Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1972, p. 12

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COOL BUYS FOR HOT WEATHER SHOPPERS FOR BARGAINS COMING MARRIAGES DOYUE Mr and Mrs Kevin Ac ton are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage their only daughter Gall Mar- to Mr Robert John Doyle son of Mr and Mrs Robert Doyle St Johns The wed ding will take place Saturday September 1912 at Pm in St Josephs Church Acton CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank friends and relatives for flowers and sym pathy cards sent at the time of the passing of our mother Mrs Charlotte MaoDonakl The Family special price on school supplies Come in and browse 5c I Store SHANNON FIERCE Mr and Mrs Pierce Acton are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage their daughter Jean to Bruce Shannon son of Mr and Mrs Ken Shannon Milton The wedding will mice place September at oclock at St Pauls United Church Milton Mr and Mrs Charles Shultis Main announce the forthco ming marriage of to Elizabeth Colclough daugh ter of Mr and Mrs John Col- dough of Hamilton The wed ding will take place October In Melrose United Church Hamilton CRUMP Louisa Elizabeth In Whipps Cross Hospital Ley tons tone London England lo ved wife of the late William Crump on Friday August 11 in her year survived by sons Raymond and William of London England dau ghter Marie Mrs George Har- grave Acton four grandchild ren and one great grandson We would like to thank all our friends neighbors relativ es and Organizations for the many kindnesses and sympath ies extended to us in the time Of our loss of our beloved Ke vin A special thank you to Bruce Shoemaker and friends arid neighbors of Warren Grove for all their help George Ivy Allan and Rosalind Hall and the Given fa mily 1965 FORD Custom certified Massey Harris selfpropelled combine Best offers lALUMINUM self storing door Phone Pat Ken ny McDonald Blvd Acton la73478 PRICE SALE will continue all summer at Milady and Boutique Mill St la43365tf IN MEMORIAMS JOHNSON loving mem ory of a dear mother and grandmother Elsie May John son passed away August 1969 and a dear father and grandfather Robert Anson Jo hnson passed away September 1960 Though their smile has gone forever And their hands we cannot touch Still we have so many memor ies Of those we loved so much Their memory is our keepsake With which well never part God has them in His keeping them in our hearts Sadly missed and ever reme mbered by daughter Helen Yv onne Dave and and GINGER Ruth Naomi Hospital on Sun day August 13 Ruth Man ser late of 1360 Wilson Ave wife of the late Al bert Ginger dear mother of Ve rnon Mississauga Thomas Et- Reginald Acton Wil liam and Edward both of also survived by grandchildren and great grandchildren Funeral service was held at the Funeral Home of Skinner Ltd Lakeshore E Port Credit on Tuesday August 15 at Interment cemetery Mississa HUNTER Russell at St Catharines on Friday August 11 1972 Russell Wayne Hunter aged years loved son of Brydon end Shirl ey Hunter and dear brother of David Cathy and Cheryl all of Aden grandson of Mr and Mrs Art Hunter of Alton and Mr and Mrs John Post of fHmera service was held at the Shoemaker Fun eral Home Acton on Monday at Inte cemetery MARKS Mary Suddenly at Acton on Saturday August Mary Cnsp beloved of Ernie Marks and dear mother of Marilyn Mrs K Ri- of Oakville Martin of Pauline Mrs B Kent of Georgetown Peter and Mrs A Harkins both of Acton abo survived by grandchildren Requiem mass was said at St Joseph Church Acton on Tuesday at 11 am Interment cemetery BOAT aluminum Johnson motor Asking Maxwell Roy At Milton District Hospital on Tuesday August Max well Roy beloved bus- band of the late Dorothy Wil son dear father of Itene Gilbert Gilroy of Max of Milton and Jean of Van couver Funeral service was on Thursday at the McKcrsle Fun eral Home Interment Ever green cemetery James Edward At Gudph General Hospital on Sunday August Ja mes Edward in his year beloved husband of Dorothy Frank dear father of Dorothy Anne Karen El izabeth and James Edward grandfather of Kim- Anne brother of Thomas Desmond Hugh Mrs Mrs Winnie Ho ward and Mrs Ella Maxwell Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker Funer al Home Acton on Tuesday at Interment cem etery CARDS OF THANKS A sincere thanks to our fri ends relatives and neighbors for their cards letters visits and many acts of kindness dur ing my stay in hospital and since coming home These have helped much towards a good recovery and ire deeply appre ciated J would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for their lovely cants and flowers and their enquiries while I was In hospital and dace coming home Special thanks to the do ctor of the Acton Medical Ce ntre and also Rev Fathers GO- ten and Thank you all Mrs- Soger Murray ROBINSON In loving mem ory of a dear mother daugh ter and sister who passed away August one you loved was by your side To hear your last faint sigh Or whisper just a loving word Before you closed your eyes Gone but not forgotten Mann family BOYS blue suit size once 2 used aluminum doors 1 set floral drapes 130 Phone ALUMINUM awnings canop ies porch enclosures doors storm windows shutters orna mental railings custom made reasonable Phone MILITARY saddle pony blanket 17 pony sheet new ladys Western rid ing outfit size mans Western shirt new 16 neck Phone la73436 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES nana rotcraoounta CARRIAGES DEATHS No FOR BALE FOR RZNT XTC minimum chart tat word Be word no ihanfaa M minimum tor II So par word fee COWING GAWDS or THANKS 1 for lint Una M Huh to lie additional CLASSIFIED CODES l For Ball Product for I Animal Wat Boarded For For Sat II Anltqiio OirportunltlM Wan 14 flats DEADLINES I and paid at IMUa at PHONE or 12 The Acton Free Press Wednesday August 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING 150 hose Low pumping rates ROBERT NOBLE LIMITED 8569980 KIND PRODUCE FOR SALE ACRES mixed grain from combine or will sell by the all sprayed Vernon Picket 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE ANNIVERSARIES Open House for Wed ding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Brown at fad Hall Saturday August 19 at Everyone welcome Ladies may bring small if desired COMING EVENTS Country and Western Jambo ree at Rockery Sun Aug The Tex Noble Show am how to lose weight keep it off Weight Watchers of Ontario Limited Every Tuesday 730 pro St AJbans Hall Acton a52000tf GIRLS COM bike inch wheel in good riding condition Phone Ia734B0 CANOES and paddles man ufactured and repaired Phone after pan la4929S6t LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS x 7 size size Plus Tax CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER TV TOWER SALE J tower installed with all channel VHF head tower installed with all channel VHF head JO head Installed Combination color head and Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street East HILTON Phone 8766949 PINTO pony stud service av ailable Rockwood ONE OF A GTO Tempest Ram Air In Iberian Red mat ching leatherette interior buc ket seats console tilt steering wheel Mag wheels automatic radio builtin aerial power steering power seats power windows automatic door and trunk looks Lie BAZ MOTORS Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 199 STREET GEORGETOWN 8775286 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE See the new Papec forage harvester and the big 180 with the cylinder faced Tu ngsten carbide knives built- in recutter New used self- unloading wagons reconditio ned harvesters 1 combine with pickup manure spreaders tractors plows Farm Hand find electric mix mills Archie Kerr Equipment call in or photic Acton B531959 4a73490 VEHICLES FOR SALE RED 1969 Ford Can be seen at Bill Toths Service Station 5a73433 1969 motorcycle new tires brakes chains clut ch certified or offer Ph one 1966 FORD XL hardtop V8 auto double pow er with Call John Kreuzer Acton or Milton 12000 miles Sien na Brown radial tires radio excellent condition Ph one Acton 5b63465 1964 VOLVO PI in excep tional condition economically priced no down payment if you qualify Lie 1969 Toy ota Corona auto certified Lie Motors authorized Volkswagen dealer St Georgetown 8775286 8 HELP WANTED NOTICE The Womens Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1970 prohibits with certain ex ceptions discrimination be cause of sex or marital status Since some occupations arc considered more attractive to persons of one sex or the other advertisements in this column for such positions will continue to state whether for men or women Such listings are not intended to exclude persons of sex fial645tf MACHINE operator and needed Indust ries Box 856- WOMAN to clean house one day a week for professional woman own transportation ne cessary Phone Milton HELP WANTED WANTED TO RENT HOUSE for In town or country 161 FINANCE MORTGAGE fund It 2nd and 3rd available commercial also Call Glenn Daniay Realty anytima WAITRESS full time shift Apply In person Wain St WOMAN to do housework A day a week or full day ate weeks an hour Musi have own transportation QUALIFIED MAINTENANCE MACHINIST Experienced on machine repair Reference required Apply in person to Disston Canada Limited ACTON WANTED MALE or FEMALE MAKE EASY Easy to sell pantyhose Also socks for the entire family briefs or bikini panties tights etc Free instructions and color catalogue Write today RESLON Hosiery Ltd Hcbcrt Mil North Dcpt Quebec EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOUND black puppy about months old Phone FOR RENT ROOM and board for gentle man Phone 8532572 13a73495 HOUSE for rent bedrooms Phone days only Roy Goodwin 13a73492 Figure Skating Instructor Apply to Mrs McArthur Box BUY YOUR TOYOTA NOW Ail Models to Choose from as low as 218 HALTON TOYOTA HWY JUST NORTH OF 401 8784365 8262931 LARGE bedroom apart ment available Sept Rent includes hydro heat and water prefer older couple to centre of town Phone after 6 pin 13a73484 ONE OF THESE 68s IS A MYSTERY PURCHASE The Lucky Purchaser Gets Gallons of Gas 1968 door hardtop V8 automatic pow er steering power brakes and radio Lie 1968 GALAXIE 500 door hardtop V8 automatic power steering and power brakes top radio Lie 1968 500 door automatic power steering and power brakes power windows and radio Lie 777872 DAILY RENTAL CARS AVAILABLE RENT BY THE DAY WEEK or MONTH SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES PLUS MILEAGE FROM FRIDAY to MONDAY Gallinger Motors Limited MILTON PLAZA 8782883 Streetsville Toronto Sales office closed Saturday at 100 until Sept 1972 5bI6 BEDROOM Apartment in Balkntinc apartment building Rent 532000 13a73437 SEMI DETACHED house bedrooms central location ad ults only Phone 13a72634 MODERN bedroom house available Sept 1 1972 Write Box Acton Free Press Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the matter of the of WINNIFREO MAY AGAR late of Arthur St of the Town of Acton In lb County of Married Woman deceased ALL persona having claim ag ainst the above arc re- quoted send full particul ars of such claims to the under- signed Solicitors for Exec utor on or before the day of August and after which dale the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only claims that have then been received VALERIOTE Paisley St 19a9 17 REAL ESTATE ROOM aluminum siding house attached garage furnace water by gas full base ment laundry tubs and electric dryer well kept large lot Ap ply Box 588 Acton Free Press looking custom built new bungalow large separate din ing room landscaped well loc ated close to town centre im mediate possession Con struction 8530190 even ings PRIVATE bedroom on quiet street in Erin im maculate condition 3 yrs old aluminum siding throughout lovely panelled walls fully landscaped Ideal home For contact owner 17b63466 TRY 5000 DOWN On this 3 bedroom brick bung alow with pc bath living room large kitchen finished room with bar workshop under detached double gar age and many many extras Call today ROSS CESCON Milton 8789511 or 8782755 SERVICES rxfw nd will your floor or you it mem J Fran Frederic Si Acton OTTAWAY EXCAVATING Soptlc System Trenching General Landscaping 8531228 OR TENDERS Township of NASSAGAWEYA QUOTATIONS The Tosvnihip of will receive quotations until 5 oclock pm Tuesday Septe mber 1972 in connection with painting caulking and minor repairs to the exterior of township community hall Interested persons or firms are requested lo contact THOMPSON Clerk Administrator Township of Municipal Offices R CampbeJrville Area 8542206 lSblB AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE or MR ARNOLD LAUPPE Town Line Lot 7 East Half Con Esquesing Twp on SATURDAY AUGUST At 1230 pan Mr is faking an ap art men t and is disposing of this fine selection of material Owner or auctioneer not res ponsible for accidents on of sale ALFRED Auctioneer Georgetown N J BEDROOM apartment front room and hall broad- loom downtown area 13a73477 ROOM upstairs apartment i private home available Sept i prefer couple Phone SUBLET bedroom apart ment in Seneca Apis Moving Available Sept or Oct Ph one AVAILABLE Sept 1 bed room apartments all utilities drapes appliances balcony close to shopping and schools Diplomat Apar tments 128 Church St or apply Supt Apt 112 BACHELOR BEDROOM APARTMENTS STARTING AT A MONTH Includes heat hydro water frig stove drapes balcony with view Parking 13a52tf AND BEDROOM APARTMENTS From and monthly ACTON Above includes all i colored appliances drapes and balcony Acton 8532197 and Acton 8530272 LONGO Realtor AUCTION SALE for the Estate of g Mcdowell Maple Ave West George town SATURDAY AUGUST 19th At Choice walnut dining table chairs good walnut bed room suites walnut double ped estal desk old pine table pine blanket box rafmished oak wash stand and 7pc toilet set a fine selection of chma in S Prussia Limog es Aynsley etc also selling si lverware dinner set ap pliances and the usual house hold items Personals Acton Fair president Bert la with mora than the fair lhe day He has Just returned from a conference of the oclty of Colleges and Planning In Atlanta Jwgla and Is off next week Turkey for a work Mr and Mra Ron Mr and Mrs Bern Vanrieet enjoyed a trip Eastern Canada and Newfoundland through the Eastern Miss Margaret Zimmerman of Netpawn Manitoba visited with her aunt Mrs Savers and cousins In this vicinity the past week She returned home by Air Canada Mr and Mrs Wilfred of and Mrs Alice Connors of California visited with Mr and Mrs Gordon Johnston on Sunday Sid and Eileen returned Aug I4th from a three weeks motoring trip through the A and Mexico Amongst other of interest they visited Mexico as well as Guadalajara and In the Sierra Madre mountains Wayne and McEnery of have been holidaying with their great- grandparents in Acton Mr and Mrs Campbell Head Florence and daughter Jennifer of Windsor visited with Mr and Mrs Root McEnery last Wednesday Mrs Head was a former neighbor of Mr Mr and Mrs Pat Murphy of Detroit Michigan stopped in town briefly Thursday to visit old friends A former harness leather worker at Beardmore Mr Murphy left town in 1921 and was returning for the first time He recalled some of the towns fine baseball and hockey teams of the early 1900s Mrs Wardlaw Mrs A Near Mrs W J MacDonald and Mrs J C Dennis returned home on Saturday from a very enjoyable trip to Saskatchewan They visited in Sask Thunder Bay and En route home they called on Rev and Mrs Bob Hyde at and also were pleased to attend his first church service at Manor United Church on August They also visited with Mr and Mrs Droulllard formerly Mrs J Snow in Brandon Hospital where they are patients following a headon collision and suffered severe injuries Many places of interest were visited Including the Peace Gardens at Boissevain Man where the two countries Canada and the United States Join In declaring everlasting peace The project was first sponsored by the Federated Womens Institute ACRES Located on 86 miles from brick borne with bath 36 bank barn with 40 26 straw shed acres of highly productive tiled drained land Mortgage terms available at per cent interest ACRES Must be seen to be appreciated with large red brick house bam and separate pole barn 56 con crete silo with roof concrete barnyard and x 40 im plement shed acres of productive drained soil In addition to this farm 50 acres adjoining this prop erty can be purchased Mortgage terms available ACRES With large red brick home with 4 bath bright modem with ample cupboard area and stainless steel sinks 4 spacious bedrooms with closets 45 concrete silo with roof 75 x 50 bank barn with x 40 straw shed good stabling and concrete barnyard x 40 implem ent shed drilled well with jet pressure system Mort gage terms available 195 ACRES With large home with 4 bedrooms large kitchen and living room laundry room and part basement double car ga rage implement shed huge bam with sow tie- up farrowing pens 2 gill pens large beef cattle pens with walkin mangers large com crib automatic bam cleaner 165 ACRES Of tiled drained productive soil with a acre wooded lot Mort gage terms available THESE FARMS ARE ALL LOCATED IN THE MOOREF1ELD AREA AND FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL bill Mclaughlin R T Lawrie Real Estate Ltd 519 6695195 or Brokers license Steve Gey has successfully passed his examinations tor his custom house brokers license He has been working with Karl Hussun Brokerage Ltd and will run the Acton office at Goy Cartage He has been taking a training program while with the Guelph firm and tried exams In July He Just received word this week that he was successful The son of Mr and Mrs John he is the only person In Acton with this license AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for MR MRS CUFF BRADLEY At their home Knox Ayc ACTON right at Park Gate on FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST IS At PARTIAL LIST FURNITURE Beautiful oak dining room suite of table chairs buffet and china cabin et this is the nicest suite we have had wine chesterfield and chair chrome table and chalrs drop leaf table and chairs dresser studio couch good folding couch small wardrobe high chair and crib lawn chain odd tablet chairs etc APPLIANCES electric stove OK automatic washer dryer both OK Hooter vacuum electric beaten power lawn mower garden tools lawn fence step udder and other small items TERMS CASH No reserve House eold Not responsible for accid ents STOREY

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