Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1972, p. 4

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MiniComment The University of Is getting a lot of ink these days with Important dis coveries in the realm of research One of the most recent breakthroughs has been a further step In the control of Moodsucking insects with antibiotics Zoologists found that bloodsucking bugs died or remained swollen or unable to develop after feeding on laboratory animals treated with the particular antibiotic Although the findings are only preliminary the two zoologists believe they may lead to a new approach which In the hands of competent professionals may alleviate much pain and sickness in man and animals With the end of the baseball season hovering on the horizon It must be time for a tattered old chestnut It seems a certain housewife was tiring of her husbands Interest In weekend tele vised sport One Saturday afternoon she finally exploded You love base ball more than you love me Her husband intently watching a crucial play at home plate answered respect fully Yes dear but I still love you more than football Housewives who blame the farmer for large grocery bills do not understand the farmers situation says Gordon HU1 president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture He explains that approximately 93 cents of each dollar that a farmer earns goes to cover costs Die other seven cents is tns return for invested capita and labor Today a farmer pays five times more for a three plow tractor than he did in 1946 However Hill says he hasnt passed this on to the consumer In one hours wages would buy 2 dozen eggs Last year one hours pay bought dozens In 1949 a man had to work hours to feed his fa mfly of four Last year the same family could eat better for hours pay Hill says the consumer not the farmer is to blame for inflated grocery bills spending more on sophisticated processing lancj packages gimmicks and adver tising than for the food itself At last we know whom to blame When the Soviet Union national hockey team landed in Montreal to start that now famous series one of the Oft that law off the players carried Ms own equipment Free Press Sports editor Denis Gibbons asks Did anyone attach any significance to the fact that Team Canada players were carrying their own luggage when they disembarked at Toronto International after the series was over f This is Fire Prevention Week and with it comes a reminder that carelessness is still the number one cause of fires With winter staring us in the face again its nice to know that the National Research Council is working bard on a satisfactory gate to attach to so they will be able to avoid filling in our driveways five minutes after weve got them shovelled Let Metro keep its garbage PEOPLE ARE appealing These are two more pictures which won awards in the Free Press photography at the fall fair Above the young ster was photographed by Ed The family group below was taken by Smith Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Taken from the of the Free PKsa Thursday October IKZ Property damage to cars and trucks soared on Monday as the district received its first blanket of snow One sevencar accident was reported on No highway at Between Acton and Silvercreek there were 17 cars In the ditch at one time Work for crippled children got a fine boost Friday when the Rotary dub presented its Fun Fair Over 1000 people attended to play buigo and a wide assortment of games Many stayed until the lag draw for a television was made with the winner Mrs Hearden Milton George MusseUe offered by auction everything left in prizes It is estimated about was raised this is the finest project ever held by the Rotary club This week we have 1 1 pictures in the Free Press a record the MeNabb home Wednesday morning when word was received that Mrs Colin McNabb who visited in Acton a few weeks ago with her husband bad won on a sweepstake ticket They presently live In near Nassau but bought the ticket in Acton The post office announces radio licenses have been sold in Acton since Last April One radio License Is required for each house and one for each car radio About was cleared on Scout Apple Day with toe winners of the selling competition Wayne Carrie Bob Armstrong and Gary McFaMn Barry Stewart had the bait decorated basket and Jim Billon the but basket There were scouts and cobs taking part 50 years ago Takn from the Free Press Thursday October VS who was an off icer with the Imperial Forces in France Egypt and Palestine received an official letter from King George last week advising torn that in view of his valuable service he had been placed on the permanent list of Imperial officers retaining rank and has full permission to wear his uniform and decorations on all military occasions These privileges are granted to him for life He now attends Medical College in Toronto was one of the most successful in its history despite unfavorable weather with about persons in attendance There has been a good deal of activity among our citizens In the effort to provide comforts and shelter for the unfortunate sufferers in the conflagration in Northern Ontario At the meeting in the town hall Mr Henderson was appointed Secretary- Treasurer Friday was the day filed for receiving Wearing apparel and other articles An effort will be made to secure a few barrels of fruit to send forward When its remembered that all the seasons fruit prepared for winter use for people now homeless and destitute was destroyed there will be few homes which could not spare a jar or two for those in want Last week a judge addressing a public gathering stated the headquarters of the illicit drug traffic is not New York or Chicago but Canada This is a serious blot on our nations escutcheon Since Mr Guilds new hay press and gasoline tractor have been Installed at hay shipping has been conducted on a large scale The new outfit has a capacity of tons a day years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday October 14 1897 The show held last Thursday was one of the best held in years The show of fancy work fruit and roots was hardly as good us usual but the stock was fine and the attendance was one of the largest the history of the show The concert Riven by the Merry Makers under the auspices of the Society was well attended An unknown was knocked down by an unmanageable team about half a mile from Friday He was put aboard the train that evening and sent to Toronto It is understood he died before rebelling Toronto All packages of clothing destined for the fire at South Indian and Cheney near Ottawa will be carried free over the line of the Canadian Express Jack Frost has got in some pretty solid work the past week Mr A Sharp of Ijmchouse has none into the patent medicine business By new arrangement appointment is now attached to Acton and Rev will preach there Friday evenings He preached to 40 last Friday night Those interested in improving the driving shed at the Methodist church will meet next Monday night with gravel etc The orchestra of the Methodist church was reorganized and Miss Annie replaces Mr Charles Jenncr who to Johnstown Miss McCain will perform the duties of leader of the singing as well as assistant organist The mangold crop 13 extra good this year We can understand the reaction of local and township officials to the news that the Canadian National Railways has offered to haul tons of Metro Toronto garbage a year to the Quarry site near Acton It was only two years ago that a firm wanted to construct an industrial waste disposal plant in the Acton area and the proposal was turned down Now it seems the garbage germ has hatched in other minds that this area would be on ideal disposal site for other types of refuse Although the process would supposedly render the garbage Into the most innocuous and unobjectionable form of refuse that can be economi cally achieved it would seem that there must be a more suitable site near Toronto for it especially If the garbage is so unobjectionable Costs would be much lower limn up truck look offers from font mitres if dont the muff hen there ha to something wrong Needles to we have share of problems In thin area ant a king size dump is not going to Improve matters taut year turned down a similar proposal which would have involved a quarry at Milton Brick and this was Intended for waste from local municipalities We doubt very much If Ihcy would approve the newest proposal which would mean taking care of Metro Toronto garbage when there are still waste disposal pro blems to be solved in this area It is time the cities solved their own waste problems without having to Judge Ord talks sense We were very much interested in the opinions about todays youth expressed by Provincial Judge John Ord at a recent dinner meeting of the Acton Chamber of Commerce Judge Ord is in a position to know much of the background of youthful offenders yet he was optimistic a wel come change from the gloom peddlers who harp about the kids who get into trouble and brand a whole If children get love and concern from their parents they a very good chance of making the grade ho told members of the Chamber stressing that it is motivation not money which is the significant factor In determining the direction individuals will take He proposed no radical solutions to todays problem stressing rather the weapons which have been found really helpful in the pastfamily work and the church I hate to see a wastage of our most precious commodity Suffer with them a littletheyll come out of it the Judge advised He sincerely believes that the youth of today a re no worse they were years ago an opinion with which we would immediately concur He also Problem at fires In Fire Prevention week theres another aspect of the problem that comes to mind There are times when one wonders if parents are truly concerned about the safety and well being of their children Often when firefighters are summ oned to a fire they are followed by a seemingly endless flock of children on fool and bicycle The cyclists many of whom ride oversized bicycles ride three four and five abreast along the road Some have no regard for traffic signs or traffic Stop signs meant nothing Nothing but a miracle will prevent an accident one day and if an accident does occur the parent must accept the blame At the scene of a fire the milling children are a hindrance to firefighters carrying out their duty The firefighter is there to contain and extinguish a blaze not to act as a baby sitting and entertainment service There is one holiday during the year that is truly Canadian Period Any red blooded native of this fantastic country con name it without a second thought Christmas and Easter are religious holy- days that we share with all of Christendom The Twentyfourth of May he Queens Birthday used to be big stuff when I was a kid but now It Is the third Monday after the second Saturday immediately before the first full moon or something of the sort It has gone straight downhill from fire crackers and skyrockets and burned fingers to a sort of Op en incupthc Cottage day No deviltry no more fun than cleaning up the cellar The First of July latterly Dominion Day and even more latterly and slatternly Canada Day has degenerated Into a hot day which is shoved toward the nearest Friday or Monday on the slightest provocation Once an occasion for the planting of trees the flying of flags and the baying of speeches proclaiming our allegiance to the Empire it is now most notable as the weekend the opening of the bass season Then there once was the Twelfth of July when Protestants and Catholics alike turned out to watch The Walk make snide comments about King and his horse and inspect with critical eye the redfaced strawhatted Orangemen and smell the hot- dogs and beer and thrill to the squealing of fifes and the ratUc and thump of drums 11 never forget one Twelfth in which an Irish Catholic who had Joined a Scottish regiment led the Orange parade in kilts and my kid brother about made five dollars play the bass drum for think Corners which had found itself with two fifersand a drum but no drummer was real And speeches Boys didnt they lace it to the Pope Almost as hard as modern C and Womens Libbers do Ml gone All that good harmless hatred and intolerance sunk beneath our growing sophistication and tolerance Who would dare today to stand up on a platform in a July sun and attack the Papacy the French and anything else he could get his tongue to while the locals rolled their eyes with delight and sweated by the bucket Next i at least in some provinces is Civic Holiday the first Monday in August too has become a dog of the first water Originally a day set aside for civic pride and the beginning of Old Home Weeks and such it has become a day when the local service club runs its annual skin game Bill Smiley whether its a tombola or a massive bingo or some other form of harmless blood letting Blood equalling money Pity And of course Labor Day In the larger cities there Is still a small contingent which will march with banners announcing that Branch 49 of the Union of CWAF or or WRAP or BUNK is still carrying the flog and fighting the good fight against the toils of that anaconda Big Business But this is a little hard to take Originally there was immense pride in this day which was wrested from the vested But today Canadians who know that the unions are just as big as or bigger than Big Business sensibly pursue some other enter tainment like grabbing one more weekend in the fun and sun Well as you can see Ive been leading you and Inexorably toward the tothe solution of it Wfmwhftrc else fV cement branch of the of the Environment extra pains to see that dumps In this urea have been no a to reduce the amour of sir and wound pollution We them any project would ma dumping of million of ton of Tororfa refuse Into an srn of the Niagara went the Government has continually it would against any and all whit would to harm the environment We there are many environmental to be before the quarry should be crmsidered a a dumping ground thinks they are more honest another mark in their favor It is encouraging to hear optimistic talk about youth from someone such as Judge He is dealing with dropouts from society but realizes that todays youth are not very much different from parents outside of contending with pro blems which did dm exist when most of the adults were in their teens Parents however can only go so far when it comes to inculcating the finer of life into their Children must take up the torch from there and despite all the outcry to the contrary we do do not think they If parents do not teach their child ren self discipline a second means of rectifying the situation ues in the bands of our town fathers Perhaps into the possibdity of supplying the firefighters with small electronic alarms which each would carry in his pocket The gadgets beep when a radio signal is transmitted the fireball after information of a fire is received Some towns have a fire phone system Something must be done The best solution lies in the home Mill only holiday that grabs Canadians right where they live whether its the bead or the bowels Thanksgiving Talk about flags and speeches and drum- rolls We dont even have to lay them on Nature docs it all for us The flags are not the Union Jack or the Hew Us or the Hammer and Sckle They are a blaze of scarlet and gold that dont speak but quell the human heart in their magnificence And paradoxically they speak Youll never see anything this anywhere else in your life buster And the drums roll over golden valleys and blue water and purple haze until you want to weep with the thought that all this cannot last And the ducks duck and the fish fly away and the golf shot goofs but you have had the unparalleled privilege of being a Canadian at Thanksgiving Did you give thanks to whatever your god is Did you say a little litany because the Canadians werent disgraced in Russia and fought their good fight And fought And fought Happy to be alive Healthy Old but not licked Young but not confused Give thanks chaps Were mighty mighty lucky MiniComment Like the drummedhome message of a singing commercial some popular songs leave a lasting impression Whether the impression is a good one or not depends on the message After ignoring one of the currently popular songs in our cast listing the words suddenly Jolted and irked You cant please everyone so you have to please yourself the message rang through several choruses If such a selfish concept is widely accepted completely ignoring such things as service and sacrifice we fear for future generations Fiveyearold Jeff was trying to play his favourite tune on a new harmonica hed just gotten for his birthday When a friend asked to hear the tune he said mournfully Its no use Ive played up and down this thing and that song just isnt there THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office

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