Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1972, p. 14

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Milton wants township plums Disagreeing with a recent Free Press editorial the Milton Canadian Champion insists the Town of Milton is not pulling any tricks or Insisting on special treatment in efforts to maintain its identity in a regional government scheme Milton built its case for being included as a fourth borough on more substantial evidence the Champion pontificates Generally it set out to prove on grounds that could be sub stantiated that it had a viable future considering economics growth and servicing capacity In addition it also established a proposed borough on criteria such as telephone area hydro services library service water supply and fire area Milton did its homework in analyzing the potential assessment value of the area it proposes and comes up with a minimum assessment of sufficient it feels to warrant a borough structure Further details in terms of per capita debt and population was also studied Growth in Milton is evident as new plans materialize almost weekly but a system of prepayment of capital levies enables the municipality to pay for the required municipal servicing with cash rather than through longterm debentures contributing to a sound Lest We Forget MiniComment A few years ago a liquor question on the ballots would have raised a stir in Acton Theres to be a vote in Acton November and so far there has been general apathy Groups who would have opposed the introduction of liquor into Acton haw not opposed the vote and as far as the Free Press is aware then is little discussion Perhaps reactions will be on the ballots The Chilliwack BC Progress commends leader David Lewis for his strong defence of bilingualism in Canada The paper says Western Canadians who display an antiFrench bias arc as big a threat to Canadian unity as Quebec separatists What is most important is that a Canadian who becomes proficient in two languages is belter equipped to broaden his intellec tual horizons Hell be a more under standing person because he will be a better informed one the paper asserts and concludes that if Canada Is ever to achieve a measure of national unity and purpose it will be ac complished because Canadians seek to understand not because they nurse a bias against a large group of their fellow citizens article in the Globe and Mail about the end of the era in Ontario politics contends the appoint ment of George Kerr to the post of Provincial Secretary for Justice can be seen as another stage in his pro gressive removal from the forefront of the Government since Mr Davis became leader At the beginning of last year Mr Kerr was Minister of Environment a sensitive and visible Coles Slaw When the Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for burning Home there Is a legend that St Peter was asked by several of the members of the new faith to leave the city until the persecutions were over Peter agreed He started out on foot for distant places on the Via Not far from the Ports door Peter met another traveller going towards the He looked familiar the face figure and bearing resembling Christ whom Peter had seen crucified and risen again Peter visibly upset stammered Domine quo Master where Thou The figare replied Im going to Rome to be crucified again The vision vanished says that Peter shaken supprea- d tears tuned around and went badt Bane It recorded by history be 1 don on the Vatican Bill post At the time of the last Cabinet shuffle he virtually disappeared with his appointment to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities And now as the of the Govern ments justice policy he can be expected to sink even further into the background as the other policy ministers have done Could be but Mr Davis will be an unpopular man in Halton West if he mutes the Kerr influence Money docs make a difference If you have two jobs and youre rich you have diversified interests If you have two jobs and youre poor youre moon lighting Probably the biggest surprise of the federal election here was that two- thirds of PC Terry OConnors 2200- victory margin came from former Liberal strongholds in North Liberal party workers felt the North end of the riding would give Whiting the edge They anticipated the close vote in Oakville In the riding of HaltonWentworth there is no doubt Bill Kcmplings campaign received a lift from the Liberal shuffle climaxed at the Partys nomination meeting which replaced John Morrison with Norm McGuinncss Voters could sense all was not well among the Grits Residents who live near Fairy Lake in Acton are becoming accustomed to the arrival and departure of wildfowl on the way south in the wee morning Now over the Circus Nero man us which stood on the spot where Peter was crucified and buried stands the magnificent basilica of St Peters the dome by setting it off and providing a landmark that people the world aver as the headquarters of Cathobcism The four of us travellers who thought we had seen many marvellous sights since we had travelled through Rolla and Germany and Austria were impressed both by the magnificence of the church and its surroundings but also by the number and variety of tourists who visited at the same time as we did The whole world seemed to be represented as it was on a smaller scale when we visited Westminster Abbey in England Through the years I have read about the beauty and splendor of the monuments of Rome long before I had the opportunity to see them But to see the altars by Bernini the statues and fountain by Michaelangelo with these two orbs was an experience I cherish Another highlight in the visit to St Peters was a visit to the crypt where recent excavations have uncovered St Peters grave over which the Emperor Constantine built the first basilica The ancient tomb stone is on view in the crypt the Latin barely visible while nearby are burled many of the SI popes who have reigned since St Peter In Rome ancient monuments are so on Five THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office financial position for the municipality Engineering and development of ome major services have already been completed to permit orderly growth the Champion editorial point out Milton did do iu homework and submitted a reasoned and logical net of arguments for Its position It quoted figures and facta and drew it con clusions the Champion editor and that option was surely open to every municipality What the editorial does not nay of course is that Miltons plans for standing on It own two feet as a borough in four unit setup includes taking over chunks of Nassagaweyn and and of Burlington and Oakville in order to develop that million assessment figure Wo understand there Ik little ob jection from those people in Burlington and liable to be assimilated localise they are within Miltons Influence now and rather like the Idea However we are dealing with of different colors when it comes to the two townships Miltons expansionist plans include taking in the Mohawk Raceway Kelso the Village of as well as some of the choice assessment in ICsqucsIng and Nnsnaga- Can you Imagine the feelings of Mlltnn councillor If or would like help to from Millm in fortunate in Its locution lb of finances an modestly but the no monopoly on parochial pride Thy four have Bob of It ait well and could ihat option editorial The fan that chose to cooperate plump for treatment indicative of a concern for strong voice or the North In regional government setup which no one for but Is coming never- courtesy of the province If each municipality had gone own way carved away at fine anothers territory and set up IU own paper empire if would be an open Invitation to ihe provincial government to step In and draw own boundaries recognizing that five northern municipalities would never agree Council may thai Ihey have the best motives in efforts to further a four as a threeunit llallon but surely they their case is suspect however logical and reasoned It may seem to them since they rely In large part in grabbing the plums in the central county pudding Photo by J Jennings hours Sometimes the birds stage noisy reunions with the ducks geese and swans who make Fairy Lake their home Thinking for running for town or township council or perhaps the Board of Education To be officially nominated a candidate for council or school board must fill out an official nomination paper tearing the name and addresses of 10 nominators Nominations are spread over a five day period starting Thursday November and ending at pm Monday November 13 If you qualify why not give a try The United Kingdom tops the reports list of 10 leading foreign countries in terms of visitors to Canada in with a total of 157736 The others are West Germany France The Netherlands 27996 Japan 22011 Italy Australia Jamaica 11117 Mexico 10682 and India The University of one of two universities in Canada operating on the three semester system is disappointed there is not more interest in the program The universitys annual report notes that the Senate has established a steering committee to study the effects of the three semester system as operated at the university in the hope that statements about the pros and cons will be based on facts rather lhan emotion It does seem other institutions of higher learning are not really interested in saving the public money if they do not thoroughly study the three semester system Back Issues of The Free Press years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday There- been considerable agitation on the part of owners of property adjoining the stream upon which the tanneries here situated with a view to the abatement of the pollution of the stream wrath allege is taking place The matter came before the Township Board of and through that body to the Board At the quarterly meeting Board last Friday Dr the secretary in his report said The Township of having tried to prevent the pollution of the Acton Creek by the Acton tanneries the tannery companies have consented to follow the direction of the Provincial Board of Health in doing away with the nuisance This action when carried out as Intended will no doubt satisfy all parties Interested This weather makes your thoughts turn not to that of love but warmer underwear Fleece underwear to a suit Good values Health Underwear up to suit A special line of Heavy Ribbed OK all Wool very special at a suit UK Nelson tailor and furnisher A diamond ring makes a nice engagement ring We have new ones in Savage and Co All doubters and scientists are invited to the Disciples church Sunday when the pastor will preach on The Origin of Man or the Theory of Involution In all probability the Churchill Sunday School will continue through the winter giving us another evergreen school and Worts Toronto distillery will be closed down completely for a year because of the decreased demand for whiskey Bill Smiley Today 1 was discussing newspaper columnists with some of my senior students It was a perfectly legitimate exercise in the teaching of English but the devils know that if they can get me off track bragging or I might get carried away and forget to give them their homework assignment Therefore someone craftily introduced the subject of this column Sly questions leading me further and further away from the original point It worked Most people are never than when theyre talking about themselves or their work I took the bait I suppose cm write four or five ahead suggested one lad A lot of people have this loony idea I tersely told the truth that I write it right on the deadline even though I have a whole week to work on it Im usually galloping to use the last two of them I can hear some editors and readers sniffing and muttering They read like it loo But Ive discovered that it Is psycho logically impossible for me to him out a column unless the guillotine is banging over years ago Taken from the of the Free Press of Thursday November 16 Acton citizens fittingly celebrated the fifth armistice day at the soldiers memorial and in St Church At the church were turned away or lack of room At a recent session of the Municipal Council a letter was received from the Soldiers Memorial Committee with a cheque for The letter explained everything had been paid for and the balance of unexpended of the memorial fund was handed over to council on the understanding that it is to be invested by council and the principal not touched hut the interest derived from this sum to go toward the upkeep of the memorial The letter was signed on behalf of the committee by Mrs McDonald Mrs Geo Havili and Council accepted the cheque on the conditions outlined One of the brightest little lads of the community George Thomas Wallace died of diphtheria He was eight years old and the only son of Robert and Matilda Wallace He Pearl Miss Mary and Miss Betty were delegated from Ban nock burn to the Womens Institute convention In Toronto on Tuesday Misses Knapp James Annie McDonald Marguerite Muriel and Bessie Gardiner attended a concert by in Toronto Friday evening The morning malls appear to be fated to run into railway accidents lately The mall was an hour late on Saturday morning an hour late on Monday morning and three hours late two weeks ago All three delays were due to between Brampton and West Toronto me Ive tried it in the summer holidays but have given up On each occasion Id sit there looking and feeling stupid tear out of the typewriter sheet after sheet crumple it and try again Nothing doing 1 am constantly telling budding writers to establish a regular work pattern Afraid its a case of do as I say rather than do as I do Oh they get a lot of good advice Constantly I extol the work habits of people like and Hemingway who got up early and worked steadily for so many hours Then one of my Utile inner voices snaps Why dont you do it yourself My other little inner voice snaps right back Im not a writer Im a columnist Saved again When youthful writers ask me what to write about I tell them to write about what they know and do and feel This time I follow my own advice If I didnt I wouldnt have enough material to keep me going for a month Yahbutwhutkinda stuff they retort in their Impeccable teenage English This is a variant on the adult query Ive heard so often Where daya get all them ideas for your little articles Well folks I wish a butler would appear once a week with a little silver salver bearing a piece of paper and announce Your idea for this week sir But be doesnt and I probably wouldnt know what to do with it if he did Besides I dont have a butler dammit However I do bare a wife Occasionally in despair Ill say What In the world am I going to write about this week years ago Taken from the of the Free Press Thursday November School pupils were all sent home industries closed down uteres shut and Monday washing impossible when the strangest power failure on record halted electric power In Acton and the district for about four hours on Monday Peculiar atmospheric conditions were blamed The Acton Mens club successfully defended the Bean Bridge trophy against the Owen Sound Mens club for a second time In Acton Friday Acton now moves into the next round with Guelph Acton Team J D Bean A Brafda F Cook JGreer A new oil furnace has been installed In the Presbyterian church which adds great comfort and convenience Maureen McCristall was the first winner of a gold star under the new award stem at the Two full programs on Thursday and Friday with displays presentations ad dresses and a play comprised the commencement exercises of the high school A dance concluded the program Receiving diplomas were Denlse Coles Yvonne Jack Davidson Don Jane Elliott Chris Lamb Dorothy Warne Elaine Pat Terry Warne Joyce Iambert and Betty Yvonne gave the valedic tory and received her medal from Fred Gordon In the play High School Daze were Bill Ena Jennings Ritchie Joy Ken Mann Diane and Joe Jan Miss M Snder directed the play Stage manager was Rod Force and the prompters Chris Lamb and Joyce Lambert Shell say Write about spring or something about as helpful I respond OK and write a column about spring Nothing to it Just before the election something came up that might have been material for a column An old phoned My wife answered She called Paul wants to know if the Liberals can put a sign on our lawn frowning and shaking her head at me Airdy I said Sure I dont care though I hadnt decided which way I was going to vote Hand over the mouthpiece she hissed at me No I dont want a sign on our lawn Even more airily I said Yes he can Tell nun For once in your life woman do what youre told She did But her wrath mounted Five minutes later she was on the blower to headquarters telling them they could put a sign on our lawn 1 didnt give a diddle A lawn is only a lawn and a sign is only a sign But though was polite I was a little cheesed when two characters showed up at the door ostensibly to thank us Not only did they try to sell me on socialism or at least what passes for it in this country hot they drank all my beer and ate all my cheese Their idea of socialism I guess Next morning I was a bit startled to walk out to see four signs on the town two Liberal two Right there and then I almost decided to vote the Terr ticket There were the usual from hours and colleague A boo

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