Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1972, B2

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MiniComment The crowds involved everywhere fffVtt spelled out the thanks of the community to all though who worked so industriously on fall fair committees It will take us two weeks issues to cover The Acton Free Wodnaiday Soplom 20 the news of the fair and no doubt Itll take some of the officials that long to really recover It was a lot of work It was a lot of fun The value of the reconstruction work at the Mill and Park corner was well demonstrated over fair weekend Revived under the county board of education night school classes are going to be very popular again this fall One of the Acton high school teachers Boris Shean is acting as local co ordinator for the county organization While the courses being offered at Acton are standard favorites theres a vast range of unusual course or academic courses in other towns and Acton and district people may attend these as well Booklets were mailed out all over the county Night school had a heyday In town about years ago then faded away Last years comeback promises another winter of pleasant compan ionship and learning for many coming up soon How well do you know the county you live in First of all can you name the seven municipalities In Halton Warden Jim Swanborough says the county is filled with people who cant do it Well lets assume those people live in the south and never heard of US Just the same there are places included in his passport tour list that most people in the district have likely never seen even though theyve heard of them often enough Lets boost the wardens Passports for scheme send in the application forms and make ourselves tourist in our own home county Bower Ave will be brighter and when construction is finished ttafcrgrocnd wiring and new light standards plus roadway curbs and walks will keep Bower the attractive street it has always been likely when tte work is done the neighboring roads mil look a little shabby While quite a few stores downtown jut vacant two selling out the tows are growing at a great Tate Altec has many And condominiums at various stages of development Cemetery are astonished to look over the fence to the south of the property and me a series of new homes springing up the field there Bows building to the east Heritage Homes promise many more newcomers As the Hi Neighbour welcome service records most of the people who buy these homes will come from out of town and the family breadwinners will most continue to work out of town My poor fellow said the kind old lady It must be dreadful to be lame but just think how much worse it would be if you were blind Youre right lady agreed the beggar When I was blind I was always getting counterfeit money Editorial Lets get together Limehouse Airing the Colors THE POPULAR with their impressive color party and huge drums helped to liven up Saturdays Fall Fair parade Photo by Gibbons Back Issues of The Free Press THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office 20 years ago Taken from the faint of the I Teas of October Another new industry will start produc tion in Acton next week The new addition to Actons industrial activities Is known as the Corona Shoe company limited and the man who will put his knowledge to work is Manscak who cornea from His plant and equipment were taken from him the Communist government there The establishment of the industry here is being made by Eugene Also associated with the company are Charles Heller Frank Heller and Norman Braidn Presentations were featured at the first meeting of the Mens club for the season Protect chairman Jack Greer presented wallets to Bob Amos and Roy in appreciation of their efforts at the community auction Garnet presented a golf trophy for the Ontario competition to team members Lawrence Wolfe and Jack Creighton Joan Somervllle and Fit Robert Burn were married at Knox Presbyterian church The radio quiz show Double or Nothing was broadcast from Acton town hall Monday Contestants were Mrs Elva Gordon Coles Mrs Jennie McPhcrson Mr Blackburn of Guelph Mrs Peggy Sutton Peter Peggy Bradahaw and Jack Ferguson of The years club of Mason Knitting held their banquet at Grove with about employees guests of honor Amos Mason was chairman A recent full page advertisement in the Free Press arranged by theatre manager Henry Deveau brought high praise from the National Theatre service Organization 50 years ago Taken from Ike of the Free Press of Thursday September a Cant received last week three medals for service in the Imperial Army in France and Egypt It was real music which was made last week about town when Messrs Bear and Cos teams were distributing a car of nut coal among the homes of employees The merry of the coal running into the bins made the recipients happy Chief Cooney received a tip on Sunday that there were doings at the boarding bouse of Joe N No camp Beardmore He communicated with the authorities and within the hour inspector and Provincial Constable were in town They proceeded with Chief by motor to the scene of the Jamboree and caught Joe and his bourders and one or two visitors unaware A search of the premises resulted in the discovery of a reputed quart bottle of swamp whiskey and another larger bottle labelled gin Joe took a header through the bedroom window and without coat or hat made a down the railroad track in the direction of Dolly Varden A warrant has been Issued A neighbor who was very drunk was lodged In the cells until Monday One day last week a man of rather unsavory reputation is alleged to have persuaded the wife and mother of another home in town to desert her husband and two children and cast her fortunes with him They left town together It Is reported that the scamp has a wife In another town The deserted husband is a hardworking man who treated his wife generously with his wage and used best endeavor to keep the home together comfortable and happy New floor is begin laid In the town hall Next there should be an adequate heating system 75 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of September The Minister of Education has announced revisions for the academic year In public school leaving examinations Botany will not longer be required Physiology and Temperance will as formerly be one of the subjects of examination Public School Leaving Literature will be Rule Britannia the Cottars Saturday Night The Isles of Dear Harp of My Country The Bridge of Sighs My Kate The Cane Bottomed Chair The Hanging of the Crane Barbara The Lord of Burleigh and the Revenge ieen of Holland flatly refuses to marry Prince Bernard of Saxe- whom her mother selected as the young Queens husband Queen Victoria accompanied by Princess Beatrice will proceed to Balmoral this week where she will lake up her project of providing pensions for widows who are years of age and upward The officials of the G T and R railroads both state for fact that there are 15000 tramps on the move between Montreal and the St Clair tunnel The milk house of was visited for the third time In a couple of weeks and last Thursday Mr Arch Me- Pherson lost two milk cans full McTavishs tailor shop was broken into but the three were scared away leaving their burglars Jimmy behind them Thieves in helped to IS of Mr Wm Hills hens and some clothes off Mr John Wheelers clothes line Mr John Scott had his watch stolen at work The alleged thief was arrested and sent down for trial The Milton Reformer claims that R J Bennett wheeled from Milton to Acton in 30 minutes bicyclists claim this to be an impossibility Heavy gravel truck traffic on County Road through the village of has been causing parent of schoolaged children a lot of unfair worry especially since classes resumed September Because of the location of Limehouse public school at the comer of the Fifth Line of Esquealng and County Road 20 on the western limits of the village children living inside the village or west of the Sixth Line arc required to walk to and from school daily The road has hardly any shoulder in some parts let alone side walks and all that pedestrians have access to when two trucks meet Is a front yard or a roadside ditch School bus regulations make it impossible for buses to make a stop before they reach the Sixth Line inter section otherwise children could be driven to their in safety Some mothers have complained that truckers do not obey 30 speed limit signs posted from the Sixth line west and speak from their own experience when they say suction produced by speeding trucks is almost enough to blow a child right off the road Obviously the possibility of a child being fatally injured is very real and a solution to the problem must be arrived at before the sad event occurs However we feel Llmehouio and area resident arc hurting their own more than they may realize by their failure to agree on any of the solutions county council has offered or to put forward one suggestion which would represent the feelings of all Some balked when the county of fered to widen the road and liutall sidewalks fearing that would Increase truck traffic When county officials proposed a truck route which would completely bypass the village to the north others complained that west winds would blow dust and fumes down on them Still others insisted the trucks should stay out of the village altogether and be made to travel from Duff Quarries north on the Fifth Line to Highway Many favored one or in some cases two of the solutions but residents were unable to get together as a group and settle on one of them The Fifth Line north to Highway mute was by far the most popular except with quarry and township of ficials Quarry owner Mac Duff who has publicly expressed his concern for the safety of the children many times pointed out the extra distance haulers would be required to travel would ultimately raise the of gravel to an unreasonable level Council hard pressed annually to find funds for road construction feared the costs of improving the Fifth line from its present class road status While the safety of school children must remain the primary con sideration in any deliberations the fact that Mr Duff is operating a legitimate and very necessary business cannot be overlooked It must also be remembered that many townBhlp residents are among those whose living depends on trucking If it is true truckers arc exceeding the speed limit on their way through the village as mothers have charged then Should be Jumped on by police with both feet Vehicles of such bulk and hauling capacity need careful and courteous drivers behind the wheel They were not intended to be racing cars Limehouse residents should be ready to follow a crackdown on speeders with a sincere effort to get together and decide what solution to the problem Is best for the common good keeping in mind Mr Duffs situation as a good corporate citizen of the township and putting aside any selfish motives any one of them may have Dividing up the tax dollar We were very much interested in the booklet How Your Tax Dollar is Spent 197273 which the federal Treasury Board sent out last week In a chart prepared by the Board comparisons arc made between expenditures made in 196465 and 1972- 73 revealing some interesting facts Total spending by the Government in was 2 billion Eight years later that has climbed to 7 billion- over double While some people continually complain with some justification that welfare costs have escalated it is interesting to note that cents out of every dollar goes in that direction now while 25 cents was allotted in 196465 Economic development and support now requires 14 cents out of every dollar compared to cents back in 64 Interest on the public debt now I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion that Canadians are turning into a nation of crybabies It hurts because I love this country and want to respect and admire my fellowciUzens But the feeling has been growing for borne time and full flower after the first hockey game against the Russians What an edifying spectacle that was There were our finest giving up everything except salaries insurance expenses and other fringe benefits to defend our national honour against those dastardly Russians whod had the nene to think they belonged the same ice And there was a huge and crowd of hockey fans almost slavering over the anticipated slaughter And there were the poor old Russians walking into the lions den some of them so pintsized compared to our hulking menaces that they looked as though they were foirlj large Peewee players Whack went the puck into the net and nearly went off the Forum Whack again and across the nation people winked at each other and settled back to speculate on whether the Russians could score a goal before our heroes got into two figures But then something began to happen that turned strong men across the a pale Those dumb Russians didnt know enough to quit and go home and forget the whole thing as a bad dream They just kept skating and passing and shooting and every so often one of their shots would go into the Canadian net The happy crowd in the Forum grew glummer and glummer Team Canada the greatest and most expensive collection of hockey talent ever gathered under one roof looked more and more like the Hayfork Centre Midgets But Just wait until the third period After all these guys are pros Ihe II get organized and come back to win the game with a bang Unfortunately the game ended not with a bang but whimper Toward the end the visitors were toying with the Canadians as a toreador plays a bull And toward the end our boys began to resemble bulls rushing wild at anything that moved only to find it wasnt there Not content with looking like the Ladies Aid on skates some Canadian players showed anything but professionalism and began swinging sucks throwing elbows and such stuff What about the fans Did they give the Russians a standing ovation or even a hearty round of applause for toppling the giants Not they They filed sullenly out of the arena muttering grasping for excuses dazed They hadnt bad their blood The requires as compared to cents eight years ago Defence spending had a high priority eight years ago with 21 cents out of every dollar allotted to defend us against the Communist aggression sus pected that period It is significant that only cents out of every tax dollar now goes toward defence either we feel safer now or are more con vinced that Canada has adequate defence measures Fiscal transfer payments to the provinces have risen from five cents to eight cents during the eight year period while spending on transportation and communications has slid from cents to seven cents Internal overhead expenses such as government office space pension con tributions etc has from four to six cents per dollar and general Bill Smiley if toreador had not been tossed by the bull and the bull had not even been dispatched just sort of stunned Crbabies In the next mornings papers it was rather fun to watch the experts and the sports writers tearing at their own entrails like wounded h a species which sports writers resemble in some respects Cr babies To be fair the plaers and coaches were honest been well and thoroughly whipped and admitted it Since then of course things have changed and our businessmen on skates are showing why they are so well paid But the fact is that if it had been a onegame shot the Russians would be truly world champs And if it had been a two game series total goals to count the Russians would be winners Somehow the whole thing was a little saddening I know a number of people who felt that their personal honour had been smirched There were aggravated ulcers endless alibis and probably some heart attacks across this fair land Cher a game I chose this single incident to illustrate this sinking feeling I have that many Canadians have their values all turned around We whine endlessly about the Americans taking over Canada and do nothing about it Except warn stridently that something must be done about it And then run to Washington hat in hand when the Yanks suggest any form of tariff that might cost us dollars Crybabies We virtually ignore our writers actors artists musicians until they have made it big somewhere else Then we cant understand why they come home and work in their own vineyard at labourers wages Same with our athletes We sneer at their Olympic efforts Yeah we finished twenty- third again Smarmy And all kinds of excuses for the athletes Ad mirably most of the latter are much more honest The best of them bluntly say they did the best they could but it wasnt good enough government services such as admini stration of justice lax collection Parliament etc has gone up one cent from four to five Education assistance has from to four cents and foreign affairs has gone from two to three cents while culture and recrea tion remains the same at two cents It is easy to see how the present governments priorities have changed over that eight year when you study expenditures Now the interesting thing would be to see how much the picture has changed taking inflation into consideration Expenditures may have doubled but how much can be traced to inflation and other factors In other words how much has government spending increased We would be much more interested in those figures Oh were great at spending billions on building- highways dams highrises and on welfare medicare secondrate education But when it comes to spending something on the development of the human being in this case a strong national team of athletes we pinch the purse until it hurts This is written more In sorrow than In anger wipe away the tears and stand up in the true north strong and free Come on Canadians Lets not be crybabies Our readers write On the Irish question Dear Sir- Someone has suggested that lam afraid to write about the Irish question Not at all I just dont know enough about the situation but here are my few thoughts on the sub ject First of all I like many others am getting tired of this Dash stuff going on in Northern Ireland That Paisley man and Devlin woman have a lot answer for in starting up such a fracas Have they themselves been bombed or hurt in any way Ill wager they are both safe and sound while folks in both religions art suffering for their irr folly I expect the bombmakers also are becoming rich and happy what I cant understand la why they keep banging at Belfast and Londonderry continuously Why not tak aim at occasionally If the Dublin people ware to he given a taste of their on peace would toon be do not that I hive a grade agxfcat the Catholic Irish The ever had were these people The Irish in Northern Inland bath Protestant and CMboUc a food energetic people ami an nrthr of oar respect Surdy they aid aattatfctk de ferences without an bloodshed

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