Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1972, p. 14

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Bill Smiley Occasionally I succumb to great dis enchantment with life At those times I feel that some days are bad and all the others Yesterday was one of the badder ones began at which I think anyone win agree is a bad time to start a day I had the GaUipoli disease Its called this for two reasons First it was rampant among the poor soda trying to capture in World War when the Australians lost more men to dysentery than they did to Turks Second it keeps you galloping back and forth forth and back until theres some thing like a tunnel between your bedroom and your bathroom Eventually you are so weak its an effort to iB a Kleenex and have a honk Enough to make a bad day youd say Oh no it had to be bad Thats the way the gods work When they single you out for a goingover theyre not going to be happy with a mere case of dire rear After waiting for months for me to some storm window work my wife had got cracking which she should have done the first place and hired two young men to take off and wash and put back the storm Four of ttmn had been removed last and sat to the patio aommtr gathering twigs and dead fee The others had never come off The windows that is Looking through them was like having a bad case of myopia You could tell there was light coming through but everything else was just a sort of Anyway she had hired two of the most windowwashers in town a couple former students of mine Personally thongh 1 the pair I wouldnt hire them to dig a grave For a cat However as they werent on welfare or in at the time they leaped at the opportunity After theyd tacked on the rate and agreed it was i Barely Not that they were immature or any filing Theyd done then- Grand Tour bad spent six in in the Netherlands had four or five jobs since snefa productive industries as and health food Wen arrive to do the windows the ajajlamatiiM Bright and early Seven am AE 1 want to do is crawl into bed and feel No chance A brisk ringing of the doorbell- here we are cheerily A poan from me bad a long ladder borrowed from a father Nothing else I guess the were gong to pry the windows off and wash then with the ladder My wife mustered cloths and a cleaning fund I dug Up a hammer and which took me many minutes and many oaths They act to work and I nearly had a breakdown I cowered in the living room re tight there at the windows grinning cheerfully smearing the dirt around on the panes They need a step- ladder Haul a up from the basement with the last possible ounce of strength Retreat to the bedroom Theres one of them up there perched on the ladder shouting at to whack the storm windows from the made I whack and shudder waiting cringing for the sound of a sixfoot storm window shattering into tiny bits Or the sound of the ladder crashing through the inside window Or the thud of a body hitting the turf Wonder whether I have insurance to oner first the glass second the body No idea This went on for a couple of hours Swots imprecations poundings I was In a state of collapse and the old lady wasnt much better was wishing gone to school even on a stretcher But I guess the gods besides tormenting people like me look after those who need looking after Neither of them even as much as eight feet They finished the Job And they were there very businesslike for the cheque They also had some terse remarks about the inadequacy of our cleaning materials and we felt property guilty Try it some day when you nave the GaQi- and a couple of nitwits doing your storm windows A badder day whimpering with relief My and said she been talking to our daughter who has a great ripoff idea She going to Cubs and has a plan Shell write a couple ot columns for me free An I have to do la pay her for them However sliver lining department By staying at home I had missed a threeandaojuarter hour staff meeting which is an abomination on the face of the earth The average North American weighs dose to pounds which means most of them cost less than a poind notes the Ontario League When you figure the same car has about 15000 parts in it assembled labor you wonder how the current price of meat can be so high Few passions in light vote It is obvious from the small turnout Monday that few people cared whether liquor is sold In Acton under dining room or lounge licenses Less than per cent of the 3162 voters turned out to mark ballots which Is a sure indication that the rest of the eligible voters couldnt care less Council decided to hold the liquor vote prior to municipal elections for council and board of education to avoid confusion and to give voters the chance to mull over the Issues Perhaps or years ago the two questions might have encountered some opposition but those who thought Coles Slaw A news report from Italy this week announced that the steady disappearance of the piece is causing increasing concern Although the featherweight aluminum coin has an actual value of virtually nothing it Is Important to people in Rome who live In apartments with toll elevators A toll elevator if you have never run across one is no joke You put the 10 lire piece in the slot before the elevator decides whether It will take you up or down depending on Its whim It so happens that our foursome visiting Rome stayed at the It had one of these iron cages that transport you skywards five long storeys courtesy of a piece always hard to find No one Is quite sure where the coins are going but one theory is that housewives are using then as backing for buttons because they are cheaper than the real thing One thing sure If you have never been on an elevator In Rome which required one of these 104ire pieces don Our first trip up on one was an experience to remember We piled Into the cage shut the door inserted the IMire piece and waited Nothing The bus boy with us gave the coin box a bash with his The cage shuddered started up momentarily and then dropped back into place The bus boy gave it another smash The elevator repeated the performance like a mule with a stubborn streak He gave it another smash Again only a shudder Somewhere In the courtyard common to Italian buildings lurked the building superintendent observing the performance with increasing exasperation THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Ottrce it worthwhile to register a protest were smothered by better than four to one Monday which clearly indicates times have changed We certainly would have liked to see more Interest shown In the vote but since old passions have died and liquor laws gradually relaxed the burning questions of two decades ago no longer carry much heat It would be unfortunate indeed however if the apathy that went with the liquor vote carried over into the vote for council on Monday December Eight candidates are running for the six scats on council in this years only contest We think all of them have a special appeal for voters and need your support If they are going to be suc cessful Those who were successful In attaining seats by acclamation starling with Mayor new Reeve Garnet Pat McKenzle and new Deputy Peter Marks will also be watching results with Interest since it could affect programs they have In mind for 1973 which could be one of the most important years In Actons history with the possible Introduction of regional government and further town development GIVE KIDS A SNOWSTORM and a hill and they 11 them into instant play toys combination slides and gymnasiums in which or on whichever the case may be to jump roll somersault Jennings Finally tie could stand no more He rushed out from behind a pillar to verbally assault the bus boy who stood as unconcerned as if no one was talking and kept turning away as if no one else was there This had the desired effect The super produced a large set of keys Muttering imprecations to every bus boy In Rome he opened the coin box fished out our piece brandished It in the air and showed us the proper way to Insert it In the box so as not to disturb the elevator It worked Away we went for the top floor where the waited But somewhere around the fourth or the fifth storey of the building the cage tiered to a stop Beneath us yawned about or 60 feet of open air with the hard marble floor f Continued on Save carols for Christmas Perhaps it stimulates business and starts people thinking about shopping but if we could nominate anyone for our hate parade it would be those radio stations and others who play Christmas carols weeks before Christmas They destroy much of the beauty of the Chnstmas season by endless repetition of carols By the time Chnstmas has arrived everyone is sick of hearing them blaring from loud speakers and radios Scant attention 1b paid to their message or their music How much better it would be If the carols and music of Christmas were limited to the few days before and the few days after when people can enjoy them Instead the most cheerful season of the year has carols for several weeks before Christmas and through the big day Then it is cut off never to be heard again until the following November when commercial interests decide It Is time The practice we think is a ripoff on Christmas a season when we should have ears tuned to things far above the crass commercialism we are being fed by those anxious to cash in on the Christian Churches celebration of the birth of Christ music perhaps but carols we think should be centred around the feast not the cash register It might be good business to sell gifts to the strains of O Come All Ye Faithful but to our it borders on the as well as being In poor taste We have allowed ourselves to be swindled out of part of our heritage by those types who couldn care less about the real meaning of the Chnstmas season and don t hesitate to use its unique expression of joy to then own advantage No Pollyanna solutions to violence The argument over whether violence in movies and the media promotes violence or merely reflects it is futile Violence is a human condition as predictable as life death and taxes The tnck is not to cultivate ground where violence flourishes A society which teaches its young to aggressively kill the competition shouldn squawk too loudly about where it finds violence People who think this Is a dog eat dog world where people must be pitted against each other instead of being valued for their own worth promote violence Violence is taught not only by movies or TV but by parents too wrapped up in business or personal wornes to find time for concern tenderness and caring It is taught by those who cant show love it is taught by people who cant even discipline themselves let alone guide others All these people are helplessly entangled in a system of violence to their own personalities which tells them to deliver or die They stand to lose their income house car prestige their very reason for living Violence flows from a way of which no longer finds dignity people but through acquisition and possessionsmaking slaves of us There an no solutions It would be to by repairing relations betwee English and French Canadians on a large scale or between labor and management But people must begin in their own families giving them the gift of time care and love The Exeter Times- Back Issues of The Free Press years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free PressofThuradayDecember2 1897 The most Important business of the Municipal Council was the presentation of a petition of SI electors praying that stops be taken to establish a public library and the introduction of a bylaw arranging for a vote by the electors upon the question Payment of an account from Municipal Officer D Graham for feeding tramps was paid in the amount of 20 The bush hunt shooting match at Eden Mills on Thanksgiving Day was quite an exciting event The sides were captained by Messrs White and and each side worked hard to gain the victory Mr White side won with the score of to 3125 One dollar bills of the new Dominion issue are being raised to five by taking the figures from the revenue stamps used on cigar boxes and pasting them over the figures on the bills numbers have been circulated In Winnipeg The opening of the final session of the seventh parliament of the Ontario Legis lature is generally admitted to have been the most brilliant since Confederation Never before was there an occasion which has been attended with greater pomp As well as the lieutenant Governor Sir Oliver the GovernorGeneral and the Countess of Aberdeen also attended The speech from the throne announced bills would be introduced affecting the election laws to prevent gambling at fairs feeling the business of druggists to prevent the spread of disease among fruit trees relating to extra provincial insurance companies respecting jail and relating to forestry The firemen are always alert to save our property let us show our loyalty to them by our attendance at their concert years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press t Thursday November There was a fairly good turnout at the nominations held on Monday at noon In the evening a meeting was held in the town ball George Barber has been acclaimed as reeve Nominated tor council are Jeremiah Bell H Harrison D A Henderson Frank Holmes T School trustees were acclaimed E Gamble George Mann and Neil McDonald and hydro commissioner Is A Brown On election day on Monday the only vote will be for This getting the municipal election over before Christmas Is a fine idea The first floor of the fine new block Is about completed and those who are to occupy it expect to get moved In today or tomorrow The bakery of M Edwards and Co will occupy the side next to the New Wonderland Theatre Harry barber will the west side and Mr s billiard business will be located in the rear with entrance through the barber shop There will be two commodious residences on the second floor which will be accommodated by Mr Leish and Mr Four prominent citizens of TUsonburg were fined for raffling turkeys Skating on Corporation pond commenced on Friday A beginners class has been organized in connection with Acton Citizens Band They meet for rehearsal every Wednesday evening There are about half a dozen players On Thursday while playing basketball at the public school young Gordon Cooper son of Mr and Mrs Cooper fell and turodhisleftarmjiistabove the wrist Jean the little daughter of Mr and Mrs W K Graham also fractured her wrist when she fell from her high chair 20 years ago Takes from the Issue of Free Press of Thursday December 1952 Scout and Guide Mothers elected new off leers for the season president Mrs Ethel with Mrs Bradshaw Mrs Edith Jennings Mrs Lena Mason Mrs vais Mrs Jean Mcliaac Edwin Frank McCullough who practiced medicine for many years at and died in Guelph at the age of The annual banquet of Acton Citizens Band was a fine evening of sociability The banquet was served in the Legion Hall by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary The trophy was formally presented to Bandmaster and the medals presented to the individual bandsmen Tom Nlcol was master of ceremonies and speakers who brought good wishes were G A Candler Mayor Reeve Hargrave Theron Jones Charles Mason J B Chalmers A Dills Wm Mattocks and Councillor Weick Miss Dena Braida thanked the ladles The toast to the bandmaster was proposed by Rudolph Knox Evening Auxiliary held an impressive memorial service for their former members Mrs Grace Kirkness Mrs Tens Cole Miss Marlon McDougall Mrs Spielvogel and Miss Margaret Garvin November gold star winners at the were Fay Andrews and Paul Elliott October winners were Maureen McCnstaU and Brian Mr and Mrs BenUey Wilson marked their wedding anniversary Jean Harris was elected president of the Friendly Circle Bob Burnley suffered a broken nose and arm playing hockey In Georgetown From October of

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