Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1972, p. 1

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Voters scarce but approve two liquor questions Leas than 17 percent of the eligible voters turned out Monday to give over whelming approval to the Bale of liquor in Acton under both a dining room and lounge licenses The first question sole of liquor under a dining room license got votes in favor with opposed Nine ballots were rejected The second question on the sale of liquor under a lounge license wasnt quite so positive with 423 voting yea and casting a no vote Five ballots were rejected Advance polls on the two questions saw all voters cast ballots In favor of the first question while yes and two no votes were registered on the lounge license Returning Officer J Hurst estimated only 1885 per cent of the eligible voters bothered to cast ballots on the two questions Eightysix per cent voted in favor of the first question and 80 per cent for the second The vote was held separately from the municipal elections for council to avoid confusion since there are dif ferent voters eligible in the Reaction to the vote although sparse was not long in coming Polled by the Free Press both hotels In Acton have stated they will be applying for liquor licenses When partners Louis and Eddie Startek of the Dominion Hotel renovated a white ago they had the possibility of a liquor vote In mind Changes were made which can be converted Into conforming accom modation for a liquor lounge A partition can quickly be removed carpeting is required and new chairs will be purchased and bars constructed Mr said Tuesday that the Dominion will make an application for both cocktail lounge license and dining room liquor license right away Charlie Gonta owner of the Station hotel has more renovations to make before he complies with liquor Question dining room licensing regulations but he too will be Poll YES applying for licenses A bar will be in the dining room and walls changed for a lounge which will have carpeting on the floors The town Is growing Mr Gonta 32 said approvingly 70 Neither hotel owners anticipate any problem or delay in getting licenses Question 2 lounge license once they comply with regulations Poll Yes There la also speculation that some 85 of the towns restaurants will be applying for dining room licenses but 21 37 no one has outlined plans as yet Following lathe pollbypoll result of Mondays voting NinetyEighth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER Two Cents Pollution control plant problem could curb towns expansion Acton could be faced with curtailed expansion if Queens Park reassurance is not given that the towns pollution control plant has a capacity to service a community of people Thats the suggestion made to council last night Tuesday by Councillor Bill Coats Councillor Peter Marks Initiated the discussion claiming he has learned the plant is nearlng Its capacity now because of seepage from storm sewers The plant was designed to handle a population of Actons present population is Marks went on to say IPs knowledge development of the recently sold industrial pork is being held up because of the problem and wanted officials at Queens Park would consider the same halt on the new Acton Meadows subdivision if the problem is not rectified This Is a very important matter and has to be dealt with immediately Marks emphasized Meeting today Mayor Les Informed council he will attend a meeting at the Department of the Environment in Toronto today Wednesday and hopes win help resolve the 1 do want to see the capacity of our plant confirmed as what it was built to handle the mayor explained Joe Hurst said engineers are working on recommendations right now and the mayor assured council the town superintendent is making a study to discover the most con centrated seepage areas for storm sewers Deputyreeve Pat McKenile failed to sec the urgency of correcting the problem didnt hear anything from the engineer to say that we had to be alarmed he said Well all get printed copies of the press will get them and well be taking the Answer Marks In answer to Councillor Marks expressed desire that something would be done to rectify the problem immediately the recalled that past councils have approved some the connections which are now presenting problems We cant Just shut them off tomorrow he said Public works committee chairman Earl Mosales said council should begin to resolve the problem immediately However he reminded council it would major operation Councillor Norm Elliott compared the situation to the hangUp the town faced in the sale of land south of Cobblehlll Road Sale of the land was held up temporarily by conservation officials Queens Park Its the same we know we havent got a problem but some people in government think we have he suggested Reeve Prank recalled the town engineer said seepage is seasonal and can be extra nigh during wet weather But the department Is only interested in the figure for the peak period Marks replied The clerkadministrator con- eluded that the plant was built to handle and that hes sure It con handle as high as Centennial is subject for joint meeting Acton Centennial Commission and own will meet Jointly tomorrow Thursday night to examine in detail costs for the centennial project which is completion of the community centre in three stages Parks and recreation committee members have also been invited to attend the meeting Councillor Chapman pointed out that Phase of the project reconditioning of the arena might tie in very closely with further recommendations which are coming from an engineering firm hired by parks board Phase of the project calls for the construction of a new entrance to the community centre at an estimated cost of This work would commence in the spring of next year Phase would begin in the fall of next year at an estimated cost of Phase 3 con struction of a new auditorium theatre and exhibition hall at an estimated cost of would commence when ready Meeting Imperative Its imperative we meet with the commission and arrive at a consensus of opinion on how far we can go on the project Mayor Lea Duby said last night Tuesday Theyre aiming high because If you dont you often fall short but there will be limitations to what we can accept and approve Councillor Bill Coats emphasized the commission hopes to begin work in the spring but does not necessarily project raising the they need for Phase by that time Council may have to be in a position to say Well hold the mortgage on In effect to say Well guarantee the mortgage he explained Which is a very bad situation Interjected Reeve Frank Oakes Councillor Peter Marks supported Coals claim that what the commission wants is A dollars and cents meeting Theyre ready to go ahead with the Work as soon as they find out what they can do he said Bracing and repairs to the west wall of the arena were recently completed at a cost of Brainstorm session agrees Downtown dynamism needed Dynamism is whats needed In Actons central business district a group attending the special Development Commission meeting agreed last week Showmanship was another word chosen by one of the businessmen attending the meeting After a couple of hours dis cussion the group agreed on a series of mutual concerns and more opinions will be sought by the commission Special meeting The special brain storming meeting had been called by Ted Tyler Jr the new chairman of the commission asking rep resentation from service clubs and groups Most prepared was Paul Nielsen representing the Chamber Commerce He had personally prepared a brief which is printed in full elsewhere Attending the meeting were development commission members Tyler John Goy Charles and Mayor Rotary club rep resentatives Dr Bob Steen and Ron Heller centennial commissioner Jack Carpenter Chamber of Commerce members Three years talk over Approve installation three outdoor rinks After more than three years of Acton Parks Board Installation of three outdoor Ice rinks In town will become a reality this winter Parka board has approved the purchase of plywood to contain the by foot at a cost per rink The rinks will be located on the Softball diamond In Prospect Park where lighting la available In Sir Donald Mann Park In Gkalea and on the Acton High School grounds Ask brigade Shxaaix men Imea provide the only source of water In the three areas the board la making a special request to Acton Firefighters to consider flooding the rinks with water from one of their trucks The board has of fered to pick up the brigades expenses for the work Councillor Peter Marks rinks In the town of Fort Erie are flooded with water from fire trucks board will also ask that residents of the three areas to help the rinks mainly with respect to clearing snow following heavy falls It was pointed out outdoor rinks in Georgetown cost that towns bparks board 600 apiece to maintain last year Vice- Barry satd be hopes arrangements can be made to have the rink located at the high school maintained by students It Is expected the school will have the use of the rink during school hours but that it will be open to all children during the rest of the day packs Board member Diane Spielvogel bad earlier expressed concern installation of a rink at the high school might decrease the number of hours it would be available to children Mrs Spielvogel also suggested the board enforce a no pucks allowed policy so that young hockey players will not be keeping skaters off the rinks If the weatherman cooperates the board hopes to have the rinks In operation in time for the school holidays at Christmas time E and Paul Nielsen and hydro commission chairman Wllf Widening scope Mr Tyler explained that with the sale of the Industrial park the commission has no land to dis pose of and will be widening Its scope to Include other projects He polled the men attending for their Ideas on Christmas lighting parking plazas a No bypass and the problem of empty stores Most of the discussion was on the needed dynamism the two main business streets Increase taxes One of Mr Nielsens proposals which be read was that business men would be assessed sn increased business tax to be used for improvements He also suggested council could issue debentures returning the cost to the area where the money was Mr Nielsens proposals were well received by the group attending reached At the end of the meeting the general conclusions were summed op by chairman Tyler The group wished to retain an active downtown core A No bypass would be desirable Service clubs should under take a selfselling campaign The University of should be asked to do another survey of the town or update the survey made In 19M by students Council should become involved in the problem of down town parking Lighting of store fronts should be considered An orientation day for new comers to town should be planned Lighted signs at the entrances to town could advertise the centennial Discussion began slowly with a couple of those attending as rep resentatives explaining they had had no idea why the meeting was called and were hardly prepared to comment Orientation day Orientation day for new families to town was suggested by Charles Leatherland Mayor Duby said he has a letter going out to all newcomers now welcoming them Mr Tyler Informed those attending of two recent actions by the development commission Two letters They wrote Justice Minister George Kerr about the condition of the highway between Guelph and Acton and received a reply that inquiries would be made They wrote Mr Kerr about the discontinuance of the small claims court in Acton which was held here every two weeks The reply Indicated volume of business was low with costs In creased Acton Georgetown and Milton small claims courts were being combined to increase ef ficiency The court in Milton win be available and It la not necessary to appear in person Mr Goy bad the most extreme suggestion the whole two down town blocks a plaza with parking on the roof More valuable than gold BANK OF MONTREAL MANAGER Ted and Jack Carpenter make sure the Pratt stows two tickets for the 1972 Grey Cup ducats take their place with less valuable game being raffled by the Acton Centennial currency Proceeds from the raffle go to the Commission into the bank vault for safe- Centennial keeping Centennial commissioners Harold Coles Photo Approve second phase Kingham Hill Estates Plan and sketches of phase two of Hill Estates were presented to planning board last Thursday by Michael Brodlgan and Michael Garbary of Wind- land Associates town planners The area circles the cemetery The plan bad been changed to accommodate requirements of the conservation branch of the government Planning board also reviewed recommendations on the subdivision made by Project Planning Associates and R V Anderson engineers The street layout and house designs received the approval of the board and recommendation will go to council for their An addendum must be made to provide for the different type of row bouse proposed Project Planners the towns planning consultants had recommended a de sac but the board felt this would give a ghetto effect to row houses and they preferred the layout of Associates Park bud Due to the requirements of the conservation branch bouse lots on lowlying land at the south end were eliminated This land will be retained as park Disagreeing with the con servation branch decision Mr Brodlgan said he felt any chance of flooding would be eliminated by adequate drainage into Fairy Lake He thought the swamplike appearance was due to a saucer effect In the fend and the mois ture will dry up with building and better drainage provisions With councils approval Mr Charges laid A local man was charged by Acton OPP this week with selling a revolver without a permit Another local man was charged with counts of false pretenses at a result of issuing worthless cheques The cheques were Issued at local stores in the last two months He will appear In court Dec 13 foresaw a draft plan approval In January and a spring start Third stage Kingham Hill Estates also has land across the highway for plans are being made by Wind- land Associates Mr Brodlgan estimated cost of a fourbedroom twostorey borne in the new subdivision at 25000 with a three bedroom borne at Fireplaces are included The row houses are landscaped and set at different heights for an attractive appearance MM mere The population in this second phase of Hill estates will be over Mayor Duby requested the matter of Commercial Holding zoning be put on the next agenda This zoning has been put on houses a couple of blocks east of John St on Church and Bower Mr feels homeowners will be hampered by the restrictive zoning and the area is likely to remain residential Chairman Sid Saitx welcomed Hugh Patterson who will be board secretary after the first of the year

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