Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1973, p. 4

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Eden Mills sets the pace The ambitious project residents of Eden Mills have labelled Project OverHall Is Indicative of the community spirit which thrives in the small hamlet which clusters around the Eramosa River The cooperative village project to renovate the community centre with the aid of a Local Initiative Grant puts many larger centres to shame It Is a good example of the power of cooperation and enthusiasm which is generated when a few people put their heads together with high minded objectives in view Unfortunately this type of spirit is ACTONS ACTON MEADOW is fill- the High School are at the extreme left while the tracks and in the gap between Warren Grove and the remainder of Wallace street are at right J Jennings town in this recent photo of the area M Bennett School and Indusmin proposals need scrutiny We would hope both local and provincial government officials view new proposals to establish a huge sanitary waste disposal site in the acre quarry near Acton with caution Although the company has worked out what appears to be a program which would suit and reduce odors by shredding compacting and baling the Toronto garbage there arc still questions which have not been answered in full proposes to restore the huge pit with bales of the dried refuse from which materials such as card board newspapers tires glass and metal have been extracted It is proposed to recycle paper products Otbe materiab would be sold to the Toronto area We are led to believe this would mean no increase in truck traffic since only those trucks returning to the quarry would be carrying the dried garbage and the economics of the package include this provision Minister of the Environment James has stated the ac companying Anglo Recycling proposal a a step in the right direction of a full notation to the waste problem The comp hopes to begin construction of recycling and have it in before end of the year proposal to Esquesing that to date stows the dried and shredded arc and inert makes the proposal more Not only wild TqpucAo bare a place to get rid of one Vx 4m dried garbage each year but the Indusmin operation would eventually the quarry restoring the land to original contours However we do have reservations about the proposal We dont like the idea of this area becoming a big Metro Toronto dump If the dried refuse is innocuous and inert as the companies allege then Metro Toronto could likely find many uses for the refuse inside its own borders rather than shipping it out to the surrounding country Will the dried bales create a pollution of the water table if they get wet Evidence presented at the Rock- wood OMB hearing on sewers and water showed limestone rock has fissures which can carry contaminated water nearby streams In a manner which defies analysis Downhill from the quarry Is the Black Creek a tributary of the Credit River a of the Departmental ef forts to clean up Ontario waterways Would the pit encourage the growth of verminrats and other rodents which inhabit dumps Would the land designation as a dump site encourage further dumping operations These arc a few of the questions which should be answered In full before any decision is made about the suitability of the quarry as a site for refuse It is interesting to note Pollution Probe the body that rides herd on many of the environmental issues of the province has endorsed the recycling plant proposals and using dried bales for landfill Hut the University of Toronto organization has also suggested more of the waste could sMrsrss As many a tag has remarked man a carton animal He Is tbt only species that will kill others of his own type in either hot or add blood And he is tbe only animal inchding hog that will cat anything and drink practically anything Carnivores est meat Herbivores eat herbs A few species like to vary the diet with tome nice ripe carrion But man will eat anything that grows walks swum or Dies Including himself II hes hungry Thus we have a proliferation of such as seal Uppers cods tongue canned make fried grasshoppers frogs legs bees and in chocolate What other species could stomach birds nest soup or yearold eggs Not to mention haggis Prince Hamlet said What a piece of work man now Infinite in faculties In form and moving how express and ad mirable In action how like an angel In the beauty of the paragon of animals What piece of work Indeed Man will eat anything from guts to nub For many mans nothing than tried staffed heart kidney pie almost unbelievable tripe that to from lining of a cows Its not hard to figure out where the expression Thats a lot of tripe came from are a categories In the guts department At the other end of the scale among Ihe are such things as hickory haul cheat wo pen and sweetbreads No goat would eat and drink some of the things the paragon of animals stuffs Into his quivering reluctant stomach Dill pickles kippered herring Juice of fermented grapes and cheese crawling with maggots No wonder we smell peculiar toother animals Ever noticed how dogs and cat mill us and walk sway with a disgusted look How cavalierly we treat those long- suffering stomachs of which we are Issued only one for the duration Breakfast What a way to start a day A glass of ley orange Juice followed by scalding coffee Then some cereal the rougher the better Then a few slices off a bum accompanied by a couple of hens children Toss In a couple of vitamin pub with what poisons In them and were ready to face the world No wonder the world looks pretty grim When 1 was In prison camp there were rats about The Germans kept quite few cats around to control the rat population One day the camp commander who had a sense of humor posted a notice in each bar racks Anybody caught eating longtailed rabbits will be severely punished Yep The boys were eating the cats Tbe French have butcher shops Some Asians consider theres nothing sweeter than boiled baked or fried dog Some Arabian tribes cook a whole sheep the moat succulent part of the is sucking out lltu eyes An Eastern version of oysters on the half shell would never touch things We confine ourselves to such rents as shepherds pie consisting of used up shepherds toe nulla and all At leust they seem like toe nulls when you crunch down on one This may all seem Irrelevant to Ihe great of the day and It Is Hut Its a lot deeper than It seems at first glance I began thinking of man as guts when somebody told me a chap had spent 32 days or something In a cabin up north and had survived by eating mice It was an Intrigu ing thought Cant you see him sitting there drooling as he turned a mouse on a spur Can you understand him deciding to nave a cold lunch of haunch of mouse with a salad of pine needles and cedar buds served on birch bark Can you see htm munching a mouse drumstick for a bedtime snack Or worrying like any perplexed house wife about whether to have a rump roast of mouse or a standing rib roast or not sliced mouse tongue And deciding the hell with it he was going to splurge tonight and have filet of mouse It boggles the mind restricted to only a few areas as reeve Warren Parkinson pointed out at a recent council meeting Council discussing another part of the township with a view to establishing a community centre such as Eden Mills has now reviewed the case One councillor felt the matter should be handled just as the Eden Mills matter had been But the reeve pointed out that it was the tremendous spirit in Eden Mills that had generated and kept alive projects such as the enlargement and renovation of the community centre No such spirit was evident in the area discussed We commend Eden Mills villagers for their drive and initiative in their community centre They have planned the building so it would correspond to their wishes preserving the essential character of the building at same time We hope some of their enthusiasm rubs off on similar efforts in Acton and where community centres are being discussed and campaigns will soon be leaving the launching pad to raise the necessary funds As of now Eden Mills is setting the pace The Acton Free Press Wednesday February Weve lost Mr Kerrs ear be put to more productive use such as compost declaring they do not regard landfill as an acceptable longterm method of handling garbage Pollution Probe has recommended 1 That details of cost and feasibility must be available for public scrutiny and policy decisions cannot be the Derogative of civil servants 2 Full information on the proposal to establish landfill sites outside Toronto must be available to the general public in the areas being considered something both companies involved have made to do Probe says people have good reason to be suspicious of big cities and big companies and full consultation with them is essential We give Ml marks to and AngloRecycling for their efforts at- Informing the public their intentions They have researched the project thoroughly Indusmin maintains the operations would be both clean and odorless and have agreed to work with various government agencies to monitor the environment both before starting the fill program and continuing thereafter We ask any more lhan that although we would prefer to sec an independent body fully conversant with environmental concerns doing the monitoring Certainly the company deserves a full and Impartial hearing from the public about their proposals We still feel very strongly that public opinion in his area should play a large part in the decision of whether they do or dont dump Toronto refuse here We were very Interested in the opinions of the Hon George Kerr on regional government as expressed to a meeting of the Upper Burlington Citizens Forum last week Mr Ken- came out strongly for Milton as a central Milton borough which will mean Milton will now have the opportunity to grow and become a main cog in the county Asked if there was antagonism against a proposed central Halton unit centred by Milton Mr Kerr is reported to have said there has been a bit of a rumble but indicated that opponents of a Miltoncentred borough wouldnt get too far I can see the reason for it he said Milton Is the shire town of the county there is a large population there and it seems to be growing It is worthy of note that Mr Kerr is the Member of the Provincial Parliament for West which includes Acton and Milton is not in his riding Obviously he feels the interests of Milton are of more importance than that of his constituents to the north where there is some genuine concern about the Implications of a fourth borough and the makeup of the North unit Mr Kerr is also reported to have said The latest information I have is that the county council is generally receptive to the fourth borough Wi were not just sure where Mr Kerr is getting his information but it certainly runs counter to any this newspaper has received Curious we checked with Tom Hill reeve of generally acknowledged as one of those opposed to the four borough scheme Mr Hill made it plain there is no change in thinking in the north Ask George Kerr how he knows what county council is doing said Hill If we had accepted it why in the world would we be meeting with A K on Tuesday night The reeve said only four of the county council members supported a fourth Halton borough We wonder if Mr Kerr is whistling past a graveyard with his remarks He cant he serious when he says there is only token opposition to a fourth borough but he certainly made it plain that the Government wasnt going to entertain any other suggestions constructive or otherwise in spite of what Mr said about Queens Park listening ability If Mr Kerr had not given the whole of such strong representation in the past we would not have been disturbed by his remarks but it is becoming increasingly apparent that parts of North are an embarrassment to him or have become meaningless when stacked against a high Burlington vote Perhaps arduous duties as a cabinet minister and infrequent appearances in the north have both contributed since it is apparent we have lost Mr Kerrs ear OUR READERS WRITE Could Hill write his obituary Ihe days a total loss to me When cant find a smile A little grin above my chin Makes inches out miles This road of life so full of strife Sometimes has me beat Hut in my stride the funny slue Keeps blisters from my feet In my Free Press news Bui Smiley s views me quite a chuckle With his woes as he dally goes ye Human But from his skit I pick some wit With his One plus Two to carry If 1 should die could 1 hire this guy l wite my obituary To Bill Most sincerely Victor Smith Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Taken from the issue the Free Press of Thursday February IB No action was taken to continue rent controls in Acton according to a resolution Missed by one vote at council meeting The fallowed lengthy discussion The school auditorium was filled for tbe performance of Tom Sawyer Tom by Jun Wahlman and luck Finn was Hurst Frank Elliott was In charge of the operetta assisted by Jean board chairman Tom Watson was muster ceremonies Aunt Polly was Dolores Becky Thatcher Pat roles Injun Joe Itobert Joe Harper Peter Widow Douglas Helen landsborough Amy Teresa Sydney John Muaselle Mary 1aurie Ritchie with Itobert George Fountain Prank Mascn Warren Wagner Martin Murks iynda Mann Bob Parker Billy Flutter Johnny Miller Don FHaJany recited an Introduction Then a cast of over 100 lung- tune dream of a Womens Institute Ijinehouse library was reallied this week when the first book was Issued to Mrs A J a life member of the Institute by Mrs W Mitchell librarian and also a life member There are books In the Community Hall cupboards An official opening was held Friday night The second annual Mother and Daughter banquet sponsored by the ladles Auxiliary was attended by about 130 guests Mrs Joe Hurst president welcomed everyone Miss Elizabeth proposed a toast to the mothers and Mrs Fred Hunter replied Mrs John Davidson accompanied by Mrs Ralph Price led a sing song Sheila Paul gave violin selection and Peggy and Frances sang duets Guest speaker was Miss Schwalbc of the Y 50 years ago Taken from Issue of the Free Press WO Mr Neil McDonald chairman of the Board of Education brought before council the necessity for more room at the school He pointed out the primary room is already overcrowded and about more pupils are expected at Easter The school board was grunted the use of the council chamber from April 1 to June JO Fire chief McDonald requested another man or two be instructed in he operation of the fire pumps as present only two men Mr Held Mr Wilson are capable of running these pumps The average salary paid to teachers in Acton is higher lhan Burlington Oak- villc Milton Monday morning Russells delivery horse took a run down Mill St that was slightly over the speed limit The sleigh collided with a hydro pole and remained the corner of Mill aiiJ Elgin the horse with the front bob shafts ran through the park was finally stopped the Toronto Suburban station The groceries were badly spilled Frances Nickawa a free Indian maiden will at Knox church tomorrow night THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office couldnt we base earlier closing of Mores on Saturday nights Saturday was shoe factory day at the rink of Brampton and the of the toe factory of the Co played In the evening the for son Shoe company hired a car on the suburban railway to play the local team Stars were easily and Gib bons tin Corson players said Acton is one ihe liveliest towns they have struck years ago Taken from of tbe Free of Thursday February ISM first acetylene gas machine to be in Acton is now Illuminating the office The two small burners In use light up trie past office with much sutiifm tiun Ilk hi has greater radiating Sower than other light now In use Mr lighting his residence and public bull us well wilb this popular new the promenade concert given by the Club in the town hall on Monday an event both enjoyable and successful The committee took special pains to render the hall attractive Flags and bunting were freely used and dainty tureens piano lamps other features gave the place a decidedly cost aspect Acton Cornet Band and the Jubilee Orchestra rendered numer ous selections for promenading Several budding artists also made their debut very creditably Messrs Fred Storey Fred Robs and P Gibbons and Miss Jessie also took part The piano used was kindly the club by Mr C Kelly free of charge It will remain in the hall until the series of entertainment planned are concluded The treasury Ear a piano for the town hall Is not at one hundred dollars The club is quite encouraged and intend to continue their efforts until they reach a sufficient sum Uncle Toms Cabin appear at the town hall Saturday evening There is Impetus to Improve be mall service between Great Britain and colonies The world Is startled by a Break outbreak of Bulgarian atrocities The unspeakable Turk has been at it again

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