Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1972, p. 19

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The Christmas story readers St Luke And it to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed And all went to be taxed everyone into his own city And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea the city of David which is called Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David To be axed with Mary his espoused wife being great with child And so it was that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of he Lord shone about them and they were afraid And the angel said unto them Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord And this shall be a sign unto you Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger And s there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will And it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them into heaven the shepherds said to one another Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass which the Lord has made known us And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger And when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds But Mary kept all these things and pondered them her And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child his name was called JESUS which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb Editorial Pagr ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1972 Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago 50 years ago 75 years ago Return to source of celebration Jean Vanier son of the late GovernorGeneral startled many last fall when he spoke of the terrible things Christmas does to children He believes we wound them by giving too many expensive and unneeded things which are greedily accepted but little cherished Witness the way so many toys are broken or abandoned before December is over Vanier thinks our lavish and often deficit gift spending breeds distorted values that actually cripple our young One of my wife students brought in home old newspapers and I found them lancinating VOrt OUT THE AND THE STORE cried the Globe of Toronto on Oc tober 18 It had a circulation of It had pages Count the liquor ad vertisements in your today s big city newspaper filings were not so much different years ago aside from the booze question Oil Irish had two front page stories nearly a settlement on the Irish problem Hands were extended but they wire never gripped and the Stan Fein prisoners were released from Moumjoy Prison as the outcome of their hunger strike what new WAR ON DRUG TRAFFIC read another headline There was to be a fine for improper use of narcotics Apparent the opponents of prohibition were scattering a leaflet purporting to show that since Ontario went dry the use of drugs has increased to alarming proportions But the only drugs the were concerned with were those oldies opium cocaine and morphine Apparently our granddads were not acquainted with pot hash horse and speed Or perhaps they didnt use slang terms Anyway what new Another headline stated LITTLE LEFT IN REDS The whole article revealed that the revolution in Russia was just as good as over and the reds had had it I wonder If Stalin or read that and what they thought Another penl of this Christmas over indulgence is what it does to those who are outside it the children of an unemployed father or a single mother on welfare Seeing the tempting things displayed in stores hearing the constant pitch for luxuries on television and yet be denied them surely such wounds go deep Vanier spent some of his time in Canada visiting Kingston Penitentiary In his talks with prisoners they told him Ihis disparity between what they saw and what they could have was often the motive for their criminal behaviour The solution Gifts are part of Christmas they can be enriching to both giver and receiver If we kept them fewer and simpler and listened to the carols whose sounds point us back to the source of the celebration and listen also to the deprived then do something constructive to assuage we may manage to strike a balance that will make the festival more genuine Bill Smiley thereisabox with a facsimile the ballot and the paper urges every to No to every question on the referendum About booze that is about the election is slanted toward the Tories against the liberals and booze So what new except the adverts In a desperate fourcolumn twentyinch advert the liberals try to separate the political issues and the booze issues Not a nope What new Hie rest of the front page could have been printed yesterday Trouble all over the world Golddust galore from the Yukon carried to his university chair by students led by a ragtime band except that today have been humiliated and led by a rock band Some body s wife with a certain lack of novelty had presented him with his third set of twins And similar garbage WEATHER Same old jazz as we get today Probabilities Fair weather stationary or higher temperature In other words its going to stay miserable or improve What new an election on The Globe as It But the real fun of an old newspaper is new tut advertisements as they are today Even then tht auto manufacturers took a lot of space You had the choice among the Gray and something called the But copy changed much Instead of power brakes you had the onetinker emergency brake Instead of you had the Franklin s Direct aircooled No water to boil or freeze Wonder what happened to that one And instead of the per cent performance promised for today cars the Gray ad said it would take care of per cent of a motorcars work Wonder what happened to thai cop writer But among the names are many old tarn liar Mason Risch Phonographs Kellogg Corn Flakes Marmalade licks Malted Milk Red Rose Tea And the all toofamiliar ads in tiny lpe lor a us with dandruff piles underarm hair remover for ladies kidney puis liver puis rheumatic remedies What new isn I exactly an entertainment section as such but the King Edward Hotel ottered a dinner deluxe for SI SO with music by orchestra The Alexandria was presenting OF DESTINY with Florence Reed And the Princess suggested la La with music by George Gersh win Evenings Matinees from cents Ihis was live theatre At Shea s there was a runeact vaudeville show Prices cents cents What new I should tell you And in a coloured supplement of the time there are fullpage ads for such things chewing gum Bon Ami for whitening your shoes Borden Milk and tooth paste Can you believe In a recent Macleans Canada national magazine there were pages of writing and just over pases of liquor advertisements So what a Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday December The United church Sunday School concert was presented Friday with about SO taking part Training the children were Mrs V West Mrs M Simpson Mrs S Dills and Miss E Jennings Rev was master of ceremonies Gordon Hufnagel welcomed everyone and others with solo parts were Barry Stewart Ann Derlene Peter Wolfe Mary Jane Force and Charlie Saul Almost 100 per cent at all Industries and a good attendance at the was reported by Dick Bean following the TB Xray survey in town Thursday and Friday About were Xrayed At the tannery 380 were Xrayed in two hours and minutes Mrs Helwig was in charge of canvassers and Mrs A Long in charge of clerks Employees of Baxter Labs held a Christ mas dinner A wrist watch was presented to Lome Masters by Cordon Rognvaldson and Benson marking years service Gerry Candler raids and Johnny Graham played for a singsong In charge of arrange ments for the party were Newt Hurst Jackie Watklns and Sam Snyder About 25 from Acton arranged for a party at the Centennial Manor with Charles Mason in charge Mr and Mrs J Wolfe announce the birth of their fifth son John Mark A puppet show was a different feature at the school concert Taking part were Warren McKlnney John and Sherlock and Danny and Ken Winter Teachers Mrs A White and Miss Fern were in charge of the program Everything is Christmassy but the weather foggy THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Taken from be fine of the Free Press Thursday December El 1922 The salary of J Reid waterworks inspector was increased to and of Chief to per annum Without doubt the hardest worked staff in town since the middle of December was the post office An enormous volume of mail demanded their constant attention Some of the parcels sent are so flfmsuy wrapped the staff must take the trouble to them so they will reach their destinations The general public owes a debt of thanks to the venerable postmaster James Matthews the deputies Mr J Chester Matthews and Miss Fern Brown and his assistant James Matthews for their prompt and careful handling of the mail and their uniform courtesy to all Through storm and cold the rural couriers performed their work faith fully entailing hours of extra service It Is gratifying to learn that numbers of kind hearted farmers on the rural routes have shown practical application of the faithful services of the couriers during the year by Christmas gifts in some cases of very decent sums Mr Roy Thomson and Mr were here on Tuesday looking at factory sites During the Christmas rush on Saturday a party of police officers entered store name given at Rockwood and located four bottles of whiskey As a result of the raid a charge has been laid Mr J V Savage who Is handling the lamp has already disposed of in this community It really takes to the homes the effect of electric light The sleighs with the merry sleigh bells put it all over the motor cars The cars lack the sentimental rhythm Sunday night after church were out till after midnight Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday December The weather probabilities ensure good sleighing for Christmas There no seven clock closing this week Christmas buyers are busy and Christmas stocks are being rapidly reduced When the energetic ana painstaking workers of St Albans church undertake any enterprise they invariably cany It to a successful consummation The Christmas entertainment in the town hall on Tuesday evening was a highly creditable per replete with Christmas flavor The solos by Master Joe Lake of George town were much enjoyed The sacred cantata The Advent was the major pro duction of the evening The distribution of Christmas presents had many happy surprises Holiday Goods in Abundance at Hen Furs of all Kind Collarettes Ruffs Muffs Jacket and Capes Improve the appearance of your home and buy a Mantle drape From si up Also embroidered silk scarfs and table covers Theydonotcostmuch but they brighten the house wonderfully for Christmas Also a line of plush and tapestry Table Covers just to hand from the old country marvellously cheap A mass of handkerchiefs of all kinds At Prlngles Photograph Cameras manicure sets dressing cases work boxes fancy china Japanese novelties canes and umbrellas fountain pens gold spectacles Savage and Co Guelph Tea sets sugar bowls cruet stands cake boskets card receivers syrup jugs biscuit jars C Goodeve Acton for Christmas fresh figs dates prunes peaches raisins lemons oranges peel nuts lbs assorted candies 12 kinds of fish The star we follow News these days whether reaching us through the paper or via the airwaves seems to consist of one calamity after another more deaths in Ireland more repression in South Africa more examples of injustice and mans inhumanity to man When we reflect on all this woe it is easy to despair of both individuals and society But not at Christmas As we prepare for this festival of he heart another and happier aspect of mankind is revealed Human beings can be unselfish and tender too and the heartening message of this season is that we can trust these qualities We are as capable of love as of hate of idealism as of cynicism and on them the world makes its slow but not always insubstantial gains Despair always fetters it is love that inspires History is studded with the names of the ruthless from Caesar legions to Hitler and Stalin but their stars flashed briefly and then vanished It is another star we follow with nope and yearning each December and it takes us to a Bethlehem stable and a Babe whom man cannot forget In his name and in his spirit the Cardinal Legers the Robert the Jean Valuers and the Dag Hammerskjolds or have lived among us At this season we dare believe the best and final word is with them Where charity stands watching And faith holds wide the door The dark night wakes the glory breaks and Christmas comes once more Phillips Brooks MAY IT SO COME TO US ALL

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