Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1972, p. 20

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday December 20 Morty John Root debate liquor laws Morton highly publicized MPP for High Park Toronto and MPP John Root of were Involved in a debate In the Ontario Legislature about the provinces liquor laws The Free Press prints parts of the debate here to outline some of the problems and solutions proposed at the provincial level and because liquor votes have been in both Acton and township during the municipal elections Mr Shuhnau Mr Speaker Id like to present my views on this problem First of an on the general situation of alcohol speaking as a physician I dont think its realized by many of the people in this chamber Just how serious a problem this Is becoming Not just In people becoming alcoholics in the loss of time in the loss of family life or in the ruinations Incurred there but in the fields of crime and car deaths We now know that more than GO per cent of the deaths occurring in automobile ac cidents arc as a result of alcohol We now know that a much higher percentage of violentcrimesareasaresultof alcohol And for a suggestion to come from Sault Marie or anywhere else that we do more to promote the sale of it or that we do less to control it to my mind is just leading to further and greater disasters in our society think we have to control this drug because it is a far more serious danger to our society than all of the pot all of the LSD and all of the heroin In the world We hear a great deal about the dangers of drugs and of kids smoking pot but it doesnt amount to a lull of beans compared with the human loss thats taking place as a result of alcohol Hearty greetings are sent your way for the merriest Christmas WATSONS RESTAURANT and I think we have to take steps to control this I think the first obvious the member for Brant was quite right is to stop this advertising Theres very little we can do about the people we Bee In front of us whatever habits they have theyve been formed But the advertising is directed to people who are Just beginning to drink the 1B- and 20yearolds and younger Im sorry to say theyre the ones we can still help to protect It used to be not too many years ago that we used to have advertising in the schools warning of the dangers of drinking and the dangers of alcohol and what could it Weil thats nil disappeared Now we have Have a Red Lager or youre not the boys and according to these ads unless you have a glass in your hand filled with beer or liquor youre Just not with it Idont think they should be allowed I am very well aware of the ministers problem I know how much money the liquor companies give the government Im aware that it is very very difficult for him to move against them but somewhere along the line the needs of society are going to have to take precedence over the needs of the Conservative Partyespecially their Immediate needs Incidentally I must give a word of credit to the minister I dont think he can be responsible because hes now here It used to be you hod to pay for a listing The price has come down considerably In fact the day before yesterday I heard of a chap who got a listing without having to pay a penny I dont know whether It la In efficiency on the part of Mr Kelly or whether the minister is changing his policies but in any case for that I give him credit Mr Clement Tell us a little more about it Id like to make some notes on that An member He could even fly the minister They could do it together Mr M Havrot Timlskamlng Tell us a little more about it all Mr Shutman Anyway a word about local option The member for Brant suggested this should be abolished because of certain farcical situations that have developed In the past year The one for Formosa Brewery of course was absolutely ridiculous But I must point out to him and to you that there are areas of the province where local option is of extreme importance to the people who live there My own is one such area We are dry at the present time We are having a vote in a week and a half as to whether we should remain dry and this isnt a farcical situation There the people are deeply concerned about the problem of liquor outlets I believe that a very high majority the people in High Park drink in moderation I also believe that a very large majority of the people In High Park wish to retain their area of homes as an area without liquor outlets because of the abuses that come in areas where there are liquor outlets the drunks on the street the Increase in crime which invariably follows them the numerous social problems that occur when there are localoutlets We dont have to go that far out of High Park to get a drink if we want one There arc certainly outlets surrounding us at all the edges as its only a very small area and I would urge the government to maintain local option Surely if the majority of people in an area do not wish to have liquor outlets in their area they should be given that privilege I certainly Mr Shulman There is one more thing I would like to say The dangers of alcohol have not been appreciated by this ministry by this government or by this House We are contributing Incredibly to the sale of hard liquor to the ruination of this society The government is increasing Its earnings by many millions of dollars each vear I have a suggestion to make to the minister Take a fixed percentage of that increase per cent or five per cent of the profits that the government received and donate it to research and control In the use and abuse of alcohol We are giving tiny amounts less than one per cent of the profit each year to investigation and control I suggest to the minister if he is going to do one thing that Is going to have any lasting effect he will do a lot of things that have minimal effect and well argue about them itll hit the headlines but if he is really going to care if someone remembers him 10 years or years hence he should divert a portion of that fund to help those who arc suffering the effects of liquor abuse That will be far more important than all the other things that we talk about We talk about the funny silly things they do down there and the abuses that they cause but those are minor This is the major problem the minister should direct himself there and he will really do something worthwhile Thank you Mr Speaker I believe the Conservative Party is next is it nof The member for Wellington South Mr J Root ferin- Mr Speaker I have listened with great Interest to this debate and I am not going to take very much time but I want to make one or two comments There has been a suggestion in the debate that the principle of local option should be abolished I cannot agree with that The riding that I have the honor to represent has municipalities where the people by their own choice have decided that they do not want liquor outlets In those municipalities I have six municipalities that now by their own choice have decided they want certain types of liquor outlets When I was first elected there were five I am not going to try to Impose my own personal feelings on anyone but I do think the people have some right to decide what type of municipality they want to live In I have had wet municipalities I have supported he applications or liquor stores and he various types of outlets because that was Ihe decision of the people in those areas I think the dry municipalities have an equal right express their views If the time comes when they want liquor outlets let them say so and they the means under the local option legislation to make lhat decision I want to make one suggestion hove listened with great interest to the comments along some of the same lines as the member for High PARK I hove watched liquor verllsing and It Is very But what I have In my files are the problems created by the of alcohol which Is altogether different from liquor ad vertishu I can always tell the heavy drinking ureas from the thickness of my files on municipalities People lose their drivers licences They come to me asking What am I going to do have to have a licence to drive Maybe there Is a motor accident Somebody Is critically hurt and they are In the hospital or maybe there are convictions All these problems are associated with It It seems to me to be fair to all sides of this question I would like to suggest that the minister look at the possibility of having the liquor Interests contribute to the health program the same amount of money that they contribute to advertising their products Mr We were suggesting that 10 years ago Why didnt the govern ment put in effect Mr Root I am making my speech now and I am saying this that Mr That is the gestation period for a good idea on the government side of the House Mr Root Well- Mr Scarborough Centre- It Is the only side that ever has an idea Mr Root Mr Speaker I suggest this because the health program has to pick up the effects or the byproducts of the liquor advertising and the of alcohol I dont think it Is fair to the people who I consume alcohol that they have to have their premiums raised to take care of the byproducts of a trade that increases the load on our hospital facilities I think that this Is one way that we could give some reasonable compensation to ask the liquor industry to put same amount of money into our health program that they put Into the advertising of their products Mr Nixon Why not stop ad vertising Mr Root Well thats another Idea then I think if they had to put lhat kind of money in they might be a little more careful of the type of advertising that hey use This is putting penalty on the liquor industry and it will be a recognition of the fact that the ex cessive consumption of alcohol does create problems I make that suggestion I cannot agree about what has been said about the Liquor Licence Board and the Liquor Control Board They are dealing with a matter that causes great concern and causes problems I think that they are trying to do the best they can with a very con tentious subject I just make these two or three suggestions Dont abolish local options I think that the people have some right to say what kind of municipality they live In Ask the liquor industry to put the same kind of money Into our health program that they put Into their advertising Thank you very much Mr Speaker Mr Speaker The member for York Centre Mr Deacon Mr Speaker I rise and support the position taken by my leader with regard to this whole question of local option I personally worked very hard on two oc casions to oppose the granting of liquor out lets of any sort in the area In which I live But once the province Imposed on us those outlets by allowing clubs to have licences it made a farce of the whole business We should recognize that Instead of saying that those who have the money to belong to a club can have drinks in areas even though the people dont want those drinks Unless we do recognize that hypocrisy then we are making a great mistake I suggest to the member who has just spoken that he should realize that any person who has money to join a club In his area Is abusing the rights of the people he Is pretending to defend by Insisting that local option continues When that change was made we changed the rules of the game in this province We are Just kidding ourselves until we eliminate this whole business of local option which causes a great deal of heated debate and yet has no real effect when you get down to the analysis of It Mr Root In other words the member wants it thrown wide open right across the province TOYS AND REINDEER On the night before Christmas according to tradition Santa of toys are swirled through the air by eight reindeer who answer to such spirited names as Dasher Dancer Vixen Comet Cupid and Blltzen A Star guide hem on their way Men came Today the wonder glowi mew with joy 1o gladden every heart May lie a kicked Elizabeth BEAUTY LOUNGE Family friends produce articles for gift shop Charming Pat owner of the gift shop The Anonymous Benefactor finds Acton a perfect location She has just moved here from Scarborough and wanted to be in a small town half way between Toronto and Brentford where she has relatives and friends She has set up her first shop In her own home on Wilbur St and two of the downstairs rooms are filling up with articles of her own making or her own choice living with her and also always willing to chat to browsers are her daughter Jeanlne and brother Bruce Nobbs is in public school and Bruce attends Acton high school now The family cat is another newcomer very willing to make friends Starts with candles Pat started making candles three years ago and it Is still her specialty She strives for effects that cant be duplicated In mass production Beeswax candles and of wax with poinsettlas imbedded In them are some of the candles delightfully arranged In the rooms The hall has a oughtiron spiral staircase with gifts on its angled treads She also does picture framing herself Parents help Its her mother in Scarborough who makes the giftsized Jars of preserves Brother Bruce has a fascinating hobby skin diving He has located old bottles crocks ink wells and even a tea pot Where he chooses to dive for these sunken treasures is in Muskoka offshore from old hotels With bottle collecting growing In popularity he has some of his finds In another shop as well Pats father specializes in fascinating pictures made in layers which are properly called doptique These are beautiful framed and others can be ordered She is specializing in wrought iron with tables chairs lamps and decorative art ides catching attention everywhere These are made at a smithy at Glen Orchard in Muskoka Contacts with other artistic friends have produced Christmas decorations dried flower arrangements mounted photographs pottery and a host of other gilts In all price ranges Tiny Christmas figures and wrapping paper catch the these days She also hopes to cbntact local craftspeople She is happily surprised at how many Acton people have already been dropping in to her new shop which Is open every afternoon but Mondays Take care of leftover turkey At extend to you g J www At extend to you wish merriment may brighten your happy home all season long Earl Van Norman Electrician Acton 8530560 Joyous Ma alt the blessings and happiness of bis hoi he besioueJ on you an J your family a Joyous Holiday Acton TV Sales Service When the Christmas dinner is over before everyone has gone off to enjoy the evening take care of the leftover turkey Food specialists at the Ontario Council Ministry of Agriculture and Food suggest you take special precautions with leftovers so that they may be at a later date It is not a good idea to leave leftovers at room temperature Immediately following the stuffing left In the turkey and store it in a covered container In the refrigerator fake all meat off the carcass wrap cover and refrigerate Leftover meat and Muffing should be used within to 3 days or frozen immediately for later use Never a stuffed bird either before or after cooking CHRISTMAS DAY Pope Julius about the year A D fixed Dec 25 as the date of Christmas Two years agreement on this date had been reached among church officials some In favor of fixing the date in January or March Julius decreed that Christmas should therefore be celebrated on Dec In the Gth century A the Christmas was made a legal holiday in Home But even years before that the Roman had required all theatres to close on Christmas popular at ascitis is probably the moit popular potted plant at time A colorful show is provided by the bright red sometimes ream bracts that surround the blossoms if you receive a j insult id as a gift remember that it needs special care to last tor the season require a high light and temperatures of about lw degrees The plants will do best when placed in a sunny window Keep them out of drafts iMng air currents from heat registers dry air in many homes the plants to drop the decorative bracts To slow this keep the plants well- alt red without leaving the soil Alter jour pomsettia has slore it in a cool dry place and let the soil dry out When the danger of frost is over in the spring you can transplant it into jour garden of Christmas fill the air with Santa children gifts and smiles Hope theyre all part of your holiday Acton Home Furnishings An example of Inflation can be seen in the price of whiskey In a distillery in Trafalgar Township sold the spirits for cents a gallon trn ffeppy the boil of hopes you lor a he boil hopes you lor a warm happy holiday with near and dear DR A EMBRACK AND STAFF Merry Accept our wishes warm and Hope Santo styles your Chnslmas right fills every with beauty bright Thank you most sincerely lor your loyal good will BEAUTY SALON 12 Mill St W- 8531733

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