Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1972, p. 10

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McLeans in accident attend Bennett picnic The Acton Free Press Wednesday August 1972 By Mrs R We re sorry to hear about Mr and Mrs McLean ac cident On the road to St Catharines on Saturday they were involved an incident where they sustained They were released from the hospital at St Catharines and are back home but are very uncom fortable with shock and bruises Their car was badly damaged Mrs Elizabeth Tarswell visited on Monday with her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Alan and family Angel and baby son Jason in Hanover Mr and Mrs George Tracy and John Whitney of Georgetown visited at the home of Mr Em Rogers and Mr William Rogers on Sunday last Sing new hymns Church service was conducted on Sunday by members of the session Several members of the board took part Some of the new hymns were sung There was a fair attendance Miss Nancy Snow is having her vacation at home for the month of August She is a nurseintraining at Mmissauga hospital Miss Pamela Snow has been in Hospital for treatment the past week but was released on Friday 300 attend picnic members had a big project this weekend They picnic at Scotsdale Farms on Saturday when around 300 people enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at the farms of Mr and Mrs S Bennett A happy gathering took place in the Community Centre on Sat night when the family of Mr and Mrs Fred Spear held open house for them on the oc casion of their 25th wedding versary Mr and Mrs Dick Karen and Mark returned home from a pleasant week near Parry Sound While there Ruth and Dick and their friends Marie and Ted Kendrler enjoyed a boat trip to North Bay on Lake Nlplssing Mr and Mrs Frank Smith Miss Margaret Smith their English guest and Mr and Mrs Jones are having a visit In St Catharines for a long weekend Mrs Archie her daughters and Jean to Hamilton on Wed to take birthday greetings to Margaret Mr and Mrs Rankin had their brother to visit them this week end from Albert To pave road residents may finally have something done about the dangerous corner and road conditions on the Fifth Line northern entrance to the village following a discussion at Monday nights meeting of Council Deputyreeve Russell Miller challenged council proposal to spend a total of on street paving Glen Williams and Norval and none on the Lime- house road I can see us putting all that money into and the Glen and none into We promised those people we would pave it from County Road up to the top of the hill he reminded council A deputation of residents complained to council about the situation at a public meeting last year Reeve Tom Hill agreed that council should go ahead with the work claiming he was in favor paving the road from the gate to the conservation area right up to the hill Councillor Coxe said he would rather see council spend money on the I imehouse job than on reconstruction on the Eighth Line Roads superintendent Bud Snow said the township may run Into difficult having hydro poles at the corner moved Hydro poles arc situated on a bank of rock there It is hoped some of the rock can be removed Improving visibility Engineer Don estimated cost of the projcet at He said blasting could be done during the winter Limehouse Services start soon many visit visitors DaveHodgson MarkNielscn up the creek campaign and Roger stand beside the is finished working on the school remains of in old horsedriwn carnage they and presently doming out the nulled out of the Black Creek at Church St flowing between the flour mill Hie four are part of the Opportunities for id Be Photo by Pink Services at Presbyterian Church will return to 9 45 a on August We extend sympathy to Mrs and family on the death of Mr Roger Cummlngs by accident last week Mrs Mills of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Mills and Miss Helen Mills Mr and Mrs Randy Banish attended the twenty fifth wed ding anniversary of her parents at Richmond Hills on Saturday Library visit A well stocked travelling library visited the local school for a few hours on Saturday Sorry to say very few took advantage of it Mr and Mrs O Regent motored as far as Taxco Mexico while enjoying a month holiday Mr and Mrs A Patterson vii ted in Midland during the weekend Mrs Henry and Tanya returning with them for a holiday Mr and Mrs den Bole and children of Kitchener visited Mr and Mrs Bert Benton and John on Sunday anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bos who celebrated their twenty fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday Mr and Mrs James Noble Mr Mrs J Noble Michael an Norine Mr Brian Snow of irket Mr and Mrs red David and Mr Mrs Edar and Mr and Mrs Smith attended the Noble reunion held at the home of Mr and Mrs W Karn LEGAL LEGAL 19 LEGAL To the Residents of the Township Of Esquesing with lands abutting the Town of Acton NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the The Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of the Town of Acton for approval of a by law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Acton intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of by law passedontheUthdayofMarch 1972 A copy of the bylaw is furnished herewith A NOTE giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by law and stating the lands affected thereby Is also furnished herewith ANY PERSONS INTERESTED MAY within fourteen 14 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Acton notice of his objection to Approval of the said byJaw together with a statement of the grounds of such ob jection ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the b law may within fourteen 14 days after the date of this notice send b registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Acton no of bis support of approval of the said bylaw together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and ad dress to which such notice should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by law but before doing so It may appoint a time and place when any objection to the bylaw will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing Is to be sent July J T Hurst Clerk Administrator Mill Street East Acton Ontario THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ACTON BY LAW NUMBER A Bylaw to amend By law 1358 as amended Section of Law Number 1358 be and the same is hereby amended by adding as the following new section Nursery Day Nursery Is a day nursery within the meaning of the Day Nurseries Act of Ontario Section d of Bylaw Number 1356 be and the same Is hereby deleted and repealed and replaced with the following new section 4 Where a zone boundary does not a lot line street lane or railway rightof way the said zone boundary shall be scaled from Map Schedule A 3 Section 7b of Bylaw Number 1358 be and the same is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words front or rear so that Section b will read as follows 7 b Uncovered steps porch or platform not exceeding four feet in height above grade and not projecting more than five 5 feet Into any required yard 4 Section 13 of Bylaw Number 1358 be and the same Is hereby deleted and repealed and replaced with the following new section 13 1 Attached Accessory Buildings Where an accessory building is attached to or connected with the mam building the requirements of this bylaw shall be complied with as If the accessory building were part of the main building Section 4 of Bylaw Number be and the same is hereby deleted and repealed and replaced with the following new section 13 Attached Garage Where a garage is attached to or forms an integral part of a dwelling the minimum side yard required by Section b may be reduced to the minimum side yard required by Section Section By4aw Number 1358 be and the same is hereby amended by adding as Section 23 the folio wing new section Reconstruction and Repair of Existing Buildings Nothing in this Bylaw shall apply to prevent the reconstruction or repair in the same location of any existing building or structure that is damaged up to 80 per cent of the value of the building by fire Acts of God or by causes beyond the control of the owner subsequent to the date of the passing of this Bylaw In the case of a nonconforming use such reconstruction will not increase the height size volume change the location or change the use of such building except In conformity with the provisions of this Bylaw And such construction must commence no later than six 6 months after the date of the damage 13S8 be and the same Is hereby further amended by adding assertion the following Visibility on Comer Lots On the corner lot the triangular space formed by Joining the point of intersection of the street lines to a point in line measured thirty feet from said point of intersection no fence hedge shrub bush foliage sign parked motor vehicle or no structure shall be permitted having a height greater than two feet six Inches above the travelled portion of the abutting roadways This provision shall not prevent the planting of one deciduous shade tree within the defined triangular space The requirements for semidetached and double duplex dwellings contained in Section 1 and under the headings Zone and RMZone are to be reworded as follows Zone RM Zone Semidetached Do Dupl ex Lot Area ft minimum per dwelling unit per duplex Lot Frontage ft per ft per minimum dwelling unit duplex The words Apartments See Note 1 are to be added to Section 5 under the heading Zone The side yard requirement of feet for semidetached dwellings underSectlon6 5 of Bylaw Number should be deleted and replaced with the following 15 feet each Side This requirement may be reduced to feet adjacent to an attached one storey garage or feet where a garage forms an Integral part of the dwelling unit No part of this amending By law shall come Into force without approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but subject to such approval this By law shall take effect from the passing thereof READ FIRST SECOND and THIRD time and finally passed this day of March L J Hurst Mayor Clerk EXPLANATORY NOTE By law 729 contains several general amendments to by law which is The Zoning By law for the Town of Acton The amend ments are contained in numbered sections the contents of which are explained in the similarly numbered paragraphs of this note 1 The term Day Nursery which was not previously defined is now given the same meaning as that provided in the Ontario Act regulating this type of institution 2 The zoning map attached to By law 1358 indicates that there are several places where the boundary between two zones docs not follow an easily defined line such as a railwaj or street The new section provides a method to locate this type of boundary on the ground and this is done by using the scale indicated on the man Die section deleted provided for determination of zone boundaries along navigable rivers and was removed because Acton docs not have a navigable river J Where buildings were designed with main the front and rear By law 1358 permitted uncovered steps porches and platforms under four feet high to extend into the minimum front and rear yards This amendment affords the same right o encroachment on side yards for buildings designed with side entrances 4 provisions of section of by were deleted because they were already covered more completely in th definition and permitted use sections the bylaw The new section was added to make It clear that attached iccesson buildings such as green houses and recreational buildings 1 not be located in the minimum required side front and rear yards 5 Under section 13 of law addition of an attached garage allowed the reduction of the minimum fifteen foot side yard on one side of a building to a lesser distance depending on the particular zone and the type of building This varied from a reduction to five feet for a one storey single family dwelling in an zone to ten feet for a double duplex In an RM zone However if the garage was integrated into the building with living quarters the fifteen foot minimum had to be observed this amendment reduces the side requirement In the instance to the same as for an attached garage In addition reference to other types of attached buildings are deleted they are now covered under section 13 Where a property was being used for a specific purpose prior to the passage of the zoning by law and where that use was contrary to the provisions of the by law it was permitted to continue as a conforming use However destruction of the property so that the use could no longer be carried on ended the nonconformity and the provisions of the by law became operative This amendment allows the reconstruction of the premises and continuation of the nonconformity within the limits set out notwithstanding partial destruction 7 This amendment Is intended to prohibit obstruction to motorists vision on corner lots by allowing nothing greater than two and one half feet in height within a triangle whose are tht intersection anda point thirty feet back on each street By law established minimum lot areas and lot frontages for a whole semidetached or double duplex structure Since the intention was to have each side equal the amendment divides minimum in half and relates them to the individual dwelling unit or duplex The RM zone heading In the Schedule of Residential Zone Requirements being section of by law does not indicate that there is a special set of regulations in effect for apartments This amendment draws special attention to those by reference to their location in the by law Under by law 1358 one half of a semidetached dwelling required a side yard of fifteen feet unless there was an attached garage whereas the other half only required eight feet Since it is intended that identical requirements shall relate to each side the amend ment requires the full fifteen feet for each unit unless there is a garage in which case reductions apply equally LEGAL TolhcResldentsofthc Town of Acton OF to tht The Ontario Municipal Board by Corporation of the Town of Acton for ipprova of a by law to regulate land pissed pursuant to Section of The Planning Act that the Council of the of the Town of Acton Intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section of The Planning Act for approval of law passed on the 14th day of March 1972 A of the by law is furnished herewith A NOTE giving in of the purpose and effect of the by law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith ANY INTEItFSTFD MAY within fourteen days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Acton notice of his objection to approval of the sold by law together with a statement of the grounds of such ob jection ANY wishing tosupport the for approval of the by law may within fourteen 14 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Acton notice of his support of approval of said law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held also the and ad dress to which such notice should be BOARD may approve of the said by law but before doing so it nt a time place when any objection to the by law will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be on to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the to which notice of he is to be sent THE LAST DATr I OR OBJfCTIONS will be August DA at the Town of ton this 2Gth day of July J T Hurst Clerk Administrator Mill Street Fast Ontario CORPORATION OP THETOWNOf ACTON A By to imcnd law is amended itttion of By I aw Number be and tht same is hereby amended by adding as Section 18 1 a tht following new section a Nursery da within the meaning of the Day Nurseries Act of Ontario of By liw Number 1358 be and the same is hereby deleted repealed and replaced with the following new section 2 d Where a zone boundary does not a lot lint street lane or railway the said zone boundary shall be scaled from Map Schedule A J Section I of By law Number 1358 be ind the same is hereby amended by deleting thertlroni the words front or rear so that Section will read as follows Uncovered steps porch or platform not exceeding four 1 1 feet in above gr idt and not projt ting more than five 1 feet into any required ird 4 Section 1 of law Number be and the same is hereby deleted and repealed and replaced with the follow ing new section 1J 1 Accessory Buildings Where an accessory building Is to or connected with the main building the requirements of this by law shall be complied with as if the accessor building were part of the main building Section 1J of By law Number 1358 be and the same Is hereby deleted and repealed and replaced with the following new section 1J4 Attached Where a garage is attached to or forms an Integral part of a dwelling the minimum side yard required by Section lb may be reduced to the minimum side yard required by Section b ti Section of By law Number be and the same is hereby amended by adding as Section 5 the following Reconstruction and Repair of Existing Buildings Nothing In this By law shall apply to prevent the reconstruction or repair in the same location of any existing building or structure that Is damaged up to per cent of the value of the building by fire Acts of God or by causes beyond the control of the owner subsequent to the date of law In the case nonconforming use such reconstruction will not increase the height sue volume change the location or change the use of such building except in conformity with the provisions of this By law And such construction must commence no later than six 6 months after the date of the 7 1358 be and the same Is hereby further amended by adding assertion 24 the folio wing new section 5 Visibility on Corner Lots On the corner lot within the triangular space formed by joining the point of Intersection of the street lines to a point in each street at Island on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jack Speycr and Miss Speyer of Aalsmeer Holland and Mr and Mrs Hank Bocrscnof Aekmoar Holland are visiting Mr and Mrs Dirk Poot Poot All are spending a few days with relatives at Dresden Mr and Mrs Ronald and family spent their holidays at Park north of Parry Sound HALTON HIGHLIGHTS At a regular meeting of Hal ton County Council Wednesday members earned the Social and family Service Department would continue to use the same facilities in Acton town hall for interviews and decline the use or the conference room at the Acton for the time being Authorized a donation towards a luncheon as Hal ton contribution towards the convention to be held in Peel County in October I earned the number persons in the county considered employable but still without work hit a low ebb for the year in June from the Halton Family and Social Services Department dropped to unemployed employables in June as compared 1J2 in May and a high of 208 in January LEGAL 19 LEGAL line measured thirty feet from said point of intersection no fence hedge shrub bush fohage sign parked motor vehicle or no structure shall be permitted having a height greater than two feet six inches 2 above the travelled portion of the abutting roadways This provision shall not prevent the planting of one deciduous shade tree within the defined triangular space Die requirements for semidetached and double duplex dwellings contained in Section 0 1 and 6 under the headings Zone and are to be reworded as follows Zone RM Zone Semidetached 1 IM Area 3 ft sq ft minimum per dwelling unit per duplex Lot Frontage ft per ft per dwelling unit duplex J words Apartments See Note are to be added to Section under the Zone 10 rhe side yard requirement of feet for semidetached dwellings under Section of By law Number 1358 should be deleted and replaced with the following 15 feet each side This requirement may be reduced to feet adjacent to an attached one storey garage or feet where a garage forms an integral part of the dwelling unit No part of this amending By law shall come Into force without of the Ontario Municipal Board but subject to such approval this By law shall take effect from the passing thereof srCOND and THIRD time and finally passed this day of March J Hurst Clerk 1 or NOTE By contains several general amendments to by law whith is The Zoning By law for the Town of Acton The amend ments are contained in numbered sections the contents of which are explained in the similarly numbered paragraphs of this note 1 term Day Nursery which was not previously defined is now given the same meaning as that provided In the Ontario regulating this type of institution Die zoning map attached to By law 1358 indicates that there are several places where the boundary between two zones does not follow an easily defined line such as a railway or street The new section provides a method to locate this type of boundary on the ground and this is done by using the scale indicated on the map Die section deleted provided for determination of zone boundaries along navigable rivers and was removed because Acton does not have a river Where buildings were designed with main entrances at the front and rear Bv law permitted uncovered steps porches and pi under four feet high to extend Into the minimum front and rear yards This amendment affords the same right of encroachment on side yards for buildings designed with side entrances provisions of section 13 of by law were deleted because they were already covered more completely In the definition and permitted use sections of the by law The new section was added to moke it clear thnt attached accessory building such as green houses and recreational buildings could not be located in the minimum required side front and rear yards Under section of by law 1358 addition of an attached garage allowed the reduction of the minimum fifteen foot side yard on one side of a building to a lesser distance depending on the particular zone and the type of building This varied from a reduction to five feet for a one storey single family dwelling in an Rl zone to ten feet for a double duplex in an RM zone However if the garage was integrated into the building with living quarters above the fifteen foot minimum had to be observed this amendment reduces the side yard requirement in the latter instance to the same as for an attached garage In addition reference to other types of attached buildings are deleted since they are now covered under section 1 Where a property was being used for a specific purpose prior to the passage of the zoning by law and where that use was contrary to the provisions of the by law It was permitted to continue as a non conforming use However destruction of the property so that the use could no longer be carried on ended the nonconformity and the provisions of the by law became operative This amendment allows the reconstruction of the premises and continuation of the nonconformity within the limits set out notwithstanding partial destruction Is Intended to prohibit obstruction to motorists vision on comer by allowing nothing greater than two and one half feet in height within a triangle whose are the intersection and a point thirty feet back on each street By law established minimum lot areas and lot frontages for a whole semidetached or double duplex structure Since the intention was to have each side equal the amendment divides the minimum in half and relates them to the individual dwelling unit or duplex Die zone heading in the Schedule of Residential Zoo Requirements being section 6 of by law does not indicate that there is a special set of regulations fn effect for apartments This amendment draws special attention to those by reference to their location in the bylaw 10 side yard of fifteen feet unless there was an attached garage whereas the other halt only required eight feet Since It to that identical requirements shall relate to each ah ment requires the full fifteen feet for each unit unless IS a in which case reductions apply equally

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