Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1972, p. 4

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Acton Fre Prow Wednesday July BEACH AT THE Rockwood Conservation Area was crowded with and swimmers under Sunday afternoon sunny skies Photo Gibbons There nothing more unnerving for an old plot than to be flying with somebody ax Especially who thinks could come in fourth in a threelegged race thai the situation I found m self in last morning I was just over first fag and cuppa when voice sounding as though it had been up with the cows informed me that it was going to fly over and see tut For a minute or two I thought I was going to have to go out in the back and a as mother used to do when her sons were in the icimt of our home town enough that worked and kid brother would do a loop and a couple slow rolls topnne that he seen dear old Mom out there waving her secondbest sheet However it turned out that my caller was He owes me some monej and wanted to find out how much before his mortgage ran out and I jacked up the interest rate He hadn had a statement for two j ears ttell I pulled self together and agreed to him up at the local airport I knew perfect well what he was trying to do He was to impress me After all an guy who has a pdot licence and can go flipping around the country is going to convince of something Looking about as sly as Peter he asked How about a Little ride I knew I any money out of so 1 thought 1 might as well bum up some of his petrol We got into this flivver I looked around fur a parachute None I looked around for safety belts to strap myself in like a mouse in harness as we did in the old days Nothing but a seat belt We lumbered off the ground It was like Bill Smiley in a tenton truck after driving a Jaguar The scenery was fantastic and swamps and islands I even picked out our school which looked like a devastated area My wife wasn out in the yard ing a sheet so I missed our house But we lumbered Nary a loop No slow rolls or steep turns when go down into crotch Sedately I think Is the word that Mould best express our flying Rather like an old lady running a washing machine Don think I didn enjoy it There ruth quite so exciting as hurtling along at 130 miles an hour and 3 feet Its almost as thrilling as a game of euchre The only thing that reminded me of the good old days was when after we d jogged about for half an hour he said Where the hells that airport That was always one of my troubles finding the a I said blithely Oh I think over there somewhere And sure enough it was We landed after a fashion and I was pleased to see that modern pilots at least know enough to land Into the In my day we used to land downwind and got exasperated when the control officer kept shooting off red flares to tell us to go around again Well I took our guest home for lunch and we out some kind of financial arrangement that would baffle a lawyer Took him back to the airport and saw him off Asfaraslknow he made it thoughabit wobbly Then we spotted some young fellows preparing to do some skydiving One of tl em an old student of mine rushed up said hello and volunteered that this was his first jump bo we decided to watch We d known him nee he was a bit of an altar boy I tried to reassure him by asking which leg he thought he would break whether he wanted cremation or a regular church service what kind of flowers he liked and such Hetookitverywell face growing whiter sweat stream After a great deal of muddling around which seems inevitable when people play with boats or aircraft they took off three of them We watched the perfect blue sky as the aircraft climbed to height Then out came a brill chute It even opened And it descended Into a thick bush about three miles away Two more chutes blossomed drifted down and both landed right in the middle of the airfield When the first one went into the bush I bet my wife to a filter cigarette that it was John Cardwell our young friend It was A rescue force went out and after half an hour found him dangling from a maple tree By some strange alchemy I knew It was John I d tried to teach him English He wasn hurt and it was a fine Saturday and I think 1 11 take up flying again and maybe even sky Jumping Centennial commission answers Acton council We read with Interest your report from council last week and the resolution to the centennial commission that a detailed questionnaire or hometohome survey be made for recommendations as to the ultimate project The object of this recommendation says Councillor Harks Is Just to suggest to the commission that council has heard a lot of static If this report In your paper had not been brought to our attention we would haw never known about council resolution because to date there has been no communication to any member of the Commission In the past we have used the medium of the press to inform the public and interested of our program and progress It is effective so we cannot complain if council chose to use the same methods For our own information we did conduct a persontoperson survey Why give up an opportunity to talk about our The results after calls snowed everyone in agreement with the centennial project and the public meeting held in March We felt sure that sooner or later we would find someone who would object but we concluded that the percentage in favour would not alter drastically nor would the decisions reached last March It is the opinion of the centennial commission that these decisions have been reached after adequate no Lee and a public meeting It is our responsibility to act on them and bring them to a successful conclusion Council in their wisdom feel that the people at that meeting does not represent a fair crosssection of the town While the meeting was on Councillor Marks showed las interest by skating in the arena next door and Councillors McKenzie Greer and Masales showed their concern by staying away These gentlemen had the same opportunity as the rest of the citizens of the town They chose not to use it Now we feel It is for them and others to support the decision the same as members of this Commission are doing We point out that we did not all vote for the project either When one considers that there were only 13 people at the last nomination meeting for council maybe there should have been a detailed questionnaire mailed on that result hist to get a fair crosssection of the town so the idea is ridiculous One may suggest from that though that more dozens showed interest in the up coming centennial than the of the Council The commission now well advanced in the preparation of a centennial program of events and celebrations These are geared for everyone and includes all ages It will be a colorful and enjoyable year Part of the preparation is the development of the centennial project which the completion and development of the Acton Community Centre Plans are near completion for fund raising Information material is almost ready for distribution Everyone will be invited to participate If you have not been contacted don get will be Our big date will be July 1 1974 and the Acton Firefighters are to be congratulated for the great centennial show they gave us last Saturday Centennial is going to involve everyone and can be a truly great boost to the town Council should be reminded that nothing was done until the commission was formed and now their resolution does nothing but raise doubts of the credibility of the commission and its efforts We don feel that a questionnaire is necessary nor is the static veiled in ambiguity Say what has to be saidand let get on with the Job We deem in necessary to have the full support of the this endeavour the tov for assurance from Council for without their cooperation the members of this commission mast consider standing down Acton Centennial Commission Councillors not policemen There are times when we must agree with the man who charged that the law is an ass We are referring to the Incident last week in which members of the Italian Canadian Club were pulled up on the township carpet to answer charges they were contravening the township agricultural holding bylaw at Milton Heights The heinous sin these gentlemen were committing It was Italian lawn bowling bocci Reeve Tom Hill insisted the holding by law was being flouted because land use was changed when the club changed to a chartered membership This meant that the bowling on the land which has been going on since was now being done for a profit Horrors II Is almost as bad as the square dancing which the Georgetown area Canadian Association carried on In a born on the property of Miss St Jean Instead of being out cows and minding sheep the and guys were wasting their time dancing If this kind of control was the intent of the agricultural holding by law then the sooner it Is scrapped the better Instead of achieving Its purpose of keeping good land for agricultural purposes It has turned into a nit picking assault on personal liberties The nun charged with policing the bylaw Councillors- arc beginning to look like supercops Councillors were on firmer ground when they objected to the Italian- Canadian Club using a bus for a club house on the Milton Heights property But wc doubt very much if they gain anything by trying to stop Canadians of Italian descent from No one is going to raise a garden on a bocci court find It ludicrous that township councils should be interfering in legitimate sports and recreation tics unless they ore breaking noise or public order laws In that event it would be a matter for police not council They have enough problems on hands without attempting to act as pobcemen too Moral development course The Halton county Board of Education has been asked to consider a recommendation from an ad hoc committee on religious education for a course in moral development in county schools The committee chairman John Ronson told the board moral and religious education were not necessarily one and the same Both go hand in hand he said Mr said he felt a moral development course had its place In the schools and necessarily a divisive issue These are find words Nice sent ments A course in moral development sounds like an admirable thing But for the sake of argument what docs it mean Whose morals would be used as guides Russell Or perhaps a watered down morality North Burlington trustee George said some people get upset by the term Christian morality but he felt it could be taught in the schools Christian doctrine he said could be left to the parents and churches We find it hard to divorce morality from belief What the sense in being moral if there no basis for it For instance one person may find horse racing abhorrent and against moral principles Another may find it Don t blame the butcher the packer or the cattle rancher for the high price of meat says The Financial Post Blame the consumer More disposable income means more dollars being plunked down on meat counters across the continent with consuming pounds per person last year The demand is go great and the supply so short that prices are continually going skyward By the same token someone must be making money with prices so high The question is who A citizen of Acton writes the Free Press to complain about the noise on main streets Friday and Saturday nights from cars and motorcycles I MiniComment was sick in bed last week and It just got so bad that I had to go to a friend of mine for the rest of the night They race until two or three in the morning the letter complains wondering why the people of town have to put up with that kind of entertainment It is too true Some car jockeys pick the early morning hours to burn up the pavement at parking lots all over town with the arena parking lot a special target It is annoying for people who are trying to sleep as well as showing the drivers disregard for other peoples rights Best way to get rid of the pests Get the licence number and lay a complaint with police stimulating and certainly not sinful One would label It morals Another would say it is doctrine The course would have to shy away from such controversy Someone would offended We are afraid that any course in moral development without the sustaining power of a goal or a reason for being moral to be a waste of time Who would it convince Morality for morality sake who want Christian education in the schools are more honest They believe in something and want it taught to their children Those without any guidelines would never agree The Coalition of Concerned Citizens was delighted of course when it was announced that Solaandt had been appointed to conduct a one- man commission of inquiry into the proposed Ontario hydro corridor which will pass through this area Premier Davis has said the 140 mile long line or equivalent facilities must begin by the end of the year but he also said maximum consideration would be given to environmental and social factors as well as economic ones This at least is a partial victory for the since they asked for just such an appointment and have never opposed the actual line Meditation is called idleness when we catch someone else at it Back Issues of The Free Press years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday July 10 The Boy Scout Medal for Meritorious Conduct has been awarded to Scout William J Stnclairof the First Eramosa scout troop It was announced in the Dominion Day honors list by the Governor General Hon Vincent Bradley Meat Market which has been located for the past five years at Mdl and Elgin St has removed to the new premises next to Acton Home Furnishings Mr Bradley has new modern equipment Joe Jeremiah Henderson an elder at Presbyterian church for years superintendent for years and clerk of session for five years died July Johnny is the new president of Acton Rotary club Successful in passing Royal Conservatory examinations were Denlse Coles Crawford Douglas Frank Bean Marilyn Jane Elliott Sheila Hosing Hugh Mane Kerr Patricia Coles After an illness of three years Frederick Denny passed away at his home R 3 Acton A rather distant view of the Ontario Reformatory riots was obtained from the highway near Guelph A new washroom is being installed in the Baptist church with funds willed for the purpose s grocery store is being repainted H of Toronto announces the opening of a dental practice succeeding Dr George Knox church annual Sunday school was held at the Old Mill Guelph Miss Shuley Ralston was surprised at her home by the office staff of and Co at a surprise shower Attending were Alice McCallum McNabb Ruby Smith Dyriw Stella Ida Archibald Edith Turner Sadie Mclntyre and Mrs Sue Mates years aqo Taken from he Us of the Free Press Thursday July Advertisement A Ford holiday Is a real holiday You go where you like and stop when the strikes you You are out In the open air all the time not cooped in a stuffy train Note this model car has no side windows Try a Ford holiday you will enjoy the freedom of It and appreciate the economy of it Touring car Very easy terms H A Coxe Acton Rev Father Egan assistant at Hanover temporarily has been appointed assistant priest at Acton to which parish the mission at is to be attached It is Very rarely that such fine Canadian grown potatoes are available as early as the first week of July One day last week Mr Russell reta Jed three barrels of potatoes in his grocery store Potatoes promise to be a very fine crop The pennant aspiration of the 1caguc Baseball club were given another rude Jolt on Saturday last when they went down before Georgetown by a score of to On tin day play the locals should have emerged the winners but they got wrangling with Umpire McQuaig of Georgetown and appeared to take more interest in this than in playing ball The umpiring of McQuaig was partial to Georgetown throughout the and a near not occurred in the ninth when he called a strike on Ryder THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bus and Editorial Of which was plainly a ball Mr Harry Mainprizehasopeneda dainty little barber shop on Mill St next to Tonys restaurant The fittings are all of white enamel and silver and the equipment includes electric and electrically heated water now has five garages within yards on Mill and Maui St nine candidates wrote the entrance examinations years ago Taken from the Issue of tbe Free Press Thursday July 15 The anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated on Monday with the usual orange procession speeches etc In Acton however the day was very little observed beyond the wearing of a few orange hi or a ribbon emblematic of the occasion A few local members of the order went out of town to attend demonstrations in Brampton and other points Those who passed their high school entrance examinations at Acton public school are Clara Cobban Ada Holmes Eva Matthews HatUe Oram Eva Ferryman Jean Smith Bertie Speight Thomas Henderson Robert Holmes Moore is their teacher At Alice Mary Osmond Frank Moore at Bannockbum Bertha Cole Myrtle Watson Alberts Mc Donald Evan McDonald Those who passed their Public School leaving examinations at Acton are Ada John Moore Tina McQueen at Lome school Alice Brown Gamble at Bannockbum J Kerr Brown Edwin Francis son of exCouncillor Francis made a lightning trip to Woodstock on his wheel on Monday He left Acton at ajn and reached Woodstock a distance of miles at Death to the Pests Poison Kills Pore Pans Green for potato bugs Insect Powder Powder for flics etc Tanglefoot the sealed sticky fly paper Brown a Drug Store MH1 St The boys disport themselves daily In Fairy Lake Binder twine a a prominent article of competition between merchants these days The Ice cream parlors raise an objection to the last two weeks of hot weather The fanners hearts are glad and thank and their hands will be busy for the next two months

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