Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1973, p. 7

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Ring in New Year at dances parties Free Pre Wednesday January 1973 The MerriEtghtB square dance Mr- and Mra Collins of club had a Christmas party In CoUingwood spent New Years Guelph and Acton dancers were weekend with their daughter and among those there soninlaw Mr and Mrs Roy Mr and Mrs Clarence valdson visited In Elliott Lake Mrs Philips Church Street with their daughter Janet Mr visited In Hamilton over the first time the sun and tourist attractions In Los Angeles Pasadena and Las Vegas Bad and Mr Bob end weekend her daughter Mletalle daughter Mn Arnold Weaver re a lew daughter I- and family Mr and Mrs J Clark Hamilton visited with Mr and university student Pat Mrs Johnston during the of Kingston spent the past week with relatives at Acton and j Shes a daughter of Mr Mr and Mrs James Saycrs M Armflnd Braidfl daughters spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Ward Bruce I Guclph Mr and Mrs Edward Hawes Mr and Mrs James Gardner and family Wardsville visited with Mr and Mrs Fred Lemon and family on Christmas Day and Mrs Bralda Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs force wore Miss Kathleen Lewis of Toronto the from and the Rod Force family from Callander Hot weather and swimming were holiday pleasures for Mr Parties and dances abounded The Legion hall was also sold and Mrs Gary Lewis and on New Years Eve In town out with tickets limited to daughter Kerry who arrived although In police parlance the prevent too much crush A late thou evening was quiet There were was served to the no problems as far as they were merrymakers who were given concerned with Just one hats and nolsemakers complaint of a gun firing Police A crowd also spent the evening investigated but the shooting downstairs at the legion celebrant was not located ftt times at the Acton Kolf club tor the hot buffet which began Ihe evening there Here the bond was the which has its own following among Sandwiches were served later in the evening This dance was also sold out down to travel with them had a Hundreds had tickets to the wearying seven hour delay at dances which were almost all right out Admission Included meals hats and with decorated halls and full course meals Many were at house parties as well Mrs Anna Smith spent Christmas Day with son and brother Harold and Miss Jackie Lemon spent Carol find granddaughter Leslie Christmas week at Elliot Lake in Cons Robert who Is Mrs Anna Smith visited last with the OPP In Thunder Bay weekend with her sister Mrs was homo for a week at Gordon Mackay in Toronto who Christmas has been on the sick list but Is recovering nicely i anffamSolaKAlK Dr and Mrs Frank holidays with their were happy to have their entire it Mr mi Mm f Mac and Ian of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Robert Mr and Mrs William Scott Timothy and Julio of Quebec Dr and Mrs Bruce Huff Christopher and Eric of Ottawa were all home for the holiday week with Mr and Mrs Altken and Keith at Maplewood Farm Mr and Mrs Jim Miss Margaret Sinclair and Mr Wayne of and Miss Elva Joined with the family group several times during the week Mr and Mrs Barry McKcon I Joan Coles and family of Mount Michigan were back with relatives during the week The centre was filled for the dance there with a buffet late in the evenings fun The dance here Is always well organized by the bond and their assistants usual it was sold out of C dance The Chamber of Commerce organized a dance at golf and country club for the second time and termed it Vows in Preston of interest here Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Charles parents Mr and Mrs family Dome with them for Fletcher It Acton and Mr ChristmasGeorge and Eleanor and three children of Russell wdScottotNewmarkct Mr and Christopher Paul Frances and Russell Mr and Mrs Gordon Johnston and three children from spent Christmas with Mr and Grimsby Carolyn and Ernie Heather Lynn and James Parsons were married In King St Baptist church Preston on November Rev Tom officiated for the evening candlelight ceremony and the church was decorated with white Mrs Gordon Park mums tinted with pink Steven Kenneth and PattiOo of Mr and Mrs Dave Ms Ward Bruce of Hamilton Peggy and and sSnie of Guclph and Boxing Day at Dixie Paul and Ted of Mil- fc ajd Wisconsin surma Reception The reception was held in the church The brides wore dark purplo with cream trim and pink sweetheart rosea the grooms mother wore lime green with diver accessories yellow sweetheart rosea The couple took a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls the bride wearing for leaving a purple and white gardenia sailor arc Novel decorating gifts at postponed WI meeting Greenock Womens Institute held their Christmas meeting one day later due to stormy weather at the home of Mrs Gordon Johnston on Dec Mrs J McCulloch called the meeting to order and opened with the ode to Mary Stewart Collect The roll call was cards made by members which later were judged with Mra Go fen Leslies chosen as the best one Mrs C for the meditation had Christmas carols sung by the members Mrs A Gates read a Christmas story from Ideals magazine Novel decorations Mrs G Wallace displayed crocheted decorations to be used on Christmas trees and wreaths made from plastic Mrs E Lucille wins Lucille 2 Rock- wood was the lucky winner of ROD in the Acton Minor Baseball Associations monthly draw for December Seller of the ticket was Ludllcs Christmas contest Mrs J McCulloch showed slides of a trip she and her husband took to London England and Mediterranean last was an exchange of Christmas gifts and lunch was served by the conveners Mrs A Gates and Mrs McKeown Notes from Acton High By Janice Gibson Holidays are over and everyone is back at school It was hard getting up this morning after eleven days of sleeping in Everyone Is busy showing off their Christmas gifts In Just three weeks the first semester will be over Students will have new teachers see new faces and have new subjects Three days between semesters gives us a holiday and allows the teachers to get reorganized For some of us the next semester is going to be a hard one for others easier than the present one I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I hope this new year will be on eventful and happy one for you all The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mra Preston the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs J Parsons of Gait She Is a hairdresser and he Is the ore living in manager of the shoe department Guests at Krcsgcs Guests attended from Preston Carries rose Parish New The bride wore a highwalsted Mexico New York crepe gown with lace on the Hamilton Grimsby Awhitecrepe Toronto St Clair Shores band with iacc roses held her Michigan London Waterloo and threetiered veil and she carried 2n a cascade of white mums and There were two acts of bridal tea roses grandparents on brides side Maid of honor was her sister The brides aunt Mrs Carol McCutcheon and sister Chapman made the Barbara McCutcheon was wedding cake while the bride bridesmaid They wore long wine e her own gown and going- velvet jumpers with cream away outfit blouses and carried of wedding white mums and pinktinted showers for the carnations bridetobe were held by Judy The grooms brother Ches and by Ada Parsons Parsons was groomsman and the ushers were Howard Mc Cutcheon brother Wide and Peter Parsons nephew of the groom Cookie exchange The evening group of Trinity United Church enjoyed a Christmas pot luck dinner Dec 11 at the home of Mrs G After a short business meeting Mrs Ian McGWlvray conducted two contests which proved interesting Everyone joined in with singing of Christmas carols Art exchange of Christmas cookies took place Everyone reported that It was an enjoyable evening marvellous IostycartheC of had taken a block of tickets at Alton Meadows the year before they were at Heights enjoyed a roast beef dinner and about more people Joined them later for dancing to the president Roy Goodwin welcomed the Chamber members and their guests Organizers were very happy the of their dunce Curlera celebrate A full house of 132 enjoyed the New Years Eve dance at the considered one of the best dunces there yet A meal served to merrymakers about 1 m Dancing was to Kent Tocher and his organ Everyone enjoyed It so much Mr Tocher is already booked for next year and tickets spoken for The tlruw was made for color television with the name of Harry Johnston of announced winner Mel Jordan who works him hud sold him the ticket Mr Johnston was phoned but was out they phoned again from the lull about a m and got him Iwinc Mr Johnston discovered his celebrating hadnt ended after oil I cant believe It he told Mel Jordan so curling club president Ted Tyler got on the line to assure lilm it was true Tho TV set will be delivered later this In Several members of Acton joined close to J00 at the annual New Years Eve party of the It was held In St Joseph Parish Hall Guclph Its urea affair with some coming from far as Kitchener Hamilton and Stratford It was foggy but Remember were ilrlving sober Usual Sunday restrictions were lilted to permit celebration of New Eve However the two hotels in town did not open their rooms Sunday night GETTING MARRIED BOOK YOUR WIODINO IS William By Wendy Thomson Its December and this house Is In utter chaos Gord Is putting up walls Im fastening up cupboards Beth is scrubbing floors and men it hit me Today Is also a Friday and this column is due in on My present state of mind la not And so It happened a police was really In tho right gear for light Win to the man with four and breezy and I wasnt quite sure what to write about And when the poUce past then David came slightest to the rescue with one of his own not even a screen the eye effort sprang and ate the police It isnt what you could call And the man with the four light and breezy its secret eyes say it he more like story written the took the eye and It how morning after but like It to THE TALKING EYE By David Thornton with Ihe four secret eyes became good friends And the eye always to get food would hide behind the bush Once noon a tlmo there was a And If somebody went by he man with our secret One would yell out Run Or Ill eat you pair was from a cat and tho other if they didnt run he would pair were from a dog One night a eat them huge very huge bat And the bat dropped big secret eye And the eye was alive and when Mothers note And that tale is It liimtal It hill It mm Im hungry it said in voice If thing passes I will cat very 1c I will television Im curious to see what effect a months watching will have on this imagination FOR SALE ADJUSTABLE WOODEN SHELVING Available in continuous lengths in foot sections approximately loot high Base to top Mahogany stain finish in excellent condition Can be dismantled completely or taken out in sections Presently in use aa store shelves Suitable for recreation room storage or basement book or product storage Make us an offer for what you can use Hintons 5 to Store Reception On New Years Day a reception was held at the curling dub and about came to chat relax and sip egg nog It was an innovation perhaps inspired by the levee Last babies Last obstetrical services were provided last week at St Josephs hospital in Guelph and the last babies were born there Christinas Day The obstetrical services are all provided at General Hospital now The switch as the wcciv3 A OclubdrawwcreHBarensJ aedmernajorworkofeachof P Jordan major hospitals and T Manes GRAY COACH LINES Winter Time Table Effective January 7th Regular Service Unchanged COMPLETE DAILY SERVICE TO TORONTO 400 club Lucky winners in last weeks Caroline Flower Garden Centre Cm Flowers Polled Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc Always a good supply of FRESH CUT FLOWERS WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Centre LMdlns Florin Two West of Acton South Side of Highway Phone SSM9B0 Sun Sat Sal Sun am pm 445 pm pm pm Via Yorkdale Centre FOR HOLIDAY SERVICE SEE TIME HO FOR SERVICE TO KITCHENERSTRATFORD OWEN SOUND Ask for Time Table No TORONTO AIRPORT EXPRESS SERVICE RUNS FROM ISLINGTON SUBWAY STATION SHIP BUS PARCEL EXPRESS FAST ECONOMICAL- RELIABLE Tickets and Information at Adams Bus Papal Mill stmt Mr mm TlthoM ttium Remember the old way of borrowing when you had to have it to get it At Toronto Dominion that kind of thinking has gone by the boards Coshflow way to borrow puts the emphasis where it belongs On the money you cam Heres how it works You figure out ihe money youll have coming in over the period of a year And how much you plan to spend during this period The difference between your income and your outgo is a guide to the amount you can comfortably repay when you borrow And lhats really about all we need to know for a Cashflow Loan So if theres something been thinking about that requires more money than you have al the moment talk io Manager Hell help you work a Cashflow Loan Thais Toronto Dominions new way to borrow If it helps you live ihe way you want to live we think it makes good sense Toronto Dominion Mr Manager 28 Mill Street Willow St Acton Ont Cashflow The modern way to borrow

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