Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1973, p. 27

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The Acton Free Wednesday February 1973 Acton Highs happenings of Aims and objectives 19721973 GENERAL AIM To use all available physical and human resources in order to establish a smoothly running semestered school for the benefit of the students community and staff To establish in collaboration with the principals of the feeder schools an program with the feeder schools in Acton To have all departments of the major disciplines in the school meet at least twice a year with their elementary school colleagues We hope to avoid duplication of curriculum and develop a feeling of mutual trust between both panels To continue to look critically at our course curriculum Content needs to be examined for educational validity and relevance n AIMS AND OBJECTIVES FOR ACTON HIGH SCHOOL 197273 The Aims and Objectives developed by the staff are 1 To ensure that every student masters basic reading writing and math skills To attempt to teach students how to learn and how to use spare time end to provide them with an environment where they can learn 3 a To develop in students an attitude of enquiry To develop in students pride and respect in them selves in the school and in learning HI IMPLEMENTATION 1 Toensurethateverystudentmostersbasicreading writing and math skills a Discover as precisely as possible at exactly what level students are performing in these skills areas when they at Acton High School A program for developmental reading In year 1 Is already in existence This will have to be expanded into the senior years if this aim is to be accomplished A program will be introduced by the Mathematics department aimed at developing students who are competent in basic computational skills d In reading writing and mathematics all departments will be involved Workshops in collaboration with Mr Peter will be held to teach teachers how to improve students reading in their particular subjects We recognize that reading in the social sciences the natural sciences etc Is to some extent a separate skill from reading let us say In English Courses in each discipline might begin with a section intended to develop the particular reading skills needed to successfully tackle the course 2 To teach students how to and how to use spare time and to provide them with an environment where they can learn Again psychology has lessons to teach as to the most efficient ways of learning We must make as much use as we can of these a The first step we will have to take in the implementation of this aim is to research the latest findings In learning patterns and on what school environment will best promote student learning The Guidance Department is planning group work In learning aimed at assisting students who are deficient in learning skills c The Adoption Plan once it is fully operating will enable teachers to work closely with individual students The development of programmed units of instruction will perhaps assist us to give some structure to the work periods of those students who at present find they are not able to cope with the freedom of an unsupervised study period JWta Assistance plan Again this year the Student Assistance Program was out In full force This program Is organized under the supervision of Mr Keith Black and Mr Harold Swallow Mr Black supervises the program outside the high school and Mr Swallow is concerned with the program Inside the high school Each semester any student who has a spare period and wishes to help others can Join this program The schools which can use assistants indicate the that are available at what grade level and the time of day The student then chooses the Job he or she feels would best suit them At the schools there are many different things the students can At the Sunshine School the students help the children with crafts and games and on Friday they help the children leam to I asked a student who goes there what she does who replied that she does exercises to music with the children and helps them with the many different crafts they do For the older ones there Is reading writing and She likes working with the children very much In the elementary schools at the younger grade levels they help with phonics reading number work and offer help to any Individual who might need it At the older grade revels they help with reading writing and arithmetic again The offer of individual help Is available In the high school the students are also busy They help tutor students do clerical work such as typing and can be seen in the laboratories of our school A small number of students are also helping with the elderly in the community They do odd Jobs and run errands for them In the first semester there were approximately 110 students Involved in the Student Assistance Program Mr Black thinks that this program is very beneficial because the students learn how to work with people the schools appreciate the program and there is a sense of satisfaction gained from helping people I all the programs are a success and wul continue for many years to come Years special assemblies prove Report system interesting and entertaining Many parents visit In the months of September thru December there have been a number of parents at the school the purpose being to keep them informed about the school system School has changed a great deal since they attended For Instance there are no longer any exams to cram for and instead of the compulsory eight subjects as in most schools there is now only bur subjects an hour each per day in each semester In the put if you failed two subjects you more than likely tailed the year but now by following the credit system a student can be taking subjects at different grade levels at the same time and accumulate the desired parents are able to discuss with Mr Katx and Mr their views and concerns on the They are given a tour of the school observing classes in progress etc Questions concerning the system are answered during the tour To complement this program a parents night Is held every semester The purpose of parent night is to give parents a chance to meet their teachers and to discuss their progress This program has been a success and will be continued in the future Visitors see semestering By Withers Daring the put semester we have had a number of interested people observing our New Semester System We are only the second high school in Halton County to have the opportunity of experiencing this new system Faculty members and students from other high schools have come khoqlctty Jefferys Secondary Toronto Hilton HighMilton Erin HighErin Glengarry High Alexandra Henry Catherines Twin Lakes CbmwaHOorowtll Chatham High SchootWawa Banting Memorial High School Other visitors Included the Ontario Council for Leadership in Education Association TbeaepeopleaxeSuperintendentsor Assistant Superintendents They include COUNTY Pad County Board of Education Ministry of Education Stocot County Board of Education Waterloo County Board of Education Department of Education Kent County Board of Education Hastings County Board of Education County Board of Education Ontario College Board of Education Scarborough Board of Education Ontario Institute Studies Batten County Board of Education AH together have bad visitors who have come to explore the of our semester system We expect these visits to continue as more and more people become interested in system BySbarooEUerby To complement regular school programmes a committee composed of staff and students arranges series of educational and entertaining assemblies During the past semester several highlights will long be remembered On Thursday September a fantastic group The Fresh Out look Singers from Ottawa presented an hour of thorough enjoyment These singers were formed In at High School The group members were so enthusiastic and determined that they began travelling across Canada and parts of the States The programme was selected from works and songs composed by Cat Stevens Elton John Burt Bacharach Carol King and from Jesus Christ Superstar Their particular sound and style made them Immediately popular with the audience September was the date for another assembly featuring The Power and Light Company Sponsored by The Youth for Christ Association these people have the opportunity to travel across Canada during ten months of the year singing their music selections Their primary ob jective is to communicate to the audience that there is a challenge and a purpose for young living through the use of hidden religious meanings In songs Geography teacher Mr James May and several volunteers held a Remembrance Day assembly on November The central theme was Five Ways to Kill a Man based on the poem by Edwin Brock These are as follows 1 You can make him carry a plank of wood to the top of a hill and nail him to It The Closet Lynne The Closet which is the school store has made great progress since September The store is operated by Mr Shean grade 12 Marketing class with student manager Mike Albano Since its opening the Closet business has expanded a significant amount with an equal expansion in the variety of Items In stock A student may now purchase his or her favorite pocket book or choice of classical comic books An athletic minded student can buy a gym suit or a Tshirt with the schools crest on it The diversity of edibles has also grown Business at the Closet is booming and with the help of a snail number of students from the first semester the store is kept open The Closet continues to help the students gain practical knowledge in the operation of a store in its many different aspects In my opinion the is and will always be considered a Or you can take a length of steel shaped and chased In a traditional way and attempt to pierce the metal cage he wears Dispensing with nobility you may if the wind allows blow gas at him In an age of aeroplanes you may miles above your victim and dispose of him by pressing one small switch 5 Simpler direct and much more neat is to see that he living somewhere in the middle of the 20th century and leave him there On December the Secretary General of the In Kitchener Joe Connell related his own personal experiences with people and talked about the values of an education He stated that students can t achieve anything without an education and in a materialistic society you need one In order to maintain a standard What you wish to do you never do but what you want to do you get Individuals can do anything they want In this world Nobody does anything to you you re doing it to yourself His humor created enthusiasm with the audience and broke down any existing barriers to communication What else can a person possibly say about the Christmas Day assembly It was great Skits groups winners of the choir contest and the guest appearances of Santa The grand finale was of course The Christinas Angels It has been the school tradition for the past several years to let the graduating classes be responsible for all of the organization A lot of time and effort was put forth making the entire assembly a great Field trips valuable By Byers During the past semester twentyeight field trips left Acton High A total of 1 participated In averaging two trips per student Field trips are a valuable part of school life because students learn morewhentheycanseethingsfor themselves opposed to just hearing about them Also they provide a break from the ordinary humdrum of everyday learning Trips taken this year were as follow Data Sept li Science in Sepi Sept SepLZS Oct Oct Oct Oct IB Oct It Nov I Nov Nov Nov I Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Tktue or Topic Travelling- Travelling Location Vfilltd Buih on Cobblchlll Rd do ltd Sebringvtlle Stratford Festival Textile Ploughing Match King Lear Production Toronto Eugene Onegln Hon To See Sheridan Sheridan College Canadian National Mime Library Function of City Toronto Water Fairy Programming if Computer Lord Elgin Watei The Trial by Kafka Specimens Agricultural Fair An Gallery Agricultural Fair Remington Market Gardens Waterloo SuUon St Lawrence Centre Science Centre Study By Sue Brooks The total number of books our school has in the Resource Centre is approximately In September 1972 books were taken out in October in November and in December only Other equipment available to students and teachers are record headphones viewers slide protectors cassette tape recorders a Fairy Lake SI Lawrence Centre Brown I Pond Winter Fair Toronto Royal Winter Fair Toronto Toronto centre reader French and language tapes and film loop projectors About students use the library each day Since the Resource Centre has only been opened for one year we are still in the development stage in getting materials to support the teachers in their courses Students find the centre a comfortable place to work on assignments or to read Bob Bateman Geography and Art teacher at Lord Elgin in Burlington gave a very Informative slide presentation on Africa on Friday January 12 He related to us some of the with the wildlife that lived around the location of his African home The many accounts of his adventures certainly made it enjoyable and entertaining to listen to Mr Bateman attended our mini school last year and since he was so Interesting and popular with the students he was asked to come back and make another appearance Anton an Inter nationally known commentator Is expected to personally present an educational assembly on the unique world of Switzerland on March Assemblies do play an important role during a school year because everyone learns something new and interesting which is a very important aspect in school life I hope that this high quality of assemblies will continue in the future sport returns This year Acton High School has returned to interschooi sports competition after an absence of one year We are competing in the Athletic Assoc iation and have entered teams In cross country golf volleyball basketball badminton soccer and track and field Competition in this new association is of a very high calibre and each year it manages to produce an Ontario champion ship team in one of the many sports It is understandable that we are encountering stiff opposition against the more experienced teams in the south of the county However as we continue in competition we expect to become more competitive and Held a team which will be among the leaders in the county During the school year parents of Acton High School students receive six format reports on the progress of their sons and daughters Three reports are sent out in each semester The first report goes out about 30 school days after the start of each semester Parent interviews are arranged three weeks after the first report has gone home This gives the student a breathing spell to settle down to work on his weaker subjects before his parents come to the school to discuss his progress with his teachers Ten minute interviews are arranged with the teachers a parent wishes to see Each parent who has requested interviews Is sent a timetable showing teachers home room numbers and appointment times After talking with teachers a parent should have an accurate picture of his child s specific strengths and weaknesses in his subjects Students take home the Second Report about GO school days Into each semester Final Reports are mailed out after the end of the semester The first two reports provide a section for comments which parents are encouraged to In addition to showing the marks assigned by each subject teacher the Final Reports show credits granted for the semester credits accumulated up to that point and the total credits the student has been granted Printed information on the back the report form gives details of the credits a student must get to obtain his Secondary School Graduation Diploma or the Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma So a student always has a written record of where he stands on the road to graduation The question still remains are parents and students satisfied with the nature and amount of information on the Acton High School Report Cord If you have suggestions to moke regarding reporting why don t you phone the school at and talk to Mr Downie They will be ph used to hear from you Effective reading grade 9 Gary Masters Effective reading is a course that is offered to all grade nine for half a semester appro eight weeks The reason the students take this course is because it is hoped to help the students get some reading training which will help them In all their subjects that require reading This program is designed to improve student reading skills comprehension summarizing reading material and spelling Some of the time during this course the students work with the Controlled Reader a machine that projects printed story at varying speeds this is to Improve speed and compre Also students get hints they can use to Improve a partic ular reading skill As part the reading program some of the students arc Teacher Assistants at one of the public schools where they help younger children to read All students work on an individualized program to Improve their particular weakness Next yeir it is hoped that there will be instruction available to students in every grade who want to Improve their reading Minischool successful By Bruce Last year at this school we had a special day for people to come in and talk about different sub jects It was a regular school day but regular classes were cancelled and these people were situated in different rooms Students had their choice of a particular topic and went and listened and talked to their demonstrators There were many different demonstrations such as yoga lectures on crime detec tion and the Kennedy Assassination which were very intertsting Students liked this day very much and the attendance was excellent Many of the students want to have another one again this year We are trying very hard to get new topics this year as a chess demonstration weather reporter and acupuncture We hope this year that the attendance will be just as good and that students will help us as much as possible Develop learning experiences With the cooperation of the community parents and students of the High School attendance area Acton High School has been able to develop a variety of direct educational experiences for its students The varied experiences offered within the Golden Horseshoe are made an integral part of the school curriculum As a supplement to one day field trips school offers learning experiences which require students to give of themselves and of their own time in addition to the time provided by the school Because the County Board of Education staff and students provide time the school is able to unique outers program Other varied activities such as a grade geology and geography field trip to Sudbury and a grade 12 cultural study of Quebec Cit provide variety and challenge Perhaps one of the more developments has been our planned educational trips abroad These special world classroom experiences are organized to take place during the midwinter school break and the summer recess In fact in March the County Board of Education permitted of Acton students to use seven school days as part of a day Mediterranean educational package The success of these programs has caught the imagination of our young people and and they provide a natural he school classroom Just last year over SO students visited London and Edinburgh in the March break In 1973 on March over 50 students and adults from the Acton area are dying to Madrid on the first part of a Madrid Malaga Spain trip Adults are encouraged to join these trips so that they can observe the reaction and learning first hand Such enriched adventures are possible because students and parents work together to plan the program and earn the required money Next year the outers program wul be an integral part of a new exciting course about our environment Already there are enquiries from students about travelling to Paris Brazil and Australia The world classroom is here to stay Student council Sandl Patterson Russ Co President Glen LeeVice President Mike Treasurer Sharon Barber Secretary The Student Council here at our school works for the students and their needs outside of their academic courses The four people named above are all elected by the students and therefore do their best to please them Steve Van Fleet left the school and his office of treasurer after being elected last year He was replaced this year by Mike Albano who won his position by per cent of the votes This year the council has brought us four dances each being very successful in all aspects The dances were Uncle John Dirty Secret on Sept Copper Penny on Oct 26 Masbmakhan on Dec zS and on Masbmakhan was the Christmas dance with moat girls showing up in their newly made formats There was even a tuxedo there I Tnundermug was a Sadie Hawkins dance just for the girls has been busy paying bills rewrltlng the constitution supporting their foster child and the athletic association The major opinion of our hardworking leaders of the council that they think that more people should become directly Involved in student affairs with the council They feel that this will happen when the new constitution Is ready This constitution will get two representatives per grade to keep the students better informed with what is going on In the council From the years Ive been here I personally feel that each council gets better but this constitution now in progress should bring the stwtmta closer together

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