Tho Acton Ftco Wednesday January 1973 Eramosa council raises all wages A marathon two day Inaugural session of I township council wound up Tuesday evening of last week Council begun the meeting Monday mornint continued through the and resumed Tuesday morning breaking only for lunch Most of session was to discussing details of proposed road needs study with and Jackson and Dan Culpa of tho Department Communications and Trans portation It was revealed the Government ministry will pay per cent of the costs of the study which will likely Involve traffic counts in May and September Average cost of the study will be per mile on approximate 100 mile road system Councillors voted themselves a Hull acrosstheboard Increase which was opposed by new councillor Betty I Clark lit ration for the reeve was r Used to per year the deputy reeve will receive councillors will receive ei eh It was settled council would have minimum or W meetings per ye and further meetings would mcun for each member of Councillors will be locked for missing meeting unless on council business raise of the clerk d superintendent were raised by them up to respectively with an additional for Office employees also Lived a raise with the secretary to receive per hour and casual office help The building inspector will receive per hour and the dog controller HI Hourly ruled employees also were voted a raise with the grader operators to receive 25 hour and eniduatlnn scale for winter employees ranged a of per hour to for casual lubor I mployccs covered by fringe also gained with the township to iy two thirds of the premiums up from Takeover road Council the road superintendent to place a at the end of St in Hock wood lownshin is taking over the continuation of the street unopened road allowance Ktlly and Bob Shaw were two new appointees to the recreation committee while Smith was Councillors Adsctt Clark will be council representatives on the eominlttce were also reviewed appointing ikecpers fence viewers and valuators It was the Ontario Municipal Hoard would arbitrate a ecement over the Fourth line which originated from the new roud circumventing thi conservation park All councillors attended the two of sessions with the reeve I presiding NOON HOUR SKA TING the Rockwood outdoor rink shows centennial school students taking time it the posts to their energy Holding ore Jeff McNabb Gregory Brain and Satan Billon a friendly fellow students look on Photo by Lorraine Hews and views Mark day Wednesday January 3 as the first time In when all Ontario mothers synchronized their efforts tuned for one precise reason to one particular hour that of trundling their offspring off to school to reach their 9 destination Did sadness reign in every household that we could turn back the clock and relive the Intervening days between December and January 3 with all Its excitement all its noise and all Its pandemonium Not so most mothers know and all the world docs not wonder Its approximately ten later now Another Christmas with all Its love mixed with moments of terrible nostalgia and poignancy has faded out Its a wonderful tune and a sad time because no matter how we live it or how it is house Christmas is a wrap up time not just of exciting packages but of past encounters past dreams and post great Intentions Every carol and ever strain of White Christmas a recall to most ever one but the very of other Chnstmoses around other in other homes all filled with the same passion of Christ mas spirit and the same flood of love for brotherhood family and fellow man New Yean And then comes New Years Like refreshing face wash to give us another new start with cleaned up countenances and brand new altitudes for IHing It easy to make new resolutions for January 1 because old ones are so Seedy and threadbare Its a great time to decide to change our attitudes because our last years efforts have given us something to compete with But again its approximately ten days later now Strong decisions are not as important Smokers who broke the habit are taking the odd cigarette again and dieters have already dipped into the Ice cream and fried chicken treats Gossipers also arc back on the rounds and once ayiui our beautiful white world is taking on the of old wash Think new ear Maybe what should happen here is a by pro of New Year day be ginnings a monthly celebration would be too much for most of us But if we could just think new year and fresh start very eight weeks maybe we really could break down our bad habit routines but maybe that could prove that we re too weak to change and the next attitude then would be why try at all Well okay Let forget about the bymonthly rejuvenation trip As long as we re seeing ourselves for we are and at least attempting to accomplish thini constructive even once a year that isn too bad At least It proves that we re alive and kick and what so about that Maybe we re not doing so well on our resolutions but do know what We still have Mime J50 left to shine them up j little and think how mueh we can improve ourselves Correction Percy Woods has written to point out an error in the Years Ago column on Jan The Item which refers to St John church Brookville should have read St John s church Brock Mr Woods spotted the name of the minister of the church as wrong Datsun is Canadian National Rally Champion SEE THE COMPLETE LINE AT NORTH END DATSUN Steeles Ave Daily am Sunday PRODUCT OF NISSAN CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Guelph 0401 Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Lampi Door Chimes Swag Lamps Vin ty Cab nets Elotlr Heal Baseboard and Portable Central Vacuum Cleaning Systems W r Fixture Part etc Vent lal on Hoods Fans etc 1 FREE PARKING ThunlFri Tllpm an I Unemployment Insurance Canada Canada Applicants for Unemployment Insurance in the Acton and Georgetown areas requiring assistance regarding Unemployment Insurance Benefits should contact the Unemployment Insurance Office at Wyndham Street North Guelph Telephone No 823- or the Georgetown Office which is open on Wednesday only of each week from to located in the Georgetown Recreation Centre Main Street North CW KELLY presents PIANOS Hum arte rial feature etter it til- eeaabiaa- f taper ameae mute ealae A rtttslbf far cut plat Selected bear vita ateeUel curved fcr richer lam 13 1 Mbla roaltd THE MUSIC ROOM or or la far iff rIM lee Mr far aaeatratte W Yu Abe ire ar ilrcUa To KELLYS WINDHAM AND Serving and area tor etif