Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1972, p. 16

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Guest editorial 19261971 EXCLUDES ALL SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS EXCEPT DAIRY PRODUCTS NEWFOUNDLAND FIGURES NOT INCLUDED Cheap food at farmers expense By Henry J Stanley Agricultural Representative Have foodprlces really increased lately A new publication by the Ontario Food Council gives an insight Into this question Recent publicity over rising food prices may have left some consumers confused and concerned Trie frequency of food purchases makes consumers more aware of food prices than prices of other consumer goods and services Consumers may wonder why food costs should Increase In a country where food Is so plentiful and agricultural surpluses a frequent occurrence There s no doubt that food prices have been increasing A dollar will not buy as much food as It did years ago However since the cost of virtually all Canadian consumer goods and services such as transportation housing and clothing has increased Pic Consumer Price index is a measure of in the cost or consumer goods and services Since oil Items have Increased by per cent Food has increased by 28 per cent housing by per cent and clothing by per cent Housing has not Increased as rapidly as food over the last years However when we look at the change from to all Items have increased In price by 4 per cent with housingup by per cent per cent and rood by only per cent This would Indicate Hint food prices are not out of line with other prices and in fart were other sections can easily be seen by the disastrous prices for hogs and during the past two years and the reduced price for Iambs in 1971 over the previous year Recent increases in the price of beef pork eggs and broilers will bring the Consumer Price Index on food products more In line with other goods and services The percentage of takehome pay the average Canadian spends on food Is declining each year While the percentage of takehome pay on food was 23 4 per cent in 1961 by this percentage dropped lo IB per cent All these comparisons have led Canadian farmers to the conclusion Canada has cheap food policy at the expense of the The sees the cost of his inputs labor machinery taxes rapidly In recent years with relatively similar for his produce He feels that he should be sharing in a little higher portion of the consumer dollar often fails to realize that the farmer receives only about per cent of the price paid for the food In the store Sixty per cent of the cost is for the services provided to that food after it leaves tht farm or the marketing costs These services have increased greatly In the past few years l j i Many pond owners have How has Canadian been able to survive with lower tinned this prices for his produce than in most other developed countries He infestations of aquatic more efficient than formers In these weeds and algae In their ponds really explain why I Farmik cash receipts 192630 3135 Former deputy says will sue CANADA reports that Canadian farm tush receipts which had been declining slightly turned upward again last and reached a new record high of mill on Chart above traces farm cash receipts over and shows how the was divided Cosh receipts were almost times as hih in 1J71 as they were during the depression of the chart Receipts for crops increased times in the same period dairy products seven and a hair times poultry and 10 turns and livestock times bit inert in livestock receipts accounted tor the m ijor change In product mix brought in only per cent of cash receipts in those depression as compared with per cent in 1J71 Crops accounted for 43 per cent revenues in and only per cent last it products provided per cent of cash receipts in the 1930s and 15 per cent last year and held about the same proportion of the market per cent in and 1 per cent in 1J71 Other receipts represented per cent of the total in the 1910s pi tent last ar Gordon a former Deputy Reeve of Township la attempting to sue the township for negligence sent letter to Nasaa Council claiming the municipality weed spraying operations were responsible for Injuries to his wife letter which was read at the IMcsdny July meeting or council stated that recently from town ship weed spraying hod in mailbox The Agnews live near Mailbox The mailbox Agncw claimed in his letter became chemical boobvtrap stated that when his wife Margaret open Ihe mailbox the substance entered her system causing serious enough injuries to require In his letter said was responsible for the actions of Us agent and as such he was seeking financial compensation for his wife injuries from the Township Lets talk fin d It Page SIil finally figured out the and spent most of her nights up and down Iwlund the other marcs While the letter was read Mr Once the letter won read thcaudlcnceportion Councillor Council motion to turn the matter lie added nothing to over to the townships solicitor what he In his letter which Council went along with council question him No Anne MaeArthur said words and hardly even a glance it too bud there was this was exchanged between him or Hut no other any of the comment from the councillors Councillors was voiced on the subject Frco Press Wednesday August GDODLETS With Natural Gas youre in control What a marvellous sense of power It gives you cook on n gas rnngcl Because natural gas keeps you In control Burners arc Instantly as hoi is you and as Instnnlly cooking with natural on Switch over a modern automatic natural gas range and see lor yourself in up t as if she whs in need of exercise she was out nil day day She Just liked However She will fooled next winter The horses will be loose housed on our new place No more mess wrecked stalls no more palls ind broken hikers Ma be Pond owners alarmed by weeds more per hour of work Our technology is more advanced and thi management of our farms gives us an advantage over others lo continue to compete In a country with a cheap food policy our furmcrs must continue to become even more efficient who stand still will not be able to compete They will lose the Marketing quota for egg producers By Henry J Stanley accurately and mail It as soon as A very important document possible and not later than has been sent to all commercial August 4 to the Egg Quota producers In Ontario This Allocation Commission Queen s document known as an in forma Park Toronto Ontario If egg tion return will serve as the basis producers or started pullet cm which these producers will be producers do not receive granted a marketing quota for mation returns in the mail they their product Since a of are asked to obtain them from the marketing quotas for eggs will office of the agricultural very be introduced In rep rcscnta Live Ontario and all egg producers will require a marketing quota the importance of this document is evident The information returns arc being sent out the Egg Quota Allocation Commission under the chairmanship of Ted Hoover Burlington Submit Information Producers of started pullets arc also requested to submit in formation on their operations This includes those producers of started pullets who also produce for sale Producers with flocks of less than 500 need not complete the information return this time It is Important that producers complete the information return this occurred other than the fact that there was a delayed spring which was with below normal temperatures Snow melt and runoff due to rain was quite high and there may have been an increase of soil erosion which provides the bulk of the nutrients for algae growth When the warmer weather and sunshine hours Increased conditions were such that aquatic plants and seemed to grow overnight Perhaps nature made up for lost time In any case there are pros and cons of aquatic vegetation Higher aquatic plants and algae arc important for maintaining an oxygen balance essential to fish life and they also contribute to keeping water temperatures at the low levels essential to certain species of fish Water plants provide a suitable environment for the production of aquatic invertebrate organisms which serve as food for fish Numerous aquatic plants arc utilized for food or protection by many species of waterfowl Cons too On the other hand ponds and lakes may become unsightly because of the presence of dense mats of decomposing surface type algae Recreational uses such as fishing swunminc or may be Impaired by accumulations of algae or growths of aquatic plants Winter kills of fish may result from oxygen depletion In the water caused by a decomposition of plants under Ice during certain winter seasons Control of aquatic plants may be achieved by cither mechanical or chemical means Simple and chain drigging operations may produce temporary results but the plants soon re establish themselves More methods such as iter mowing and dredMnL machines be useful but a considcnblc expense Is involved Chemical methods of control ire the most practical considering the ease with which they can be applied At the present time there is no one which will adequately control all species of algae and iquatic plants Chemicals currently available generally provide control for only a single son me Ontario Water Commission Act provides that No shall add any sub stance to the water of any well 1 ike river pond spring reservoir or other water or watercourse for the purpose of killing or affecting plants snails insects fish or other living matter or thing therein without a permit issued by the Commission There are provisions to this section which the Commission can explain Chemical control Is easy yet difficult In order to get good results the aquatic plant must be identified the proper chemical be used in the correct quantities so that the balance of nature is disturbed arc met gas ranges 279 Decided not to create a good housekeeping by law During on earlier meeting of council a rate payer had suggested such a law to control untidy properties Building inspector Savage made study on other muni good housekeeping by laws and learned there were severe problems enforcing them Firmly rejected the creation of a Ore training school in the township A representative of Sheridan College Heavy Equipment School appeared at the June meeting of Council with the proposal Learned the operators of a pig farm on Appleby line north of Steeles Ave hud ceased operations The farm was the source of several complaints from nearby residents who claimed the farms operation gave off obnoxious odors NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAND DRAINAGE Bv on of the Leg stature Ontario a select committee nted on Juno to examine study and Inquire Into following mailers regard land nage In Ontario i the benefits ti The a mi compel ng land i 0 Thepriorevili petition procedure A review the construction procedures under The Dra Act Ihe A review appeal procedures under The Drain An evaluation 11 A revle the administrative practices and methods out Illy under The Drainage Act Alter due study and on to recommend such changes procedures and processes as n op of the Committee may be necessary and desirable questions assoc a The Committee has the ntei rice and to hold publ hear the above terms This therefor It to interested parties individual or to indie a to the Com mitt by AUGUST IS their intention to submit written briefs or their desire to attend the bearings and make oral representation The response to this in vital Ion will determine the times and places hearings A written setting out the time and place the hearings will as soon as poss to all persons who hone tiled notice Intent on to make written or oral sub Henderson P rman Select Committee on Land Bo Parliament Buildings Toronto Critarlo to both Glenlea Medical Clinic and Glenlea Drug Mart It has been a great pleasure to have been chosen as contractor to install the heating and airconditioning for the renovations at Acton Plaza WARNER HEATING CO LTD R R 4 Acton Phone 8532918

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