Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1973, p. 4

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Bill Smiley We all have to stand up and be counted sometime even though we manage to duck sounds People who express their honest opinions are not always popular but I never aimed for that so here goes My opinions on some of tbe burning Issues of the day Open winters Im in favour of them Weve had a beauty this winter with only a few cold snaps only a few feet of snow a peachy January thaw and lots of sun Id like to say my heart goes out to the skiers and but it would be a lie I dont care if their snowmobiles sit In the back yard and rust or if their skis warp Into pretzels I have normally moved about 12 feet of snow from one place to another by this time of winter This year Ive moved only about three feet and 111 settle for that Mens clothing Modern trends nauseate me Theres nothfng In the stores but yellow and purple shirts hideous ties that would go with nothing except a eyes and checkered pants with a flared bottom What ever happened to the white shirt the modest tie and the wellcut gray flannels Most of all I hate those great fat ties Theyre about four Inches wide and made of stuff as thick as a greatcoat Trying to tie one in an elegant knot is about as easy as trying to lace your shoes with halfinch rope Nieces ami nephews Im all for them We had some of ours for the weekend and it was a delight to see their minds and talents developing Jennie and Sue played a ripping flute duct as well as their piano pieces little Steven spent the weekend chasing our cat who was Just as anxious to avoid his caresses as he was to give them Finally in perplexity he said Hey Uncle Bill do you know what kind of cat this is I muttered something vague Shes a he stated triumphantly Toilets and tires It never falls but they do nearly always when youre expecting guests and need both Saturday morning armed with huge shopping list went out and found a flat tire The raised his eyes when be had to clamber over two loaded golf carts to get at my spare In February Sunday morning with seven people on deck the toilet blocked No available Now that weve dealt with major issues lets take a look at the minor ones A great deal of ink and hot air is being squandered these days on two of them the Montreal Olympics and capital punishment Im against both First the Olympics Isnt it rather significant that the last two Olympics have been held in the countries with the most booming economies in the world Japan and Germany Maybe they could afford them Canada in my opinion cannot Our population is too small and our national debt too big to take on an international extravaganza noted chiefly for its and backbiting Not to mention murder in Mexico and Munich Who needs the Olympics anyway Its a great spectacle but so were the Roman games with their chariot races throwing lions to the Christians and such thrilling events Canada needs the Olympics about as much as it needs another set of Rockies And theyd cost about tbe same and be of as much use The chief difference is that the Rockies remain and we can look at them The Olympics will be here today gone tomorrow with nothing to show for It but a big fat bill We had our day with Expo We showed the world that we could put on a really big show And were still paying Interest on the money Mayor diddled out of the federal government that one You dont see Britain or France or even tbe US scrambling to get the summer games They cant afford em Nor can we Prime Minister Trudeau has said that Montreal will not get more than a token support from Federal government That is so much youknowwhat There are ways and means and the wuy M knows an of them and some havent been tbtaik up yet And tbe whole concept of amateurism is an International laugh what with totalitarian countries employing their best athletes in the armed forces where they can train all year round Its probably too late to stop the Juggernaut but Its not too late to throw some sand In the wheels If tbe citizens of greater Montreal were told that they personally had to foot the tails for tbe games M would probably wind up at the bottom of the St Lawrence River with all the other sewage dumped in it Oh yep Im against capital punishment too but Ive run out of space Maybe next It was Meen business When AJC Meen did not show up for a scheduled meeting with councils of North Halton last week It was supposedly because he was tied up with more pressing business Pressing business It may have been but to many councillors from the four municipalities In North it was a snub suggesting the counter proposals they had for tbe Government werent worthwhile listening to Acton council had postponed a regular meeting so all could attend and several of the other representatives had better things to do than listen to the coterie of civil servants sent In place of Mr Meen no matter how well There probably were of Information councillors could have picked up from the civil servants but hey were not in the mood to participate in preliminaries They wanted the main event a showdown the Government seems anxious to avoid The Governments proposals for a regional government in Halton have not been acceptable to most North representatives principally because they feel Queens Park has created an artificial fourth borough and justified It with only vague comments about community of Interest which could apply to any of the four municipalities in the north The annoying thing about It was that itwas done against the express wishes of the rest of the county which opted far a three borough Halton Some county councillors will settle for the fourth borough of course provided boundaries are adjusted to correspond more to the original outlines of the county system Although some of those who defend the Governments proposals seem to think boundaries are not really that important they negate their reasoning by defending the boundaries the Government has proposed We think the boundaries proposed for the North Halton borough are unrealistic as well as being unwieldy as the Georgetown Herald has observed Where we ask those staunch defenders of the proposal is tbe community of interest so fondly referred to in a MUtorhcentred borough between a resident of and Georgetown We also question the wisdom of operating one municipality with two sizeable communities eight miles apart It would make more sense to have five rather than four municipalities In if the Government wont settle for three The Acton Free Press Wedneiday February Why not fifth borough A five unit Hal ton has been proposed before of course but we wonder If the Government has given any thought to creation of a community of interest taking in tbe northern half of and Nassagaweya Acton and the townships of Erin and or part of them Although there are areas which might tie in better with Guelph or Orangeville we feel a strong urban- rural community could be created using the area as far north as Highway which would not create any special problems if government grants were equalized to compensate for of population as has been suggested by Queens Park the more sparse the area the greater the grant Originally we believed the government was serious about the number of municipalities which hey would have to deal with In a regional TOWS AT the Glen Eden ski area near Milton were operating in high gear on the weekend as skiers took advantage of sunny skiesandexcellentsnowconditlons Glbbonsphoto OUR READERS WRITE Wellington in limbo Suggests solution looking for problem Acton and surrounding areas enjoying this tranquil spot With the growth of Acton accelerating almost daily we are going to need every square foot of parkland we can retain and I believe that most people prefer natural trees and water without artificial of nostalgia such as railroad stations which only tend to turn parkland into Disneyland- Destructive criticism is all too easy to provide My constructive suggestion is for the Lions Club to put their hard earned money to furthering the extent of our parks maybe extending the pork further around Fairy Lake and not plugging up our existing public land with unwanted architecture Dear Sir While acknowledging the fact that Acton Lions Club has the Interests of the town at heart in their latest endeavor relocating Acton station in the park I cant help thinking they have a solution looking for a problem Too often wellmeaning misguided groups are all to keen to improve conservation areas and parks Take for example the Conservation Area where we have a conglomeration of artificial ad ditions including a massive ruining a natural and picturesque beauty spot giving it a kind of honkytonk type of atmosphere The bay adjacent to subdivision must surely be one of the prettiest spots within at least a hundred miles of Acton especially now that the lakeshore has been seeded I have seen people from all over Wellington County including Guelph appears to be in limbo for the present as far as regional government is concerned A large part of the land to the west Is already in the new KitchenerWaterloo complex and the announcement last month of the schemes looks after our eastern boundary Will this county be its own little region Will Guelph be snatched by Waterloo and the rest of the county be either left or joined to territory to the north If the powers at Toronto know they are not telling In the meantime of course our tax money is part of the stream being poured Into the regions to sweeten the change for the taxpayers of the new regions Date set for complete regionalization is said to be There doesnt seem to be a great deal that communities can do to stop or direct the steamroller but it will be educational to see how In Waterloo for instance the new municipalities cope with the differences between town village and rural standards of service setup but It is obvious from their Halton plan they are concerned as they would have us believe In any event a fifth borough could eliminate some of the inequities of the proposed North Halton boundaries principally the dominance from Georgetown and its immediate area where well over half the population of the borough would originate unless some provision is made for more rapid urban growth in Acton The northern part of also will have some of the same problems that the Centre Wellington municipalities will face later FergusEIora News Express It wont be any easier buying your 1973 licence plates during the last few days of February so you might as well get them now before the big rush is on Feb 28 is the deadline and local issuers report the number sold to date this year is away behind last year at this time VSMorris 113 Elizabeth Drive Acton Back Issues of The Free Press Will water be filtered through garbage We as residents of township are very concerned with the dumping of Toronto garbage in the Indusmin quarry They have stated that this recycled garbage or fill as they call it is pollution free If this is the case why cant they dispose of it in Toronto Why must they dump it here and leave us to cope with the pollution factors If it is pollutionfree then why may we ask does the quarry have to drill wells in order to check the pollution After they have dumped millions or tons of garbage here and then they find out it isnt pollutiontree what will be done then In some countries In Europe this recycled garbage Is used for manure on the land Is manure pollution free A few years ago Indusmin came up with a recreational centre with a 30 acre lako and golf course etc Why Because they were concerned for the public They came up with this Idea when they wanted to remove part of the and Third Line so they could quarry through and not have to worry about traffic Do you suppose they are eager to get tbe garbage here from Toronto to help tbe Government Indirectly so the Government will allow them to their land for parrying If this la the case we plead to Provincial Government to their land without polluting our water We would much rather have Why Because we need more water than garbage This area rises up because we are part of the Niagara Escarpment We have rocky ground with a watercourse underneath What happens when it rains The runoff of the recycled garbage will not soak into the soil but it will run off Into small streams polluting our water It will run Into the cracked rocks caused by the dynamite ex at the quarry and pollute the underground streams This in turn eventually pollute our wells for miles around The people who want this garbage dumped here have no real concern for us They dont care how this garbage will affect us because these people Just sit back and rake up the profits they dont live here They have to watch our beautiful heap of garbage grow and grow They say they want to do us favors Tbe only time they do favors is when it to them So people of township and whoever else in this area might be affected what are you going to do Are you Just going to sit back and let this happen Want to do something about It If so come to the public meeting at ball Wednesday February at pjn Please be there since this concerns us all Celebrate anniversary on centennial Acton Centennial I came to live In Acton In April 1B00 a girl of eight years lived there until I married in 1914 when I went to live in Nassagaweya Tbe last 25 years have been spent in Guelph I have always thought of Acton as my home town My grandfather Rev Cook was the minister of the Baptist Church there He passed away Just before tbe little brick church was opened Not a very large contribution but hope it will help some and be memories prompting tbe little gift are very dear to me The names I have sent are my husband myself and those of our two children Best wishes for a successful campaign financially also successful In many other ways to all citizens If my husband and I are spared we will have our diamond wedding ann in April of tbe same year Acton is celebrating its Centennial Best wishes to ail who are working for this project Eva McGlaugblin nee Cook Bagot Street Guelph years ago Taken from tbe bane of Free Press of Thursday February 1H1 Demolition of trees leaves Cameron Ave with a blitzed appearance Town work men cut down the trees thought to be dangerous The location In the park for the junior swimming pool has been staked out Acton European Hood relief total is now and rising Dr A J Buchanan was named chairman to be in charge of a committee for planning how Acton will mark the Coronation in the spring Lome was chairman for the meeting and Mrs Angell secretary Two services were held in Acton churches to mark the World Day of Prayer About attended tbe service in St Albans church when those taking part were Mrs Ralph Price Mrs A J Buchanan Mrs Vic Mrs B Veldhuis and Miss Dorothy Simmons as well repr of churches In evening the Daughters of Knox held a service In tbe Presbyterian church when tbe Brownies and Guides attended in uniform Dorothy Ruth Smith Peggy and Frances Oakes took part and Miss Bennett gave tbe Interviews over the radio were a highlight of annual dance of Baxter last Friday at the Brant but Mr and Mrs Newton Hurst Miss Jackie and Meb Blow were Interviewed by the master of ceremonies About attended Value of building permits issued In Acton during 1362 reached an high of Boosting the high total were tbe additions to Micro Plastics and the rebuilt A P Green plant There were new telephones added town last year 50 years ago from tie the Free Press OB Whenever Dr Fanner Is away on frequent sojourns be Is ever mindful of his friends at home This week we are favored with one of his characteristic letters this time from Florida What an enigma and contradiction Is Florida A seemingly stretch of stunted pine of cypress swamp and snow white sand of scattered wretched looking negro huts of impassable roads halfstarved halfsized domestic animals and barren unproductive soil Tbe traveller In the Pullman passes disgustedly through However at our journeys end we find one of the neatest most ordered winter tourist cities In tbe world St Petersburg We meet many friends from Canada here among them Prof of Agricultural College Everyone Is talking of a project to a bridge between here and Tampa which will reduce the distance from miles to Miss Mary has been hired to fill the vacancy Mr Fanners office caused by resignation of Miss Ethel Starkman who has taken a position in Toronto Mr William Johnstone undertaker has had some trying experiences during the past week He was stalled with his team for several hours in getting a casket to a home where death had In the evening be had a call to limebouse and walked down the track During the trip he THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and EditorlalOffice had his face badly frozen Oakville Board of Education finds many teachers have been leaving On interrogation that say they find Oakville too monotonous and lonesome a town In which to stay In other towns they say the school teachers with their natural refinement and education were tbe most sought after and entertained persons In the community years ago Takes from the fawwtt Free Press of Tbareday IMS Friday and Saturday will see the climax of political campaign In Acton John Barber tbe liberal candidate will address tbe electors in tbe town hall tomorrow night and Col Kernson Saturday night The Court of Registration of suffrage was held before the judge Tbe enrollment is believed to be about equally divided politically For past month Mr W Storey Reeve has been confined to his residence through illness induced by Internal growth which has recently developed After consultation with a number of of eminent standing it was decided that a surgical operation would jpoasfbty give relief This course was followed ana an operation was performed yesterday morning Evidence of an affection of serious character was found but It is hoped that no unfavorable developments will follow The entire community unites in the hops that tbe most sanguine expectatkns will be realised and be will be toredto at least of bis heretofore robust A wellknown fast torn same given was arrested For the past of months he has been a tobacco business in Mrs Starts Hock Stock supplied by Geo Adams roar made Hamilton Mr Adams to save htm being seat down for settled with the young ma About a year ago the man was sent to Central for six months for Mr Dickensons bicycle The yelling on tha streets by to the ball in tows ball Sstardty morning gives mem the flfbsaM hoodlu to the aba were disturbed by

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