Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1972, p. 2

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The- Acton Eight run for six seats ORVAL CHAPMAN A four year veteran of council Chapman been a town resident for years now He wife Marie and their daughter live at Nelson Court and manager of A P Green In town Because Im employed locally I can be contacted during the day fa- any important matters he points out Committee work for his four years on council hes been with the public works committee which includes roads and maintenance lights and prater and police and Ire Hes been chairman of the last two He points out he has attended most of the firefighters practice meetings and Is familiar with their equipment and procedures There has been a good liaison with the police with periodic meetings and changes underway in cooperation with the OPP corporal Nawekalrnra Hes been appointed to the parks and recreation committee tor the past three years the past year as vicechairman and since the resignation of Hugh Patter son as chairman for the balance of this year He has been on different committees of the board There are several projects I would like to see completed next year if monies are available ays Mr Chapman One is the Church St- recon struction to make it equal Bower Ave which was completed this year Improved sidewalks and street lighting the older areas are needed Hed like to see con struction of sidewalks on Mill W and Elizabeth Dr as were planned but were held up by derated costs over the original estimates with these projects permanent and not something mat will have to be reconstructed a few years wasting taxpayers With the buikkng boom that is coming to town and will probably increase even more when the GO train from Toronto to Guelph starts Acton council will have to be even more aware of the planning and updating of facilities to keep abreast of our growing community Mr Chapman said BILL COATS Bui and Gloria decided Acton was Justine kind of com munity in which they would like to raise their family with its rare combination of rural and urban life He wasnt a teacher when they first came to Acton 14 years ago but soon changed baa been teaching at Acton high school for IS yean Re been a councillor for two terms and is running for the council again Mr thinks that despite the Imminence of regional government will be a very important year and Acton should have a strong and experienced council Since Acton will probably become a part of a North Halton unit next years council must make very clear and detailed plans for the future of this area The desires and wishes of the residents of Acton must be presented to any future form of local government Remember that the local government under regional government will be concerned with a much larger area than Just Acton There are three areas of concern which must be dealt with next year or at least positive proposals must be put in writing tor future regional councils Mr Coats says I strongly advocate the encouragement of the develop ment of the downtown business or commercial area Acton Hap- plaxa development Is detrimental to aQ concerned Parking in the downtown area Is from ideal This must be looked into as well as the problem of uncontrolled parking of commercial vehicles on Mill Street Now that Acton Is again experiencing a period of growth we must be careful to see that developers pay their way The present residents of Acton should not have to pay In Increased tares for any services required by an expanding population On the other hand new comers to Acton must not be penalized for wanting to live here Limited growth is most welcome and newcomers must be made welcome for they have much to contribute both in new assessment and to the com munity life of Acton In spite of the fact that Acton as an incorporated town may cease to exist under regional government Acton as a com munity will continue and in 1974 we will celebrate our birth day This is going to be a year to remember around here and Council must continue to give its support to the Acton Centennial Commission JOHN CONIGLH I care about my family and I also care about other people Thats why I am running for councillor says John Conlglio Mr and his wife Anne Candidates tee off Continued from Page One opinion after a member of the audience Mr who he is in the horse business challenged the candidates to express their views I have to an what Mohawk doing for I look at the brack and I have to vote yes in spite of the fact I live on the Guelph line Powadiuk declared Anne MacArthur restated Mr Bolands demand The people have the chance to exercise their views at the polls she said The Reeve said it was unfair to ask the candidates their views when the audience didnt have to reveal their feelings I disagree shouted Boland His comments brought clamors of put him down by other members of the crowd Mrs MacArthur promised there would be no delays for the raceway management If the public approved Sunday racing She received resounding applause for her remarks Hone Man After Boland challenged the political aspirants he traded words with candidate John Henry who called him horse Henry asked and Jim Jennings of R R Campbell- who mentioned the need for improved recreation facilities if they would remain living in the township if the cost of living rose in a regional government setup When a crossfire of words erupted between the two men Dr Best who was chairman of the nights affair attempted to retain order Youre all just uttered something which vaguely sounded like and then stomped out of the building came to Acton tram five year ago they own and operate A and J Place a salon and boutique on Mill St They nave two children and live above their shop We cannot change the world with all Its problems but believe Acton can change for a better future by using common sense he says Needbdnstry I would like to see a few non- polluting industries that pay good wages come Into town In Acton we nave a lot of healthy people who are able and would like to work What good Is it for a young person to grow up get married and have a family when he doesnt have Job security to pay his bills We are the only ones who can do something about our future and our childrens future I dont see that the Prime Minister will Sometimes its hard to point out Just what la wrong with the world Sometimes I think Its too much education and not enough common sense Other times I can see its not whats wrong with the world but whats wrong with people A smile For instance its bad enough paying taxes but It would Be much nicer if when we paid at the town office we got a smile and thank you In return Maybe too It would be good for business if our mayor welcomed new businesses by going in to say hello And when a business goes out he could maybe find out what the problem was Downtown mall Mr Conigllo thinks one thing of major importance is the development of downtown Acton He would like to have the clown- town section Improved soon end also the downtown parking problem solved He would like to see a down town mall as soon as Highway bypasses Acton Mr Conigllo en visions a twostorey Tehaped mall its second storey for parking summer market and cafes There could be a Welcome sign on the way into Acton and a thank you or come again sign on the way out This is a big dream I have had for a long time he says Daycare I propose also that whenever the community centre Is completed there should be room for a day care centre There Is already one improvement under way in Acton that most people dont know about Since the Weight Watchers first opened the Acton Branch in April Its members have lost pounds Thats almost a whole person a small one every week Therefore the sidewalks are getting less wear and should be better condition than they would otherwise be BOB DRfNKWALTER Bob Drinkwalter is making a to return to council where he served for four years before Quality control manager at Standard Products Georgetown he Uvea with wife Val and four children at 160 Churchill On his previous four years on council Mr was chairman of the works committee for three years and a member of the North Halton irban board a year as chairman He was on planning board five years three as chairman and four years on the development commission He was president of the Home and School Association when It was active here For the past seven years be baa been on the board of directors of the Credit Union three as president he has been on the board of directors of the curling dub three years serving as president and treasurer He was on the County GIVE AT THE THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS BLOOD GIF OF ALL DONOR CLINIC IN GEORGETOWN Open from pm MONDAY DECEMBER HOLY CROSS CHURCH AUDITORIUM MAPLE AVENUE EAST HEALTHY personi agei to year old BOYS with written parental EACH TIME they donate are URGENTLY needed to BLOOD NEW reg liter at clinic GIVE THE GIFT AVOID evening welting period attend the clinic In the AFTERNOON Babysitting at the available to DONORS OF BEARED CROSS B10W DONOR make a not of CLINIC DAY December on your calendar HELP THE RED CROSS TO OBTAIN A SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF BLOOD Planning Association three years one as chairman Mr feels that the moat Important Issue that will be facing the next council will be the preparation for the changeover for the regional system which we arc naturally going to become a part of Strong dedicated repre sentation will be required to ensure that the best Interests of the people of Acton are upheld Immediate controls must be enacted to ensure that the town of Acton docs not permit any further Industry to locate such as the Orel Industries which further pollute our air and water Mr Drinkwalter says A vigorous effort must be made to determine If all existing Industries are mooting the pollution standards required by the air management branch of the Department of the Environ ment He thinks a committee of council should be sot up Immediately to work with the development and other concerned committees to Investi gate and bring back recom mendations that will stimulate the downtown business section and make it a more desirable place to meet and shop feel that council should encourage and support If necessary a program to further develop the youth organizations in the town One other area which I feel requires consideration that Is an Information centre or some type of bulletin should be published to Inform our elderly people of the town of their legal rights regarding pensions welfare programs health care programs nursing centre etc as a great many are not familiar with these and really do not know where to find this Information NORM ELLIOTT Hoping to be returned to council for another term Norm Elliott has some firm Ideas about what hed like to see done He has just finished his first term on council where he has been on the administration committee serving as chairman of property and cemetery committee He Is also one of the council appointees to the planning board Mr Elliott has lived and worked in Acton almost all his life His wife the former Kate Garrett Is also an Acton girl They live at 169 Longfleld with their two young daughtersf Works at DP He is with the injection moulding department at Building Products where ho has worked for the past eight years For five years ho has been of the union at DP tilted Rubber Cork linotcum and Plastic Workers of America and Is also on the Canadian board of the inter national union Downtown core Something the Incoming council should toko a real hurt look at Mr Elliott is the downtown coreami they should come up with a solid answer He thinks the parking problem Is moro or loss exaggerated there Is actually more parking available than pcoplo realize fie understands councils reluctance to appoint a parking authority which entails handing over decisionmaking which council prefer to keep Industrial Ho thinks residential development Including the big new subdivisions underway should be considered to have reached a limit until there has been an assessment of sewage and water needs Im not against new development the candidate says but the whole situation should be assessed He thinks instead we should be encouraging Industrial develop ment through the Industrial commission for the industrial park where the land is available As head of councils cemetery committee he has specific plans in mind including using designated monies before regional government Fencing gate filling in the central depression and the fate of the plot of land on MainS are included Money for The CA has been badly neglected and he thinks there should be a strong push for council to fund repairs The town through council owes it to them he soys Mr Elliott also suspects there will be differences of opinion on the centennial Council will have to be ready to reflect the true attitude of the citizens for tho time Hi to see stable economic and nodal development prompted him to offer his he explains Mr Inscoo and his wife live at Arthur HI with their two children Ho is quality control Inspector with Vsrlnn Associates in Ho lived In town ho 10 yearn old As well parks and recreation board hes been on minor hotkey executive In life rent posts for years Public work bo on council to help tackle the problems of tho pollution control plant puved roads and side walks and the condition of the public works equipment Id like Acton to become a place Tor prosperous clean industry to locate Our geographic- location alone Is Incentive for a manufacturer he Industry would stimulate and create employment as well as Industrial assessment Need study know great deal of preliminary work has been on government we dont know the extent of It There arc many areas to be ironed out Mr feels There arc problems that have been encountered In other areas where regional government has been implemented The downtown core is also a priority Item according to Mr Other facets Of course he has special interest in recreation However he thinks recreation is presently community centre oriented and there arc many other facets that should be undertaken We can only go to the well so many times he observes The money is just not there This is an of dual income families and hed push for a day care centre for concerned mothers and worried fathers He says many of families moving into the new subdivisions in Acton have both parents employed Hed also like to see Senior Citizens have their own place downtown even if we have to buy property to provide it HAUL MAHMM unities Incumbent won born mid rained In Acton and llvi ICfl Jeffrey with his He won with ttm family Dairy until In presently an salesman at Simpsons- Vurs Hen been active In tho Mens club Hes been on council or the past seven years chairman Chairman of the public works wirnlttec his title and hed Crmtlnufii on Page STARTING LOME F FOX PARTY Heir 29th Deo 1 Sunday Deo 3rd I 11 am pm AT THE EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL Churchill Rd Acton FREE TV A 20 TV will be given away this Monday Dec as a door prize BINGO EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 8 PM EVERY GAME PLUS Jackpots Given Away Every Monday BARRY On parks and recreation committee for the past two years Barry would like to participate in formulating town policy and Is running for council HIM I RIB STEAKS ONION ROLLS PARTY CRACKERS JfSS BOLTS

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