Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1972, p. 5

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Tho Press Wednesday Juno Father Morgan celebrates 50 years in the priesthood On Saturday June Father Vincent J Morgan will be ordained a priest years and of that time he has served more than 30 years as pastor of St Josephs parish Acton which also includes He retired in August Father Morgan Is a native of CoHlngwood Ont son of the late Mr and Mrs William Francis Morgan of Dublin Ireland He attended public schools and St Marys Separate School where he passed his Entrance While attending Collingwood Collegiate Institute his family moved to Hamilton where he attended the Hamilton Collegiate He then took his College and Philosophical Course at St Jeromes College Kitchener graduating in The following four years of his theological studies were taken at St Augustines Seminary Toronto Saturday June 10 he was ordained in St Marys Pro- Cathedral Hamilton by BUiiop OBrien of Peterborough Mactoo first Father Morgans first During Father Morgans assignment was curate to Macton pastorate of Macton and with the Missions of and many improvements which continued for a and additions were made At year and a half With the new Macton he had a large driving appointment the Pastor Father shed erected for the use of farmer Father Morgan was parishioners and also a appointed pastor of Macton and recreational hall where dances Elmira while linwood was cared fowl suppers and other social for by St Clements Parish St events were held Father Morgan Clements Ont and its pastor Father Becker was assisted by his uncle Msgr Forester semi- retired was instrumental in bringing Hydro to Macton for use in the church rectory shed and hall At linwood Father Morgan This arrangement continued built the superstructure of the for several months until the death new church procured the corner of Msgr Forester and then property adjoining the church for reverted to the care of St a future rectory if time and Jeromes College Kitchener growth of the Mission required t became again a Mission In May 1941 Father Morgan of with Father Morgan as became pastor of Acton with the Pastor until May 1941 mission of Georgetown When spoken to by friends about the transferjokinglyhewouldsay I knocked the M out of Macton and made it Acton While Holy Cross Parish Georgetown was under his care from May to May Father Morgan was Instrumental in making many improvements among which was the procuring of the property adjoining the church ana the present brick residence on the comer of Guelph and John Streets now serving as a rectory for the French parish During the more than years as Pastor of Acton Father Morgan took a keen Interest in the growth and progress of the parish and the Town of Acton He was a member of the Acton Clergy Association and endeared himself to citizens of Acton regardless of denomination Since he was of an athletic nature in his college and seminary days played hockey on St Jerome College team and baseball on the Hamilton diocese seminary team he was a promoter of good clean sports for the youth of the town When Acton and Georgetown were in the OHA Senior Grouping seldom did he miss a game at Acton or Georgetown Just to tease the Acton altar boys FATHER V J MORGAN Celebrates jubilee he would root for Georgetown when they would play at Acton and would be at Georgetown when Acton would be playing there and cheering for Acton On Sundays after Mass he would again have fun teasing the Georgetown altar boys and claiming Acton had a better team Cemetery kept up Father Morgan kept a fond remembrance of the deceased of the parish and took a keen Interest in the care of St Josephs Cemetery Under his direction and leadership Marco and generous helpers the cemetery grounds were kept beautiful He marked the graves with white wooden crosses those that were interred graves that were paid for and reserved and those that were vacant and for sale He erected a mausoleum where the remains could be kept during the winter and interred In the spring and a driveway into the cemetery for the hearse He also procured the property adjoining St Josephs cemetery for future use The parish rectory was kept in good repair with many improvements made including a new recreation room and retaining wall a summer kitchen was added heating system changed from cool to oil a small furnace added to heat back rooms aluminum storms and screens and the office panelled The church was the principal love of Father Morgan and the comfort of parishioners The old drive shed no longer used for horses was torn down and the grounds kept as lawns with automatic outside floodlights installed the best policeman against vandalism heating system of the church was converted from coal to fuel oil and enclosed and a two thousand gallon tank submerged on the east side of the church the church basement hall was decorated sewerage and water Installed a tile floor with eight ensigns to recall eight beatitudes The body of the church and the sanctuary also received many improvements and ad ditions a few of which were redecorated several times new pews added to the church proper and Ihe gallery Two holy water fonts matching the new pews were donated by parishioners The gallery was enlarged to increase seating accommodation from 13 to or Mastic tile flooring In the aisles and tile under the pews was installed Stained glass windows were winterized to aid in heating church Double confessionals new stations of the cross automatic ringing of the tower bell for Ihe dally tolling for funerals and other purposes were installed Ixud speaker and amplifiers were also installed along with other improvements New methods The I changes directed and approved by the second Vatican Council were explained and gradually adopted such as the laity reading lessons at Mass the offering of the gifts at Mass and standing for the reception of Holy Communion instead of kneeling A sacrificial altar was added to the sanctuary at which the priest faced the people In celebrating Mass ac cording to the new liturgy Father Morgan always maintained that the spiritual life of priest parishioner and mankind should come first and was more important than all man material progress and accomplishments for the spiritual life gave more merit and reward for eternity These were the lessons he tried to bring home In his sermons and teachings of Scripture as he learned it from the old Butler Catechism when a boy were often emphasized To and Serve God with your whole heart your whole soul all your strength and all your mind and your neighbor yourself and your neighbor was mankind of every 40th anniversary of ordination for Rev Walter Fosbury An ordained minister exactly 40 years and a preacher for the Rev Walter arrived at Churchill community church Sunday morning to find strange cars in the parking lot His suspicions grew as he saw some of his family and were confirmed as he spotted friends of many years from five different congregations I don know how you expect anybody could preach a sermon after a surprise like that Mr exclaimed as he began the regular morning service In the church on the hill But the event had been kept a close secret Mrs had been hiding mail for days And fellow members of the clergy association hadnt asked him to participate in the decoration day program Shall we stay With a pot luck lunch expected after church Mrs had even remarked to her husband that morning Well shall we stay for the lunch or come home These stratagems were recalled with delight after the surprise had been revealed A happy fellowship of all their family three daughters and a son their husbands and wife and five grandchildrenother relatives and so many friends seemed a perfect way to mark decades in the ministry Fresh June breezes blew In the open windows of the lovely old white frame church on the hill decorated with garden bouquets of spring flowers and lilacs Churchill Community church is observing the 134rd anniversary of its founding next Sunday still in the original building Church filled The church was filled for the service and the voices of faithful church people singing familiar hymns swelled to meet the melodious volume of the church orchestra Archie Kerr his daughter Mane Anderson and John The choir sang delightfully a modern anthem Jack Denny sang a solo during the service and at its conclusion one of the visitors Dennis of Toronto walked to the front to another moving solo Same text Mr had repeated the text of his first sermon after ordination on love and it proved most apt for the occasion rhe pace was leisurely and pleasant as 125 gathered downstairs for a pot luck lunch the only moment s rush coming some of the men saw they had to put up another long table to accommodate the crowd Decorated cakes were two anniversary cakes made by Mrs Clifford Storey one of them in the shape of an open Bible It was Mrs Storey too who read the touching citation as a commemorative plaque was presented by Archie Kerr Young Helen Kockx had a bouquet of roses for Betty All their family was present Mr and Mrs Joe Caruso Betty of Brampton with Carolyn and Barbie Jo and Mrs Colin Bayhss Sheila of Toronto and Mehndo Mr and Mrs Orval Cross Kay lorne Park and son Craig and son Don and his wife Sandy of Brampton Also there were Mrs sister Mrs Mac Cattell theHudson who is still here visiting her brother Ivan Chalmers of Toronto I who sang many duets in Acton United church with his sister and Mr sister Mr and Mrs Harery Wood Stratford with their daughter and granddaughter Mrs Wraith and Kim Former congregations Among those introducing thtmselves a fellow Queen graduate Rev Dcmpsey Hill Acton United former clerk of session Orwell Johnson and Margaret Ferguson Toronto Norman and Margaret Toronto doctors Bill and Margaret and Margaret Mooreficld and Frank Johnson Murray read an original poem Mr spoke recalling the years past and many happy lotions Mr was born in the old in Alton Hampshire England coming to Canada in 191 J He has had a wide variety of jobs farm ship factory and roads He went back to school at College and then on to University In on a classics scholarship After five of combined arts and theology received his A and li D degrees and was ordained in Trinity United Church Kitchener June 5 1932 But hi been preaching long before that as a lay preacher md then a student in Alberta two summers on a 130mile mission at Hearst and In 193031 at a four point charge out of Ardcn Ontario His first charge was near Chesley marriage tame next then two years at In 1916 the family to for five thtn from 1941 to 1947 to Acton United Church then to Hanover for seven years till 1954 then to for three years Prospect Park Toronto for five years Mount Hope for three years and then to his last active charge He retired three years ago to Acton and began his happy issociallon with the congregation of the then yearold community church He followed student Bob Hyde ordained in May description and without any exception of persons even those who injure us and differ from us in religion He also preached on great devotion not adoration especially on her many feasts of the Mother of God and in particular the recitation of the Holy Rosary He had parishioners take turns each month in the parish recitation of Our Lady Rosary on Monday nights in the church He had the Family Digest mailed to Catholic homes free of charge furnished by the merchants ads The sick and shut ins were brought Holy Communion every First Friday of each month and at Faster and Christmas and the First Friday Mass was offered for members of the Altar Society Taught at school Since the Catholic children did not have the opportunity of religious instructions in the public schools Father Morgan went each week to both schools and taught catechism and provided lay teachers to help in the instructions The principals of both schools were very co operative in this regard Father Morgan also had religious instructions for the children on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons and special instructions each day for several weeks before First Communion and Confirmation When Morgan was asked If the years he served Acton were to his liking he answered They were most happy When asked why he remained in Acton after he retired his ready answer was Because I like Acton very very much and love all the people of Acton On Saturday June 10 Father Morgan will celebrate his Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving privately in his own chapel ana on Sunday June rather Morgan will offer Mass privately for all his former parishioners living and dead In the afternoon a reception will be held In his honor at the Acton Music Centre from to Pin His Complete course Arena manager Harold and Don Price have successfully completed an Ontario Arenas Association- sponsored course on refriger ation Harold and Don passed exams following the week long course held at the University of ALL THEIR FAMILY was presented when the Rev Walter observed the anniversary of his ordination June 5 1932 last Sunday On the front steps of the picturesque old church at are left to right Barbie Jo and Carolyn Caruso with their mother Betty Mae Don Fosbury Rev Walter Kay Cross Mrs Fosbury and Sheila holding daughter Mchnda Young Craig Cross evaded the lens The lived in Acton from 1M1 to 1947 and returned here three years ago PhotobyK Dills LOVELL BROS MEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF Choice boneless PRIME RIB ROAST SIRLOIN TIP ROAST a RUMP ROAST 85 Lean SHOULDER ROAST Extra lean Rolled Boneless Brisket Lean GROUND CHUCK Fresh Small Link Sausage 69 Maple Mb SLICED SIDE BACON LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Mill Phong LESSER SLESSOR this week 1965 CADILLAC Convertible Lie N7083 1965 FORD TON Pickup cylinder standard trans Lie 1971 IMPERIAL Baron loaded Lie 1965 2 door sedan auto as is Lie 763596 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville convertible loaded Lie 1969 Sierra Grande Vi Ton Pickup loaded Lie 39340V 1969 VIVA 4 dr Sedan transmission Lie N7171 1970 Ford Custom 500 2 dr hardtop loaded Lie N13616 1969 GMC I T 5 speed transmission V8 Lie 39257V 1968 CHEVROLET Station Wagon as is Lie 96282X 1970 Mans 8 automatic 18000 miles Lie N9761 BEAUMONT SS 2 door hardtop Lie N5860 1966 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hardtop Lie N13076 BUICK 2 door hardtop As is Lie N8736 1964 STUDEBAKER As is Lie 910729 1968 MERCURY Montego MX loaded low mileage Lie X38445 1969 CORVETTE Convertible Lie L94298 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon Lie X38923 1969 FORD Custom 2 door hardtop Lie N75917 1967 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door Lie 1970 DODGE Polara Custom 24000 miles Lie 1095 10T5 6275 275 4275 2250 995 2655 2175 1375 1995 1175 125 1965 855 1975 1375 2275 8263950 8782355 388 Main St Milton Ont TOWN OF ACTON NOTICE The Municipal Council of the Town of Acton will after the expiration of one month from the date of this notice take Into consideration and pass a By law to stop up and close that portion of Elizabeth Drive In the Town of Acton more particularly described as follows All and Sinqular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being In the Town of Acton in the County of Halton and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Elizabeth Drive in the said Town of Acton as shown on Registered Plan Number on file In the Registry Office for the said County of Halton containing by admeasurement 0 acres be the same more or less and which said parcel of land is more particularly described as follows PREMISING that Blackham Street in the said Town of Acton has a bearing of North degrees West and relating all bearings herein thereto COMMENCING at the point of Intersection of the northeast limit of Blackham Street with northwest limit of Elizabeth Drive in the said Town of Acton said point of Intersection being also the southwest angle of Lot 191 as shown on Registered Plan Number on file In the Registry Office for the said County THENCE North 51 degrees 03 East along the said northwest limit of Elizabeth Drive being also the southeast limit of said Lot feet more or less therein THENCE North 15 degrees 51 East along the said northwest limit of Elizabeth Drive being also the said southeast limit of said Lot 115 feet to a point therein THENCE Southerly along a curve to the left having a radius of feet an arc distance of feet for a chord equivalent of 30 81 feet on a chord bearing of South degrees West to a point of reverse curvature THENCE Southerly along a curve to the right having a radius of 58 feet an arc distance of feet for a chord equivalent of 42 45 feet on a chord bearing of South degrees 55 45 West to a point of THENCE South degrees West along a tangent to the aforesaid curve 45 57 feet to a point THENCE South 52 degrees 30 West 418 feet more or less to the point of commencement And to convey same to the owner of the lot immediately adjoining same This notice Is given pursuant to Section of The Municipal Act O Chapter Dated at Acton Ontario this Sixteenth day of May 1972 J Hurst Clerk Administrator

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