided by the local council Two time loser ram a building inspector Art was a two tune loser at Monday night township council meeting After listening to the usual complaints from prospective builders at the meeting the building inspector walked outside to find his car missing from the parking lot following investigation by OPP the car was found yesterday Tuesday near It is believed the motor was damaged Freak accident for two riders A freak riding accident means weeks of convalescence for Mrs Margaret Wilson Acton and Mrs Lynn Jack Guelph The two women were riding their horses near Crewsons Corners when the animals reared bumped each other and threw their riders Mrs Wilson suffered a compound fracture of the skull After treatment in hospital she Is now home ordered to take it easy for two months while the fracture heals Mrs Jack suffered a broken back and seta a cast on this week for weeks Mrs Wilson cant remember the accident at all Too many councillors Lloyd Dennis of Burlington saw the region as a one tier system He felt more of the responsibilities should be dealt with locally and 12 rather than councillors should sit on the regional council Acton councillor Norm Elliott felt hydro was one of the duties thut should be local It is recommended to become a regional responsibility He feared the power would be taken away from the people There is a tendency to lose sight of things 30 mites a vay One the greatest concerns of politicians was the removal of planning from the local level TECO suggests official plans should be a regional responsibility along with supply basic services such as water sewer and hydro TECO recommended subdivision agreements should be signed at the regional level NotplannersHea- Robbie Robertson Burlington planner explained after the meeting he had headed a sub committee on planning and that the views of didn t necessarily represent the planners ideas His sub committee had recommended the official plan and strategic or board planning be done at the regional level and detailed planning and subdivision agree ments be done at the local level Several councillors expressed a desire to see subdivision and detailed planning at the local level Speakers appeared to be split on where such functions as hydro museums and fire protection should be placed Should be regional The report recommends fire protection being dealt with locally while police would be at the regional level Mayor Brian Best of Milton felt both fire and police should be regional Burlington Mayor George Harrington suggested police should be left local He forecast an increase in salaries and felt policing differs for each community He referred to the Niagara region where the salaries of police were all raised to the level of highest paid In the region Milton Deputy Reeve Bob McCuaig suggested regional police is a good Idea He said it was difficult now for police In Burlington to get to the northern part of he town recommends museums be local responsibilities and County Museum would become a responsibility of the Milton lty Mayor Best suggested there should be at least one museum reflecting the region as a whole and asked that It be left at the county or regional level Others suggested it might be turned over to the provincial government Delay work OakvUle Deputy Reeve Harry Barrett suggested no work be done on the county garage until the future of the county works department is settled The TECO report recommends the region only be responsible for construction of new roads Maintenance would be done by local councils The report calls for the abolition of the county road works crew While several speakers agreed with the recommendation that would see Halton Region Conservation Authority taken over eventually by the regional government Mrs Ella of Burlington opposed the take over Special breed While Esquesing councillor Continued on Construction workers begun laying the new water line which will connect the town reservoir with a new well on Ihe Fourth Line of township last week Photo by D Gibbons Lay water line Pumpine capacity Acton s water will be doubled following completion of the laying of a water line from the present reservoir on the Third line north at Churchill to a new well near the ourth I Ine of Erin Township and the erection a pumping station at site Twinbee Construction of Oak began laying the 12 plastic pipe last week The line will run a distance of about BOO feet hope to hive It completed by the end of the month Total estimated cost of the lint and pump house Is but approximately In labor costs may be forgivable under the lerm3 of a government works program new well is located on townowned land in of the township Tenders will be called this month for construction of the pump house Queens degrees for Acton pair Graduation ceremonies were week apart at Queen University for Trudy and Alan and proud members of their family were present for oath convocation Trudy daughter Mr and Mrs Harold Morris 1 more Dr received a Bachelor Science honours degree in The ceremonies were on June J for the of Arts and Science and School and Health Education Dunne the convocation she a Medal Biochemistry the Golden Key of Merit given by the Canadian Section the of Chemical Industr received an Honourable Mention to the student with the highest standing in the B Honours list She was one mark behind the winner Trudy has begun work under Dr P H Jell nek of Queen University With firm On May 27 Alqn McNabb with the degree Bachelor of Honours at the convocation for the I- acuity of applied Science and School of Business He is now a junior member with the firm of Thome and Chrtstenson Chartered Ac in nekton and Is studying for the Chartered Ac decree luu Alan graduation re Ills rents Mr and Mrs Jin Cobblchill ltd brother and and Uremia McNabb Attend both Mr and Mrs John of Mild attended both gra tuitions he a brother of Alan and Sherry is a sister of Irmly The two couples were married in a double ceremony A week later another group travelled to Queen for Trudy graduation They were her parents Mr and Mri Morris his parents Mr and Mrs Jim Mc Mr and Mrs John Mc and brother Barbara Marvin McNabb sister Morrs who has Just finished her second year at the University of and Bill brother Morris who is just finishing grade here and Margaret and fr ends Mr and Mrs Jim I raham The Acton group stayed at the Pincledge Inn on the shore of the St and Mr and Mrs Harold Morris entertained there a dinner and dance after both graduation ceremonies for the couple were all over TRUDY AND ALAN

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